4,089 research outputs found

    El diseño y su evaluación

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    El objetivo del presente texto es informar de la reciente puesta en funcionamiento de la nueva versión de la plataforma de análisis de la recepción de la comunicación que el grupo de Investigación de la UAB GRP (Grupo de Investigación en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas) ha desarrollado a finales del año 2013. Con esta herramienta es posible saber de manera fácil la opinión de los públicos a los que se dirigen los diseños que hacemos. Y todo de manera online. Si bien es cierto que PARC es fruto de la experiencia en la implementación de trabajos de investigación, especialmente de estímulos visuales utilizando metodologías experimental o cuasi-experimental (Lázaro et alt., 2007; 2008), ha sido a finales del 2013 cuando una se ha realizado una implementación de las nuevas herramientas al sistema que permiten hacer fácil lo que es complicado: saber la opinión sobre los diseños que tienen los públicos o el target al que nos dirigimos

    The Archetypal Brand Profile

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    This paper presents an easier approach to establish what a brand means to its public. For this, we rely on collective unconscious beliefs of human beings on gods of Greek mythology. The method based upon qualitative analysis lets us define attributes for the collective unconsciousness using experimental methodology. The study revealed details regarding the significance and assets of these brands. The results of the present study indicate that the brands examined, represent elements of the following archetypes: Nike for the teenager, the celebrity, the explorer, the hero and the inventor; Adidas for the wife, the inventor and the artist; and Puma for the teenager and the prince.Este artículo presenta una manera fácil de establecer qué significa una marca para los públicos. Para ello, se basa en el inconsciente colectivo fundamentado en las creencias que tenemos todos los seres humanos sobre los dioses de la mitología griega. El método fundamentado en el estudio cualitativo que permite definir los atributos del inconsciente colectivo, utiliza la metodología experimental para concretar en base a un test de recepción el significado de las marcas. El estudio muestra los detalles de la significación y la riqueza de las marcas en este sentido. Los resultados del estudio nos indica que las tres marcas estudiadas representan elementos de los siguientes arquetipos: Nike el de adolescente, celebridad, explorador, héroe e inventor; Adidas el de esposa, inventor y artista; y Puma el de adolescente y príncipe

    Divergencias conceptuales en torno de la comunicación popular y comunitaria en América Latina

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    Este artículo se propone discutir nuevamente el debate establecido por algunos estudiosos latinoamericanos, especialmente brasileños, en torno de las características de la comunicación popular, también llamada participativa y comunitaria, entre otras denominaciones atribuidas en el período comprendido entre 1960 y 1980. Nos proponemos contribuir a una mejor comprensión, en tanto se considera la actualización de las expresiones comunicación popular, periódico popular, periodismo popular y periódico comunitario. Actualizamos, además, la discusión al incorporar nuevos conceptos difundidos después de 1980.This article brings up reflections and concepts that were created by researchers in Latin America in order to define Popular Communication (participatory and communitarian) and others denominations which were established between 1960 and 1980. We intend to contribute towards a better understanding of those concepts, taking in to account changes which took place in expressions like popular communication, popular newspaper, popular journalism and communitarian newspaper. We bring up to our days the discussion about those themes, adding up news concepts disseminated in our academic circles

    The value of patent knowledge: internal and external valuation

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    This dissertation consists of three essays analyzing how patenting firms and external investors value the knowledge describe in the patent document. A patent is a document that bestows a temporary exclusivity right (20 years from the filing date) over the described invention. In the patent document, one can find information about assignees, inventors, application date, priority date, a list of prior art (backward citations), the invention technological classification, and the claims describing the invention. Therefore, a patent disclose a rich set of information, which might reveal a firm’s valuable technological information and be used by competitors. Therefore, I study the patenting firm valuation of the information conveyed by the patent and how external investors value the patented knowledge. In the first chapter, I study publicly firms’ motivations to delay patent disclosure. The enactment of the American Inventors Protection Act (AIPA), in November 29, 2000, required U.S. patent applicants to have their patent application published 18 months after filing date but allowed them to opt for keeping it secret if they relinquished foreign patent protection. Using a sample of granted patents applied for by publicly traded companies, between 2000 and 2009, I investigate what drives large companies’ decision to keep a patent secret up to grant. Particularly, in this chapter I investigate the effect of technological crowdedness, strategic use of in-house knowledge stock, and invention radicalness on the decision of opting out of pre-grant publication. Results show a negative association between technological crowdedness and pre-grant secrecy, while radicalness and the use of in-house knowledge stock are positively associated with the likelihood of a patent application being secret until grant. In the second chapter, we use an event study methodology to investigate whether the stock market values innovation milestones. First, we investigate abnormal returns generated due to a patent grant event. Results point to investors, on average, not valuing the information disclosed in the patent document. We then test several explanations about why investors do not value patent grants on average: patent value is highly skewed, the number of patents granted is ever increasing and only some patents protect technology that results in successful products. By analyzing stock market reaction to the approval of a drug by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we show that the stock market is able to value innovation that results in a product. This suggests that innovation that will clearly generate sales revenue in the short run are highly valued by investors. We point out some implications of these results. Finally, in the third chapter, I look at the effect of firm’s technological diversification on firm value (Tobin’s q). Firm’s technological knowledge base contributes to identifying technological opportunities and answering demand changes. Therefore, a firm with broader technology base might be better able to cope with technology uncertainties achieving higher future returns. Technological classes of the firm’s patents were used to calculate an entropy index of technological diversification. Using a sample of 1,304 R&D intensive US firms over 16 years (1992-2007) I find that on average technological diversification has a positive and significant impact on firm value. Further, diving into industry level differences, results indicate that technological diversification matters to investors’ assessment of firm’s future cash flows in the electronic industry. On the other hand, in the chemical industry, technological diversification does not have a significant effect on Tobin’s q.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Empresa y Finanzas / Business and FinancePresidente: Carlos J. Serrano; Secretario: Catalina Martínez García; Vocal: Eduardo Melero Martí

