61 research outputs found

    The Current Testing Protocols for Biomechanical Evaluation of Lumbar Spinal Implants in Laboratory Setting: A Review of the Literature

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    In vitro biomechanical investigations have become a routinely employed technique to explore new lumbar instrumentation. One of the most important advantages of such investigations is the low risk present when compared to clinical trials. However, the best use of any experimental data can be made when standard testing protocols are adopted by investigators, thus allowing comparisons among studies. Experimental variables, such as the length of the specimen, operative level, type of loading (e.g., dynamic versus quasistatic), magnitude, and rate of load applied, are among the most common variables controlled during spinal biomechanical testing. Although important efforts have been made to standardize these protocols, high variability can be found in the current literature. The aim of this investigation was to conduct a systematic review of the literature to identify the current trends in the protocols reported for the evaluation of new lumbar spinal implants under laboratory setting

    Separation of blended data by iterative estimation and subtraction of interference noise

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    Conventional data acquisition practice dictates the existence of sufficient time intervals between the firing of successive sources in the field. However, much attention has been drawn recently to the possibility of shooting in an overlapping fash- ion. Numerous publications have addressed the issue from dif- ferent scopes (denoising, compressing, blind signal separation etc.) while others have defined the theoretical background. The term ‘blending’ was introduced to describe this new trend in acquisition designs, the time-overlapping data acquisition. In turn, the term ‘deblending’ refers to an algorithm that re- covers the data as if they were shot in the conventional way. Such an algorithm is presented in this chapter for application on both impulsive and vibrating sources. This algorithm is based on iterative interference estimation and subtraction and is applied to field data.GeotechnologyCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Signature of Arctic first-year ice melt pond fraction in X-band SAR imagery

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    In this paper we investigate the potential of melt pond fraction retrieval from X-band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) on drifting first-year sea ice. Melt pond fractions retrieved from a helicopter-borne camera system were compared to polarimetric features extracted from four dual-polarimetric X-band SAR scenes, revealing significant relationships. The correlations were strongly dependent on wind speed and SAR incidence angle. Co-polarisation ratio was found to be the most promising SAR feature for melt pond fraction estimation at intermediate wind speeds (6. 2 m s−1), with a Spearman's correlation coefficient of 0. 46. At low wind speeds (0. 6 m s−1), this relation disappeared due to low backscatter from the melt ponds, and backscatter VV-polarisation intensity had the strongest relationship to melt pond fraction with a correlation coefficient of −0. 53. To further investigate these relations, regression fits were made both for the intermediate (R2fit = 0. 21) and low (R2fit = 0. 26) wind case, and the fits were tested on the satellite scenes in the study. The regression fits gave good estimates of mean melt pond fraction for the full satellite scenes, with less than 4 % from a similar statistics derived from analysis of low-altitude imagery captured during helicopter ice-survey flights in the study area. A smoothing window of 51 × 51 pixels gave the best reproduction of the width of the melt pond fraction distribution. A considerable part of the backscatter signal was below the noise floor at SAR incidence angles above  ∼  40°, restricting the information gain from polarimetric features above this threshold. Compared to previous studies in C-band, limitations concerning wind speed and noise floor set stricter constraints on melt pond fraction retrieval in X-band. Despite this, our findings suggest new possibilities in melt pond fraction estimation from X-band SAR, opening for expanded monitoring of melt ponds during melt season in the future

    Systems analysis approach to the design of efficient water pricing policies under the EU Water Framework Directive

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    Economic theory suggests that water pricing can contribute to efficient management of water scarcity. The European Union (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a major legislative effort to introduce the use of economic instruments to encourage efficient water use and achieve environmental management objectives. However, the design and implementation of economic instruments for water management, including water pricing, has emerged as a challenging aspect of WFD implementation. This study demonstrates the use of a systems analysis approach to designing and comparing two economic approaches to efficient management of groundwater and surface water given EU WFD ecological flow requirements. Under the first approach, all wholesale water users in a river basin face the same volumetric price for water. This water price does not vary in space or in time, and surface water and groundwater are priced at the same rate. Under the second approach, surface water is priced using a volumetric price, while groundwater use is controlled through adjustments to the price of energy, which is assumed to control the cost of groundwater pumping. For both pricing policies, optimization is used to identify optimal prices, with the objective of maximizing welfare while reducing human water use in order to meet constraints associated with EU WFD ecological and groundwater sustainability objectives. The systems analysis approach demonstrates the successful integration of economic, hydrologic, and environmental components into an integrated framework for the design and testing of water pricing policies. In comparison to the first pricing policy, the second pricing policy, in which the energy price is used as a surrogate for a groundwater price, shifts a portion of costs imposed by higher water prices from low-value crops to high-value crops and from small urban/domestic locations to larger locations. Because growers of low-value crops will suffer the most from water price increases, the use of energy costs to control groundwater use offers the advantage of reducing this burden.The authors would like to thank the Danish Research School of Water Resources (FIVA) for financial support. Three anonymous reviewers made helpful suggestions that were incorporated into the revised version.Riegels, N.; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Doulgeris, C.; Sturm, V.; Jensen, R.; Moller, F.; Bauer-Gottwein, P. (2013). Systems analysis approach to the design of efficient water pricing policies under the EU Water Framework Directive. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 139(5):574-582. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000284S574582139

