33 research outputs found

    Growth and survival of Cherax destructor and Bidyanus bidyanus stocked in a communal aquarium system

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    Polycultural aquaculture typically utilises a mix of low trophic level species to increase yield above that which can be obtained from a single species. Low trophic level species are not widely accepted for consumption within Australia, so this study focussed on two species that have market acceptance, the yabby (Cherax destructor) and the silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus). Laboratory scale trials examined the effect of each species on the growth and survival of the other species as well as the role of shelter for crayfish in this system over a 13.5 week period. Neither species negatively impacted the growth of the other, however, survival was negatively impacted. Shelter enhanced crayfish survival, although fish survival was impacted in those treatments. A higher total biomass was harvested from polyculture treatments than monoculture treatments. The positive results warrant further investigation at the scale of mesocosm, prior to large-scale pond trials

    Democratic Education: A Theoretical Review (2006–2017)

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    This theoretical review examines how democratic education is conceptualized within educational scholarship. Three hundred and seventy-seven articles published in English language peer-reviewed journals between 2006 and 2017 are discursively analyzed. Democratic education functions as a privileged nodal point of different political discourses. Two discourses against (elitist and neoliberal) and six discourses pro democratic education (liberal, deliberative, multiculturalist, participatory, critical, and agonistic) construct its meaning. It is argued that the different versions of democratic education respond to various (a) ontological and epistemological assumptions, (b) normative approaches to democracy, and (c) conceptions of the relationship between education and politics. For educational policy, the review provides a critique of elitist and neoliberal policies and support for participatory decision making across discourses. Recommendations for educational practice are made by identifying pedagogies across democratic education scholarship as well as specific pedagogies for each discourse

    Modeling Microstructure and Irradiation Effects

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