1,542 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of One- and Two-Sided Cusum Charts with Known and Estimated Parameters

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    The integral equation and Markov chain methods for analyzing the performances of one- and two-sided CUSUM X charts with known and estimated in-control process parameters are studied. Some new integral equations for analyzing the two-sided CUSUM X are derived. These methods provide us with ways to approximate the run length distribution of the chart. Since parameters of the run length distribution are commonly used measures of the performance of a control chart, it is important to choose an accurate approximation method. We develop some new Markov chain approximations using methods similar to the methods for approximating a solution to integral equations that describe the run length distribution

    The relationship between dysfunctional schemata and outcomes from a pain management programme

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    Psychologists involved in the treatment of chronic pain have increasingly emphasised the importance of cognitive factors in the development and maintenance of chronic pain (Turk and Rudy, 1992). Most pain management programmes (PMP's) incorporate a cognitive-behavioural component that, for example, teaches patients to identify thoughts the might lower mood, exacerbate their pain or interfere with their ability to engage in rehabilitative behaviours. These treatment elements are derived from the cognitive model of depression (Beck, 1967), which states that depressed mood is maintained by negative automatic thoughts that arise out of the patient's dysfunctional schemata. Schemata are cognitive structures that organise our beliefs, attitudes and assumptions, and help the individual to construe themselves and their world. Whilst there has been some research suggesting that dysfunctional schemata (those thought to be associated with poor psychological adjustment) can interfere with outcome in cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression (Jarrett, Eaves, Granneman and Rush, 1991) no similar research has been conducted examining their influence on outcome from a PMP.In this study, 66 patients, who were attending six consecutive pain management groups, were asked to complete two measures of dysfunctional schemata (the Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, Weissman, 1979 and the Young Schema Questionnaire - Short Form, Young and Brown, 1999). These measures were supplemented by two sets of informant ratings (provided by a close friend or relative and by the psychologist leading the PMP) of the patient's schemata. Outcome measures used to assess the effectiveness of the PMP included current pain intensity, iv self-reported mood disturbance, self-efficacy, readiness to engage in pain management, disability, and physiotherapist ratings of functional ability. These were collected at the beginning and at the end of treatment. The number of significant associations between the measures of dysfunctional schemata and patient outcomes (the difference between pre and post-treatment scores) were few and were often in the direction opposite to that predicted. Various substantive and methodological reasons were examined in an attempt to explain why the study hypothesis was not upheld

    Panel summary of recommendations

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    The following Space Station internal contamination topics were addressed: past flight experience (Skylab and Spacelab missions); present flight activities (Spacelabs and Soviet Space Station Mir); future activities (materials science and life science experiments); Space Station capabilities (PPMS, FMS, ECLSS, and U.S. Laboratory overview); manned systems/crew safety; internal contamination detection; contamination control - stowage and handling; and contamination control - waste gas processing. Space Station design assumptions are discussed. Issues and concerns are discussed as they relate to (1) policy and management, (2) subsystem design, (3) experiment design, and (4) internal contamination detection and control. The recommendations generated are summarized

    A solution concentration dependent transition from self-stratification to lateral phase separation in spin-cast PS:d-PMMA thin films

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    Thin films with a rich variety of different nano-scale morphologies have been produced by spin casting solutions of various concentrations of PS:d-PMMA blends from toluene solutions. During the spin casting process specular reflectivity and off-specular scattering data were recorded and ex situ optical and atomic force microscopy, neutron reflectivity and ellipsometry have all been used to characterise the film morphologies. We show that it is possible to selectively control the film morphology by altering the solution concentration used. Low polymer concentration solutions favour the formation of flat in-plane phase-separated bi-layers, with a d-PMMA-rich layer underneath a PS-rich layer. At intermediate concentrations the films formed consist of an in-plane phase-separated bi-layer with an undulating interface and also have some secondary phase-separated pockets rich in d-PMMA in the PS-rich layer and vice versa. Using high concentration solutions results in laterally phase-separated regions with sharp interfaces. As with the intermediate concentrations, secondary phase separation was also observed, especially at the top surface

    Outdoor Time is Not Associated with Metabolically Healthy Overweight and Obesity Phenotype in Canadian Children Aged 6-14 Years

