7 research outputs found

    Tehnologija uzgoja dagnji (mytilus galloprovincialis) i kamenica (ostrea edulis) u Bokokotorskom zalivu

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    Razvoj marikulture u Crnoj Gori je jedno od strateški važnih pitanja u programima proizvodnje hrane za domaće tržište i za izvoz. Program podrazumijeva proizvodnju, odnosno uzgoj nekoliko vrsta školjaka i riba, dok je u planu i uzgoj rakova. Marikultura je sve značajnija privredna grana u svijetu jer nadoknađuje smanjene potencijale hrane iz prirodnih izvora. I pored naglašenog značaja marikulture, izuzetnih bioloških i ekoloških karakteristika priobalnog mora Crne Gore, naučnog-stručnog znanja, moramo konstatotovati da je uzgoj morskih organizama na navedenom području tek u inicijalnom začetku, čak i kada se radi o uzgoju školjaka, čija je sadašnja proizvodnja oko 200 t. godišnje, što ostvaruje 16 uzgajivača u Bokokotorskom zalivu- uglavnom u Kotorskom i Tivatskom dijelu. Dakle, cijela marikultura u Crnoj Gori koncentrisana je na područje Bokokotorskog zaliva, dok je otvoreno more, u tom smislu, ostalo potpuno neiskorišćeno. U davna vremena način uzgoja školjaka bio je vrlo jednostavan. Grane hrasta, trešnje, masline i ostalog raspoloživog materijala su se sakupljale i bacale u more. Na tako bačene grane hvatala se mlađ školjaka (kamenica i dagnji), a nakon tri godine i nekoliko faza uzgoja proces je bio kompletan, školjke su se vadile iz mora, te otpremale na tržište. Cilj ovog rada je da damo svojevrsni pregled, počevši od prvih istraživanja mogućnosti uzgoja dagnji i kamenica u Bokokotorskom zalivu do današnjeg stanja i pravaca u kojima bi marikultura trebala da se razvoja u Crnoj Gori

    The essentials of marine biotechnology.

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    Coastal countries have traditionally relied on the existing marine resources (e.g., fishing, food, transport, recreation, and tourism) as well as tried to support new economic endeavors (ocean energy, desalination for water supply, and seabed mining). Modern societies and lifestyle resulted in an increased demand for dietary diversity, better health and well-being, new biomedicines, natural cosmeceuticals, environmental conservation, and sustainable energy sources. These societal needs stimulated the interest of researchers on the diverse and underexplored marine environments as promising and sustainable sources of biomolecules and biomass, and they are addressed by the emerging field of marine (blue) biotechnology. Blue biotechnology provides opportunities for a wide range of initiatives of commercial interest for the pharmaceutical, biomedical, cosmetic, nutraceutical, food, feed, agricultural, and related industries. This article synthesizes the essence, opportunities, responsibilities, and challenges encountered in marine biotechnology and outlines the attainment and valorization of directly derived or bio-inspired products from marine organisms. First, the concept of bioeconomy is introduced. Then, the diversity of marine bioresources including an overview of the most prominent marine organisms and their potential for biotechnological uses are described. This is followed by introducing methodologies for exploration of these resources and the main use case scenarios in energy, food and feed, agronomy, bioremediation and climate change, cosmeceuticals, bio-inspired materials, healthcare, and well-being sectors. The key aspects in the fields of legislation and funding are provided, with the emphasis on the importance of communication and stakeholder engagement at all levels of biotechnology development. Finally, vital overarching concepts, such as the quadruple helix and Responsible Research and Innovation principle are highlighted as important to follow within the marine biotechnology field. The authors of this review are collaborating under the European Commission-funded Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action Ocean4Biotech – European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology and focus the study on the European state of affairs

    Mass occurrence of the ctenophore Bolinopsis vitrea (L. Agassiz, 1860) in the nearshore southern Adriatic Sea (Kotor Bay, Montenegro)

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    The ctenophore Bolinopsis vitrea has been rarely observed in the Mediterranean Sea. A bloom of B. vitrea is here reported for the first time in the southern Adriatic Sea..

    The data we have and the information we still need... lessons from SHAREMED consultation

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    10 Mediterranean Operational Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS) Workshop, 10 Years of Operational Oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea - Towards a Full Ocean Data Integration, 26-27 October 2021Scientific research priorities and the need for assessing the marine environmental status and appropriately manage natural resources have encouraged the development of multidisciplinary and a wide range of observing capabilities, ranging from discrete in situ sampling to the use of large scale satellite remote sensing. In addition, long-term efforts have been made by the EU as well as by international organisations (EMODnet, Copernicus, OBIS, IODE, Reef Check ¿) to collect, harmonise and make data and information available to different types of end-users. However, due to the complex and rapidly changing dynamics of marine ecosystems, current monitoring procedures in the Mediterranean need to be revised to address current and most urgent environmental threats. The Interreg Med project SHAREMED (Sharing and enhancing capabilities to address environmental threats in the Mediterranean Sea) organized a virtual workshop aimed to share knowledge on the state of the art of observation systems and to identify the main environmental threats in the Mediterranean Sea. Leading representatives of major international projects and initiatives in marine observation systems and relevant to address the main environmental threats the Mediterranean Sea participated in the workshop. Also, a wide range of stakeholders (research institutions, national, regional and local authorities, NGOs) across the Mediterranean region attended the online workshop while others were contributed through a SHAREMED online survey. The information gathered helped to compare data and information available from current observation systems with the needs to address present and future threats, and thus to identify and prioritise gaps that should be addressed in designing a future transnational joint observation system. The outcomes of the SHAREMED stakeholder consultation highlighted the need to improve, upgrade and integrate physical, biological and chemical observations and assessment systems to cover from high-resolution/small-scale to large scale processes. In addition, the results from this poll highlighted the need for more efficient governance, the establishment of cooperation frameworks, increase data sharing among different entities involved in marine monitoring and assessment and between neighbouring countries, as well as ensuring long-term sustainability of the transnational joint observation syste

