510 research outputs found

    Digitale data og forskning i det hybride arbejdsliv

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    COVID-19 pandemien forandrede kontoret. De tvungne hjemsendelser indebar for mange et brat skifte fra at tilbringe arbejdsdagen på kontoret til i stedet at tilbringe den i stuen, køkkenet, sommerhuset, børneværelset eller ligefrem i et andet land. Selvom restriktioner og nedlukninger foreløbigt er slut i Danmark, så fortsætter hjemmearbejdet – til en vis grad. Flere arbejdspladser er blevet hybridarbejdspladser, hvilket indebærer, at medarbejderne arbejder både på kontoret og fra distancen, fx fra hjemmet. Det kan være ved, at medarbejderne arbejder nogle dage om ugen på kontoret og nogle dage fra distancen, eller det kan være, at nogle arbejder udelukkende på kontoret, mens andre arbejder udelukkende fra distancen (Yang et al., 2021). Den hybride arbejdsplads er et globalt fænomen (OECD, 2021), og internationale virksomheder som Twitter, Facebook og Siemens er overgået til at være hybride arbejdspladser (Heater, 2020; Choudhury et al., 2021). I Danmark har blandt andet Danske Bank og Deloitte (DK) indført permanente hybridarbejdsordninger og fleksible kontorer (Mandrup, 2020; Matzon, 2021). Tjenester som eksempelvis Zoom, Teams, Google Hangout, Miro og Slack er essentielle digitale infrastrukturer på mange hybridarbejdspladser, fordi de muliggør virtuelt samarbejde. Brugen af dem efterlader digitale spor, og dermed er mængden af digitale data på arbejdspladserne mangedoblet. En tendens, der er parallel til den generelle udvikling i samfundet, hvor mere og mere data indsamles, opbevares og analyseres. Vi argumenterer for, at fremtidige undersøgelser af arbejdslivet, særligt hybridarbejdslivet, med fordel kan bruge de digitale data som empirisk grundlag. For at kunne bruge denne data bedst muligt foreslår vi, at forskere trækker på forskningsfeltet Social Data Science, der integrerer de samfundsvidenskabelige spørgsmål, metoder og emnefelter med Data Sciences metoder til at behandle og analysere digitale data

    Oriented attachment explains cobalt ferrite nanoparticle growth in bioinspired syntheses

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    Oriented attachment has created a great debate about the description of crystal growth throughout the last decade. This aggregationbased model has successfully described biomineralization processes as well as forms of inorganic crystal growth, which could not be explained by classical crystal growth theory. Understanding the nanoparticle growth is essential since physical properties, such as the magnetic behavior, are highly dependent on the microstructure, morphology and composition of the inorganic crystals. In this work, the underlying nanoparticle growth of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles in a bioinspired synthesis was studied. Bioinspired syntheses have sparked great interest in recent years due to their ability to influence and alter inorganic crystal growth and therefore tailor properties of nanoparticles. In this synthesis, a short synthetic version of the protein MMS6, involved in nanoparticle formation within magnetotactic bacteria, was used to alter the growth of cobalt ferrite. We demonstrate that the bioinspired nanoparticle growth can be described by the oriented attachment model. The intermediate stages proposed in the theoretical model, including primary-building-block-like substructures as well as mesocrystal-like structures, were observed in HRTEM measurements. These structures display regions of substantial orientation and possess the same shape and size as the resulting discs. An increase in orientation with time was observed in electron diffraction measurements. The change of particle diameter with time agrees with the recently proposed kinetic model for oriented attachmen

    Increasing adhesion of 3D printing on textile fabrics by polymer coating

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    3D printing is a technology which has recently found its way into the fi eld of textile fabrics, from fashion design to technical textiles. By combining both technologies with their advantages, new composites with novel physical properties can be created. Increasing adhesion between both components, however, still remains challenging. This paper suggests a new method to improve the adhesion of a 3D printed object on a textile fabric by previously coating the latter with a polymer layer. In this way, adhesion can be substantially enhanced without signifi cantly changing the bending stiffness and haptic properties of a fabric. In this study, this procedure worked especially well for printing PLA (poly(lactic acid)) on PMMA (poly(methyl methacrylate)) or PLA coatings, while for printing ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), the best textile coatings were ABS and PLA

    Influence of surface morphology on the immersion mode ice nucleation efficiency of hematite particles

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    Hiranuma N, Hoffmann N, Kiselev A, et al. Influence of surface morphology on the immersion mode ice nucleation efficiency of hematite particles. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 2014;14(5):2315-2324.In this paper, the effect of the morphological modification of aerosol particles with respect to heterogeneous ice nucleation is comprehensively investigated for laboratorygenerated hematite particles as a model substrate for atmospheric dust particles. The surface-area-scaled ice nucleation efficiencies of monodisperse cubic hematite particles and milled hematite particles were measured with a series of expansion cooling experiments using the Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere (AIDA) cloud simulation chamber. Complementary offline characterization of physico-chemical properties of both hematite subsets were also carried out with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and an electro-kinetic particle charge detector to further constrain droplet-freezing measurements of hematite particles. Additionally, an empirical parameterization derived from our laboratory measurements was implemented in the single-column version of the Community Atmospheric Model version 5 (CAM5) to investigate the model sensitivity in simulated ice crystal number concentration on different ice nucleation efficiencies. From an experimental perspective, our results show that the immersion mode ice nucleation efficiency of milled hematite particles is almost an order of magnitude higher at -35.2 degrees C < T < -33.5 degrees C than that of the cubic hematite particles, indicating a substantial effect of morphological irregularities on immersion mode freezing. Our modeling results similarly show that the increased droplet- freezing rates of milled hematite particles lead to about one order magnitude higher ice crystal number in the upper troposphere than cubic hematite particles. Overall, our results suggest that the surface irregularities and associated active sites lead to greater ice activation through droplet freezing

