170 research outputs found
Understanding food waste behaviours along the food supply chain-a mutilevel approach
The visibility of the food waste volume along the food supply chain during the recent years has situated this topic in the policy and research agenda. Food waste entails environmental, ethical and economic impacts. There is a vast agreement on the urgency of reducing the current food waste generation. However, there is still several gaps of knowledge to better achieve it. The complexity of the food waste phenomenon requires in-depth analyses, including multiple dimensions and adopting a multi-actor approach, to better understand its causes and to adopt the most adequate of solutions. There is a lack of whole-supply approaches and multidimensional consumers’ understanding. To fill these gaps, the main objective of this thesis is to explain the factors influencing the food waste generation, as well as to explore potential measures to prevent and reduce the current food waste generation at different stages of the supply chain. To achieve this objective, this thesis is structured in two main parts. The first one considers the whole food supply chain while the second focusses at the household level. The specific objectives of the thesis are: 1) to analyse the causes of food waste generation and the circumstantial or structural nature along the food supply chain; 2) to identify and prioritize food waste prevention and reduction measures along the food supply chain; 3) to better understand consumer food waste behaviour by considering a multidimensional model; and 4) to critically analyse in-home consumer food waste measurement and the effect of framing and information on consumers’ perception of food waste generation.
To achieve these objectives, the thesis employs both quantitative and qualitative methods. The two main parts of the thesis are divided in four chapters. The first part of the thesis (chapter 1 and 2) used a multi-stakeholder panel along the food supply chain to analyse the causes and solutions to food waste in the metropolitan region of Barcelona. In-depth interviews and a Delphi survey were employed. The second part (chapter 3 and 4) includes two consumer surveys, one in the Barcelona metropolitan region, and the other in the United States. The first survey tested and validated a multidimensional behavioural model to explain consumers’ food waste behaviour by means of the Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The second survey employ a survey experiment methodology.
This thesis addresses the food waste debate from an innovative and holistic perspective. Chapters 1 and 2 provide meaningful evidences to understand the structural nature of food waste generation, as well as to find out solutions to prevent and reduce it by addressing the complex root of the phenomenon. Chapter 2 discusses the regional stakeholder’s proposals to prevent and reduce food waste by prioritizing them - following the hierarchy of food waste management- into strong prevention, weak prevention, and redistribution solutions. Chapter 3 and 4 offer innovative approaches to understand, and accordingly address, consumers’ food waste. Chapter 3 proposes and validates a model that predicts food waste by means of consumers’ food-related behaviours, waste-related behaviour, environmental concern, and materialism values. Chapter 4 demonstrates the influence of different framings (volume, monetary, social, and environmental) in consumer’s self-reporting of food waste, as well as the effect of information on their perception. Chapter 3 and 4 test different alternatives to measure consumer food waste generation. Overall, the thesis contributes to the growing body of literature by offering multidimensional approaches to analyse the food waste phenomenon, and it does so by offering first-hand data from each case study – which is very scarce nowadays. Finally, the findings are of greater interest to both policy bodies and researchers in the field of sustainable food system.La visibilidad durante los últimos años del desperdicio alimentario generado, a lo largo de la cadena agroalimentaria, ha situado este tema en la agenda política y de investigación. El desperdicio alimentario conlleva impactos ambientales, éticos y económicos. Existe un amplio consenso en la urgencia de reducir el desperdicio generado hoy en día. No obstante, todavía existen múltiples aspectos sin estudiar que lo dificultan. La complejidad del fenómeno requiere de análisis en profundidad, que incluyan múltiples dimensiones y diversidad de agentes, para entender mejor las causas de éste y adoptar las mejores soluciones. Existe una carencia de enfoques de cadena y estudios multidimensionales en consumidores. