265 research outputs found

    Medium and large sized mammals of the Boqueirão da Onça, North of Bahia State, Brazil

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    The mosaic of protected areas of Boqueirão da Onça (8.636 km²), created in the north of Bahia state, is located in the Caatinga, an exclusively Brazilian biome, but exposed to a range of anthropic impacts that threaten its species and natural resources. Few data are available for various zoological groups in Caatinga, including mammals. In order to characterize the community of mammals of this region, considering species richness, we installed 80 camera-trap stations. With a sampling effort of 10,370 camera-days we recorded 28 species (22 wild and six domestic). Opportunistically, we recorded four mammals, resulting in a total richness of 32 species, five of which are included in the global list of endangered species, and seven in the national list. The results are significant, since the richness of wild mammals of the Boqueirão da Onça (S = 26) presented a high value when compared to other Caatinga localities. During the study we found evidence of human activities threatening the conservation of the region, such as poaching and deforestation. Therefore, there is an urgent need in the publication of the Management Plan of the recently created Boqueirão da Onça National Park, to minimize negative impacts on biodiversity and ensure the maintenance of ecological processes

    Spatiotemporal ecology of two Neotropical herbivorous mammals

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    On this study, we used camera traps in a Semi deciduous Seasonal Forest, northeast of Brazil, to estimate the frequencies of occurrence of two Neotropical herbivorous mammals: the spotted paca (Cuniculus paca) and the tapeti (Sylvilagus brasiliensis), analyzing their seasonal variations of spatial distribution. We also characterized the activity pattern of the species and their seasonal variation. The herbivorous frequencies of occurrence were constant during all the seasons. In general, both species were mostly active at night. However, between the rainy and dry season, we identified differences in spotted paca activity peaks. Here we present one of the first studies on the tapeti, whose ecology is understudied. Our results also show a general view of the spotted paca and tapeti behavior strategies to seasonal variations. Due to the scarce food resource in the dry season, possibly these herbivorous need to search for different kinds of food available IFS around

    Spatiotemporal ecology of two Neotropical herbivorous mammals

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    On this study, we used camera traps in a Semi deciduous Seasonal Forest, northeast of Brazil, to estimate the frequencies of occurrence of two Neotropical herbivorous mammals: the spotted paca (Cuniculus paca) and the tapeti (Sylvilagus brasiliensis), analyzing their seasonal variations of spatial distribution. We also characterized the activity pattern of the species and their seasonal variation. The herbivorous frequencies of occurrence were constant during all the seasons. In general, both species were mostly active at night. However, between the rainy and dry season, we identified differences in spotted paca activity peaks. Here we present one of the first studies on the tapeti, whose ecology is understudied. Our results also show a general view of the spotted paca and tapeti behavior strategies to seasonal variations. Due to the scarce food resource in the dry season, possibly these herbivorous need to search for different kinds of food available IFS around


