86 research outputs found

    Eta invariants for flat manifolds

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    Using H. Donnelly result from the article "Eta Invariants for G-Spaces" we calculate the eta invariants of the signature operator for almost all 7-dimensional flat manifolds with cyclic holonomy group. In all cases this eta invariants are an integer numbers. The article was motivated by D. D. Long and A. Reid article "On the geometric boundaries of hyperbolic 4-manifolds, Geom. Topology 4, 2000, 171-178Comment: 18 pages, a new version with referees comment

    Does the Red Queen reign in the kingdom of digital organisms?

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    In competition experiments between two RNA viruses of equal or almost equal fitness, often both strains gain in fitness before one eventually excludes the other. This observation has been linked to the Red Queen effect, which describes a situation in which organisms have to constantly adapt just to keep their status quo. I carried out experiments with digital organisms (self-replicating computer programs) in order to clarify how the competing strains' location in fitness space influences the Red-Queen effect. I found that gains in fitness during competition were prevalent for organisms that were taken from the base of a fitness peak, but absent or rare for organisms that were taken from the top of a peak or from a considerable distance away from the nearest peak. In the latter two cases, either neutral drift and loss of the fittest mutants or the waiting time to the first beneficial mutation were more important factors. Moreover, I found that the Red-Queen dynamic in general led to faster exclusion than the other two mechanisms.Comment: 10 pages, 5 eps figure

    The sensitivity of the vortex filament method to different reconnection models

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    We present a detailed analysis on the effect of using different algorithms to model the reconnection of vortices in quantum turbulence, using the thin-filament approach. We examine differences between four main algorithms for the case of turbulence driven by a counterflow. In calculating the velocity field we use both the local induction approximation (LIA) and the full Biot-Savart integral. We show that results of Biot-Savart simulations are not sensitive to the particular reconnection method used, but LIA results are.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Tree method for quantum vortex dynamics

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    We present a numerical method to compute the evolution of vortex filaments in superfluid helium. The method is based on a tree algorithm which considerably speeds up the calculation of Biot-Savart integrals. We show that the computational cost scales as Nlog{(N) rather than N squared, where NN is the number of discretization points. We test the method and its properties for a variety of vortex configurations, ranging from simple vortex rings to a counterflow vortex tangle, and compare results against the Local Induction Approximation and the exact Biot-Savart law.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Search for heavy neutrinos mixing with tau neutrinos

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    We report on a search for heavy neutrinos (\nus) produced in the decay D_s\to \tau \nus at the SPS proton target followed by the decay \nudecay in the NOMAD detector. Both decays are expected to occur if \nus is a component of ντ\nu_{\tau}.\ From the analysis of the data collected during the 1996-1998 runs with 4.1×10194.1\times10^{19} protons on target, a single candidate event consistent with background expectations was found. This allows to derive an upper limit on the mixing strength between the heavy neutrino and the tau neutrino in the \nus mass range from 10 to 190 MeV\rm MeV. Windows between the SN1987a and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis lower limits and our result are still open for future experimental searches. The results obtained are used to constrain an interpretation of the time anomaly observed in the KARMEN1 detector.\Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, a few comments adde

    Surface state atoms and their contribution to the surface tension of quantum liquids

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    We investigate the new type of excitations on the surface of liquid helium. These excitations, called surfons, appear because helium atoms have discrete energy level at the liquid surface, being attracted to the surface by the van der Waals force and repulsed at a hard-core interatomic distance. The concentration of the surfons increases with temperature. The surfons propagate along the surface and form a two-dimensional gas. Basing on the simple model of the surfon microscopic structure, we estimate the surfon activation energy and effective mass for both helium isotopes. We also calculate the contribution of the surfons to the temperature dependence of the surface tension. This contribution explains the great and long-standing discrepancy between theory and experiment on this temperature dependence in both helium isotopes. The achieved agreement between our theory and experiment is extremely high. The comparison with experiment allows to extract the surfon activation energy and effective mass. The values of these surfon microscopic parameters are in a reasonable agreement with the calculated from the proposed simple model of surfon structure.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The NOMAD Experiment at the CERN SPS

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    The NOMAD experiment is a short base-line search for ν<sub>μ</sub> − ν<sub>τ</sub> oscillations in the CERN neutrino beam. The ν<sub>τ</sub>'s are searched for through their charged current interactions followed by the observation of the resulting τ− through its electronic, muonic or hadronic decays. These decays are recognized using kinematical criteria necessitating the use of a light target which enables the reconstruction of individual particles produced in the neutrino interactions. This paper describes the various components of the NOMAD detector: the target and muon drift chambers, the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, the preshower and transition radiation detectors and the veto and trigger scintillation counters. The beam and data acquisition system are also described. The quality of the reconstruction and individual particles is demonstrated through the ability of NOMAD to observe K<sub>s</sub><sup>0</sup>'s, Λ<sup>0</sup>'s and π<sup>0</sup>'s. Finally, the observation of τ− through its electronic decay being one of the most promising channels in the search, the identification of electrons in NOMAD is discussed

    Cross-ancestry genome-wide association analysis of corneal thickness strengthens link between complex and Mendelian eye diseases

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    Central corneal thickness (CCT) is a highly heritable trait associated with complex eye diseases such as keratoconus and glaucoma. We perform a genome-wide association meta-analysis of CCT and identify 19 novel regions. In addition to adding support for known connective tissue-related pathways, pathway analyses uncover previously unreported gene sets. Remarkably, >20% of the CCT-loci are near or within Mendelian disorder genes. These included FBN1, ADAMTS2 and TGFB2 which associate with connective tissue disorders (Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos and Loeys-Dietz syndromes), and the LUM-DCN-KERA gene complex involved in myopia, corneal dystrophies and cornea plana. Using index CCT-increasing variants, we find a significant inverse correlation in effect sizes between CCT and keratoconus (r =-0.62, P = 5.30 × 10-5) but not between CCT and primary open-angle glaucoma (r =-0.17, P = 0.2). Our findings provide evidence for shared genetic influences between CCT and keratoconus, and implicate candidate genes acting in collagen and extracellular matrix regulation