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es explicar los factores que influyen en la generación de desperdicio alimentario, así como explorar potenciales soluciones para prevenir y reducir el volumen de desperdicio generado en diferentes etapas de la cadena agroalimentaria. Para lograr este objetivo, la tesis se estructura en dos partes. La primera engloba toda la cadena agroalimentaria y la segunda se centra en los hogares. Los objetivos específicos de la tesis son: 1) analizar las causas del desperdicio alimentario y su naturaleza estructural o coyuntural a lo largo de la cadena agroalimentaria, 2) identificar y priorizar medidas para la prevención y la reducción del desperdicio alimentario a lo largo de la cadena agroalimentaria, 3) entender el comportamiento del consumidor en cuanto al desperdicio alimentario considerando un modelo multidimensional, y 4) analizar críticamente la medición del desperdicio alimentario en el hogar y el efecto que diferentes dimensiones e información tienen en la percepción del consumidor sobre su generación. Para lograr estos objetivos, la presente tesis emplea tanto métodos cuantitativos como cualitativos. Las dos partes principales de la tesis se dividen en cuatro capítulos. La primera parte (capítulo 1 y 2) emplea un panel de agentes relevantes de la cadena agroalimentaria para analizar las causas y soluciones al desperdicio alimentario en el área metropolitana de Barcelona. Para ello se desarrollan entrevistas en profundidad y un cuestionario Delphi. La segunda parte (capítulo 3 y 4) comprende dos encuestas a consumidores, una en el área metropolitana de Barcelona y otra en Estados Unidos. La primera encuesta analiza y valida un modelo multidimensional de comportamiento del consumidor por medio de ecuaciones estructurales (PLS-SEM). La segunda, aplica un método de encuesta experimental. La tesis aborda el debate del desperdicio alimentario desde una perspectiva innovadora y holística. Los capítulos 1 y 2 ofrecen evidencias para entender la naturaleza estructural del problema, así como para encontrar soluciones para prevenir y reducir el desperdicio orientadas a la raíz del problema. El capítulo 2 prioriza las propuestas de los agentes del caso de estudio para prevenir y reducir el desperdicio (siguiendo la jerarquía de gestión del desperdicio) en prevención fuerte, prevención débil y redistribución. Los capítulos 3 y 4 ofrecen un enfoque innovador para entender, y en consecuencia abordar, el desperdicio alimentario del consumidor. El capítulo 3 propone y valida un modelo que predice el desperdicio alimentario en función de comportamientos en alimentación, gestión de residuos, la conciencia ambiental y los valores materialistas de los consumidores. El capítulo 4 demuestra la influencia de diferentes dimensiones (volumen, monetaria, social y ambiental) en la autoevaluación del desperdicio alimentario, así como el efecto de la información. Los capítulos 3 y 4 examinan alternativas para medir el desperdicio alimentario del consumidor. En general, la tesis contribuye a la creciente literatura científica ofreciendo enfoques multidimensionales para analizar el desperdicio alimentario a la vez que aportando datos primarios de los casos de estudiosPostprint (published version
Understanding food waste behaviours along the food supply chain-a mutilevel approach
The visibility of the food waste volume along the food supply chain during the recent years has situated this topic in the policy and research agenda. Food waste entails environmental, ethical and economic impacts. There is a vast agreement on the urgency of reducing the current food waste generation. However, there is still several gaps of knowledge to better achieve it. The complexity of the food waste phenomenon requires in-depth analyses, including multiple dimensions and adopting a multi-actor approach, to better understand its causes and to adopt the most adequate of solutions. There is a lack of whole-supply approaches and multidimensional consumers’ understanding. To fill these gaps, the main objective of this thesis is to explain the factors influencing the food waste generation, as well as to explore potential measures to prevent and reduce the current food waste generation at different stages of the supply chain. To achieve this objective, this thesis is structured in two main parts. The first one considers the whole food supply chain while the second focusses at the household level. The specific objectives of the thesis are: 1) to analyse the causes of food waste generation and the circumstantial or structural nature along the food supply chain; 2) to identify and prioritize food waste prevention and reduction measures along the food supply chain; 3) to better understand consumer food waste behaviour by considering a multidimensional model; and 4) to critically analyse in-home consumer food waste measurement and the effect of framing and information on consumers’ perception of food waste generation.
