493 research outputs found

    Stretching single polysaccharide molecules using AFM: A potential method for the investigation of the intermolecular uronate distribution of alginate?

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    Illustrative examples of the way in which the molecular force-extension behaviour of polysaccharides is governed by the nature of the linkage between their constituent pyranose rings are presented for a series of standard homopolymers. These results agree with previously proposed general hypotheses regarding the possibility of generating force-induced conformational transitions, and with the predictions of a model in which the inter-conversion of pyranose conformers is assumed to be an equilibrium process on the timescale of the molecular stretching. Subsequently, we investigate the potential of the technique in the characterisation of co-polymeric polysaccharides in which the nature of the glycan linkages is different between the two distinct residue types. Specifically, we explore the possibility that the ratio of mannuronic acid (M) to guluronic acid (G) in alginate chains will be reflected in their single molecule stretching behaviour, owing to their contrasting equatorial and axial linkages. Furthermore, as the technique described interrogates the sample one polymer at a time we outline the promise of, and the obstacles to, obtaining a new level of characterisation using this methodology where differences observed in the single molecule stretching curves obtained from single alginate samples reflectsomething of the real intermolecular distribution of the M / G ratio

    Gels and gelled emulsions prepared by acid-induced gelation of mixtures of faba bean (Vicia faba) protein concentrate and λ-carrageenan

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    In this study, gels were successfully prepared at room temperature from mixtures of dry fractionated faba bean protein concentrate (FPC) and λ-carrageenan (λ-CGN), through acidification with glucono-ÎŽ-lactone (GDL). At neutral pH, the mixtures were shear thinning liquids, although the shear viscosity increased dramatically with λ-CGN addition. After adding GDL, the gelling kinetics were followed through small amplitude oscillatory rheology for 19 hours, at which point all gels had reached a gel modulus plateau. Elastic moduli for the prepared gels were in the range of 1500 – 4500 Pa, dependent on FPC:λ-CGN ratio and concentrations, and final pH (3.5 – 4). Rheological data further indicated the gels had properties typical of aggregated particle gels, e.g., low yield strains (∌1%). All gels showed some syneresis upon centrifugation (2000g), with the least amount of syneresis (15 – 20%) at the highest λ-CGN concentrations (1.5 – 2%). FPC is a good emulsifier, and gelled emulsions were successfully prepared. Inclusion of emulsion droplets had significant impact on the gel network, with ∌40% and ∌60% increased gel storage modulus at 20% and 30% oil, respectively. Preparing similar formulations using a more extensively processed commercial faba bean protein isolate was also attempted, but this resulted in poor gels with very high syneresis. This indicates that dry fractionation methods may be beneficial to preserve native protein functionality.Gels and gelled emulsions prepared by acid-induced gelation of mixtures of faba bean (Vicia faba) protein concentrate and λ-carrageenanpublishedVersio

    Housing First – veien inn i bolig?

