49 research outputs found

    La Intervención Judicial de los Estados como Detractor del Arbitraje Comercial Internacional.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación y tesis, pretende hacer un análisis sobre la intervención judicial de los Estados en los casos de arbitraje comercial internacional, y con esto tratar de concluir si dichas intervenciones actúan como detractor del arbitraje comercial internacional

    Screening current effects in Josephson junction arrays

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    The purpose of this work is to compare the dynamics of arrays of Josephson junctions in presence of magnetic field in two different frameworks: the so called XY frustrated model with no self inductance and an approach that takes into account the screening currents (considering self inductances only). We show that while for a range of parameters the simpler model is sufficiently accurate, in a region of the parameter space solutions arise that are not contained in the XY model equations.Comment: Figures available from the author


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    En el artículo se socializan resultados de la investigación doctoral La disponibilidad léxica del profesor de Español-Literatura en formación inicial, que se realiza en la Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba. Como parte del diagnóstico, en la indagación empírica acerca del tratamiento didáctico del léxico se utilizaron como métodos el estudio de productos del proceso pedagógico, la observación, encuestas  y entrevistas El análisis de los resultados permitió concluir que existe un tratamiento didáctico del léxico afectado por limitaciones en su planificación y la existencia de carencias teóricometodológicas para su orientación comunicativa, que repercuten de manera negativa en la formación de este profesional de la educación como comunicador competente y modelo lingüístico, como exigencias sociales. Se enfatiza, además, en la pertinencia de adaptar la metodología derivada de los estudios de disponibilidad léxica al contexto de la Didáctica de la lengua materna en la Educación Superior, por las posibilidades que ofrece de contribuir al diagnóstico y la posterior planificación didáctica de este componente de la lengua materna, que resulta eje transversal tanto de la competencia comunicativa, como de los componentes funcionales análisis, comprensión y construcción de textos. PALABRAS CLAVE: Tratamiento didáctico del léxico; Disponibilidad léxica; Didáctica de la lengua materna; Formación inicial de profesores de EspañolLiteratura. CONSIDERATIONS AROUND THE TEACHING TEACHING OF LEXICIAN IN THE INITIAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS OF SPANISH-LITERATURE  ABSTRACT  In the article the results of the doctoral research are socialized The lexical availability of the teacher of Spanish-Literature in initial formation, that is realized in the University of Las Tunas, Cuba. As part of the diagnosis, in the empirical inquiry about the didactic treatment of the lexicon, the study of products of the pedagogical process, observation, surveys and interviews was used as methods. Analysis of the results allowed to conclude that there is a didactic treatment of the lexicon affected by limitations In their planning and the existence of theoretical and methodological deficits for their communicative orientation, which have a negative impact on the education of this professional of education as a competent communicator and linguistic model, as social demands. It is also emphasized in the pertinence of adapting the methodology derived from the studies of lexical availability to the context of the teaching of the mother tongue in Higher Education, given the possibilities it offers to contribute to the diagnosis and subsequent didactic planning of this component of the mother tongue, which is the transversal axis of both the communicative competence and the functional components of analysis, comprehension and text construction. KEYWORDS: Didactic treatment of lexicon; Lexical availability; Didactics of the mother tongue; Initial formation of Spanish-Literature teachers.&nbsp

    The Position of High Frequency Waves with Respect to the Granulation Pattern

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    High frequency velocity oscillations were observed in the spectral lines Fe I 543.45nm and 543.29nm, using 2D spectroscopy with a Fabry- Perot and speckle reconstruction, at the VTT in Tenerife. We investigate the radial component of waves with frequencies in the range 8 - 22mHz in the internetwork, network and a pore. We find that the occurrence of waves do not show any preference on location and are equally distributed over down-flows and up-flows, regardless of the activity of the observed area in the line of Fe I 543.45nm. The waves observed in the lower formed line of Fe I 543.29nm seem to appear preferentially over down-flows.Comment: Article has 12 pages and 7 images. It is accepted in Solar Physics Journa

    Efectividad de una intervención educativa sobre la construcción de comunidades activas y saludables, en Bogotá-Colombia

