62 research outputs found

    Mapping the Shadow Economy: Spatial Variations in the use of High Denomination Bank Notes in Brussels

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    The aim of this paper is to map the spatial variations in the size of the shadow economy within Brussels. Reporting data provided by the National Bank of Belgium on the deposit of high denomination banknotes across bank branches in the 19 municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region, the finding is that the shadow economy is concentrated in wealthier populations and not in deprived or immigrant communities. The outcome is a call to transcend the association of the shadow economy with marginalized groups and the wider adoption of this indirect method when measuring spatial variations in the shadow economy

    Improving compliance of the EU Cohesion Policy via prevention measures? The case of the Polish Operational Programme ‘Technical Assistance’ 2014–2020

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    The EU Cohesion Policy was observed to be marked by financial compliance problems due to a relatively high level of irregularities. This problem brings into question the issue of how to prevent such infringements of the rules applicable to EU expenditure. Against this backdrop, this article investigates how Poland worked to prevent irregularities during the 2014–2020 programming period. Specifically, the focus is on whether prevention measures enhanced Poland’s financial compliance performance. For this purpose, a novel model of ‘non-compliance financial rate’ (NCFR) is proposed and triangulated with qualitative findings from semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis, which has shown encouraging results that might be relevant also for other Member States

    La compétitivité de Bruxelles dans la recherche européenne

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    Quelle est la place de Bruxelles dans la gĂ©ographie de la recherche europĂ©enne ? Elle est gĂ©nĂ©ralement reconnue comme la capitale de l’UE, mais principalement en raison des activitĂ©s politico-administratives qu’elle abrite. Or, la recherche est essentielle Ă  une Ă©conomie fondĂ©e sur la connaissance. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude montre donc dans quelle mesure Bruxelles participe efficacement aux projets europĂ©ens de R&D. D’aprĂšs les conclusions qui s’en dĂ©gagent, Bruxelles exerce un double rĂŽle : d’une part, les acteurs belges enregistrent de bons rĂ©sultats face Ă  la concurrence dans le cadre des appels Ă  projets de R&D et d’autre part, les acteurs liĂ©s Ă  l’UE, par la mise en place de rĂ©seaux de recherche, contribuent Ă  faire de Bruxelles la capitale de l’Espace europĂ©en de la recherche. Cette analyse s’appuie sur une base de donnĂ©es innovante recensant les participations Ă  des projets relatifs aux programmes-cadres de 1999 à 2010.What is the place of Brussels in the European research geography? Brussels is commonly recognised as the EU capital, but mainly for its political and administrative functions. As research is fundamental in a “knowledge-based economy”, this paper shows the performance of Brussels in terms of participation in EU R&D projects. Findings show a double role for Brussels: i) Belgian stakeholders perform well in the competition for R&D calls; ii) EU-related stakeholders contribute by establishing research networks, making Brussels the “capital of the European Research Area”. The analysis is based on an innovative database of participation in Framework Programme projects from 1999 to 2010.Welke plek neemt Brussel in de Europese onderzoeksgeografie in? Brussel wordt algemeen erkend als de hoofdstad van de Europese Unie, maar vooral vanwege haar politiek-bestuurlijke functies. Omdat onderzoek fundamenteel is in een “kenniseconomie”, toont dit artikel de prestaties van Brussel op het gebied van deelname aan Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling-projecten (O&O) in de Europese Unie. De conclusies wijzen op een dubbele rol voor Brussel: i) de Belgische actoren presteren goed in de competitie om O&O-calls; ii) EU-gerelateerde actoren dragen bij door de oprichting van onderzoeksnetwerken, die van Brussel de “hoofdstad van de Europese onderzoeksgeografie” maken. De analyse is gebaseerd op een innovatieve databank van deelnames aan Framework Programme-projecten van 1999 tot 2010

