31 research outputs found


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    We wish to establish to what extent the methods of analysis developed within the framework of the Cognitive Theory of Metaphor (CTM) can be applied to idiom analysis. Conventionalised figurative metaphors, and hence idioms, have a different function and a different cognitive and communicative value, as compared to novel metaphors. Idioms contribute much less to the structuring of unstructured situations, but they rather convey different kinds of knowledge that they have accumulated in the course of their functioning in the language. What is needed in addition to CTM is a theory specially designed to describe the irregularities of idioms. To develop such a theory is the main aim of modern idiom research. This paper should be viewed as a contribution to developing such a theory.U ovom se radu ispituje u kojoj se mjeri metode analize razvijene u okviru kognitivne teorije metafore (CTM - Cognitive Theory of Metaphor) mogu primijeniti na analizu frazema. Konvencionalizirane figurativne metafore, a tako i frazemi, imaju različitu funkciju i različitu kognitivnu i komunikacijsku vrijednost u odnosu na nove metafore. Frazemi znatno manje doprinose strukturiranju nestrukturiranih situacija, već prenose različite vrste znanja koja su akumulirali tijekom svojega postojanja u jeziku. Ono što je uz kognitivnu teoriju metafore nužno je teorija koja je posebno osmišljena kako bi se opisale nepravilnosti frazema. Ovaj je rad doprinos razvoju takve teorije

    Individual Style of Dostoevsky: Dimensions of Investigation

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    The article examines the existing approaches to the study of the individual style of the writer. We call these approaches models of individual style. We distinguish lexical model, syntactical model, narrative model and the model of intertextual relations. Specific features of the lexical model consist of the frequency distribution of certain words in text formation. The frequency distribution of lexical items reflects the importance of certain meanings and conceptual areas for a given author. The syntactic model of individual style is based on identifying characteristic syntactic constructions that have a high frequency rank for a particular author. The narrative model characterizes the way the story is organized. The units of the narrative model are the components of the plot and the operations that are performed on these components (moving, eliminating fragments of the narrative, combining episodes and scenes, introducing some components of the plot into others). Intertextual relations, that is, a set of semantic and formal references to other texts of the same or other authors, form an intertextual model, which also is unique for every writer. The above mentioned models complement each other and, taken together, make it possible to describe the specific features of the unique speech practices of the writer. Models of individual style are illustrated by the examples from Dostoevskys works. Modern corpus data technologies make it possible to more strictly develop the models of individual style, enhancing their objectivity by the implementation of quantitative methods. This article is a part of a project, initiated by Yu.N. Karaulov and E.L. Ginzburg

    Вспышка туляремии в Ханты-Мансийке в 2013 г.: клинико-эпидемиологические особенности в детской популяции

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    Tularemia is a zoonotic disease. The pathogen (Francisella tularensis) is а gram negative bacteria virulent to humans and animals (rodents, hares, rabbits). The outbreak of tularemia had happened in 2013, in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, during which 1005 people became ill, including 157 children, of whom 152 people were treated at the Hospital District of Khanty-Mansiysk. The histories of inpatients and outpatients affected children had been analysed (n=152). Specialists have identified epidemiological and clinical features of children tularemia. There was ulceroglandular form of tularemia in 98.7% of cases. Purulent lymphadenitis has appeared in 5.9% of cases. 21,2% of affected children have been vaccinated and revaccinated against tularemia for 1–11 years before the disease.Туляремия – зоонозная природно-очаговая инфекция. Возбудитель (Francisella tularensis) – грамотрицательная бактерия, высоковирулентная для человека и животных (грызуны, зайцы, кролики). В 2013 г. в Ханты-Мансийском автономном округе произошла трансмиссивная вспышка туляремии, во время которой заболели 1005 человек, в том числе 157 детей, из них 152 человека проходили лечение в Окружной клинической больнице г. Ханты-Мансийска. Проведен анализ историй болезни и амбулаторных карт заболевших детей (n=152), определены эпидемиологические и клинические особенности туляремии у детей. В 98,7% случаев имела место ульцерогландулярная форма туляремии, гнойный лимфаденит возник в 5,9% случаев. 21,2% заболевших детей были вакцинированы и ревакцинированы от туляремии за 1–11 лет до заболевания