    Effect of Aging on Solar Reflectance of White Cool Roof Coatings: Natural Weathering and the Influence on Building Energy Needs for Different Climate Conditions in Brazil

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    The use of cool materials on the building envelope is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase indoor thermal comfort conditions in hot climates and decrease the cooling energy needs. Despite the benefit of reducing cooling loads, researches have demonstrated that aging of roof coatings changes the initial solar reflectance (SR), which influences the long term building thermal and energy performance. Thus, this work presents preliminary natural weathering tests performed on samples of nine white coatings exposed to natural weathering for one year in the city of Sao Carlos, Brazil. Solar reflectances were measured with a spectrophotometer before and after exposure, every 3 months, for identifying the effect of aging along the time. The findings showed changes of 13% to 23% on SR after one year of natural weathering, with higher decrease on SR for rougher surfaces. The cleaning process restored from 90% to 100% of the original SR, which means maintenance can be an effective solution to restore the initial SR. Simulations indicated that roofs with higher solar reflectance increase indoor thermal comfort conditions and decrease the cooling energy need for buildings in hot climates, but the aging of white coatings increased the cooling energy needs along the tim


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    One hand washes the other. The two together build a better world.Rehabilitation nursing in Brazil is already recognized by the Federal Nursing Council - COFEN, equivalent to the Portuguese Nurses Association. The plenary session of counselors held on April 25, 2023 unanimously decided to create this specialty and to draw up a draft of the additional competencies, to be voted on at a later date.The specialty is recognized after a few years of isolated articulations between Brazilian nurses working in the area and nurses from other countries whose specialties already exist. Of great importance is the partnership built and consolidated with our Portuguese colleagues, especially via the Portuguese Association of Rehabilitation Nurses - APER.Una mano lava a la otra. Los dos juntos construyen un mundo mejor. La enfermería de rehabilitación en Brasil ya está reconocida por el Consejo Federal de Enfermería – COFEN, el equivalente a la Orden de Enfermeras en Portugal. El Pleno de Consejeros celebrado el 25 de abril de 2023 decidió por unanimidad crear esta especialidad y elaborar un borrador de las competencias añadidas, para su posterior votación. El reconocimiento de la especialidad ocurre después de algunos años de articulaciones aisladas entre enfermeros brasileños que actúan en el área, con enfermeros de otros países cuya especialidad ya existe. De gran importancia es la asociación construida y consolidada con nuestros colegas portugueses, especialmente a través de la Asociación Portuguesa de Enfermeras de Rehabilitación - APER.Uma mão lava a outra. As duas juntas constroem um mundo melhor. A enfermagem de reabilitação no Brasil já é reconhecida pelo Conselho Federal de Enfermagem – COFEN, o equivalente à Ordem dos Enfermeiros de Portugal. A plenária de conselheiros realizada em 25 de abril de 2023 deliberou por unanimidade a criação desta especialidade e a elaboração de minuta acerca das competências acrescidas, a ser votada em momento posterior. O reconhecimento da especialidade acontece após alguns anos de articulações isoladas de enfermeiros brasileiros atuantes na área, com enfermeiros de outros países cuja especialidade já existe. De grande importância é a parceria construída e consolidada com nossos colegas portugueses, especialmente via Associação Portuguesa de Enfermeiros de Reabilitação - APER

    Brasil y Portugal : análisis por contraste de los programas de transferencia de renta condicionada para la lucha contra la pobreza = Brazil and Portugal : contrast análisis of the conditioned income transfer programs in the fight against poverty

