505 research outputs found

    Modeling a Slicer Mirror Using Zemax User-Defined Surface

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    A slicer mirror is a complex surface composed by many tilted and decentered mirrors sub-surfaces. The major difficulty to model such a complex surface is the large number of parameters used to define it. The Zemax's multi-configuration mode is usually used to specify each parameters (tilts, curvatures, decenters) for each mirror sub-surface which are then considered independently. Otherwise making use of the User-Defined Surface (UDS-DLL) Zemax capability, we are able to consider the set of sub-surfaces as a whole surface. In this paper, we present such a UDS-DLL tool comparing its performance with those of the classical multi-configuration mode. In particular, we explore the use of UDS-DLL to investigate the cross-talk due to the diffraction on the slicer array mirrors which has been a burden task when using multi-configuration mode.Comment: Submitted to the proceedings of the Durham Integral Field Spectroscopy Workshop July 4th-8th 200

    Development of an experimental 10 T Nb3Sn dipole magnet for the CERN LHC

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    An experimental 1-m long twill aperture dipole magnet developed using a high-current Nb3Sn conductor in order to attain a magnetic field well beyond 10 T at 4.2 K is described. The emphasis in this Nb3Sn project is on the highest possible field within the known Large Hadron Collider (LHC) twin-aperture configuration. A design target of 11.5 T was chosen

    Projectrapportage Cooperatief pootvis productiecentrum voor de Nederlandse mariene viskweek sector

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    Het doel van dit project is het demonstreren van de haalbaarheid van een coöperatief productiecentrum voor tarbot en tong pootvis ten behoeve van de Nederlandse platviskweek sector. De rapportage gaat voornamelijk in op de kennisvragen m.b.t. de kosten en de technische haalbaarheid van een pootvis productiesysteem

    Polymer translocation through a nanopore - a showcase of anomalous diffusion

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    The translocation dynamics of a polymer chain through a nanopore in the absence of an external driving force is analyzed by means of scaling arguments, fractional calculus, and computer simulations. The problem at hand is mapped on a one dimensional {\em anomalous} diffusion process in terms of reaction coordinate ss (i.e. the translocated number of segments at time tt) and shown to be governed by an universal exponent α=2/(2ν+2γ1)\alpha = 2/(2\nu+2-\gamma_1) whose value is nearly the same in two- and three-dimensions. The process is described by a {\em fractional} diffusion equation which is solved exactly in the interval 0<s<N0 <s < N with appropriate boundary and initial conditions. The solution gives the probability distribution of translocation times as well as the variation with time of the statistical moments: , and <s(t)>2 - < s(t)>^2 which provide full description of the diffusion process. The comparison of the analytic results with data derived from extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations reveals very good agreement and proves that the diffusion dynamics of unbiased translocation through a nanopore is anomalous in its nature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Driven polymer translocation through a nanopore: a manifestation of anomalous diffusion

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    We study the translocation dynamics of a polymer chain threaded through a nanopore by an external force. By means of diverse methods (scaling arguments, fractional calculus and Monte Carlo simulation) we show that the relevant dynamic variable, the translocated number of segments s(t)s(t), displays an {\em anomalous} diffusive behavior even in the {\em presence} of an external force. The anomalous dynamics of the translocation process is governed by the same universal exponent α=2/(2ν+2γ1)\alpha = 2/(2\nu +2 - \gamma_1), where ν\nu is the Flory exponent and γ1\gamma_1 - the surface exponent, which was established recently for the case of non-driven polymer chain threading through a nanopore. A closed analytic expression for the probability distribution function W(s,t)W(s, t), which follows from the relevant {\em fractional} Fokker - Planck equation, is derived in terms of the polymer chain length NN and the applied drag force ff. It is found that the average translocation time scales as τf1N2α1\tau \propto f^{-1}N^{\frac{2}{\alpha} -1}. Also the corresponding time dependent statistical moments, tα \propto t^{\alpha} and t2α \propto t^{2\alpha} reveal unambiguously the anomalous nature of the translocation dynamics and permit direct measurement of α\alpha in experiments. These findings are tested and found to be in perfect agreement with extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Europhys. Lett; some references were supplemented; typos were correcte

    Effect of External Noise Correlation in Optical Coherence Resonance

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    Coherence resonance occurring in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback is studied via the Lang-Kobayashi model with external non-white noise in the pumping current. The temporal correlation and the amplitude of the noise have a highly relevant influence in the system, leading to an optimal coherent response for suitable values of both the noise amplitude and correlation time. This phenomenon is quantitatively characterized by means of several statistical measures.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 7 figure