114 research outputs found

    TulipaProfileFitting.jl: A Julia package for fitting renewable energy time series profiles

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    This paper introduces the TulipaProfileFitting.jl package, a tool developed in Julia for generating renewable energy profiles that fit a specified capacity factor. It addresses the limitations of naive methods in adjusting existing profiles to match improved technology efficiency, particularly in scenarios lacking detailed weather data or technology specifications. By formulating the problem mathematically, the package provides a computationally efficient solution for creating realistic renewable energy profiles based on existing data. It ensures that the adjusted profiles realistically reflect the improvements in technology efficiency, making it an essential tool for energy modellers in analyzing CO2CO_2-neutral energy systems

    Variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo e produtividade da cultura de cana-de-açúcar em relação a localização topográfica

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    Soils submitted to the same management system in places with little variation of landscape, manifest differentiated spatial variability of their attributes and crop yield. The aim of this work was to investigate the correlation between spatial variability of the soil attributes and sugarcane yield as a result of soil topography. To achieve this objective, a test area of 42 ha located at the São João Sugar Mill, in Araras, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, was selected. Sugarcane yield was measured with a yield monitor fitted in a sugarcane harvester and GPS signal. A total of 170 soil samples were taken at regular 50 m grid, at a depth of 0 - 0.2 m. The area under study was divided into two sites based on topography. The following soil attributes were analysed: organic matter (OM) content, exchangeable potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), their base saturation percentage (%BS), cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, clay, silt, total sand and density. The use of landscape and geostatistics enable defining areas with different spatial variability in soil attributes and crop yield, providing the visualization and definition of homogeneous management zones. The largest spatial variability of soil attributes and sugarcane yield was in the lowest part of the field.Solos submetidos ao mesmo sistema de manejo em locais com pequena variação de relevo manifestam variabilidade espacial diferenciada de atributos do solo e das plantas. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar a correlação entre a variabilidade espacial de atributos físicos e químicos do solo com a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar em duas posições do relevo, de acordo com a topografia da área. O estudo foi realizado no município de Araras, SP, em uma área de 42 ha, pertencente à Usina São João. Para o mapeamento da produtividade da cultura da cana-de-açúcar utilizou-se um monitor de produtividade acoplado à colhedora e ao sinal de GPS. Coletaram-se 170 amostras do solo, em uma malha regular de 50 m entre pontos, na profundidade de 0,0 - 0,2 m. O talhão de estudo foi dividido em duas áreas menores, segundo a topografia. Os atributos do solo avaliados foram: teor de matéria orgânica (MO), potássio (K), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), saturação por bases (V%), capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC), pH, argila, silte, areia total e densidade. O uso do relevo e da geoestatística possibilitou definir áreas com diferentes variabilidades espaciais para atributos do solo e produtividade da cultura de cana-de-açúcar, proporcionando a visualização e definição de zonas homogêneas de manejo de acordo com o relevo. A maior variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo e a produtividade da cultura de cana-de-açúcar ocorreram na parte mais baixa do talhão.1250125

    Skin model and some processing properties of a drilling simulation in the abdominal

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    We know that the skin is a complex organ, and there is a need to measure the complex mechanical properties of the human skin by means of a mathematical representation capable of simulating the deformations that occur during the movements of the body and surgical procedures. We propose for this modeling an analogy between: a) resistance represented by the shock absorber, in this study the modeling will be based on the compression cycle, which occurs once the needle is inserted in the skin, compressing it; b) elasticity given by a spring with a rigidity k; and c) mass, which in turn constitutes the systems inertia resistance to displacement. With the proposed analysis of skin perforation we aim to obtain a model by relating the force applied by the needle to its velocity in the hypodermis. The results shows the steps outlined to convert the analogous system of human skin into a liaison graph, Bond Graph. As discussed by the authors, all data concerning skin are embedded in uncertainty, due especially to the following factors: spatial distribution of the organ, build and dimensions of the individual and lack of specific literature. The skin was thus modeled through a methodology based on the comparison between the real system and a model of the real system. This paper shows the mechanical model that represents skin and the injection in a procedure of abdominal perforation

