173 research outputs found

    Una mirada de las familias sobre los profesionales de la educación en el avance de la escuela inclusiva

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    La educación inclusiva es uno de los retos que afrontan nuestras escuelas. Educación para todos/as y eliminación de barreras al aprendizaje y a la participación son algunos de los aspectos clave que subyacen tras el modelo inclusivo, pero realmente ¿qué piensan las familias sobre su desarrollo en los centros educativos? Y concretamente ¿qué piensan sobre el papel de los profesionales de la educación en este proceso? Presentamos los resultados de un estudio desde la perspectiva de las familias sobre los factores clave que residen en los profesionales de la educación que permiten o dificultan el avance en el modelo inclusivo. Discutimos sobre la necesidad de compartir un proyecto inclusivo para avanzar en este cambio.Inclusive education is one of the challenges facing our schools. Education for All, removing barriers to learning and participation are some of the key issues to the inclusive model, but really, what families think about their development in schools? And specifically, what do they think about the role of education professionals in this process? We present the results of a study from the perspective of the families about key factors in the professionals that enable or hinder the progress in the inclusive model. We discuss the need to share an inclusive project to advance in this change

    Families Beliefs About Inclusive Education Model

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    5th World Conference on Educational Sciences - WCES 2013In this paper, we present the results of a study conducted in the province of Castellón (Spain). It arises from the idea that f or moving towards an inclusive education models is necessary, first of all, that educators and families understand the meaning of inclusion and, secondly, to know the benefits generated by inclusive education. We analyze the conceptions and beliefs that families of our context have over inclusive education model. This is a quantitative cross sectional study in which over-scale questionnaire, 33 parents expressed their views over this topic. It also aims to see whether there are differences in beliefs of families who have children with disabilities and families without it. After obtaining th e results, they are analyzed and discus sed at the end of work

    Peer tutoring: a key element in the intercultural inclusive classrooms

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    En este trabajo se presenta la puesta en marcha de una experiencia de tutoría entre iguales fija llevada a cabo en el centro de una pequeña localidad de Castellón con alumnos de tercer curso de Educación Infantil y alumnos de sexto de Educación Primaria. La experiencia aquí presentada sigue un procedimiento muy marcado en el que se constituyen las parejas, se realizan sesiones de formación a los agentes implicados, se procede a la preparación y diseño de material y finalmente, se realizan las sesiones de tutoría. Tras la práctica, la recogida de información se realizó a través de un grupo de discusión con el alumnado tutor con el fin de conocer su opinión sobre el efecto que las tutorías habían tenido en ellos. Tal y como se muestra en los resultados, los tutores apuntan que la participación en las tutorías ha influido positivamente en la competencia lectora de sus tutorados y en la paciencia y cohesión de grupo de ellos, los tutores. Así pues la tutoría entre iguales se ha utilizado para convertir las interacciones entre alumnos de diferentes cursos en oportunidades de aprendizaje y crecimiento, tanto académica como personalmente.This paper presents a fixed tutoring between fixed peers experience carried out in a center of a small town of Castellón with students of third year of Preschool Education and students of sixth of Primary Education. The experience presented here follows a very marked procedure in which couples are formed, training sessions are given to the agents involved, the material is prepared and finally, tutoring sessions are carried out. After practice, as a tool for collecting information, a discussion group was held with the tutor students in order to know their opinion regarding the effect that the tutorials had on them. As shown in the results, the tutors indicate that participation in the tutorials has positively influenced the reading competence of their small classmates and in the patience and cohesion of the tutors group. Thus peer tutoring has been used to convert interactions between students from different courses into learning and growth opportunities, both academically and personally

    6th International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage, RECH6

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    RECH Biennial Meeting is one of the largest educational and scientific events in Retouching field, an ideal venue for conservators and scientists to present their research results about retouching. The main focus will be to promote the exchange of ideas, concepts, terminology, methods, techniques and materials applied during the retouching process in different areas of conservation: mural painting, easel painting, sculpture, graphic documentation, architecture, plasterwork, photography, contemporary art, among others. This Meeting aims to address retouching by encouraging papers that contribute to a deeper understanding of this final task of the conservation and restoration intervention. The main theme embraces the concepts of retouching, the criteria and limits in the retouching process, the bad retouching impact on heritage and their technical and scientific developments.This Meeting will discuss real-life approaches on retouching, focusing on practical solutions and on sharing experiencesColomina Subiela, A.; Doménech García, B.; Bailão, A. (2023). 6th International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage, RECH6. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/RECH6.2021.1601

    Is pedagogical training an essential requirement for inclusive education? The case of faculty members in the area of Social and Legal Sciences in Spain