    Mechanisms of inorganic carbon-14 attenuation in contaminated groundwater: Effect of solution pH on isotopic exchange and carbonate precipitation reactions

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    Radioactive 14C is a significant contaminant associated with nuclear fuels and wastes that is potentially highly mobile in the environment as dissolved inorganic carbonate species. This study investigated the mechanisms by which dissolved inorganic 14C is retained in surface and groundwater environments via precipitation and isotopic exchange reactions. Precipitation of calcite in the presence and absence of nucleation sites is considered along with isotopic exchange with both atmospheric CO2 and solid carbonates. Precipitation occurs at calcite supersaturation values of SICAL > 1.5 in the absence of nucleation sites and SICAL > 0–0.5 in the presence of nucleation sites, suggesting that precipitation of 14C-bearing carbonates is much more likely in subsurface environments where nucleation sites are abundant. The maximum 14C removal in solid isotopic exchange experiments occurred after approximately 2 weeks equilibration. In these experiments the amount of 14C removed from solution was proportional to the amount of calcite surface area present, and removal from solution was equivalent to rapid equalisation of the isotope ratio in an 8–10 Å active surface layer. Although the reactivity of natural carbonates may be lower than the calcite samples used in this study, these results suggest isotopic exchange with solids will be an important 14C retardation mechanism in subsurface environments containing only modest TIC concentrations. These results suggest that if inorganic 14C is released into sub-surface environments, both precipitation and solid phase isotopic exchange can result in non-conservative 14C-DIC transport and 14C contamination may persist in groundwater for decades following accidental releases. In contrast, in experiments open to atmosphere with pH values below 9.3, complete loss of dissolved inorganic 14C was very rapid and occurred with timescales of 10's of hours. 14C loss was due to a rapid exchange of dissolved 14C species with 12CO2 (g) and the kinetics of 14C removal increased as pH values were lowered (i.e. atmospheric isotopic exchange was first order with respect to the concentration of carbonic acid present). Thus these results suggest that release of inorganic 14C to surface waters with pH values <9.3 would result in rapid exchange with 12CO2 (g) and 14C would not persist in the aqueous environment, whereas 14C-DIC released to saturated subsurface environments may persist close to the release site for decades due to precipitation and solid phase exchange reactions preventing/retarding transport with the groundwater

    Leads in Arctic pack ice enable early phytoplankton blooms below snow-covered sea ice

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 7 (2017): 40850, doi:10.1038/srep40850.The Arctic icescape is rapidly transforming from a thicker multiyear ice cover to a thinner and largely seasonal first-year ice cover with significant consequences for Arctic primary production. One critical challenge is to understand how productivity will change within the next decades. Recent studies have reported extensive phytoplankton blooms beneath ponded sea ice during summer, indicating that satellite-based Arctic annual primary production estimates may be significantly underestimated. Here we present a unique time-series of a phytoplankton spring bloom observed beneath snow-covered Arctic pack ice. The bloom, dominated by the haptophyte algae Phaeocystis pouchetii, caused near depletion of the surface nitrate inventory and a decline in dissolved inorganic carbon by 16 ± 6 g C m−2. Ocean circulation characteristics in the area indicated that the bloom developed in situ despite the snow-covered sea ice. Leads in the dynamic ice cover provided added sunlight necessary to initiate and sustain the bloom. Phytoplankton blooms beneath snow-covered ice might become more common and widespread in the future Arctic Ocean with frequent lead formation due to thinner and more dynamic sea ice despite projected increases in high-Arctic snowfall. This could alter productivity, marine food webs and carbon sequestration in the Arctic Ocean.This study was supported by the Centre for Ice, Climate and Ecosystems (ICE) at the Norwegian Polar Institute, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Norway, the Research Council of Norway (projects Boom or Bust no. 244646, STASIS no. 221961, CORESAT no. 222681, CIRFA no. 237906 and AMOS CeO no. 223254), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway (project ID Arctic), the ICE-ARC program of the European Union 7th Framework Program (grant number 603887), the Polish-Norwegian Research Program operated by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009–2014 in the frame of Project Contract Pol-Nor/197511/40/2013, CDOM-HEAT, and the Ocean Acidification Flagship program within the FRAM- High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment, Norway