33 research outputs found

    Bias in patient and population preferences

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    Open akkers en boomteelt rond Oirschot, behoud door ontwikkeling

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    Stichting Behoud Erfgoed Oirschot (SBEO) heeft zich ten doel gesteld om de open en bolle akkercomplexen rond Oirschot te beschermingen in het licht van huidig en toekomstig landgebruik. De rol van de boomteelt is voor SBEO een belangrijk onderdeel van dit vraagstuk omdat deze sector rond Oirschot veel aanwezig is en mogelijk cultuurhistorische waarden kan aantasten door verandering van de openheid en mogelijke afvoer van grond na de oogst van de bomen. De cultuurhistorische waardenkaart en de erfgoedkaart laten zien dat de open akkercomplexen een hoge cultuurhistorische en archeologische waarde hebben. Gedurende het onderzoeksproces is gebleken dat deze resultaten in een breder perspectief geplaatst moeten worden. Het landschap rondom Oirschot moet als een levend landschap worden gezien

    Carer social care-related quality of life outcomes: estimating English preference weights for the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit for Carers (ASCOT-Carer)

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    Objective: To estimate preference-based index values for the English version of the ASCOT-Carer, a measure assessing social care-related quality of life (SCRQoL) in informal carers, from the general population in England. Methods: The ASCOT-Carer consists of seven domains, each reflecting aspects of SCRQoL in informal carers. Preferences for the ASCOT-Carer SCRQoL states were estimated using a Best-Worst Scaling exercise (BWS) in an online survey. The survey was administered to a sample of the general adult population in England (n=1,000). Participants were asked to put themselves into the hypothetical state of being an informal carer and indicate which attribute they thought was the best (first and second) and worst (first and second) from a profile list of seven attributes reflecting the seven domains, each ranging at a different level (1-4). Multinomial logistic regression was used to analyse the data and estimate preference weights for the ASCOT-Carer measure. Results: The most valued aspect by English participants was the ‘occupation’ attribute at its highest level. Results further showed participants rated having ‘no control over their daily life’ as the lowest attribute-level of all those presented. The position of the seven attributes influenced participants’ best and worst choices, and there was evidence of both scale and taste heterogeneity on preferences. Conclusions: This study has established a set of preference-based index values for the ASCOT-Carer in England derived from the BWS exercise that can be used for economic evaluation of interventions on older individuals and their informal carers

    A meta-analysis demonstrates no significant differences between patient and population preferences

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    Background and Objectives: To summarize and quantify mean differences between directly elicited patient and population health state evaluations (= preferences) and to identify factors explaining these differences. Materials and Methods: Two meta-analyses of observational studies comparing directly elicited patient and population preferences for two stratified health state classifications: actual/hypothetical and hypothetical/hypothetical health states. Results: Thirty-three articles comparing directly elicited patient and population preferences were included, yielding 78 independent preference estimates. These preference estimates served as input for the two stratified health state classifications. Data on health state assessments, elicitation methods, assessment method, and population characteristics was extracted by one reviewer, and checked by two other reviewers. These parameters were used to explain sources of heterogeneity. Overall, patients' actual health state preferences were not significantly higher than populations hypothetical health state preferences (summary mean difference [SMD] = -0.01, 95% confidence interval [CI] = -0.01, 0.03). Nor did preferences for hypothetical health states differ between patients and population (SMD -0.00, 95% CI = -0.02, 0.02). Most parameters substantially influenced the SMD, although the magnitude and direction differed for the two strata used (all P-values <.05). Conclusions: The actual/hypothetical and hypothetic/hypothetical meta-analyses demonstrated no significant differences between patient and population preferences, suggesting that both can be used to allocate scarce resources