To achieve these objectives, the thesis employs both quantitative and qualitative methods. The two main parts of the thesis are divided in four chapters. The first part of the thesis (chapter 1 and 2) used a multi-stakeholder panel along the food supply chain to analyse the causes and solutions to food waste in the metropolitan region of Barcelona. In-depth interviews and a Delphi survey were employed. The second part (chapter 3 and 4) includes two consumer surveys, one in the Barcelona metropolitan region, and the other in the United States. The first survey tested and validated a multidimensional behavioural model to explain consumers’ food waste behaviour by means of the Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The second survey employ a survey experiment methodology.
This thesis addresses the food waste debate from an innovative and holistic perspective. Chapters 1 and 2 provide meaningful evidences to understand the structural nature of food waste generation, as well as to find out solutions to prevent and reduce it by addressing the complex root of the phenomenon. Chapter 2 discusses the regional stakeholder’s proposals to prevent and reduce food waste by prioritizing them - following the hierarchy of food waste management- into strong prevention, weak prevention, and redistribution solutions. Chapter 3 and 4 offer innovative approaches to understand, and accordingly address, consumers’ food waste. Chapter 3 proposes and validates a model that predicts food waste by means of consumers’ food-related behaviours, waste-related behaviour, environmental concern, and materialism values. Chapter 4 demonstrates the influence of different framings (volume, monetary, social, and environmental) in consumer’s self-reporting of food waste, as well as the effect of information on their perception. Chapter 3 and 4 test different alternatives to measure consumer food waste generation. Overall, the thesis contributes to the growing body of literature by offering multidimensional approaches to analyse the food waste phenomenon, and it does so by offering first-hand data from each case study – which is very scarce nowadays. Finally, the findings are of greater interest to both policy bodies and researchers in the field of sustainable food system.La visibilidad durante los últimos años del desperdicio alimentario generado, a lo largo de la cadena agroalimentaria, ha situado este tema en la agenda política y de investigación. El desperdicio alimentario conlleva impactos ambientales, éticos y económicos. Existe un amplio consenso en la urgencia de reducir el desperdicio generado hoy en día. No obstante, todavía existen múltiples aspectos sin estudiar que lo dificultan. La complejidad del fenómeno requiere de análisis en profundidad, que incluyan múltiples dimensiones y diversidad de agentes, para entender mejor las causas de éste y adoptar las mejores soluciones. Existe una carencia de enfoques de cadena y estudios multidimensionales en consumidores. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es explicar los factores que influyen en la generación de desperdicio alimentario, así como explorar potenciales soluciones para prevenir y reducir el volumen de desperdicio generado en diferentes etapas de la cadena agroalimentaria. Para lograr este objetivo, la tesis se estructura en dos partes. La primera engloba toda la cadena agroalimentaria y la segunda se centra en los hogares. Los objetivos específicos de la tesis son: 1) analizar las causas del desperdicio alimentario y su naturaleza estructural o coyuntural a lo largo de la cadena agroalimentaria, 2) identificar y priorizar medidas para la prevención y la reducción del desperdicio alimentario a lo largo de la cadena agroalimentaria, 3) entender el comportamiento del consumidor en cuanto al desperdicio alimentario considerando un modelo multidimensional, y 4) analizar críticamente la medición del desperdicio alimentario en el hogar y el efecto que diferentes dimensiones e información tienen en la percepción del consumidor sobre su generación. Para lograr estos objetivos, la presente tesis emplea tanto métodos cuantitativos como cualitativos. Las dos partes principales de la tesis se dividen en cuatro capítulos. La primera parte (capítulo 1 y 2) emplea un panel de agentes relevantes de la cadena agroalimentaria para analizar las causas y soluciones al desperdicio alimentario en