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    Fordypningsoppgave i videreutdanning rus, avhengighet og psykiske lidelser, 2016Innledning: Å eie eller leie bolig er en selvfĂžlge for de fleste mennesker i Norge, et av verdens rikeste land med et godt utbygd velferdssystem. De fleste av innbyggerne i Norge bor godt, men dette gjelder ikke alle. I den nasjonale strategien for boligsosialt arbeid, «Bolig for velferd» (Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet, 2014) blir det anslĂ„tt at om lag 150 000 personer er vanskeligstilte pĂ„ boligmarkedet, og at rundt 6200 av disse personene mangler et fast sted Ă„ bo. Grunnen til at de er vanskeligstilte er at de ofte mangler Ăžkonomiske ressurser til Ă„ komme seg inn pĂ„ boligmarkedet, og/eller at de har tilleggsproblemer i form av rusproblemer, atferd og funksjonsnivĂ„ (Økland, 2012). I veilederen «Sammen om mestring» (Helsedirektoratet, 2014) blir det slĂ„tt fast at personer med rusproblemer og/eller psykiske lidelser er overrepresentert blant de vanskeligstilte pĂ„ boligmarkedet og blant de bostedslĂžse. I ROP-retningslinjen (Helsedirektoratet, 2012) blir det uttalt at 60 prosent av de bostedslĂžse har rusproblemer og 32 prosent har psykiske lidelser, og om lag 25 prosent har samtidig ruslidelse og psykisk lidelse (ROP-lidelser). Jeg jobber i en liten kommune, og vi har for sĂ„ vidt fĂ„ bostedslĂžse, men vi har en forholdsvis stor gruppe personer med rusproblemer som har/har hatt problemer med Ă„ komme inn pĂ„ det private boligmarkedet, problemer med Ă„ beholde bolig og holde boligen i orden. Bosituasjonen til denne gruppen er preget av utkastelse pĂ„ grunn av manglende betaling av husleie, brĂ„k, uro og hĂŠrverk, sĂžppel og rot i leilighetene og de blir stigmatisert av nĂŠrmiljĂžet. I en liten kommune/bygd kjenner alle hverandre, og de fleste vet hvem disse personene er. De blir ganske synlige i et lite og tett lokalsamfunn, og mange private utleiere vil ikke leie ut til personer med rusproblemer. Pr. i dag bor derfor de fleste i kommunale leiligheter rundt omkring i kommunen. Mange av dem er ikke sĂŠrlig interessert i Ă„ ta imot bistand i form av boveiledning og hjemmetjenester, med det resultat at kommunen med jevne mellomrom mĂ„ foreta storopprydning og kaste containere fulle med sĂžppel og rot. Ofte mĂ„ en ogsĂ„ foreta diverse reparasjoner og vedlikehold forĂ„rsaket av hard bruk, hĂŠrverk og forsĂžpling. Manglende betaling av husleie medfĂžrer ogsĂ„ utkastelser, men innebĂŠrer kanskje bare at de mĂ„ flytte til en annen kommunal leilighet fordi vi i henhold til loven er forpliktet til Ă„ bidra med Ă„ fremskaffe bolig til vanskeligstilte personer. Mange har ogsĂ„ pĂ„dratt seg store husleierestanser, og fĂ„tt strĂžmmen avstengt ved flere anledninger. Dette er en utfordrende gruppe Ă„ jobbe med, og en opplever ikke Ă„ komme i posisjon i forhold til Ă„ fĂ„ dem til Ă„ ta imot hjelp. Ved tildeling av kommunale boliger er det ikke lov til Ă„ stille vilkĂ„r om at de skal ta imot for eksempel hjemmetjenester, en kan bare oppfordre dem til Ă„ gjĂžre det. Mange i denne gruppen er inkludert i LAR (legemiddelassistert rehabilitering), men mange har et stort sidemisbruk og er i aktiv rus. Deres situasjon er derfor preget av ustabilitet (bĂ„de i forhold til rus, men ogsĂ„ psykisk helse, f.eks. gjentatte rusutlĂžste psykoser), kaos, dĂ„rlig Ăžkonomi, kriminalitet og uverdige boforhold preget av forsĂžpling, brĂ„k/uro/naboklager og rot. Vi som jobber i det offentlige hjelpeapparatet fĂžler oss ofte makteslĂžse i forhold til Ă„ hjelpe denne gruppen, og jeg har ofte lurt pĂ„ hva som skal til for Ă„ komme i posisjon og gjĂžre bosituasjonen bedre for personer med omfattende rusproblemer og/eller psykiske lidelser. Gjennom deltakelse pĂ„ diverse konferanser/seminarer, artikler i aviser/fagtidsskrifter og kontakt med andre kommuner har vi stadig hĂžrt om vellykkede boligsosiale prosjekter, og sist var det Housing First-prosjekter (ogsĂ„ kalt HF) som vekket min interesse. Dette er en tilnĂŠrming/modell grunnlagt i USA for bostedslĂžse med alvorlig psykisk lidelse og/eller rusproblemer. Etter hvert som jeg leste om denne modellen ble jeg klar over at Housing First-programmet i Lisboa hĂžster anerkjennelse rundt omkring i verden, de er ogsĂ„ konsulenter for norske Housing First-prosjekter. Jeg kontaktet organisasjonen AEIPS i Lisboa som driver dette programmet (Casas Primerio heter det der), og spurte om jeg fikk gjennomfĂžre min praksisperiode hos dem, og var sĂ„ heldig at jeg fikk lov til det. Jeg var hos AEIPS i nesten syv uker hĂžsten 2015, og ble mektig imponert over hva de fĂ„r til ovenfor denne gruppen, der mange har alvorlig psykisk lidelse som for eksempel schizofreni i tillegg til rusproblematikk, spesielt med tanke pĂ„ at Portugal fremdeles sliter etter finanskrisen, har stor arbeidsledighet og ikke i nĂŠrheten av vĂ„rt norske velferdssystem. 1.1 Problemstilling og avgrensning Etter Ă„ ha vĂŠrt i praksis i Lisboa begynte jeg Ă„ tenke «hva kan vi lĂŠre av dette? Er denne innsikten og erfaringen noe jeg kan dra nytte av i min egen jobb?», og «er det mulig Ă„ overfĂžre dette til en norsk kontekst, spesielt i en liten kommune?». Jeg vil derfor i denne oppgaven undersĂžke om det er mulig Ă„ bruke denne kunnskapen og erfaringen i min egen jobb. Jeg kom etter dette frem til fĂžlgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan bruk av prinsippene i Housing First-modellen bedre den boligsosiale oppfĂžlgingen av personer med omfattende rusproblemer og/eller psykiske lidelser i norske kommuner? Dette har jeg forsĂžkt Ă„ svare pĂ„ i oppgaven, og jeg har valgt Ă„ avgrense meg til Ă„ ta for meg hovedprinsippene i Housing First-modellen