    Concurrentievermogen van Brussel in het Europees onderzoek

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    Welke plek neemt Brussel in de Europese onderzoeksgeografie in? Brussel wordt algemeen erkend als de hoofdstad van de Europese Unie, maar vooral vanwege haar politiek-bestuurlijke functies. Omdat onderzoek fundamenteel is in een “kenniseconomie”, toont dit artikel de prestaties van Brussel op het gebied van deelname aan Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling-projecten (O&O) in de Europese Unie. De conclusies wijzen op een dubbele rol voor Brussel: i) de Belgische actoren presteren goed in de competitie om O&O‑calls; ii) EU-gerelateerde actoren dragen bij door de oprichting van onderzoeksnetwerken, die van Brussel de “hoofdstad van de Europese onderzoeksgeografie” maken. De analyse is gebaseerd op een innovatieve databank van deelnames aan Framework Programme-projecten van 1999 tot 2010.What is the place of Brussels in the European research geography? Brussels is commonly recognised as the EU capital, but mainly for its political and administrative functions. As research is fundamental in a “knowledge-based economy”, this paper shows the performance of Brussels in terms of participation in EU R&D projects. Findings show a double role for Brussels: i) Belgian stakeholders perform well in the competition for R&D calls; ii) EU-related stakeholders contribute by establishing research networks, making Brussels the “capital of the European Research Area”. The analysis is based on an innovative database of participation in Framework Programme projects from 1999 to 2010.Quelle est la place de Bruxelles dans la gĂ©ographie de la recherche europĂ©enne ? Elle est gĂ©nĂ©ralement reconnue comme la capitale de l’UE, mais principalement en raison des activitĂ©s politico-administratives qu’elle abrite. Or, la recherche est essentielle Ă  une Ă©conomie fondĂ©e sur la connaissance. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude montre donc dans quelle mesure Bruxelles participe efficacement aux projets europĂ©ens de R&D. D’aprĂšs les conclusions qui s’en dĂ©gagent, Bruxelles exerce un double rĂŽle : d’une part, les acteurs belges enregistrent de bons rĂ©sultats face Ă  la concurrence dans le cadre des appels Ă  projets de R&D et d’autre part, les acteurs liĂ©s Ă  l’UE, par la mise en place de rĂ©seaux de recherche, contribuent Ă  faire de Bruxelles la capitale de l’Espace europĂ©en de la recherche. Cette analyse s’appuie sur une base de donnĂ©es innovante recensant les participations Ă  des projets relatifs aux programmes-cadres de 1999 à 2010

    The competitiveness of Brussels in European research

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    What is the place of Brussels in the European research geography? Brussels is commonly recognised as the EU capital, but mainly for its political and administrative functions. As research is fundamental in a “knowledge-based economy”, this paper shows the performance of Brussels in terms of participation in EU R&D projects. Findings show a double role for Brussels: i)  Belgian stakeholders perform well in the competition for R&D calls; ii) EU-related stakeholders contribute by establishing research networks, making Brussels the “capital of the European Research Area”. The analysis is based on an innovative database of participation in Framework Programme projects from 1999 to 2010.Quelle est la place de Bruxelles dans la gĂ©ographie de la recherche europĂ©enne ? Elle est gĂ©nĂ©ralement reconnue comme la capitale de l’UE, mais principalement en raison des activitĂ©s politico-administratives qu’elle abrite. Or, la recherche est essentielle Ă  une Ă©conomie fondĂ©e sur la connaissance. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude montre donc dans quelle mesure Bruxelles participe efficacement aux projets europĂ©ens de R&D. D’aprĂšs les conclusions qui s’en dĂ©gagent, Bruxelles exerce un double rĂŽle : d’une part, les acteurs belges enregistrent de bons rĂ©sultats face Ă  la concurrence dans le cadre des appels Ă  projets de R&D et d’autre part, les acteurs liĂ©s Ă  l’UE, par la mise en place de rĂ©seaux de recherche, contribuent Ă  faire de Bruxelles la capitale de l’Espace europĂ©en de la recherche. Cette analyse s’appuie sur une base de donnĂ©es innovante recensant les participations Ă  des projets relatifs aux programmes-cadres de 1999 à 2010.Welke plek neemt Brussel in de Europese onderzoeksgeografie in? Brussel wordt algemeen erkend als de hoofdstad van de Europese Unie, maar vooral vanwege haar politiek-bestuurlijke functies. Omdat onderzoek fundamenteel is in een “kenniseconomie”, toont dit artikel de prestaties van Brussel op het gebied van deelname aan Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling-projecten (O&O) in de Europese Unie. De conclusies wijzen op een dubbele rol voor Brussel: i) de Belgische actoren presteren goed in de competitie om O&O-calls; ii) EU-gerelateerde actoren dragen bij door de oprichting van onderzoeksnetwerken, die van Brussel de “hoofdstad van de Europese onderzoeksgeografie” maken. De analyse is gebaseerd op een innovatieve databank van deelnames aan Framework Programme-projecten van 1999 tot 2010

    Insourcen, outsourcen of backsourcen? Het geval van de Brusselse gewestelijke administratie