el área metropolitana de Barcelona. Para ello se desarrollan entrevistas en profundidad y un cuestionario Delphi. La segunda parte (capítulo 3 y 4) comprende dos encuestas a consumidores, una en el área metropolitana de Barcelona y otra en Estados Unidos. La primera encuesta analiza y valida un modelo multidimensional de comportamiento del consumidor por medio de ecuaciones estructurales (PLS-SEM). La segunda, aplica un método de encuesta experimental. La tesis aborda el debate del desperdicio alimentario desde una perspectiva innovadora y holística. Los capítulos 1 y 2 ofrecen evidencias para entender la naturaleza estructural del problema, así como para encontrar soluciones para prevenir y reducir el desperdicio orientadas a la raíz del problema. El capítulo 2 prioriza las propuestas de los agentes del caso de estudio para prevenir y reducir el desperdicio (siguiendo la jerarquía de gestión del desperdicio) en prevención fuerte, prevención débil y redistribución. Los capítulos 3 y 4 ofrecen un enfoque innovador para entender, y en consecuencia abordar, el desperdicio alimentario del consumidor. El capítulo 3 propone y valida un modelo que predice el desperdicio alimentario en función de comportamientos en alimentación, gestión de residuos, la conciencia ambiental y los valores materialistas de los consumidores. El capítulo 4 demuestra la influencia de diferentes dimensiones (volumen, monetaria, social y ambiental) en la autoevaluación del desperdicio alimentario, así como el efecto de la información. Los capítulos 3 y 4 examinan alternativas para medir el desperdicio alimentario del consumidor. En general, la tesis contribuye a la creciente literatura científica ofreciendo enfoques multidimensionales para analizar el desperdicio alimentario a la vez que aportando datos primarios de los casos de estudio
Impacto de la negociación colectiva en la siniestralidad laboral: Estudio de caso sector manufactura, 2006-2019
La presente investigación busca describir y analizar el comportamiento de la
siniestralidad laboral como resultado de la negociación colectiva, siendo esta
última una herramienta para la prevención de riesgos laborales, en la medida tiene
como objeto la determinación de las condiciones de trabajo, las cuales forman
parte de los riesgos psicosociales en seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Se centra
en el sector de manufactura y en el estudio de caso de una empresa de este sector
entre los años 2006 y 2019.
Se aplica la metodología que nos permite integrar los enfoques cualitativos y
cuantitativos. Consiste en el análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas
a los actores en la negociación colectiva y el análisis de la información cuantitativa
sobre la negociación colectiva y seguridad y salud en el trabajo de diferentes
bases de datos nacionales y/o internacionales, así como el análisis de la aplicación
de cuestionario CoPsoQ-Istas 21. Este último es una herramienta que permite
identificar y medir aquellas características de la organización del trabajo como
factores de riesgo psicosocial.
La investigación es oportuna y pertinente ante las elevadas cifras de accidentes
laborales a nivel mundial y Perú, y la preocupación al respecto en todos los niveles
de las relaciones laborales que son; la necesidad del Estado de adecuar la
legislación nacional y la reducción de las cifras de siniestralidad laboral por parte
de las empresas en cuanto a responsabilidades en caso de accidentes, y del
propio colectivo de trabajadores.
El resultado de la investigación visibiliza la oportunidad de disminuir el número de
accidentes laborales a través de la inclusión de cláusulas referentes a la
adecuación de las condiciones de trabajo y que desde los sindicatos se reoriente
a abandonar la monitorización del riesgo laboral, y dirigir la negociación colectiva
hacia la prevención y minimización de los riesgos y adecuación de los puestos de
trabajo.This research seeks to describe and analyze the behavior of the occupational
accident rate as a result of collective bargaining, the latter being a tool for the
prevention of occupational risks, to the extent that it has as a purpose the
determining of the working conditions, which are part of the psychosocial risks in
safety and health at work. It focuses on the industry manufacturing and studies the
case of a company in this sector between the years 2006 and 2019.