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 13(2): 383-394, 2020. A large proportion of children living with obesity have favorable cardiometabolic profiles despite their adiposity levels, who are referred to as metabolically healthy overweight or obese (MHO). However, the contribution of active outdoor time to the MHO phenotype is unknown. The purposeof this study was to investigate the association between outdoor time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) with the MHO phenotype. A cross-sectional analysis of overweight/obese children aged 6-14 (n= 386) from the Canadian Health Measures Survey was performed. Outdoor time was self-reported using five questions in relation to the school schedule to produce a computed score ranging from 0-25. MVPA was measured using accelerometers. The MHO phenotype was defined based on the absence of cardiometabolic risk factors: triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and glucose (MHO: 0 cardiometabolic risk factors). The proportion of children living with obesity with the MHO phenotype was 58.5%. No significant differences were observed between MHO and non-MHO according to outdoor time or MVPA (p \u3e 0.05). Logistic regressions indicated that outdoor time was not significantly associated with the MHO phenotype (OR: 0.99, 95% CI = 0.92-1.06; p = 0.694), while MVPA was significantly associated with the MHO phenotype (OR: 1.41, 95% CI = 1.01-1.98; p = 0.047) after adjusting for confounders.We conclude that outdoor time is not associated with the MHO phenotype, even though Canadian children living with obesity are more likely to be MHO with greater amounts of MVPA, regardless of whether these activities are completed outdoors or not

    Development and testing of a checklist to assess compliance with the faculty of pain medicine’s core standards for pain management services: experience in a new national tertiary pain service

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    Introduction: The Faculty of Pain Medicine recently published the first UK-focused Core Standards for Pain Management Services (CSPMS). We present an audit checklist tool developed to map compliance to the CSPMS, which offers a practical method of auditing any pain management service against the standards. Methods: The checklist tool was developed and its utility was field-tested in the Scottish National Residential Pain Management Programme (SNRPMP), a newly established service offering residential service to people in Scotland. Results: The checklist tool developed provides an easy and practical approach to evaluating any pain service against the national standards. Its application to evaluate the SNRPMP indicates that the service meets the majority of CSPMS standards and highlights aspects of the service requiring improvement. Conclusion: The layout of the developed checklist tool offers an alternative format for the structuring of the national standards in possible future revisions. The audit checklist tool enables evaluation of services with a numerical score, enabling monitoring of their compliance with national standards as well as comparisons between pain services

    Health evaluation of a pronghorn antelope population in Oregon

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    During 1996 and 1997, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted a study to determine the cause(s) of population decline and low survival of pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana) fawns on Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge (HMNAR) located in southeastern Oregon (USA). As part of that study, blood, fecal, and tissue samples from 104 neonatal fawns, 40 adult does, and nine adult male pronghorns were collected to conduct a health evaluation of the population. Physiological parameters related to nutrition and/or disease were studied. No abnormalities were found in the complete blood cell counts of adults (n = 40) or fawns (n = 44 to 67). Serum total protein and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels were lower compared to other pronghorn populations. Does had mean BUN values significantly lower (P < 0.001) in December 1996 than March 1997. Serum copper (Cu) levels in does (range 0.39 to 0.74 ppm) were considered marginal when compared to domestic animals and other wild ungulates. Fawns had low (0.28 ppm) Cu levels at birth and reached the does' marginal values in about 3 days. Whole blood, serum and liver selenium (Se) levels were considered marginal to low in most segments of the pronghorn population. However, serum levels of vitamin E (range 1.98 to 3.27 μg/ml), as determined from the does captured in March, were apparently sufficient to offset any signs of Se deficiency. No clinical signs of Cu or Se deficiency were observed. Fifty-five of 87 dead fawns were necropsied. Trauma, due to predation by coyotes (Canis latrans), accounted for 62% of the mortality during mid-May to mid-July of each year. Other causes included predation by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) (4%), dystocia (2%), septicemic pasteurellosis (4%), starvation (5%), and unknown (23%). Adult females were tested for serum neutralizing antibodies to Brucella spp. (n = 20, negative), Leptospira interrogans (n = 20, negative), bluetongue virus (n = 20, 35% positive), epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (n = 20, 30% positive), respiratory syncytial virus (n = 18, negative), parainfluenza virus type 3 (n = 18, 67% positive), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (n = 18, negative), and bovine viral diarrhea (n = 18, negative). Considering the parameters examined, we found no apparent predisposing factors to mortality including those killed by coyotes, but some nutritional parameters suggest that pronghorns on HMNAR exist on a diet low in protein and Se and marginal in Cu. The effect these factors have on the population is not known

    The RTL-46: A simulated commercial air transportation study

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    The RTL-46 provides an aircraft which utilizes advanced technology within the fictional Aeroworld market to better service the air travel customers and airlines of Aeroworld. The RTL-46 is designed to serve the portion of the travel market which flies less than 10,000 feet per flight. The design cruise velocity for the aircraft is 35 ft/sec, which rapidly expedites travel through Aeroworld. The major focus of the endeavor was to design an aircraft which would serve the Aeroworld market better than the existing aircraft, the HB-40. This could have been done through targeting another portion of the Aeroworld market or through serving the current HB-40 market more effectively. Due to the fact that approximately 70 percent of the potential Aeroworld passengers desired flights of 10,000 ft or less, this range became the target market for the RTL-46
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