194 research outputs found

    External Jugular Vein Aneurysm Presenting as a Cervical Mass

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    Venous aneurysms are rare causes of neck mass. Among neck veins, aneurysms of the external jugular vein are extremely uncommon. We present a case of a woman with a history of prior internal jugular vein catheterization who presented at a rural primary health care unit with a nontender progressively enlarging swelling in the right supraclavicular region. B-mode and Doppler ultrasound examination revealed a saccular dilatation of the external jugular vein, suggesting a posttraumatic venous aneurysm. Saccular aneurysms of the external jugular vein are uncommon and only rarely lead to serious complications. Access to ultrasound examination can allow early detection of this entity

    Poor reproducibility of compression elastography in the Achilles tendon: same day and consecutive day measurements.

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    OBJECTIVE To determine the reproducibility of compression elastography (CE) when measuring strain data, a measure of stiffness of the human Achilles tendon in vivo, over consecutive measures, consecutive days and when using different foot positions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eight participants (4 males, 4 females; mean age 25.5 ± 2.51 years, range 21-30 years; height 173.6 ± 11.7 cm, range 156-189 cm) had five consecutive CE measurements taken on one day and a further five CE measures taken, one per day, at the same time of day, every day for a consecutive 5-day period. These 80 measurements were used to assess both the repeatability and reproducibility of the technique. Means, standard deviations, coefficient of variation (CV), Pearson correlation analysis (R) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated. RESULTS For CE data, all CVs were above 53%, R values indicated no-to-weak correlations between measures at best (range 0.01-0.25), and ICC values were all classified in the poor category (range 0.00-0.11). CVs for length and diameter measures were acceptably low indicating a high level of reliability. CONCLUSIONS Given the wide variation obtained in the CE results, it was concluded that CE using this specific system has a low level of reproducibility for measuring the stiffness of the human Achilles tendon in vivo over consecutive days, consecutive measures and in different foot positions

    Reproducibility of shear wave elastography measuresof the Achilles tendon.

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the reproducibility of shear wave elastography (SWE) measures in the Achilles tendon (AT) in vivo. MATERIALS AND METHODS Shear wave velocity (SWV) of 14 healthy volunteers [7 males, 7 females; mean age 26.5 ± 3.8 years, mean height 171.6 ± 10.9 cm, mean Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment Achilles questionnaire (VISA-A) score 99.4 ± 1.2] was measured with the foot relaxed and fixed at 90°. Data were collected over five consecutive measures and 5 consecutive days. RESULTS Mean SWV values ranged from 7.91 m/s-9.56 m/s ± 0.27-0.50 m/s. Coefficient of variation (CV), correlations and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) scores ranged from 2.9%-6.3%, 0.4-0.7 and 0.54-0.85 respectively. No significant differences were noted for longitudinal or transverse data with respect to protocol or time and no significant differences were noted for foot position in transverse data. Significant differences in SWV values were noted between foot positions for longitudinal scanning (p = <0.05), with a relaxed foot position providing SWV values on average 0.47 m/s faster than a fixed position. Increased reproducibility was obtained with the foot relaxed. ICC between operators was 0.70 for transverse and 0.80 for longitudinal scanning. CONCLUSIONS Reproducible SWE measures were obtained over a 1-h period as well as a period of 5 consecutive days with more reliable measures obtained from a longitudinal plane using a relaxed foot position. SWE also has a high level of agreement between operators making SWE a reproducible technique for quantitatively assessing the mechanical properties of the human AT in vivo

    Novel Muscle Imaging in Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases—A Focus on Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography and Quantitative MRI

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    In recent years, imaging has played an increasing role in the clinical management of patients with rheumatic diseases with respect to aiding diagnosis, guiding therapy and monitoring disease progression. These roles have been underpinned by research which has enhanced our understanding of disease pathogenesis and pathophysiology of rheumatology conditions, in addition to their key role in outcome measurement in clinical trials. However, compared to joints, imaging research of muscles is less established, despite the fact that muscle symptoms are very common and debilitating in many rheumatic diseases. Recently, it has been shown that even though patients with rheumatoid arthritis may achieve clinical remission, defined by asymptomatic joints, many remain affected by lingering constitutional systemic symptoms like fatigue, tiredness, weakness and myalgia, which may be attributed to changes in the muscles. Recent improvements in imaging technology, coupled with an increasing clinical interest, has started to ignite new interest in the area. This perspective discusses the rationale for using imaging, particularly ultrasound and MRI, for investigating muscle pathology involved in common inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The muscles associated with rheumatic diseases can be affected in many ways, including myositis—an inflammatory muscle condition, and myopathy secondary to medications, such as glucocorticoids. In addition to non-invasive visual assessment of muscles in these conditions, novel imaging techniques like shear wave elastography and quantitative MRI can provide further useful information regarding the physiological and biomechanical status of the muscle

    Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-part VII, nerves of the lower limb.