A methodology applied, which allows us to integrate the qualitative and quantitative
approaches. It consists on the analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted
with the actors in collective bargaining, and the analysis of quantitative information
on the collective bargaining and occupational health and safety from different
databases national and/or international, as well as the analysis of the questionnaire
application CoPsoQ-Istas 21. The latter is a tool that allows identifying and
measuring those characteristics of work organization as psychosocial risk factors.
The investigation is appropriate and pertinent given the high number of accidents
at the world level and in Peru, and the existing concern in this regard at all levels
of labor relations, the need for the State to adapt the national legislation and the
reduction of the figures of labor accidents in the companies in terms of
responsibilities in the event of accidents, and also in the workers ‘collective itself.
The result of the investigation makes visible the opportunity to reduce the number
of occupational accidents through the inclusion of clauses referring to the
adequacy of working conditions, and shows the need for the Trade Unions to
reorient it to the abandon of occupational risk monitoring, and direct collective
bargaining towards the prevention and minimization of risks and adaptation of jobs
Moving ahead from food-related behaviours: an alternative approach to understand household food waste generation
Food waste prevention is a hot topic on the policy agenda. According to available data, urgent measures need to be undertaken to significantly reduce the current generation of food waste. However, it is important to thoroughly understand consumers' behaviour to define measures that will lead to a long-lasting change in the situation. The aim of the present work is to analyse consumer food waste behaviour by means of a model that brings together food-related and waste management variables. To do so, a survey was given to 418 consumers of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. Results show that food waste is directly influenced by purchasing discipline, waste prevention habits and materialism values and indirectly influenced by environmental values. This highlights the importance of addressing the problem from different perspectives and emphasizes the importance of considering this problem as a transversal element for policy makers. We suggest that household food waste prevention and reduction needs to be included as a key element in different policy areas.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Update on the role of T cells in cognitive impairment.
The central nervous system (CNS) has long been considered an immune-privileged site, with minimal interaction between immune cells, particularly of the adaptive immune system. Previously, the presence of immune cells in this organ was primarily linked to events involving disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) or inflammation. However, current research has shown that immune cells are found patrolling CNS under homeostatic conditions. Specifically, T cells of the adaptive immune system are able to cross the BBB and are associated with ageing and cognitive impairment. In addition, T-cell infiltration has been observed in pathological conditions, where inflammation correlates with poor prognosis. Despite ongoing research, the role of this population in the ageing brain under both physiological and pathological conditions is not yet fully understood. In this review, we provide an overview of the interactions between T cells and other immune and CNS parenchymal cells, and examine the molecular mechanisms by which these interactions may contribute to normal brain function and the scenarios in which disruption of these connections lead to cognitive impairment. A comprehensive understanding of the role of T cells in the ageing brain and the underlying molecular pathways under normal conditions could pave the way for new research to better understand brain disorders.S
A specific loop in human DNA polymerase mu allows switching between creative and DNA-instructed synthesis
Human DNA polymerase mu (Polμ) is a family X member that has terminal transferase activity but, in spite of a non-orthodox selection of the template information, displays its maximal catalytic efficiency in DNA-templated reactions. As terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), Polμ has a specific loop (loop1) that could provide this enzyme with its terminal transferase activity. When loop1 was deleted, human Polμ lacked TdT activity but improved DNA-binding and DNA template-dependent polymerization. Interestingly, when loop1 from TdT was inserted in Polμ (substituting its cognate loop1), the resulting chimaera displayed TdT activity, preferentially inserting dGTP residues, but had a strongly reduced template-dependent polymerization activity. Therefore, a specialized loop in Polμ, that could adopt alternative conformations, appears to provide this enzyme with a dual capacity: (i) template independency to create new DNA information, in which loop1 would have an active role by acting as a ‘pseudotemplate’; (ii) template-dependent polymerization, in which loop1 must allow binding of the template strand. Recent in vivo and in vitro data suggest that such a dual capacity could be advantageous to resolve microhomology-mediated end-joining reactions