    Revisiting the drivers of acoustic similarities in tropical anuran assemblages

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    Acoustic signaling is key in mediating mate-choice, which directly impacts individual fitness. Because background noise and habitat structure can impair signal transmission, the acoustic space of mixed-species assemblages has long been hypothesized to reflect selective pressures against signal interference and degradation. However, other potential drivers that received far less attention can drive similar outputs on the acoustic space. Phylogenetic niche conservatism and allometric constraints may also modulate species acoustic features, and the acoustic space of communities could be a side-effect of ecological assembly processes involving other traits (e.g. environmental filtering). Additionally, the acoustic space can also reflect the sorting of species relying on public information through extended communication networks. Using an integrative approach, we revisit the potential drivers of the acoustic space by addressing the distribution of acoustic traits, body size, and phylogenetic relatedness in tropical anuran assemblages across gradients of environmental heterogeneity in the Pantanal wetlands. We found the overall acoustic space to be aggregated compared with null expectations, even when accounting for confounding effects of body size. Across assemblages, acoustic and phylogenetic differences were positively related, while acoustic and body size similarities were negatively related, although to a minor extent. We suggest that acoustic partitioning, acoustic adaptation, and allometric constraints play a minor role in shaping the acoustic output of tropical anuran assemblages and that phylogenetic niche conservatism and public information use would influence between-assemblage variation. Our findings highlight an overlooked multivariate nature of the acoustic dimension and underscore the importance of including the ecological context of communities to understand drivers of the acoustic space

    Tulipa Energy Model: Mathematical Formulation

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    Tulipa Energy Model aims to optimise the investment and operation of the electricity market, considering its coupling with other sectors, such as hydrogen and heat, that can also be electrified. The problem is analysed from the perspective of a central planner who determines the expansion plan that is most beneficial for the system as a whole, either by maximising social welfare or by minimising total costs. The formulation provides a general description of the objective function and constraints in the optimisation model based on the concept of energy assets representing any element in the model. The model uses subsets and specific methods to determine the constraints that apply to a particular technology or network, allowing more flexibility in the code to consider new technologies and constraints with different levels of detail in the future

    Chemical Composition and larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti of essential oils from Croton jacobinenesis Baill

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    The chemical composition of essential oils from leaves, stalks and inflorescences of Croton jacobinensis obtained by hydrodistillation were analyzed by GC-MS. E-caryophyllene, 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, viridiflorene, -cadinene were the main components in essential oils from plant parts. Essential oils of leaves, stalks, and inflorescences were tested at different concentrations against instar III larvae of Aedes aegypti and showed LC50 of 79.3, 117.2, 65.8 μg/ml, respectively

    Classificação numérica da qualidade de um Latossolo Amarelo sob sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária