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    Introduction This study investigates the profiles of 25 faculty members of the area of Social and Legal Sciences, from seven Spanish universities, who were selected by students with disabilities. Specifically, the aim of this paper is to understand why, despite their lack of pedagogical and disability training, they are considered to be inclusive faculty members. Objective For this purpose, we analysed the professional characteristics of these academics, their conceptions about disability, what actions they carry out to provide an inclusive response and how they consider that the current situation of university students with disabilities could be improved. Methods Semi-structured individual interviews were used to collect the data. Subsequently, a progressive analysis of the data was performed, using an inductive system of categories and codes. Results and conclusions The results show that these faculty are responsible, involved and committed to their teaching performance. Moreover, they regard reasonable adjustments as a fundamental requirement to handle the different needs of students with disabilities. This paper-which can also be useful for faculty and researchers in other areas of knowledge-comes to the conclusion that training is relevant for becoming an inclusive faculty member. Nevertheless, good will and eagerness to do one's job properly are even more important aspects.This work was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and ERDF funds [grant numbers EDU2016-76587-R]. https://portal.mineco.gob.es/es-es/Paginas/default.aspx NO

    Plan de marketing de Revivus Vaq, empresa de nueva creación de moda sostenible

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    Este plan de marketing se ha elaborado con el objetivo de lanzar al mercado con éxito una empresa de nueva creación perteneciente a la industria textil, produciendo y comercializando accesorios sostenibles elaborados con tejido vaquero reciclado. Apoyado en el análisis de situación tanto interno como externo, se ha desarrollado la idea de negocio y las estrategias a seguir. A su vez, se han planteado tres objetivos a cumplir en un horizonte temporal de dos años. Para ello, se ha ideado un programa de acciones de marketing, un plan financiero, un cronograma de acciones para su cumplimiento y se ha especificado cuales son los indicadores que estudiar para su mejor control. Con todo ello, se ha se ha tratado de equilibrar acciones de marketing estratégico con marketing operativo

    Las competencias básicas a través del huerto escolar: una propuesta de proyecto de innovación

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    El huerto escolar es un recurso educativo que interrelaciona las diferentes áreas curriculares y favorece el desarrollo de las competencias básicas. En esta comunicación presentamos un proyecto de innovación educativa (L’hort 2.0) que se desarrolla en la Universidad de Valencia y que implica a profesores y alumnos del Grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria. Este proyecto es una propuesta integradora en la que se pretende crear un entorno virtual a partir de las experiencias realizadas en el huerto escolar. Los materiales se han diseñado con el objetivo de relacionar las actividades realizadas fuera y dentro del aula mediante contenidos TIC que contribuyen al desarrollo de las competencias básicas de los grados de Maestro de Primaria y de Maestro de Infantil, así como las competencias especificas de sus asignatura

    Beliefs and actions of university lecturers of sports sciences and physical activity regarding students’ learning motivation

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    This article presents a study on the perceptions of university professors of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences about the causes of lack of learning motivation of students with and without disabilities and the actions they take to motivate them. 16 semi-structured interviews were analyzed in an inductive manner. The results suggest that university teachers value students, enable positive learning environments, and address the interests and needs of all students through inclusive curricular practices

    Análisis del proceso de incorporación de alumnos inmigrantes al sistema educativo valenciano, un estudio de caso

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Formació de Professor d'Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera del "Centro Universitario Internacional de Barcelona (UNIBA)" Adscrit a la Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2016-2017, Tutora: Vicenta González Argüello[spa] Los movimientos migratorios de los últimos años han provocado que el número de alumnos extranjeros en los centros educativos españoles se haya visto incrementado de forma progresiva. Estos alumnos llegan a las aulas con desconocimiento total o parcial de español. A pesar de los intentos llevados a cabo por parte de las instituciones para incorporar a este tipo de alumnado, a través de diferentes programas, los profesores siguen encontrando dificultades en su práctica diaria para integrar a los alumnos en el currículo escolar, con el consiguiente sentimiento de impotencia y frustración. El presente trabajo de investigación centra su objetivo de estudio en analizar cuáles son dichas dificultades para promover la búsqueda de posibles soluciones que ayuden a paliar este problema. Para ello, se tiene en consideración el nivel de español de los alumnos extranjeros, su escolarización previa y sus respuestas ante los estímulos del profesor, así como también las estrategias de los profesores para hacerse entender por sus alumnos. La recogida de los datos se realiza a través de la observación participante y entrevistas a los profesores. Los datos obtenidos se analizan y comparan para seleccionar aquellos más relevantes para la investigación. Tras el análisis, la evaluación de los resultados deriva en la propuesta de un plan de actuación que ayude a atenuar las dificultades, facilitando la incorporación al centro de los alumnos inmigrantes o, al menos, que sirva como inicio de un proceso de búsqueda de soluciones.[eng] Migratory movements of recent years have caused that the number of foreign students in Spanish schools has been increased progressively. These students arrive at the classroom with total or partial ignorance of Spanish. Despite the attempts carried out by the institutions to incorporate this type of students through different programs, teachers continue to find difficulties in their daily practice to integrate students into the school curriculum, with the consequent feeling of helplessness and frustration. The present research work focuses its aim of study in analyzing what these difficulties are, in order to promote the search for possible solutions that help to palliate this problem. For that, the level of Spanish of foreign students, their previous schooling and their responses to the stimuli of the teacher, as well as the strategies of teachers to be understood by their students are taken into consideration. Data collections are done through participant observation and interviews with teachers. The data obtained are analyzed and compared to select those most relevant to the research. After analysis, the evaluation of the results leads to a proposal for an action plan to help alleviate the difficulties, facilitating the incorporation to the center of the immigrant students or, at least, it must serve as the beginning of a search process for solutions