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    Funder: Università degli Studi di MilanoOBJECTIVES: To perform a Delphi-based consensus on published evidence on image-guided interventional procedures for peripheral nerves of the lower limb (excluding Morton's neuroma) and provide clinical indications. METHODS: We report the results of a Delphi-based consensus of 53 experts from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology who reviewed the published literature for evidence on image-guided interventional procedures offered around peripheral nerves in the lower limb (excluding Morton's neuroma) to derive their clinical indications. Experts drafted a list of statements and graded them according to the Oxford Centre for evidence-based medicine levels of evidence. Consensus was considered strong when > 95% of experts agreed with the statement or broad when > 80% but < 95% agreed. The results of the Delphi-based consensus were used to write the paper. RESULTS: Nine statements on image-guided interventional procedures for peripheral nerves of the lower limb have been drafted. All of them received strong consensus. Image-guided pudendal nerve block is safe, effective, and well tolerated with few complications. US-guided perisciatic injection of anesthetic provides good symptom relief in patients with piriformis syndrome; however, the addition of corticosteroids to local anesthetics still has an unclear role. US-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block can be used to provide effective post-operative regional analgesia. CONCLUSION: Despite the promising results reported by published papers on image-guided interventional procedures for peripheral nerves of the lower limb, there is still a lack of evidence on the efficacy of most procedures. KEY POINTS: • Image-guided pudendal nerve block is safe, effective, and well tolerated with few complications. • US-guided perisciatic injection of anesthetic provides good symptom relief in patients with piriformis syndrome; however, the addition of corticosteroids to local anesthetics still has an unclear role. • US-guided lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block can be used to provide effective post-operative regional analgesia. The volume of local anesthetic affects the size of the blocked sensory area

    Ultrasound elastography for imaging tendons and muscles

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    Ultrasound elastography is a recently developed ultrasound-based method which allows the qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the mechanical properties of tissue. Strain (compression) ultrasound elastography is the commonest technique performed by applying mild compression with the hand-held transducer to create real-time strain distribution maps, which are color-coded and superimposed on the B-mode images. There is increasing evidence that ultrasound elastography can be used in the investigation of muscle, tendon and soft tissue disease in the clinical practice, as a supplementary tool to conventional ultrasound examination. Based on preliminary data, potential clinical applications include early diagnosis, staging, and guiding interventions musculotendinous and neuromuscular disease as well as monitoring disease during rehabilitation. Ultrasound elastography could also be used for research into the biomechanics and pathophysiology of musculotendinous disease. Despite the great interest in the technique, there is still limited evidence in the literature and there are several technical issues which limit the reproducibility of the method, including differences in quantification methods, artefacts, limitations and variation in the application of the technique by different users. This review presents the published evidence on musculoskeletal applications of strain elastography, discusses the technical issues and future perspectives of this method and emphasizes the need for standardization and further research.Elastografia ultrasonograficzna jest nową techniką obrazowania ultrasonograficznego, umożliwiającą ocenę jakościową i ilościową właściwości elastycznych tkanek. Najpopularniejszą techniką elastografii jest metoda uciskowa/statyczna (free hand strain – tzw. obrazowanie z wolnej ręki), polegająca na ręcznym uciskaniu tkanek głowicą ultrasonograficzną w celu uzyskania, w czasie rzeczywistym, map rozkładu elastyczności tkanek, które są kodowane kolorem i nałożone na obrazy w sekwencji B‑mode. Istnieje coraz więcej dowodów na przydatność elastografii ultrasonograficznej w praktyce klinicznej jako badania uzupełniającego klasyczne badanie ultrasonograficzne w rozpoznawaniu patologii tkanek miękkich, w tym mięśni i ścięgien. Na podstawie wstępnych danych do potencjalnych klinicznych zastosowań elastografii należą: wczesna diagnostyka i ocena zaawansowania zmian chorobowych, monitorowanie zabiegów pod kontrolą ultrasonografii w chorobach struktur mięśniowo‑ścięgnistych i nerwowo‑mięśniowych, a także monitorowanie procesu rehabilitacji.Elastografia może również służyć poznaniu procesów biomechanicznych i patofizjologicznych chorób mięśniowo‑ścięgnistych. Pomimo wielkiego zainteresowania liczba doniesień na temat elastografii jest znikoma. Przyczyną może być szereg problemówtechnicznych ograniczających jej powtarzalność, wynikających z obecności artefaktów i braku standaryzacji. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd dotychczasowej wiedzy nt. potencjalnych możliwości statycznej metody elastografii w ocenie układu mięśniowo‑szkieletowego, omówiono kwestie techniczne, perspektywy rozwoju tej metody, jak również podkreślono potrzebę standaryzacji oraz dalszych badań

    Ultrasound elastography for imaging tendons and muscles

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    Ultrasound elastography is a recently developed ultrasound-based method which allows the qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the mechanical properties of tissue. Strain (compression) ultrasound elastography is the commonest technique performed by ap‑ plying mild compression with the hand-held transducer to create real-time strain dis‑ tribution maps, which are color-coded and superimposed on the B-mode images. There is increasing evidence that ultrasound elastography can be used in the investigation of muscle, tendon and soft tissue disease in the clinical practice, as a supplementary tool to conventional ultrasound examination. Based on preliminary data, potential clinical appli‑ cations include early diagnosis, staging, and guiding interventions musculotendinous and neuromuscular disease as well as monitoring disease during rehabilitation. Ultrasound elastography could also be used for research into the biomechanics and pathophysiology of musculotendinous disease. Despite the great interest in the technique, there is still limited evidence in the literature and there are several technical issues which limit the reproducibility of the method, including differences in quantification methods, artefacts, limitations and variation in the application of the technique by different users. This re‑ view presents the published evidence on musculoskeletal applications of strain elastogra‑ phy, discusses the technical issues and future perspectives of this method and emphasizes the need for standardization and further research