28 research outputs found

    Concurrent herbivory and metal accumulation: The outcome for plants and herbivores

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    The effects of metals on plants and herbivores, as well as the interaction among the latter, are well documented. However, the effects of simultaneous herbivory and metal accumulation remain poorly studied. Here, we shed light on this topic by infesting cadmium-accumulating tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum), either exposed to cadmium or not, with herbivorous spider mites, Tetranychus urticae or T. evansi during 14 days. Whereas on plants without cadmium T. evansi had higher growth rate than T. urticae, on plants with cadmium both mite species had similar growth rates, which were lower than on plants without metal. Plants were affected by both cadmium toxicity and by herbivory, as shown by leaf reflectance, but not on the same wavelengths. Moreover, changes in leaf reflectance on the wavelength affected by herbivores were similar on plants with and without cadmium, and vice versa. Long-term effects of cadmium and herbivory did not affect H2O2 concentrations in the plant. Finally, plants infested with spider mites did not accumulate more cadmium, suggesting that metal accumulation is not induced by herbivory. We thus conclude that cadmium accumulation affects two congeneric herbivore species differently and that the effects of herbivory and cadmium toxicity on plants may be disentangled, via leaf reflectance, even during simultaneous exposure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correlations between biomechanical variables and sprint time of 30m

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    Introduction: Sprinting contributes to successful performance in the wide range of sporting activities. It’s known that sprinting speed is defined with the frequency and the length of strides (Čoh, Tomažin & Rausavljević, 2007). According Bezodias et al. (2008) the frequency of stride (FS) was a more important contributor to the velocity increase in sprint performance, however for Mackala (2007) the length of stride (LS) was a more significant variable. The aim of this study is to determine if different types of heating can interfere with the frequency and length variability of the stride. Methods: 22 young men participated in this study (age: 19.32±1.43 years; height: 176±67cm; weight: 68.48±9.91kg). The study followed a randomized protocol and the subjects were submitted to three warm-up protocols: without warm-up, typical warm-up and warm-up with post-activation potentiation (PAP). Results: The results reveal a strong correlations between the sprint time of 30m and the frequency of stride and length of stride. Discussion: Regardless of the type of warm-up, we can observe that the frequency and length stride are relevant factors that contribute to sprint time performance. The results corroborated with other studies indicating that maximum speed results from an optimal ratio between stride frequency and stride length. Conclusion: The frequency and length of stride were shown to be two influential factors in the sprint time of 30m. We suggest that future studies include exercises on warm-up that stimulate the frequency and amplitude of stride, in order to verify which of the variables has the greatest impact on sprint performance.N/

    Physical Fitness Variables, General Health, Dementia and Quality of Life in Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The average life expectancy of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) is increasing. However, living more years does not mean living better, leading to the need for research on comorbidities associated with the aging process. Associated with this process are the physical characteristics most prevalent in an individual with IDD: low levels of all physical capacities, the accumulation of central fat, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, variables considered to be some of the main risk factors of the onset of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, and variables that can negatively impact quality of life (QoL). Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate a sample of 21 institutionalized adults with IDD (42.81 ± 10.99 years old) in terms of their anthropometric characteristics, body composition, general health status, functional capacity, neuromuscular capacity, and dementia/cognitive function, and the possible associations with QoL. All assessments were performed in the laboratory of the Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education—University of Coimbra. Participants, in the present study, have low levels of physical fitness and high metabolic and cardiovascular markets, which need to be improved. On the other hand, functional and neuromuscular ability seems to be associated with QoL (p ≤ 0.05). This study highlights the role of primary and secondary care providers in diagnosis, prevention, and supporting individuals with IDDs to promote QoL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correlations between biomechanical variables and sprint time of 30m