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    Sinds de jaren 1980 zijn bedrijven en openbare besturen geneigd zich op hun kernactiviteiten te focussen en taken als IT, beveiliging, catering en schoonmaak uit te besteden. De jongste jaren zien we echter een omkering van deze tendens in vele organisaties, die sommige van deze activiteiten opnieuw intern gaan uitvoeren. Een proces dat we “backsourcing” noemen. Het doel van dit artikel is om te onderzoeken in welke mate activiteiten werden uitbesteed in de Brusselse gewestelijke besturen, wat de impact daarvan is op de betrokken medewerkers en organisaties en hoe de belanghebbenden staan tegenover een eventuele backsourcing van laaggekwalificeerde banen. In het kader van een multidisciplinair project van BSI voor Talent.Brussels hebben onze bevindingen aangetoond dat beslissingen over in- en outsourcing complex en multidimensionaal zijn en dat ze niet enkel gebaseerd mogen zijn op kostenoverwegingen.Since the 1980s, there has been a trend for businesses and public administrations to focus on their core activities, outsourcing tasks such as IT, security, catering and cleaning services. However, in recent years, many organisations have been reversing the trend by insourcing, or “backsourcing”, some of these activities. The aim of this article is to study the extent to which activities have been outsourced in the Brussels regional administrations, its impact on workers and organisations involved, and the attitudes of stakeholders towards a possible re-internalisation of low-skilled jobs. Based on a multidisciplinary BSI project for Talent.Brussels, our findings show that decisions about outsourcing and insourcing are complex and multidimensional, and that they should not be based solely on monetary cost considerations. Since the 1980s, there has been a trend for businesses and public administrations to focus on their core activities, outsourcing tasks such as IT, security, catering and cleaning services. However, in recent years, many organisations have been reversing the trend by insourcing, or “backsourcing”, some of these activities. The aim of this article is to study the extent to which activities have been outsourced in the Brussels regional administrations, its impact on workers and organisations involved, and the attitudes of stakeholders towards a possible re-internalisation of low-skilled jobs. Based on a multidisciplinary BSI project for Talent.Brussels, our findings show that decisions about outsourcing and insourcing are complex and multidimensional, and that they should not be based solely on monetary cost considerations.À partir des annĂ©es 1980, les entreprises et les administrations publiques ont eu tendance Ă  externaliser des tĂąches, notamment les services informatiques, de sĂ©curitĂ©, de restauration et de nettoyage, afin de se concentrer sur leurs activitĂ©s principales. Cependant, ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, de nombreuses organisations ont inversĂ© cette tendance en internalisant ou rĂ©internalisant (« backsourcing ») certaines des tĂąches en question. Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  examiner le degrĂ© d’externalisation des activitĂ©s dans les administrations rĂ©gionales bruxelloises, l’incidence du phĂ©nomĂšne sur les travailleurs et les organismes concernĂ©s, ainsi que le regard portĂ© par les parties prenantes sur l’éventualitĂ© d’une rĂ©internalisation d’emplois peu qualifiĂ©s. Nos constatations, qui s’appuient sur un projet pluridisciplinaire menĂ© par le BSI pour talent.brussels, font apparaĂźtre que les dĂ©cisions en matiĂšre d’externalisation et d’internalisation sont complexes et multidimensionnelles, et ne devraient pas se fonder uniquement sur des considĂ©rations pĂ©cuniaires

    Externalisation, internalisation ou rĂ©internalisation ? Le cas de l’administration rĂ©gionale bruxelloise

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    À partir des annĂ©es 1980, les entreprises et les administrations publiques ont eu tendance Ă  externaliser des tĂąches, notamment les services informatiques, de sĂ©curitĂ©, de restauration et de nettoyage, afin de se concentrer sur leurs activitĂ©s principales. Cependant, ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, de nombreuses organisations ont inversĂ© cette tendance en internalisant ou rĂ©internalisant (« backsourcing ») certaines des tĂąches en question. Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  examiner le degrĂ© d’externalisation des activitĂ©s dans les administrations rĂ©gionales bruxelloises, l’incidence du phĂ©nomĂšne sur les travailleurs et les organismes concernĂ©s, ainsi que le regard portĂ© par les parties prenantes sur l’éventualitĂ© d’une rĂ©internalisation d’emplois peu qualifiĂ©s. Nos constatations, qui s’appuient sur un projet pluridisciplinaire menĂ© par le BSI pour talent.brussels, font apparaĂźtre que les dĂ©cisions en matiĂšre d’externalisation et d’internalisation sont complexes et multidimensionnelles, et ne devraient pas se fonder uniquement sur des considĂ©rations pĂ©cuniaires.Sinds de jaren 1980 zijn bedrijven en openbare besturen geneigd zich op hun kernactiviteiten te focussen en taken als IT, beveiliging, catering en schoonmaak uit te besteden. De jongste jaren zien we echter een omkering van deze tendens in vele organisaties, die sommige van deze activiteiten opnieuw intern gaan uitvoeren. Een proces dat we “backsourcing” noemen. Het doel van dit artikel is om te onderzoeken in welke mate activiteiten werden uitbesteed in de Brusselse gewestelijke besturen, wat de impact daarvan is op de betrokken medewerkers en organisaties en hoe de belanghebbenden staan tegenover een eventuele backsourcing van laaggekwalificeerde banen. In het kader van een multidisciplinair project van BSI voor Talent.Brussels hebben onze bevindingen aangetoond dat beslissingen over in- en outsourcing complex en multidimensionaal zijn en dat ze niet enkel gebaseerd mogen zijn op kostenoverwegingen.Since the 1980s, there has been a trend for businesses and public administrations to focus on their core activities, outsourcing tasks such as IT, security, catering and cleaning services. However, in recent years, many organisations have been reversing the trend by insourcing, or “backsourcing”, some of these activities. The aim of this article is to study the extent to which activities have been outsourced in the Brussels regional administrations, its impact on workers and organisations involved, and the attitudes of stakeholders towards a possible re-internalisation of low-skilled jobs. Based on a multidisciplinary BSI project for Talent.Brussels, our findings show that decisions about outsourcing and insourcing are complex and multidimensional, and that they should not be based solely on monetary cost considerations

