17 research outputs found

    Distant views and local realities: the limits of global assessments to restore the fragmented phosphorus cycle

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    With more sophisticated data compilation and analytical capabilities, the evolution of “big data” analysis has occurred rapidly. We examine the meta-analysis of “big data” representing phosphorus (P) flows and stocks in global agriculture and address the need to consider local nuances of farm operations to avoid erroneous or misleading recommendations. Of concern is the disconnect between macro-needs for better P resource management at regional and national scales versus local realities of P management at farm scales. Both agricultural and environmental researchers should focus on providing solutions to disconnects identified by meta-analyses and ensure that production and conservation strategies consider farming realities

    Celebrating the 350th anniversary of phosphorus discovery: a conundrum of deficiency and excess

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    2019 will be the 350th anniversary of the discovery of phosphorus (P) by the alchemist Henning Brandt. This perspective traces the historical threads that P has weaved through the fabric of our society and identifies challenges to improve P stewardship in the future and for our future. A century after Brandt’s discovery, P was identified in bone ash, which became the primary source of P until guano and ultimately rock P was mined to provide the various mineral formulations used today. Owing to limited supplies, a strategic shift in resource management ethics—from exploiting to conserving P resources—is needed. In agriculture, remedial strategies should consider when conservation practices can transition from P sinks to sources; however, a broader, long-term strategy for P stewardship is needed. This must include Reducing P loss in food and other wastes, Recovering P from waste streams, Reusing P generated beneficial by-products, and Restructuring production systems. A key action to enact such changes will be collaboration across all sectors of society and the supply chain, from field to fork and beyond. As this will likely increase the cost of food, fiber, and feed production, it will require an innovative mix of public and private initiatives

    Phosphorus mirabilis: illuminating the past and future of phosphorus stewardship

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    After its discovery in 1669, phosphorus (P) was named Phosphorus mirabilis (“the miraculous bearer of light”), arising from the chemoluminescence when white P is exposed to the atmosphere. The metaphoric association between P and light resonates through history: from the discovery of P at the start of the Enlightenment period to the vital role of P in photosynthetic capture of light in crop and food production through to new technologies, which seek to capitalize on the interactions between novel ultrathin P allotropes and light, including photocatalysis, solar energy production, and storage. In this introduction to the Journal of Environmental Quality special section “Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of Discovering Phosphorus—For Better or Worse,” which brings together 22 paper contributions, we shine a spotlight on the historical and emerging challenges and opportunities in research and understanding of the agricultural, environmental, and societal significance of this vital element. We highlight the role of P in water quality impairment and the variable successes of P mitigation measures. We reflect on the need to improve P use efficiency and on the kaleidoscope of challenges facing efficient use of P. We discuss the requirement to focus on place-based solutions for developing effective and lasting P management. Finally, we consider how cross-disciplinary collaborations in P stewardship offer a guiding light for the future, and we explore the glimmers of hope for reconnecting our broken P cycle and the bright new horizons needed to ensure future food, water, and bioresource security for growing global populations

    Future phosphorus: advancing new 2D phosphorus allotropes and growing a sustainable bioeconomy

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    With more than 40 countries currently proposing to boost their national bioeconomies, there is no better time for a clarion call for a “new” bioeconomy, which, at its core, tackles the current disparities and inequalities in phosphorus (P) availability. Existing biofuel production systems have widened P inequalities and contributed to a linear P economy, impairing water quality and accelerating dependence on P fertilizers manufactured from finite nonrenewable phosphate rock reserves. Here, we explore how the emerging bioeconomy in novel, value-added, bio-based products offers opportunities to rethink our stewardship of P. Development of integrated value chains of new bio-based products offers opportunities for codevelopment of “P refineries” to recover P fertilizer products from organic wastes. Advances in material sciences are exploiting unique semiconductor and opto-electrical properties of new “two-dimensional” (2D) P allotropes (2D black phosphorus and blue phosphorus). These novel P materials offer the tantalizing prospect of step-change innovations in renewable energy production and storage, in biomedical applications, and in biomimetic processes, including artificial photosynthesis. They also offer a possible antidote to the P paradox that our agricultural production systems have engineered us into, as well as the potential to expand the future role of P in securing sustainability across both agroecological and technological domains of the bioeconomy. However, a myriad of social, technological, and commercialization hurdles remains to be crossed before such an advanced circular P bioeconomy can be realized. The emerging bioeconomy is just one piece of a much larger puzzle of how to achieve more sustainable and circular horizons in our future use of P

    Keeping Phosphorus on the Land

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe prairie provinces are major crop production regions in Canada but which face severe problems of eutrophication in surface waterbodies associated with nutrient runoff. Managing soil nutrients, particularly phosphorous (P) as the driving factor, is key to achieving both agricultural production and enhancing water quality. Although both agronomists and water quality scientists strive for better management of P, existing guidelines do not acknowledge contemporary cropping systems nor give sufficient consideration to downstream water quality. Furthermore, collaborations and knowledge exchange between agronomy and environmental sciences and professions are weak. We are organizing a virtual workshop to bring together researchers and professionals from across the prairie provinces to foster a discussion on how to bridge mutually beneficial interests, and to inform the necessary research, policy and operational recommendations to help keep P on the land. In this presentation, we will report the key messages from our workshop to the audiences of the Soils and Crops Conference. Link to Video Presentation: https://youtu.be/JzSPOlucn8

    Fertilizer-induced phosphorus dynamics in alkaline-calcareous soils as influenced by soil chemical properties

