253 research outputs found

    Human Monoclonal Antibodies Neutralizing Cytomegalovirus (CMV) for Prophylaxis of CMV Disease: Report of a Phase I Trial in Bone Marrow Transplant Recipients

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    The safety and pharmacokinetics of the two neutralizing human IgG1 monoclonal antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV) SDZ89-104 and 89-109 in bonemarrowtransplant (BM1)recipients was assessed in an open phase I trial. Thirteen patients, 8 seropositive and 5 seronegative for CMV, were treated with allogeneic or autologous bone marrow transplantation. SDZ 89-104 was given to 5 and SDZ 89-109 to 8 patients. Patients were divided into high-and low-dose groups. A fixed prestudy dose of 0.1 mg/kg was given 4 days before BMT. On days 3, 17, 31,45, 59, and 73, patients were treated with either 0.5 or 2 mg/kg of the respective antibody. Results indicate that doses of 2 mg/kg of SDZ 89-104 or SDZ 89-109 in alternating weeks can be safely administered to BMT patients. Serum trough levels measured by antiidiotype ELISA were ∼10 µg/ml after administration of 0.5 mg/kg and ∼50 µg/ml after treatment with 2 mg/kg of SDZ 89-104 or SDZ 89-109. High serum levels defined by antiidiotype ELISA techniques closely paralleled increased neutralizing activity. Serum half-lives calculatedfrom these data were ∼6 day

    Follistatin-like 3 (FSTL3) mediated silencing of transforming growth factor (TGF ) signaling is essential for testicular aging and regulating testis size

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    Follistatin-like 3 (FSTL3) is a glycoprotein that binds and inhibits the action of TGFβ ligands such as activin. The roles played by FSTL3 and activin signaling in organ development and homeostasis are not fully understood. The authors show mice deficient in FSTL3 develop markedly enlarged testes that are also delayed in their age-related regression. These FSTL3 knockout mice exhibit increased Sertoli cell numbers, allowing for increased spermatogenesis but otherwise showing normal testicular function. The data show that FSTL3 deletion leads to increased AKT signaling and SIRT1 expression in the testis. This demonstrates a cross-talk between TGFβ ligand and AKT signaling and leads to a potential mechanism for increased cellular survival and antiaging. The findings identify crucial roles for FSTL3 in limiting testis organ size and promoting age-related testicular regression

    Spermatogenesis and sertoli cell activity in mice lacking Sertoli cell receptors for follicle stimulating hormone and androgen

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    Spermatogenesis in the adult male depends on the action of FSH and androgen. Ablation of either hormone has deleterious effects on Sertoli cell function and the progression of germ cells through spermatogenesis. In this study we generated mice lacking both FSH receptors (FSHRKO) and androgen receptors on the Sertoli cell (SCARKO) to examine how FSH and androgen combine to regulate Sertoli cell function and spermatogenesis. Sertoli cell number in FSHRKO-SCARKO mice was reduced by about 50% but was not significantly different from FSHRKO mice. In contrast, total germ cell number in FSHRKO-SCARKO mice was reduced to 2% of control mice (and 20% of SCARKO mice) due to a failure to progress beyond early meiosis. Measurement of Sertoli cell-specific transcript levels showed that about a third were independent of hormonal action on the Sertoli cell, whereas others were predominantly androgen dependent or showed redundant control by FSH and androgen. Results show that FSH and androgen act through redundant, additive, and synergistic regulation of spermatogenesis and Sertoli cell activity. In addition, the Sertoli cell retains a significant capacity for activity, which is independent of direct hormonal regulation

    Mouse testis development and function are differently regulated by follicle-stimulating hormone receptors signaling during fetal and prepubertal life

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    It is currently admitted that Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is physiologically involved in the development and function of fetal/neonatal Sertoli cells in the rat but not the mouse. However, FSH is produced by both species from late fetal life onwards. We thus reinvestigated the role of FSH in mouse testis development at day 0 (birth) 6, 8 and 10 post-partum (dpp) by using mice that lack functional FSH receptors (FSH-R(-/-)). At birth, the number and proliferative index of Sertoli cells were significantly lower in FSH-R(-/-) mice than in wild type neonates. Claudin 11 mRNA expression also was significantly reduced in FSH-R(-/-) testes at 0 and 8 dpp, whereas the mRNA levels of other Sertoli cell markers (Transferrin and Desert hedgehog) were comparable in FSH-R(-/-) and wild type testes. Conversely, AMH mRNA and protein levels were higher at birth, comparable at 6 dpp and then significantly lower in FSH-R(-/-) testes at 8-10 dpp in FSH-R(-/-) mice than in controls. Although the plasma concentration of LH and the number of Leydig cells were similar in FSH-R(-/-) and control (wild type), testosterone concentration and P450c17 mRNA expression were significantly increased in FSH-R(-/-) testes at birth. Conversely, at 10 dpp when adult Leydig cells appear, expression of the steroidogenic genes P450scc, P450c17 and StAR was lower in FSH-R(-/-) testes than in controls. In conclusion, our results show that 1) like in the rat, signaling via FSH-R controls Sertoli cell development and function during late fetal life in the mouse as well; 2) paracrine factors produced by Sertoli cells are involved in the FSH-R-dependent regulation of the functions of fetal Leydig cells in late fetal life; and 3) the role of FSH-R signaling changes during the prepubertal period

    Secondary structure of rhBMP-2 in a protective biopolymeric carrier material

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    Efficient delivery of growth factors is one of the great challenges of tissue engineering. Polyelectrolyte multilayer films (PEM) made of biopolymers have recently emerged as an interesting carrier for delivering recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP-2 noted here BMP-2) to cells in a matrix-bound manner. We recently showed that PEM made of poly(l-lysine) and hyaluronan (PLL/HA) can retain high and tunable quantities of BMP-2 and can deliver it to cells to induce their differentiation in osteoblasts. Here, we investigate quantitatively by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) the secondary structure of BMP-2 in solution as well as trapped in a biopolymeric thin film. We reveal that the major structural elements of BMP-2 in solution are intramolecular β-sheets and unordered structures as well as α-helices. Furthermore, we studied the secondary structure of rhBMP-2 trapped in hydrated films and in dry films since drying is an important step for future applications of these bioactive films onto orthopedic biomaterials. We demonstrate that the structural elements were preserved when BMP-2 was trapped in the biopolymeric film in hydrated conditions and, to a lesser extent, in dry state. Importantly, its bioactivity was maintained after drying of the film. Our results appear highly promising for future applications of these films as coatings of biomedical materials, to deliver bioactive proteins while preserving their bioactivity upon storage in dry state.This work was supported by the French Ministry of Research through an ANR-EmergenceBIO grant (ANR-09-EBIO-012-01), by the European Commission (FP7 program) via a European Research Council starting grant (BIOMIM, GA 259370), and by GRAVIT (081012_FIBIOS). C.P. is grafetul to IUF for financial support

    Next Generation Short-Term Forecasting of Wind Power – Overview of the ANEMOS Project.

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    International audienceThe aim of the European Project ANEMOS is to develop accurate and robust models that substantially outperform current state-of-the-art methods, for onshore and offshore wind power forecasting. Advanced statistical, physical and combined modelling approaches were developed for this purpose. Priority was given to methods for on-line uncertainty and prediction risk assessment. An integrated software platform, 'ANEMOS', was developed to host the various models. This system is installed by several end-users for on-line operation and evaluation at a local, regional and national scale. Finally, the project demonstrates the value of wind forecasts for the power system management and market integration of wind power. Keywords: Wind power, short-term forecasting, numerical weather predictions, on-line software, tools for wind integration