    Study of intragastric structuring ability of sodium alginate based o/w emulsions under in vitro physiological pre-absorptive digestion conditions

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    In the present work, the intragastric structuring ability of o/w emulsions either stabilised (1–4%, w/w of sodium alginate (SA)) or structured with sheared ionic gel (1–3%, w/w of SA crosslinked with Ca2+) in the absence (saliva and gastric phases constituted of deionised water) or presence of in vitro pre-absorptive conditions (physiological simulated saliva and gastric fluids) was investigated. Visualisation of the morphological aspects of the gastric chymes, in the absence of multivalent counterions, demonstrated that SA stabilised systems underwent a remarkable swelling in the pH range of 2–3, whilst at the same pH range, ionic SA gel structured systems maintained their major structure configuration. When the aforementioned systems were exposed to physiological intragastric fluids, a reduction of the length and the hydrodynamic volume of the alginate fibres was detected regardless the structuring approach. On their exposure to physiological intragastric conditions (pH = 2), SA stabilised emulsions underwent sol–gel transition achieving a ca. 3- to 4-order increase of storage modulus (at 1 Hz). In the case of ionic sheared gel structured emulsions, exposure to physiological intragastric fluids resulted in a 10-fold reduction ability of their acid structuring ability, most likely due to the dialysis of egg-box dimer conformations by monovalent cations and protons and the sterical hindering of hydrogen bonding of MM and GG sequences under acidic conditions. Using of non-physiological simulated intragastric fluids was associated with overestimated structuring performance of SA regardless its physical state

    Daily ingestion of alginate reduces energy intake in free-living subjects

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    Sodium alginate is a seaweed-derived fibre that has previously been shown to moderate appetite in models of acute feeding. The mechanisms underlying this effect may include slowed gastric clearance and attenuated uptake from the small intestine. In order to assess whether alginate could be effective as a means of appetite control in free-living adults, 68 males and females (BMI range: 18.50-32.81 kgl M-2) completed this randomised, controlled two-way crossover intervention to compare the effects of 7 day daily ingestion of a strong-gelling sodium alginate formulation against a control. A sodium alginate with a high-guluronate content was chosen because, upon ingestion, it forms a strong gel in the presence of calcium ions. Daily preprandial ingestion of the sodium alginate formulation produced a significant 134.8 kcal (7%) reduction in mean daily energy intake. This reduced energy intake was underwritten by significant reductions in mean daily carbohydrate, sugar, fat, saturated fat and protein intakes. The absence of any significant interaction effects between the main effect of preload type and those of gender, BMI classification and/or timing of preload delivery indicates the efficacy of this treatment for individuals in different settings. These findings suggest a possible role for a strong-gelling sodium alginate formulation in the future management of overweight and obesity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Alginate Blocks and Block Polysaccharides: A Review