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    For proper fertility management, the influence of soil properties on phosphorus (P) dynamics with fertilizer application should be better understood. We examined the influence of soil chemical properties on P dynamics with the application of monoammonium phosphate (MAP) to alkaline-calcareous soils from Manitoba. Non-fertilized and MAP-fertilized soils (at 30 and 60 kg P haThe accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Short-term impacts of winter bale grazing beef cows on forage production and soil nutrient status in the eastern Canadian prairies

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    The impact of winter bale grazing on forage productivity and nutrient cycling was determined near Winnipeg, MB. Variable distribution of nutrients and forage yield within bale grazed plots on a perennial grass-legume forage field was identified using an intensive grid sampling method. In bale-grazed plots, mean dry matter (DM) yield of forage decreased 68% in year one following bale grazing, with no difference in DM yield in year two following bale grazing, relative to an untreated control. Decreased yield was attributed to the large mass of waste feed and feces (21% of feed delivered) that remained at the centre of each bale-grazed plot, where each bale was placed. Concentrations of crude protein, total digestible nutrients, phosphorus (P), and potassium in forage increased in the first growing season following winter bale grazing compared to the control, particularly at the centre of each bale-grazed plot. Concentrations of residual nitrate-nitrogen and Olsen P in soil were 15 and 2.5 times greater, respectively, at the centre of the bale-grazed plots compared to untreated control plots. Dispersion of waste feed packs when bale grazing in sub-humid climates on clay soils is recommended to minimize smothering and encourage rapid decomposition of waste feed and feces. Long-term studies are needed to determine the potential benefits and risks of bale grazing to forage productivity and soil nutrient status in the eastern Canadian prairies.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Hybrid response to in-furrow starter nutrients

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    Non-Peer ReviewedResults from a research project on hybrid response to starter nutrients in Manitoba are presented. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the impacts of starter nutrients on grain yield, plant growth and plant development of corn hybrids. In the first part of the study (2017 and 2019), 8 Dekalb hybrids were treated with 2 treatments, a control (no starter nutrients) and one in-furrow starter nitrogen plus phosphorus treatment in the form of 5 gallons per acre APP (19.77 lbs P2O5 ac-1 and 5.8 lbs N ac-1). The second part of the study (2018 and 2019) focused specifically on hybrid response to starter phosphorus (SP). The treatments for the starter phosphorus study was 19.77 lbs P2O5 ac-1 in the form of APP and a control with no in-furrow fertilizer but 5.8 lbs N ac-1 in the form of UAN applied pre-emergence to equalize the N found in APP. Results show that grain yield for only one of the hybrids, DKC26-28, was significantly greater for treatments with SP, compared to treatments without SP. In response to starter N plus P, hybrids did not have significantly different responses in terms of grain yield. All hybrids had significantly greater grain yield with starter N plus P compared to treatments without starter N plus P. The study did not directly compare hybrid response to SP versus starter N plus P as the trails occurred in different years

    Spring Snowmelt Impact on Phosphorus Addition to Surface Runoff in the Northern Great Plains Snowmelt runoff in the Northern Great Plains. Image courtesy of Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

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    Abbreviations and notes: P = phosphorus; N = nitrogen; NO 3 -= nitrate; NH 4 + = ammonium. NORTH AMERICA M ovement of nutrients in surface runoff is a natural process in the environment. Under so-called presettlement conditions in the NGP, surface runoff naturally moved nutrients from grasslands, parklands, and forests. Nutrients in runoff exist primarily in either dissolved form or particulate form (attached to soil particles). Movement of nutrients in runoff is essential to aquatic ecosystem health as a source of nutrients for microbes, aquatic plants, and aquatic animals. The movement of nutrients from the landscape to water bodies, however, can be enhanced by human activities including agriculture, forestry, urbanization, industry, and recreation. These activities can promote nutrient loss through land clearing, and the application to land of fertilizers, manures, treated sewage, industrial waste effluents, and sludges. As an example, an 8-year water quality monitoring study of 23 agricultural watersheds in Alberta showed that as agricultural intensity increased, water quality decreased, including increased N and P concentrations in surface water Excess P, and N to a lesser extent, can enhance growth of algae (i.e., algal blooms) and other aquatic plants causing eutrophication in freshwater streams, sloughs, and lakes. The growth and subsequent death and decomposition of algal blooms can reduce oxygen content (anoxia) in these surface water bodies. Reduced oxygen content can harm aquatic plants and animals. One example for this concern is the deteriorating water quality in Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada (the10th largest freshwater lake in the world). The Lake Winnipeg watershed includes most of the southern parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Similar to other water bodies in the NGP, this lake has experienced more frequent and intense algal blooms in recent years, primarily attributed to excess P loading from the watershed (Lake Winnipeg Stewardship Board, 2006). The actual loading of P in surface waters is dominated by snowmelt runoff in much of the NGP where regular snowfall is received. This is different compared to warmer and more humid areas of the world where loading of P is typically dominated by runoff caused by intense rainfall. Runoff caused by rainfall is often associated with soil erosion, and the majority of total P (TP) entering surface water is particulate P (PP). In contrast, snowmelt runoff is usually less erosive because snowmelt has lower kinetic energy than rain-drops and flows over soil that is often still frozen. The majority of P in snowmelt water is dissolved P (DP) rather than PP. Two recent field studies, in Alberta and Manitoba, have shown that the amount of P lost during the snowmelt process is strongly related to the concentration of soil-test P in surface soils In the study from Alberta, runoff was monitored from eight field-scale watersheds for 3 year