    The bear in Eurasian plant names: Motivations and models

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    Ethnolinguistic studies are important for understanding an ethnic group's ideas on the world, expressed in its language. Comparing corresponding aspects of such knowledge might help clarify problems of origin for certain concepts and words, e.g. whether they form common heritage, have an independent origin, are borrowings, or calques. The current study was conducted on the material in Slavonic, Baltic, Germanic, Romance, Finno-Ugrian, Turkic and Albanian languages. The bear was chosen as being a large, dangerous animal, important in traditional culture, whose name is widely reflected in folk plant names. The phytonyms for comparison were mostly obtained from dictionaries and other publications, and supplemented with data from databases, the co-authors' field data, and archival sources (dialect and folklore materials). More than 1200 phytonym use records (combinations of a local name and a meaning) for 364 plant and fungal taxa were recorded to help find out the reasoning behind bear-nomination in various languages, as well as differences and similarities between the patterns among them. Among the most common taxa with bear-related phytonyms were Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng., Heracleum sphondylium L., Acanthus mollis L., and Allium ursinum L., with Latin loan translation contributing a high proportion of the phytonyms. Some plants have many and various bear-related phytonyms, while others have only one or two bear names. Features like form and/or surface generated the richest pool of names, while such features as colour seemed to provoke rather few associations with bears. The unevenness of bear phytonyms in the chosen languages was not related to the size of the language nor the present occurence of the Brown Bear in the region. However, this may, at least to certain extent, be related to the amount of the historical ethnolinguistic research done on the selected languages

    Phraseme in der Theorie des bildlichen Lexikons: zur semantischen Teilbarkeit der Idiomstruktur

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    Phraseme in der Theorie des bildlichen Lexikons: zur semantischen Teilbarkeit der Idiomstruktur Das Ziel des Beitrags besteht darin, den Status des Begriffs der semantischen Teilbarkeit der Idiomstruktur im Rahmen der Theorie des bildlichen Lexikons zu klären. Es wird versucht, den Teilbarkeitsbegriff zu operationalisieren und das Zusammenspiel semantischer und syntaktischer Faktoren zu beschreiben. In ihrem Wesen geht die Teilbarkeit auf bestimmte Besonderheiten der zugrunde liegenden Metapher zurück. Die Metapher hat eine innere Struktur und zwar auf beiden Seiten: im Quellenbereich und im Zielbereich. Diese Strukturen können entweder auseinandergehen, dann handelt es sich um nichtteilbare Idiome, oder diese Strukturen können parallel sein: Das führt dazu, dass bestimmte Elemente der Metaphernquelle mit bestimmten Elementen des Zielkonzepts korrelieren, und daraus entsteht der Eindruck, dass die Einzelkonstituenten auch selbst etwas bedeuten. The paper discusses the phenomenon of semantic analyzability of idioms within Conventional Figurative Language Theory. The notion of semantic analyzability is discussed with regard to the possibility of applying some operational criteria, and the relationships between semantics and syntax in this field. Essentially, semantic analyzability of an idiom goes back to the internal structure of the underlying metaphor. Both source and target domains of a metaphor have an internal structure. If the source and the target display partial correspondences in their structuring, while being mapped, the idiom in question is perceived as being analyzable. If the source frame is mapped on the target frame as a whole, and their lexically expressed participant-slots cannot be put into reasonable correspondences to each other, the idiom is perceived as being non-analyzable.Phraseme in der Theorie des bildlichen Lexikons: zur semantischen Teilbarkeit der Idiomstruktur Das Ziel des Beitrags besteht darin, den Status des Begriffs der semantischen Teilbarkeit der Idiomstruktur im Rahmen der Theorie des bildlichen Lexikons zu klären. Es wird versucht, den Teilbarkeitsbegriff zu operationalisieren und das Zusammenspiel semantischer und syntaktischer Faktoren zu beschreiben. In ihrem Wesen geht die Teilbarkeit auf bestimmte Besonderheiten der zugrunde liegenden Metapher zurück. Die Metapher hat eine innere Struktur und zwar auf beiden Seiten: im Quellenbereich und im Zielbereich. Diese Strukturen können entweder auseinandergehen, dann handelt es sich um nichtteilbare Idiome, oder diese Strukturen können parallel sein: Das führt dazu, dass bestimmte Elemente der Metaphernquelle mit bestimmten Elementen des Zielkonzepts korrelieren, und daraus entsteht der Eindruck, dass die Einzelkonstituenten auch selbst etwas bedeuten. The paper discusses the phenomenon of semantic analyzability of idioms within Conventional Figurative Language Theory. The notion of semantic analyzability is discussed with regard to the possibility of applying some operational criteria, and the relationships between semantics and syntax in this field. Essentially, semantic analyzability of an idiom goes back to the internal structure of the underlying metaphor. Both source and target domains of a metaphor have an internal structure. If the source and the target display partial correspondences in their structuring, while being mapped, the idiom in question is perceived as being analyzable. If the source frame is mapped on the target frame as a whole, and their lexically expressed participant-slots cannot be put into reasonable correspondences to each other, the idiom is perceived as being non-analyzable