Decadal changes in biomass and distribution of key fisheries species on Newfoundland’s Grand Banks
Canadian fisheries management has embraced the precautionary approach and the incorporation
of ecosystem information into decision-making processes. Accurate estimation of
fish stock biomass is crucial for ensuring sustainable exploitation of marine resources. Spatio-
temporal models can provide improved indices of biomass as they capture spatial and
temporal correlations in data and can account for environmental factors influencing biomass
distributions. In this study, we developed a spatio-temporal generalized additive model (st-
GAM) to investigate the relationships between bottom temperature, depth, and the biomass
of three key fished species on The Grand Banks: snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), yellowtail
flounder (Limanda ferruginea), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Our findings revealed
changes in the centre of gravity of Atlantic cod that could be related to a northern shift of the
species within the Grand Banks or to a faster recovery of the 2J3KL stock. Atlantic cod also
displayed hyperaggregation behaviour with the species showing a continuous distribution
over the Grand Banks when biomass is high. These findings suggest a joint stock assessment
between the 2J3KL and 3NO stocks would be advisable. However, barriers may need
to be addressed to achieve collaboration between the two distinct regulatory bodies (i.e.,
DFO and NAFO) in charge of managing the stocks. Snow crab and yellowtail flounder centres
of gravity have remained relatively constant over time. We also estimated novel indices
of biomass, informed by environmental factors. Our study represents a step towards ecosystem-
based fisheries management for the highly dynamic Grand Banks
Citizens’ Food Habit Behavior and Food Waste Consequences during the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain
During the first COVID-19 wave in Spain, confining the population at home was seen as an effective way to prevent the disease from spreading. This limited mobility affected citizens’ routines at homes because it influenced their life habits, including food management. The main objective of this paper was to understand citizens’ food waste (FW) behavior during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Spain by understanding related food practices that could have influenced FW generation. An online survey was conducted from 14 May to 11 June, 2020; 6293 valid responses were collected and analyzed, and 95% of the participants declared not wasting more food than usual. On average, they reported wasting 234 g per household per week, which equals 88 g per capita. We found significant differences in the reported FW generation between participants regarding their age, gender, household composition, and employment status due to COVID-19. In addition, food-related behaviors such as buying more food than usual due to fear or anxiety, storing more food than before the lockdown, and improvising when buying groceries seemed to affect the FW reported by the participants. The paper ends by comparing the conclusions drawn by different works conducted in other countries for a similar purpose
Estilos de aprendizaje y hábitos de estudio en estudiantes del nivel de educación secundaria de la I.E. 171-1 “Juan Velasco Alvarado”. San Juan de Lurigancho, 2013
El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre los estilos de
aprendizaje y los hábitos de estudio en los estudiantes del nivel de educación
secundaria de la institución educativa N°171-1 “Juan Velasco Alvarado”. San
Juan de Lurigancho, 2013, UGEL 05.
El tipo de investigación utilizado fue descriptivo-correlacional. La muestra estuvo
constituida por 60 estudiantes de 4° y 5° año de educación secundaria, siendo
esta muestra obtenida como grupo representativo. El diseño de investigación que
se utilizó en el estudio fue no experimental de tipo transversal cuantitativo. Se
aplicó dos instrumentos a los estudiantes: el cuestionario de estilos de
aprendizaje de Honey y el inventario de hábitos de estudio de Vicuña. Para la
prueba de Hipótesis se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman para
relacionar las variables de estudio.
Los hallazgos indicaron de manera general que existe relación significativa entre
los estilos de aprendizaje y los hábitos de estudio. Asi mismo, relación
significativa entre los estilos de aprendizaje, activo, pragmatico, teorico y reflexivo
y los habitos de estudio; prevalenciendo el estilo de aprendizaje teorico en los
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