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    Sprinting contributes to successful performance in the wide range of sporting activities. It’s known that sprinting speed is defined with the frequency and the length of strides (Čoh, Tomažin & Rausavljević, 2007). According Bezodias et al. (2008) the frequency of stride (FS) was a more important contributor to the velocity increase in sprint performance, however for Mackala (2007) the length of stride (LS) was a more significant variable. The aim of this study is to determine if different types of heating can interfere with the frequency and length variability of the stride. Methods: 22 young men participated in this study (age: 19.32±1.43 years; height: 176±67cm; weight: 68.48±9.91kg). The study followed a randomized protocol and the subjects were submitted to three warm-up protocols: without warm-up, typical warm-up and warm-up with post-activation potentiation (PAP). Results: The results reveal a strong correlations between the sprint time of 30m and the frequency of stride and length of stride. Discussion: Regardless of the type of warm-up, we can observe that the frequency and length stride are relevant factors that contribute to sprint time performance. The results corroborated with other studies indicating that maximum speed results from an optimal ratio between stride frequency and stride length. Conclusion: The frequency and length of stride were shown to be two influential factors in the sprint time of 30m. We suggest that future studies include exercises on warm-up that stimulate the frequency and amplitude of stride, in order to verify which of the variables has the greatest impact on sprint performance

    Validation of the Ottawa Ankle Rules: Strategies for Increasing Specificity

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    Introduction: The majority of patients with ankle injuries undergo radiological examinations of the foot, ankle or both. The objective of this study was in the first place to validate the Ottawa Ankle Rules (OARs) for the population of our centre. Secondly, an attempt was made to identify parameters that contribute to improve the specificity of the method, with a view to reduce the need for patients to be exposed to radiation as well as optimizing the expenses of the Emergency Ward (EW). Materials and methods: This was a prospective study conducted during a 9-month period. The study population included 148 patients, in 54 (36%) of the patients a fracture was present on the exams performed. Patients were submitted to a sequential protocol in the EW with a form completion, evaluation of OARs, application of the Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS) and radiographic exams. Results: We found a sensitivity of OARs in ankle injuries of 100%, specificity of 26% and in midfoot injuries of 100% and 62% respectively. All patients with fractures had a VAS of 5 or more points in any of the tested sites. With the VAS criterium, we found a significant increase of global specificity (38% vs 15%), as well as when applied only to the ankle (26% to 47%) or to midfoot trauma (62% to 67%). In both, there would have been a 100% reduction of CT scans. Patients with a fracture or with fractures who required surgical treatment had a mean VAS significantly higher than patients with no fracture or fractures submitted to conservative treatment respectively. Although there was a lower percentage of fractures in the group of injuries in Work Accidents (31% vs 37% Sports Activity and 38% Leisure Activity), there was a statistically significant increase in the sum of average VAS in Accidents at Work vs Leisure Activities and vs Sports Activities. Conclusion: We seek to confirm the usefulness of OARs for our population and we investigated strategies to further reduce the need for unnecessary radiographs. The introduction of parameters for grading pain and adapting to the context of the accident seem promisinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of force variables and dynamic strength index between age groups in elite young Brazilian football goalkeepers

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    Introduction: The application of muscle force is a determinant of football success as it is inherent to the motor control and sport. The aims of this study are: (1) to describe force variables Isometric Maximal Force (IMF), Concentric Peak Force (CPPF), and Dynamic Strength Index (DSI) in football goalkeepers from different age groups; (2) to compare these variables’ behavior between those groups. Methods: The sample was formed by 19 youth players (15.97 ± 1.55 years old) from a first-division Brazilian football team. The CPPF and IMF variables were obtained through the Countermovement jump and isometric squat tests, respectively. For data collection, a force plate (Cefise, Brazil) was used with an acquisition frequency of 600 Hz and mono-axial. The DSI was calculated using the ratio between CPPF and IMF. For data analysis, the sample was separated into clusters by age. After the grouping, a descriptive analysis of the data and a comparison between the groups with p < 0.05. Results: The sample was grouped into three groups (GA, GB, and GC) and one of the individuals did not enter the group, totaling 18 individuals in the analyzed sample. The comparison between the ages of the groups showed a significant difference and small and moderate effect size (ES), validating the cluster strategy. The CPPF and IMF variables showed increased values according to chronological age. CPPF showed a significant difference between GA-GB, (ES = very large) GA-GC (ES = very large), and GB-GC (ES = moderate). The IMF variable had significant differences between GA-GB (ES = moderate) and GA-GC (ES = very large). However, DSI showed significant differences only between GA GB (ES = small) and GB-GC (ES = very large). Conclusions: The CPPF and IMF variables had constant increases and distinct values with an increase according to age, and this did not occur for DSI. The difference between CPPF and IMF compared to DSI bring to light the variability in dynamics and proportionality between muscular force in the concentric phase and maximal force in the isometric regime during the developmental process over chronological age in soccer goalkeepers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Soluble human Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 is associated with endoscopic activity in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis treated with golimumab