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    Ações antrópicas afetam a atmosfera da terra, despertando para uma consciência global sobre a necessidade de sistemas agrícolas sustentáveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar índices de sustentabilidade do solo para um sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária em um Latossolo Amarelo do cerrado brasileiro no Piauí, utilizando uma classificação numérica. Foram estudados três sistemas de manejo do solo: preparo convencional (PC) com disco de arado e grade pesada em cultivo de soja; plantio direto com rotação de milho soja e milheto como cobertura viva (NT + M); e dois sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária, um com cinco meses, em pastagens e cultivo de soja (ICL + S) e outro com pastejo contínuo (ICL + P). Uma área sob mata nativa (NF) foi avaliado, como um solo sob condições naturais. Propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas foram avaliadas no 0,00-0,05 m camada. Na análise de componentes principais, os ambientes ICL + S e ICL + P foram classificados como um único grupo, e pode ser caracterizados pelas propriedades de carbono orgânico no solo, reservatórios de carbono e nitrogênio no solo, o nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana, e total de nitrogênio. A propriedade do solo que melhor caracterizou o ambiente CT foi a atividade da enzima FDA (hidrolisa acetato). As propriedades que melhor caracterizam o ambiente NF são a capacidade de troca catiônica, carbono da biomassa microbiana, microporosidade, índice de estabilidade de agregados, diâmetro médio geométrico e percentagem de agregados estáveis> 2,00 milímetros.Anthropic action is affecting the Earth's atmosphere, awakening a global awareness about the need for sustainable farming systems. The objective of this study was to determine indices of soil sustainability for an integrated crop-livestock system in a Yellow Latosol of the Brazilian Cerrado in Piauí by using a numerical rating. Three systems of soil management were studied: an area under conventional tillage (CT) with plow disk and heavy harrow and soybean cultivation; an area under no-tillage with soybean-maize rotation and millet as a cover crop (NT+M); and two areas under an Integrated Crop-Livestock System, one with five-month pasture grazing and soybean cultivation and the other with continuous pasture grazing (ICL + S and ICL + P, respectively). An area under Native Forest (NF) was evaluated as well as a soil under natural conditions. The physical, chemical, and biological properties were evaluated in the 0.00-0.05 m layer. The environments ICL + S and ICL + P were classified as a single group, and can be characterized by the properties soil organic carbon, soil carbon and nitrogen pools, microbial biomass nitrogen, and total soil N. The property that best characterizes the CT environment is enzyme activity FDA (Fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis). The properties that best characterize the NF environment are cation exchange capacity, microbial biomass carbon, microporosity, aggregate stability index, geometric mean diameter, and percentage of stable >2.00 mm aggregates.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Towards an applied metaecology

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    The complexity of ecological systems is a major challenge for practitioners and decision-makers who work to avoid, mitigate and manage environmental change. Here, we illustrate how metaecology – the study of spatial interdependencies among ecological systems through fluxes of organisms, energy, and matter – can enhance understanding and improve managing environmental change at multiple spatial scales. We present several case studies illustrating how the framework has leveraged decision-making in conservation, restoration and risk management. Nevertheless, an explicit incorporation of metaecology is still uncommon in the applied ecology literature, and in action guidelines addressing environmental change. This is unfortunate because the many facets of environmental change can be framed as modifying spatial context, connectedness and dominant regulating processes - the defining features of metaecological systems. Narrowing the gap between theory and practice will require incorporating system-specific realism in otherwise predominantly conceptual studies, as well as deliberately studying scenarios of environmental change.We thank FAPESP (grants 2014/10470-7 to AM, 2013/04585-3 to DL, 2013/50424-1 to TS and 2015/18790-3to LS), CNPq (Productivity Fellowships 301656/2011-8 to JAFDF,308205/2014-6 to RP, 306183/2014-5 to PIP and 307689/2014-0 to VDP), the National Science Foundation (DEB 1645137 toJGH), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (SJL,PPN), and the Academy of Finland (grants 257686 and 292765 toMC) for support. This work contributes to the Labex OT-Med (no.ANR-11-LABX-0061), funded by the French government throughthe A*MIDEX project (no. ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02)

    Towards an applied metaecology

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    The complexity of ecological systems is a major challenge for practitioners and decision-makers who work to avoid, mitigate and manage environmental change. Here, we illustrate how metaecology - the study of spatial interdependencies among ecological systems through fluxes of organisms, energy, and matter - can enhance understanding and improve managing environmental change at multiple spatial scales. We present several case studies illustrating how the framework has leveraged decision-making in conservation, restoration and risk management. Nevertheless, an explicit incorporation of metaecology is still uncommon in the applied ecology literature, and in action guidelines addressing environmental change. This is unfortunate because the many facets of environmental change can be framed as modifying spatial context, connectedness and dominant regulating processes - the defining features of metaecological systems. Narrowing the gap between theory and practice will require incorporating system-specific realism in otherwise predominantly conceptual studies, as well as deliberately studying scenarios of environmental change. (C) 2019 Associacao Brasileira de Ciencia Ecologica e Conservacao. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda.Peer reviewe