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    The forest formations on quartz white-sand are a kind of oligotrophic ecosystem and its  phytophysionomical characteristics are affected by the climate seasonality. The canopy is one of these characteristics, its variations may influence the spatial distribution of the energy in the environment. The objective of this research was to evaluate and compare the tree density and the seasonality change on the canopy openness on habitats of white-sand in Serra de Itabaiana National Park. The data were collected in two environments: gaping vegetation of white-sands strictu sensu (VA) and closed vegetation of riparian forest (MR). To estimate tree density, it was utilized the wandering-quarter, where trees with CAP > 5cm were sampled. To evaluate the canopy dynamics, the transects had 5 points equidistant 20m, ten per environment. Hemispherical pictures were taken in January (dry season) and June (wet season), utilizing a digital camera with a fisheye lens. The images were analyzed on the Gap Light Analyzer software. The results showed that riparian forest have higher tree density (498 ind ha-1) than the opened (296 ind ha-1). The letter do not showed variations in the canopy openness (t = -2,0052; p > 0,05) or in Leaf Area Index (t = -2,0052; p > 0.05) between wet (52,24% ± 18,13% e 0,68 ± 0,45)  and dry seasons (67,39% ± 15,38% e 0,36 ± 0,23). In riparian forest, the canopy openness (t = 7,1739; p < 0.05) and LAI values (t = -5,1609; p < 0.05) vary between wet (13,70% ± 2,24% e 2,13 ± 0,23) and dry (21,08% ± 2,36% e 1,63 ± 0,20) seasons showing the seasonality. Differences between the two habitats highlights the environmental heterogeneity in Serra de Itabaiana and show that forest formations on white-sand respond by different ways to the water seasonality of this ecosystem. Because it is located in an ecotone area between evergreen forest and forest Semideciduous, the riparian forest tends to lose some of their leaves during the dry season. Moreover, the distribution pattern of the plants can contribute to the differences between the studied habitats.As florestas de areias brancas quartzosas constituem um tipo de ecossistema oligotrófico, cujos caracteres fitofisionômicos são afetados pela sazonalidade climática. Entre tais características está a abertura do dossel, cujas variações influenciam na distribuição espacial da luz solar no ambiente. Este estudo avaliou e comparou a estrutura da vegetação e as alterações sazonais do dossel em habitat de areias brancas do Parque Nacional Serra de Itabaiana, Sergipe. Os dados foram coletados em dois ambientes: vegetação aberta de areias brancas strictu sensu (VA) e mata fechada de vegetação ripária (MR). Para estimar a densidade arbórea utilizou-se o método quadrante, no qual foram amostradas árvores com CAP ≥ 5 cm. Para avaliar a dinâmica do dossel foram estabelecidos, em cada área, dois transectos compostos por cinco pontos equidistantes 20 m, totalizando 10 pontos por ambiente. Em cada ponto foram obtidas fotografias hemisféricas do dossel nos meses de janeiro (seca) e junho (chuva). As imagens foram analisadas pelo software Gap Light Analyzer, sendo avaliadas as variáveis abertura do dossel e índice de área foliar (IAF). A vegetação ripária apresentou densidade arbórea de 498 ind ha-1 e a vegetação aberta 296 ind ha-1. Esta última, não evidenciou variações na abertura do dossel (t = 2,0146; p > 0,05) e no IAF (t = -2,0052; p > 0,05) entre os períodos de chuva (52,24% ± 18,13% e 0,68 ± 0,45) e seca (67,39% ± 15,38% e 0,36 ± 0,23). Na mata ripária, a abertura do dossel (t = 7,1739; p < 0,05) e o IAF (t = -5,1609; p < 0,05) variou entre os períodos de chuva (13,70% ± 2,24% e 2,13 ± 0,23) e seca (21,08% ± 2,36% e 1,63 ± 0,20). As diferenças observadas destacam a heterogeneidade ambiental na Serra de Itabaiana e demonstram que as formações florestais de areias bancas respondem de maneira distinta à sazonalidade hídrica deste ecossistema.  Por estar localizada em uma área de ecótono entre floresta perene e Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, a mata ripária tende a perder parte de suas folhas durante o período seco. Além disso, o padrão de distribuição das plantas pode contribuir para as diferenças entre os habitat estudados

    Changes in leaf chlorophyll content associated with flowering and its role in the diversity of phytophagous insects in a tree species from a semiarid Caatinga

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    Phytophagous insects choose their feeding resources according to their own requirements, but their feeding preferences in the semiarid Caatinga have rarely been studied. Flowering trees leads to a greater diversity of flower visitors and their predators in the host plant, but little is known about why the diversity of phytophagous insects not associated with flowers is also increased. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diversity of sap-sucking, wood-boring and leaf-chewing insects associated with leaf chlorophyll content in flowering and non-flowering plants of Poincianella pyramidalis, an endemic tree of Caatinga. We used a leaf chlorophyll index (LCI) as a surrogate for resource quality, and an entomological umbrella to collect phytophagous insects. We show that trees which bloomed demonstrated higher chlorophyll content, greater abundance and a significant difference in the composition of phytophagous insect species when compared to non-flowering trees (p < 0.05). The results suggest that not only the presence of flowers themselves, but also the higher nutritional quality of leaf tissue, can explain the differences in species diversity and abundance of phytophagous insects. Exceptional flowering trees in the Caatinga area studied may thus act as spots of high quality resources, favouring changes in the diversity of insects in this environment


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    Objetivo: avaliar o potencial terapêutico da vitamina D e seus análogos em paciente com DRC. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática, conforme os passos propostos pela metodologia Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Foram usadas as bases de dados SciELO, Medline, PubMed e LILACS para o levantamento dos artigos. A qualidade metodológica das investigações foi realizada por meio do método de Jadad e Newcastle-Ottawa (NOS). Resultados: Foram identificados 132 artigos iniciais, dos quais 5 foram selecionados para revisão atendendo a todos os critérios de elegibilidade. Os resultados indicaram que o uso da vitamina D como terapia medicamentosa em pacientes com DRC contribuiu para melhorar a função endotelial dos vasos através da diminuição da rigidez vascular, apresentou ação protetora contra infecções através de imunomodulação, diminuição do paratormônio (PTH) e estabilização da taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG). Considerações Finais: Nesse sentido, pode-se concluir que a vitamina D torna-se um agente terapêutico para múltiplos tecidos contribuindo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes com DRC