    Next Generation Molecular Diagnosis of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias: An Italian Cross-Sectional Study

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    Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) refers to a group of genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative motor neuron disorders characterized by progressive age-dependent loss of corticospinal motor tract function, lower limb spasticity, and weakness. Recent clinical use of next generation sequencing (NGS) methodologies suggests that they facilitate the diagnostic approach to HSP, but the power of NGS as a first-tier diagnostic procedure is unclear. The larger-than-expected genetic heterogeneity-there are over 80 potential disease-associated genes-and frequent overlap with other clinical conditions affecting the motor system make a molecular diagnosis in HSP cumbersome and time consuming. In a single-center, cross-sectional study, spanning 4 years, 239 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of HSP underwent molecular screening of a large set of genes, using two different customized NGS panels. The latest version of our targeted sequencing panel (SpastiSure3.0) comprises 118 genes known to be associated with HSP. Using an in-house validated bioinformatics pipeline and several in silico tools to predict mutation pathogenicity, we obtained a positive diagnostic yield of 29% (70/239), whereas variants of unknown significance (VUS) were found in 86 patients (36%), and 83 cases remained unsolved. This study is among the largest screenings of consecutive HSP index cases enrolled in real-life clinical-diagnostic settings. Its results corroborate NGS as a modern, first-step procedure for molecular diagnosis of HSP. It also disclosed a significant number of new mutations in ultra-rare genes, expanding the clinical spectrum, and genetic landscape of HSP, at least in Italy

    Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna

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    Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will be a transformative experiment for gravitational wave astronomy as it will offer unique opportunities to address many key astrophysical questions in a completely novel way. The synergy with ground-based and other space-based instruments in the electromagnetic domain, by enabling multi-messenger observations, will add further to the discovery potential of LISA. The next decade is crucial to prepare the astrophysical community for LISA's first observations. This review outlines the extensive landscape of astrophysical theory, numerical simulations, and astronomical observations that are instrumental for modeling and interpreting the upcoming LISA datastream. To this aim, the current knowledge in three main source classes for LISA is reviewed: ultra-compact stellar-mass binaries, massive black hole binaries, and extreme or intermediate mass ratio inspirals. The relevant astrophysical processes and the established modeling techniques are summarized. Likewise, open issues and gaps in our understanding of these sources are highlighted, along with an indication of how LISA could help make progress in the different areas. New research avenues that LISA itself, or its joint exploitation with studies in the electromagnetic domain, will enable, are also illustrated. Improvements in modeling and analysis approaches, such as the combination of numerical simulations and modern data science techniques, are discussed. This review is intended to be a starting point for using LISA as a new discovery tool for understanding our Universe

    Operationalizing mild cognitive impairment criteria in small vessel disease: The VMCI-Tuscany Study

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    Introduction Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) prodromic of vascular dementia is expected to have a multidomain profile. Methods In a sample of cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) patients, we assessed MCI subtypes distributions according to different operationalization of Winblad criteria and compared the neuroimaging features of single versus multidomain MCI. We applied three MCI diagnostic scenarios in which the cutoffs for objective impairment and the number of considered neuropsychological tests varied. Results Passing from a liberal to more conservative diagnostic scenarios, of 153 patients, 5% were no longer classified as MCI, amnestic multidomain frequency decreased, and nonamnestic single domain increased. Considering neuroimaging features, severe medial temporal lobe atrophy was more frequent in multidomain compared with single domain. Discussion Operationalizing MCI criteria changes the relative frequency of MCI subtypes. Nonamnestic single domain MCI may be a previously nonrecognized type of MCI associated with SVD