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    El presente artículo expone los resultados de una investigación realizada bajo el modelo de análisis por contraste y su discusión sobre las contribuciones e impactos de los Programas Sociales, específicamente del Programa de Transferencia Condicionada de Renta o Bolsa de Familia – PBF, implementado en Salvador, en el periodo 2008–2009, en Brasil y el Programa de Renta Social para la Inserción – RS I desarrollado en la ciudad de Coimbra, en el período 2009 – 2010, en Portugal. El objetivo es abordar la percepción de los programas desde y sobre las prácticas de los técnicos que intervienen en la gestión y operacionalización de éstos, así como desde la percepción de las familias socialmente vulnerables que son atendidas por el PBF en Brasil y el RS I en Portugal. La conclusión principal es que los programas de transferencia de renta son paliativos, movilizan recursos, más no generan riqueza; recrean una noción de ciudadanía, la ciudadanía del consumo y por lo tanto, del ciudadano-consumidor. La investigación plantea los límites y posibilidades de los programas sociales para asumir la complejidad de la injusticia social, de la dominación e invisibilidad de una pobreza que no es afrontada en su origen estructural y que por lo tanto, se sigue manifestando como generacional, polisémica y excluyente.____________________________________________The present article presents the results of a research conducted using the model of contrast analysis and its discussion on the contributions and impact of Social Programs—specifically the Conditioned Income or Family Purse Transfer Program—implemented in Salvador (2008-2009) in brazil, and the Social Income Insertion Program developed in coimbra (2009-2010) in Portugal. Its purpose is to explore the perception of such programs from and on the practices of professionals participating in their management and functionality, together with the perception of the socially vulnerable families that are asisted by such programs. The main conclusion is that income transfer programs are palliative, they mobilize resources but do not produce richness, they recreate a notion of consummerist citizenship and therefore, of the consumer-citizen. This research considers the limits and possibilities of social programs to assume the complexity of social injustice, dominance and invisibility of a poverty that is not faced in its structural origin and therefore, manifests itself as generational, polysemous and excluding

    Activismo, literatura y cambio social en el Caribe hispano: aproximación en tres movimientos

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    This essay calls for a reflection on the links between literature, activism, and social change in the Hispanic Caribbean, privileging certain interventions led by women, who have contributed to the defense of better living conditions and a more equitable social pact. Taking into account the diversity and mobility that characterizes the Caribbean region, this reflection begins by examining the autonomous feminist organizations that emerged in the 70s in Puerto Rico and then moves towards the work of questioning history posed by the poetry of Aida Cartagena Portalatín in the Dominican Republic, concluding with a brief review of the work done by feminist criticism developed in Cuba in the 90s. Examining the movements that managed to renew and invigorate the struggle for social improvements and reflecting on the work of writers who invited us to imagine a fairer society contribute to establishing a reading of the cultural history of the Hispanic Caribbean from the dynamics of gender. Also, this reflection calls for a critical re-examination of the premises and standards from which we interpret as citizen participation and activism, with the aim that it can serve as inspiration when creating strategies that might lead us to new achievements

    A internacionalização dos direitos humanos

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    Examina o processo de internacionalização dos direitos humanos, assim como a internacionalização das relações políticas e econômicas, e o desenvolvimento dos princípios de direito internacional público que influenciaram no processo de globalização dos direitos humanos. Por fim, trata da conferência de Viena, tendo em vista os direitos humanos, democracia e desenvolvimento

    Heroísmo y conciencia racial en la obra de la poeta afrocubana Cristina Ayala

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    This article examines the poetry of Cuban writer Cristina Ayala emphasizing the political value of her use of a rhetoric of heroism, a discursive device that masks her demands for recognition of women’s rights and those of Afro-Cubans. The analysis of her poetry suggests that the symbolic manipulation of the “hero” and the representation of “colored” women as intellectuals and “heroes” expressed her desire to intervene in the public arena. By positioning herself within a political discourse that reconstructed slavery’s past, she narrated the revolutionary vicissitudes and created a utopian vision of the future for the Afro-Cuban community. Ayala expresses the emergence of a gender and racial consciousness that challenged discrimination. Finally, this article proposes the relevance of her poetry in Latin American studies, Gender studies and Diaspora studies in Latin America.Este artículo examina la obra de la poeta cubana Cristina Ayala enfatizando el valor político del uso de una retórica heroica que enmascara su demanda de reconocimiento de los derechos de la mujer y de los afrocubanos. El análisis de su obra sugiere que tanto la manipulación simbólica de la figura del héroe como la inscripción de la mujer letrada “de color” dentro de un modelo de heroicidad representan una intervención de carácter político en la elaboración de la memoria nacional. A través de la construcción de una posición discursiva que reconstruyó el pasado de esclavitud, narró la peripecia revolucionaria y creó una utópica visión de futuro para la comunidad afrodescendiente, su poesía expresa la emergencia de una conciencia racial y de género que no temió combatir la discriminación. Este artículo, además propone la relevancia de la obra de esta poeta para los estudios sobre género, escritura y poder en América Latina