    The essentials of marine biotechnology

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    Coastal countries have traditionally relied on the existing marine resources (e.g., fishing, food, transport, recreation, and tourism) as well as tried to support new economic endeavors (ocean energy, desalination for water supply, and seabed mining). Modern societies and lifestyle resulted in an increased demand for dietary diversity, better health and well-being, new biomedicines, natural cosmeceuticals, environmental conservation, and sustainable energy sources. These societal needs stimulated the interest of researchers on the diverse and underexplored marine environments as promising and sustainable sources of biomolecules and biomass, and they are addressed by the emerging field of marine (blue) biotechnology. Blue biotechnology provides opportunities for a wide range of initiatives of commercial interest for the pharmaceutical, biomedical, cosmetic, nutraceutical, food, feed, agricultural, and related industries. This article synthesizes the essence, opportunities, responsibilities, and challenges encountered in marine biotechnology and outlines the attainment and valorization of directly derived or bio-inspired products from marine organisms. First, the concept of bioeconomy is introduced. Then, the diversity of marine bioresources including an overview of the most prominent marine organisms and their potential for biotechnological uses are described. This is followed by introducing methodologies for exploration of these resources and the main use case scenarios in energy, food and feed, agronomy, bioremediation and climate change, cosmeceuticals, bio-inspired materials, healthcare, and well-being sectors. The key aspects in the fields of legislation and funding are provided, with the emphasis on the importance of communication and stakeholder engagement at all levels of biotechnology development. Finally, vital overarching concepts, such as the quadruple helix and Responsible Research and Innovation principle are highlighted as important to follow within the marine biotechnology field. The authors of this review are collaborating under the European Commission-funded Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action Ocean4Biotech – European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology and focus the study on the European state of affairs

    A New Network for the Advancement of Marine Biotechnology in Europe and Beyond

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    Marine organisms produce a vast diversity of metabolites with biological activities useful for humans, e.g., cytotoxic, antioxidant, anti-microbial, insecticidal, herbicidal, anticancer, pro-osteogenic and pro-regenerative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant, cholesterol-lowering, nutritional, photoprotective, horticultural or other beneficial properties. These metabolites could help satisfy the increasing demand for alternative sources of nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals, food, feed, and novel bio-based products. In addition, marine biomass itself can serve as the source material for the production of various bulk commodities (e.g., biofuels, bioplastics, biomaterials). The sustainable exploitation of marine bio-resources and the development of biomolecules and polymers are also known as the growing field of marine biotechnology. Up to now, over 35,000 natural products have been characterized from marine organisms, but many more are yet to be uncovered, as the vast diversity of biota in the marine systems remains largely unexplored. Since marine biotechnology is still in its infancy, there is a need to create effective, operational, inclusive, sustainable, transnational and transdisciplinary networks with a serious and ambitious commitment for knowledge transfer, training provision, dissemination of best practices and identification of the emerging technological trends through science communication activities. A collaborative (net)work is today compelling to provide innovative solutions and products that can be commercialized to contribute to the circular bioeconomy. This perspective article highlights the importance of establishing such collaborative frameworks using the example of Ocean4Biotech, an Action within the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) that connects all and any stakeholders with an interest in marine biotechnology in Europe and beyond

    A new network for the advancement of marine biotechnology in europe and beyond

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    Marine organisms produce a vast diversity of metabolites with biological activities useful for humans, e.g., cytotoxic, antioxidant, anti-microbial, insecticidal, herbicidal, anticancer, pro-osteogenic and pro-regenerative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, cholesterol-lowering, nutritional, photoprotective, horticultural or other beneficial properties. These metabolites could help satisfy the increasing demand for alternative sources of nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmeceuticals, food, feed, and novel bio-based products. In addition, marine biomass itself can serve as the source material for the production of various bulk commodities (e.g., biofuels, bioplastics, biomaterials). The sustainable exploitation of marine bio-resources and the development of biomolecules and polymers are also known as the growing field of marine biotechnology. Up to now, over 35,000 natural products have been characterized from marine organisms, but many more are yet to be uncovered, as the vast diversity of biota in the marine systems remains largely unexplored. Since marine biotechnology is still in its infancy, there is a need to create effective, operational, inclusive, sustainable, transnational and transdisciplinary networks with a serious and ambitious commitment for knowledge transfer, training provision, dissemination of best practices and identification of the emerging technological trends through science communication activities. A collaborative (net)work is today compelling to provide innovative solutions and products that can be commercialized to contribute to the circular bioeconomy. This perspective article highlights the importance of establishing such collaborative frameworks using the example of Ocean4Biotech, an Action within the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) that connects all and any stakeholders with an interest in marine biotechnology in Europe and beyond