    Cooperative Development of L75 LOX Ethanol engine: Current Status with Focus on Capacitive Chamber Testing

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    In 2011 DLR and AEB agreed to cooperate in the field of liquid propulsion. The L75 engine project, which started in 2008 in Brazil, is the focus of this effort. The most important event in the project up to this date is the test campaign of the capacitive thrust chamber, a full-scale model of the L75 injection head and combustion chamber, which is the main focus of this paper, along with the status of other advances made in the project during the last year

    Effectiveness of TNF-inhibitors, abatacept, IL6-inhibitors and JAK-inhibitors in 31 846 patients with rheumatoid arthritis in 19 registers from the 'JAK-pot' collaboration

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    Background JAK-inhibitors (JAKi), recently approved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), have changed the landscape of treatment choices. We aimed to compare the effectiveness of four current second-line therapies of RA with different modes of action, since JAKi approval, in an international collaboration of 19 registers. Methods In this observational cohort study, patients initiating tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi), interleukin-6 inhibitors (IL-6i), abatacept (ABA) or JAKi were included. We compared the effectiveness of these treatments in terms of drug discontinuation and Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) response rates at 1 year. Analyses were adjusted for patient, disease and treatment characteristics, including lines of therapy and accounted for competing risk. Results We included 31 846 treatment courses: 17 522 TNFi, 2775 ABA, 3863 IL-6i and 7686 JAKi. Adjusted analyses of overall discontinuation were similar across all treatments. The main single reason of stopping treatment was ineffectiveness. Compared with TNFi, JAKi were less often discontinued for ineffectiveness (adjusted HR (aHR) 0.75, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.83), as was IL-6i (aHR 0.76, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.85) and more often for adverse events (aHR 1.16, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.33). Adjusted CDAI response rates at 1 year were similar between TNFi, JAKi and IL-6i and slightly lower for ABA. Conclusion The adjusted overall drug discontinuation and 1 year response rates of JAKi and IL-6i were similar to those observed with TNFi. Compared with TNFi, JAKi were more often discontinued for adverse events and less for ineffectiveness, as were IL-6i.Peer reviewe

    The genome of the Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, and variation in the Guanapo population

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    For over a century, the live bearing guppy, Poecilia reticulata, has been used to study sexual selection as well as local adaptation. Natural guppy populations differ in many traits that are of intuitively adaptive significance such as ornamentation, age at maturity, brood size and body shape. Water depth, light supply, food resources and predation regime shape these traits, and barrier waterfalls often separate contrasting environments in the same river. We have assembled and annotated the genome of an inbred single female from a high-preda- tion site in the Guanapo drainage. The final assembly comprises 731.6 Mb with a scaffold N50 of 5.3 MB. Scaffolds were mapped to linkage groups, placing 95% of the genome assembly on the 22 autosomes and the X-chromosome. To investigate genetic variation in the population used for the genome assembly, we sequenced 10 wild caught male individu- als. The identified 5 million SNPs correspond to an average nucleotide diversity (π) of 0.0025. The genome assembly and SNP map provide a rich resource for investigating adap- tation to different predation regimes. In addition, comparisons with the genomes of other Poeciliid species, which differ greatly in mechanisms of sex determination and maternal resource allocation, as well as comparisons to other teleost genera can begin to reveal how live bearing evolved in teleost fish

    A paired-kidney allocation study found superior survival with HLA-DR compatible kidney transplants in the Eurotransplant Senior Program

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    The Eurotransplant Senior Program (ESP) has expedited the chance for elderly patients with kidney failure to receive a timely transplant. This current study evaluated survival parameters of kidneys donated after brain death with or without matching for HLA-DR antigens. This cohort study evaluated the period within ESP with paired allocation of 675 kidneys from donors 65 years and older to transplant candidates 65 years and older, the first kidney to 341 patients within the Eurotransplant Senior DR-compatible Program and 334 contralateral kidneys without (ESP) HLA-DR antigen matching. We used Kaplan-Meier estimates and competing risk analysis to assess all cause mortality and kidney graft failure, respectively. The log-rank test and Cox proportional hazards regression were used for comparisons. Within ESP, matching for HLA-DR antigens was associated with a significantly lower five-year risk of mortality (hazard ratio 0.71; 95% confidence interval 0.53-0.95) and significantly lower cause-specific hazards for kidney graft failure and return to dialysis at one year (0.55; 0.35-0.87) and five years (0.73; 0.53-0.99) post-transplant. Allocation based on HLA-DR matching resulted in longer cold ischemia (mean difference 1.00 hours; 95% confidence interval: 0.32-1.68) and kidney offers with a significantly shorter median dialysis vintage of 2.4 versus 4.1 yrs. in ESP without matching. Thus, our allocation based on HLA-DR matching improved five-year patient and kidney allograft survival. Hence, our paired allocation study suggests a superior outcome of HLA-DR matching in the context of old-for-old kidney transplantation.</p