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    AbstractAlginates consist of distinct blocks with different physical properties. This short review focuses on research carried out in Trondheim related to the early discovery of the block structure, their isolation, their different chemical and physical properties, and how they recently are utilized in diblock polysaccharides to obtain new nanostructuring properties

    Intragastric structuring of anionic polysaccharide kappa-carrageenan filled gels under physiological in vitro digestion conditions

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    In the present work, sodium alginate (SA), low methoxyl pectin (PEC) and Îș-carrageenan (Îș-CAR) were evaluated for their intragastric structuring ability by means of light microscopy and dynamic oscillatory rheology. SA and PEC solutions, their Ca2+ complexed gel analogues as well as their binary blends with ionically or thermally set sheared Îș-CAR gels, were subjected to in vitro orogastric conditions. SA and PEC – Ca2+ complexed sheared gels exerted the highest vulnerability to digestive fluid exposure due to the dialysis of egg-box dimer structures via proton-calcium exchange. Incorporation of SA and PEC systems to Îș-CAR gels prevented the loss of mechanical strength of the gastric gels due to the ability of Îș-CAR to undergo spontaneous gelation in the presence of Na+ and K+ ions. Binary blends of SA and PEC – Ca2+ complexed sheared gels with Îș-CAR-Ca2+ gels exerted a significantly lower mechanical strength loss sensitivity against pH and counterion composition of the gastric fluids

    Development of gelatin-alginate hydrogels for burn wound treatment

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    Hydrogels are interesting as wound dressing for burn wounds to maintain a moist environment. Especially gelatin and alginate based wound dressings show strong potential. Both polymers are modified by introducing photocrosslinkable functionalities and combined to hydrogel films (gel-MA/alg-MA). In one protocol gel-MA films are incubated in alg-MA solutions and crosslinked afterward into double networks. Another protocol involves blending both and subsequent photocrosslinking. The introduction of alginate into the gelatin matrix results in phase separation with polysaccharide microdomains in a protein matrix. Addition of alg(-MA) to gel-MA leads to an increased swelling compared to 100% gelatin and similar to the commercial Aquacel Ag dressing. In vitro tests show better cell adhesion for films which have a lower alginate content and also have superior mechanical properties. The hydrogel dressings exhibit good biocompatibility with adaptable cell attachment properties. An adequate gelatin-alginate ratio should allow application of the materials as wound dressings for several days without tissue ingrowth

    Maintaining dimensions and mechanical properties of ionically crosslinked alginate hydrogel scaffolds in vitro

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    Ionically crosslinked alginate hydrogels are attractive scaffolds because of their biocompatibility and mild gelation reaction that allows for gentle cell incorporation. However, the instability of ionically crosslinked hydrogels in an aqueous environment is a challenge that limits their application. This report presents a novel method to control the dimensions and mechanical properties of ionically crosslinked hydrogels via control of the ionic concentration of the medium. Homogeneous calcium-alginate gels were incubated in physiological saline baths adjusted to specific calcium ion concentrations. Swelling and shrinking occurred at low and high ionic concentrations of the medium, respectively, while an “optimal” intermediate calcium ion concentration of the medium was found to maintain original size and shape of the hydrogel. This optimal calcium ion concentration was found to be a function of crosslinking density and polymer concentration of the hydrogel and chemical composition of the alginate. The effects of optimal and high calcium ion concentrations of the medium on swelling behavior, calcium content, dry weight, and mechanical properties of the immersed hydrogels were investigated. It was found that the resulting hydrogel composition and mechanical properties depended on not only the calcium concentration of the medium, but also the crosslinking density and polymer concentration of the gel. In an 8-week experiment, controlled dimensions and mechanical properties of alginate gels in an aqueous environment were demonstrated. This new technique significantly enhances the potential of alginate hydrogels for tissue engineering and other biomedical applications. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res, 2008Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58038/1/31375_ftp.pd