    Inventário de aves da restinga de uma Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural, Nordeste do Brasil

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    The knowledge of the characteristics of bird communities found in each habitat type and the ecological requirements of each species helps to define the environmental conditions of an area. In the present study, we provide an inventory of the bird community of the Caju Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN Caju), in Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Sergipe, Brazil. We conducted a rapid assessment of the bird community between October 21st and 31st, 2014, using MacKinnon’s lists and mist-netting. We identified 89 bird species representing 36 families, of which the most diverse were Thraupidae (S=11), Tyrannidae (S=11), Columbidae (S=5), Falconidae (S=4) and Psittacidae (S=4). Five of the species recorded are endemic to Brazil and one (Herpsilochmus pectoralis) is considered vulnerable to extinction, according to IUCN criteria. We recorded bird species that are predominantly insectivorous (40.45%), omnivorous (25.84%), and carnivorous (11.24%). Other guilds (frugivorous, granivorous, detritivorous, piscivorous, and nectarivorous) represented together less than 25% of the records. The bird richness recorded at the RPPN Caju confirms the potential importance of the area as a conservation unit.Keywords: protected area, avian fauna, Sergipe.Conhecer as exigências ecológicas das espécies e a composição da comunidade de aves auxilia na identificação das condições ambientais de determinada área. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo apresenta resultados de um inventário de aves de restinga da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural do Caju, em Itaporanga d’Ajuda, Sergipe, Brasil. O inventário foi realizado com base no método de levantamento rápido, durante dez dias de outubro de 2014, através de amostragens com a confecção de listas de MacKinnon e uso de redes de neblina. Foram identificadas 89 espécies de aves distribuídas em 36 famílias, sendo Thraupidae (S=11), Tyrannidae (S=11), Columbidae (S=5), Falconidae (S=4) e Psittacidae (S=4) as mais representativas. Entre os registros totais, cinco espécies são endêmicas do Brasil, e uma é considerada vulnerável (Herpsilochmus pectoralis), de acordo com os critérios da IUCN. As espécies de aves insetívoras foram mais bem representadas (40.45%), seguidas das omnívoras (25.48%) e das carnívoras (11.24%). Outras guildas tróficas (frugívoros, granívoros, detritívoros, piscívoros e nectarívoros) representaram em conjunto menos de 25% do total dos registros. Os resultados indicam que a RPPN do Caju abriga uma diversidade de aves considerável, confirmando a importância da área enquanto unidade de conservação.Palavras-chave: área protegida, avifauna, Sergipe

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Neuroproteção na ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais: revisão da evidência atual

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    Os gliomas cerebrais são tumores primários do sistema nervoso central que se desenvolvem a partir de células gliais e têm alta morbimortalidade. Seu tratamento padrão envolve a ressecção cirúrgica, radioterapia e quimioterapia, os quais possivelmente podem levar os pacientes a um prognóstico desfavorável. Nesse contexto, a neuroproteção entra como uma aliada para minimizar os efeitos colaterais da ressecção cirúrgica e melhorar a sobrevida e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo discutir sobre a evidência atual da neuroproteção na ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais. Para isso, foram selecionados quatro artigos que que abordavam sobre a evidência atual da neuroproteção na ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais, por meio de uma estratégia de busca com recorte temporal entre 2014 e 2023, nas bases de dados PubMed (Medline), Embase e Cochrane Library. Os resultados indicam que o grupo de pacientes que recebeu dexmedetomidina apresentou melhora significativa na cognição e redução da inflamação cerebral em comparação com o grupo-controle pós-ressecção dos gliomas cerebrais, além de menor incidência de efeitos colaterais anestésicos, como náusea e vômitos (p &lt; 0,05). Ademais, foi observado que a modulação da via metabólica do glutamato/glutamina pode inibir o crescimento de gliomas e proteger o parênquima cerebral. Nesse sentido, as evidências atuais indicam que proteger as células nervosas é uma estratégia importante para minimizar os efeitos colaterais da ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais, e a dexmedetomidina e a co-cultura de células de glioma e astrócitos que aumenta a concentração extracelular de glutamato e glutamina parecem ser importantes aliadas nessa profilaxia