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    To compare the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of managers and promoters in physical activity and sport, after an educational intervention, in the construction of active and healthy communities (CAHC). Pre- and post-test   quasi-experimental design with no control group. Self-completed data was collected from 254 managers and promoters of physical activity, recreation, and sport, belonging to community programs in Bogotá. The educational intervention was oriented to the themes of community and promotion of healthy lifestyles. The changes in the KAP in relation to the (CAHC) were evaluated using the statistical program JASP, version 0.17.1. The changes in knowledge and practices on the CCAS showed statistically significant differences (p< .001) between the pre-test and post-test, after the educational intervention (p< .001). The educational interventions as effective strategies for training in the CAHC model.Comparar los cambios en conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas (CAP) de gestores y promotores en actividad física y deporte, posterior a una intervención educativa, en la construcción de comunidades activas y saludables (CCAS). Diseño cuasiexperimental pre y post-test sin grupo control. Se recopilaron datos auto diligenciados en 254 gestores y promotores de actividad física, recreación y deporte, pertenecientes a los programas comunitarios de Bogotá. La intervención educativa, se orientó a las temáticas en comunidad y promoción de estilos de vida saludables. Se evaluó los cambios en los (CAP) con relación a la (CCAS) mediante el programa estadístico JASP, versión 0.17.1. Los cambios en conocimientos y las prácticas sobre la CCAS mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p< ,001) entre el pre-test y post-test, luego de la intervención educativa (p< ,001). Las intervenciones educativas pueden considerarse como estrategias efectivas para capacitar en el modelo de CCAS. &nbsp

    MUSCAT: The Mexico-UK Sub-Millimetre Camera for AsTronomy

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    The Mexico-UK Sub-millimetre Camera for AsTronomy (MUSCAT) is a large-format, millimetre-wave camera consisting of 1,500 background-limited lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) scheduled for deployment on the Large Millimeter Telescope (Volc\'an Sierra Negra, Mexico) in 2018. MUSCAT is designed for observing at 1.1 mm and will utilise the full 40' field of view of the LMTs upgraded 50-m primary mirror. In its primary role, MUSCAT is designed for high-resolution follow-up surveys of both galactic and extra-galactic sub-mm sources identified by Herschel. MUSCAT is also designed to be a technology demonstrator that will provide the first on-sky demonstrations of novel design concepts such as horn-coupled LEKID arrays and closed continuous cycle miniature dilution refrigeration. Here we describe some of the key design elements of the MUSCAT instrument such as the novel use of continuous sorption refrigerators and a miniature dilutor for continuous 100-mK cooling of the focal plane, broadband optical coupling to Aluminium LEKID arrays using waveguide chokes and anti-reflection coating materials as well as with the general mechanical and optical design of MUSCAT. We explain how MUSCAT is designed to be simple to upgrade and the possibilities for changing the focal plane unit that allows MUSCAT to act as a demonstrator for other novel technologies such as multi-chroic polarisation sensitive pixels and on-chip spectrometry in the future. Finally, we will report on the current status of MUSCAT's commissioning.Comment: Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2018, Austin, Texas, United State

    Appearance of Membrane Compromised, Viable But Not Culturable and Culturable Rhizobial Cells as a Consequence of Desiccation

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    For agricultural purposes, drought related stresses negatively affect the Rhizobiaceae in at least three ways. Firstly, rhizobial populations are affected by desertification of agricultural soils. Secondly, the quality of dry-base inocula, also called formula, is negatively affected by a drying step, and thirdly, rhizosphere bacteria protect crop-plants against drought. Although survival of cultivatable bacteria has been studied intensively in dry-base seed inocula and in-vitro, thus far research has only marginally addressed the bacterial cell, its cellular structures and physiology. Many questions remain regarding the sensing of and physiological response of rhizobia to desiccation. This review will focus on the three different fractions of cells after desiccation, the membrane compromised cells, the viable but not culturable cells and the culturable cells

    Concesiones hospitalarias, como experiencia en salud pública en Chile: caso: “Hospital el Carmen, dr. Luis Valentín Ferrada”

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    This study is focused on the Chilean experience with hospitals that are operated by concessionnaires. The efforts are centered on the case of Hospital El Carmen de Maipú, specifically its operational stage, and suggest the importance of generating strategies that omprove the managment of public-private associations, as an instrument that is necessary to improve the quality of public policies in Chile. Verifying that the existing management problems are rooted mainly in the manner of coordinating the contract between the concessionaires and the coordination systems of the State institutions to supervise and manage the correct functioning of the hospital and the system in generalEl presente estudio se enfoca en la experiencia Chilena en hospitales concesionados, enfocando los esfuerzos en el caso del Hospital el Carmen de Maipú, centrándonos en la etapa de operatividad del mismo, esbozando la importancia de generar estrategias que mejoren la gestión en las asociaciones público privadas, como un instrumento necesario para mejorar la calidad de las políticas públicas en Chile, constatando que los problemas de gestión existentes radican principalmente en la manera de coordinar el contrato entre la concesionaria y los sistemas de coordinación de las instituciones del Estado para supervisar y administrar el correcto funcionamiento del hospital y del sistema en genera