89 research outputs found

    Bakhtin, Russia and World: Reception of Scientist’s Ideas and Works in 1996—2020 Research

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    The process of reception of M. M. Bakhtin’s scientific heritage over the past 25 years is analyzed in the review article. The focus of the authors is on identifying the stages and main directions, trends and achievements of modern Russian Bakhtin studies, determining the prospects for further research. The relevance of the review lies in the need for an objective reconstruction of the process of studying the ideas and heritage of M. M. Bakhtin in Russia and abroad, primarily over the past 25 years. It is noted that the works of M. M. Bakhtin are the most cited in scientific literary criticism and Bakhtin studies have become an independent branch of interdisciplinary research. The analysis revealed the role in the development of Russian Bakhtin studies of such a phenomenon as a collection of works by a scientist, Bakhtin studies journals and publications, publications of leading researchers. Conclusions are made that in 1996—2020 Russian Bakhtin studies have reached a fundamentally new level in the development of the scientist’s heritage, made a significant contribution to the study of his key ideas and concepts, completed a preliminary reconstruction of his scientific biography, carried out a systematic description of his terminological language and scientific theory as a whole, indicated the points of the necessary dialogue between Russian scientists and foreign colleagues

    Accounting of motivators and demotivators under introduction of the brc system

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    Рассматривается необходимость учета демотиваторов при работе с балльно-рейтинговой системой оцениванияThe article considers the need to take into account demotivators when working with the BRS syste

    Модификация радиоиндуцированной патологии легких интратрахеальным введением фосфатидилхолинхолестериновых липосом

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    The possibility of correction of X -ray-induced rat lungs pathology was investigated after a single intratracheal administration of phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol liposomes in dose 40 mg per kg of body weight. The rig h t rat lung was irradiated in dose 12 or 14 Gr once. The lung tissue underwent histological and electron -microscopic examination using morphometric methods in 7 and 13 weeks after irradiation. The decrease of intensity and extension of radial alveolitis was revealed. Ultrastructure alteration of some alveolocapillary barrier elements in treated animals was lower than in untreated ones. Intratracheal liposome administration can be used in complex therapy for the reduction of the severity of radio-induced lung injury.Исследовали возможность коррекции развития лучевой патологии легких крыс путем однократного интратрахеального введения фосфатидилхолин-холестериновых липосом в дозе 40 м г фосфолипидов на 1 кг. Правое легкое крыс однократно облучали в дозах 12 или 14 Гр. Через 7 и 13 недель после лучевого воздействия проведено гистологическое и электронно-микроскопическое исследование ткани легкого с применением морфометрических методов. Выявлено уменьшение выраженности и распространенности лучевого альвеолита, а также нарушений ультраструктуры элементов аэрогематического барьера у пролеченных животных. Интратрахеальное введение липосом может быть использовано в комплексной терапии для ослабления тяжести радиоиндуцированной патологии легких

    Management of intra-abdominal infections : recommendations by the WSES 2016 consensus conference

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    This paper reports on the consensus conference on the management of intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) which was held on July 23, 2016, in Dublin, Ireland, as a part of the annual World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) meeting. This document covers all aspects of the management of IAIs. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation recommendation is used, and this document represents the executive summary of the consensus conference findings.Peer reviewe

    Failure iridocapsular fixation of IOL in patients with lens subluxation (preliminary report)

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    Purpose. To present the preliminary results of iridocapsular fixation of RSP-3 extracapsular IOL in patients with lens subluxation observed within the first year after surgery.Material and methods. 4 patients with cataracts and initial weakness of Zinn ligament fibers were followed up. YAG laser iridectomy was performed one day before facoemulsifcation surgery, which took account of Zinn ligament fiber weakness: it consisted in anterior continuous circular capsulorhexis with a diameter of about 5 mm, fixation of the capsular bag over the edge of capsulorhexis with four iris-capsular retractors (ICRs), phacoemulsification of the nucleus and aspiration of lens masses. The intracapsular ring and the RSP-3 IOL (the latter in the injector through the main incision) was implanted in such a way as to locate the rear support element in the capsular bag, and the front support element, in front of the pupil. After removing the ICRs, iridectomy was monitored.Results. The early postoperative period was uncomplicated. After 10 days, one patient was found to develop a relative pupillary block with the anterior chamber becoming shallower and IOP increased to reach 28 mm Hg. The reason was that iridectomy initially located in the projection area of the rear support element. An additional iridectomy arrested the situation. Visual acuity varied from 0.3 to 1.0 due to the initial state of the optic nerve and retina. The position of the IOL remained stable throughout the year, the capsular bag was unfolded.Conclusion. The possibility to use the capsular bag of the lens under the conditions that Zinn ligament fibers are weak should be considered as an advantage of the technology presented. An additional front support element serves to prevent dislocation of the IOL and the capsular bag as a whole. The obtained positive results of combined iridocapsular fixation of the IOL justify a more extensive clinical testing of the method in cases of weak Zinn ligament fibers


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    Within a new theoretical scheme for sensing the atomic chemical environment effect on the beta decay characteristics there are presented numerical results for chemical environment effect on the beta decay in the 35Cl, 241Pu . Despite on the relative smallness of the atomic chemical environment effect on the b decay probabilities for corresponding decays, the situation may be significantly changed under consideration of the beta decay for the heavy elements.В рамках новой теоретической схемы вычисления эффекта влияния химического окружения на характеристики b распада представлены численные оценки влияния химического окружения на b распад 35Cl, 241Pu. Несмотря на относительную малость эффекта влияния химического окружения на вероятность бета-распада, ситуация существенно изменяется в случае бетараспада тажелых элементов.На основі нової теоретичної схеми обчислення ефекту впливу хімічного отточення на характеристики b розпаду представлені чисельні оцінки впливу хімічного отточення на b розпад 35Cl, 241Pu . Недивлячись на відносну малість ефекту впливу хімічного отточення на імовірність бета-розпаду, ситуація суттєво змінюється у випадку бета-розпаду важких елементів

    Identification of minor distillate components of sunflower oil refining

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    The research is devoted to the identification and investigation of the chemical composition of the minor components of distillation refining cuts of sunflower oils obtained by large Russian oil refineries. Minor components of the nonsaponifying fraction have been identified, among which the nitrogen containing substances, hydrocarbons and oxidation products are found. These components have varying degrees of volatility, cause a dark color of the distillates and have a negative effect on the efficiency of the processes of dividing the distillate cuts into constituent components. On the basis of the analysis of the results obtained, it’s been concluded that for effective processing of distillation cuts in order to obtain purified fatty acids and concentrates of valuable substances of the nonsaponifiable fraction, a process of preliminary removal of undesirable minor components should be carried out