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    Suppressor of Tumorigenicity 2 (ST2) is an IL33 receptor detected in the mucosa and serum of ulcerative colitis (UC) patients. We evaluated soluble ST2 (sST2) as a surrogate biomarker of disease outcome and therapeutic response, in moderate-to-severe UC patients treated with golimumab.Agência financiadora Merck Sharp and Dohme, Lda, Portugal MK8259-22info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Combined use of chitosan and olfactory mucosa mesenchymal stem/stromal cells to promote peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo

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    Peripheral nerve injury remains a clinical challenge with severe physiological and functional consequences. Despite the existence of multiple possible therapeutic approaches, until now, there is no consensus regarding the advantages of each option or the best methodology in promoting nerve regeneration. Regenerative medicine is a promise to overcome this medical limitation, and in this work, chitosan nerve guide conduits and olfactory mucosa mesenchymal stem/stromal cells were applied in different therapeutic combinations to promote regeneration in sciatic nerves after neurotmesis injury. Over 20 weeks, the intervened animals were subjected to a regular functional assessment (determination of motor performance, nociception, and sciatic indexes), and after this period, they were evaluated kinematically and the sciatic nerves and cranial tibial muscles were evaluated stereologically and histomorphometrically, respectively. The results obtained allowed confirming the beneficial effects of using these therapeutic approaches. The use of chitosan NGCs and cells resulted in better motor performance, better sciatic indexes, and lower gait dysfunction after 20 weeks. The use of only NGGs demonstrated better nociceptive recoveries. The stereological evaluation of the sciatic nerve revealed identical values in the different parameters for all therapeutic groups. In the muscle histomorphometric evaluation, the groups treated with NGCs and cells showed results close to those of the group that received traditional sutures, the one with the best final values. The therapeutic combinations studied show promising outcomes and should be the target of new future works to overcome some irregularities found in the results and establish the combination of nerve guidance conduits and olfactory mucosa mesenchymal stem/stromal cells as viable options in the treatment of peripheral nerves after injury.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalência da asma e a importância do cuidado na infância / Prevalence of asthma and the importance of child care

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    O presente artigo teve como finalidade realizar uma revisão literária acerca do acometimento da asma em crianças e seus impactos na qualidade de vida dos afetados pela doença. A asma é uma doença que provoca inflamação crônica das vias aéreas inferiores causando limitação do fluxo aéreo acompanhada por hiper-responsividade brônquica e hipersecreção do muco. Embora seja uma doença relativamente de fácil controle, ainda é encontrado o aumento de sua prevalência em muitos países, sendo a patologia de maior prevalência na infância. Portanto, a criança asmático deve ser muito bem acompanhada pelos profissionais da saúde, visto que a doença impacta em sua qualidade de vida, podendo implicar em afastamento da rotina, restrições físicas e sociais. O tratamento se baseia em fatores não farmacológicos, como evitar a exposição domiciliar a mofos e também em medidas farmacológicas para controle de crise, como o uso de inalatórios beta agonistas de curta duração (SABA). Assim, quanto melhor for acompanhado o paciente, procurando estudar e analisar fatores desencadeantes, ambientes desfavoráveis, fatores de melhora ou piora, melhor será a qualidade de vida proporcionada. Por fim, o estudo teve como limitação a falta de dados financeiros específicos a respeito dos custos do tratamento medicamentoso e informações sobre quais drogas são ofertadas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)

    Connecting media and scientists - Euroscitizen WG4

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    EuroScitizen COST Action is a research network which aims to identify targeted strategies that will raise levels of scientific literacy in Europe using evolution as a model. Euroscitizen Media Working Group (WG4) aims to describe good practices to better link scientific communities with journalists and the media, and consequently present powerful, stimulating and effective messages that can help strengthen the public understanding of scientific literacy and evolution in particular. In this poster, we present the aims and activities developed by WG4 as well as a description of its Action deliverables. Poster presented at EuroScitizen Sustainability meeting, 20-22 June 2022, Aveiro, Portuga