379 research outputs found

    Atitudes/comportamentos dos adolescentes face à sua sexualidade

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    En los últimos años, las actitudes y comportamientos sexuales de los adolescentes han sufrido evolución permanente y han cambiado hacia una sexualidad más permisiva, no siempre acompañada de la información adecuada sobre la forma más segura de ocuparse de su propia sexualidad, lo que puede conllevar serios riesgos para la salud. El análisis estadístico de los cuestionarios se realiza en una muestra de 521 estudiantes, de 2 escuelas secundarias, con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 19 años de edad, que comprende un 46,4% de niños y 53,6% de niñas, la edad promedio es de 16,37 y la desviación estándar (SD) 1,07. 196 estudiantes ya tienen novio/novia, lo que representa el 36,8% de los chicos totales y 38,4% del total de las niñas. 188 alumnos ya tuvieron relaciones sexuales, siendo el 64.9% de las relaciones sexuales con su novio/novia. Después de la primera cópula sexual 179 estudiantes tuvieron relaciones sexuales, al menos otra, con la misma pareja sexual, en 116 de estos estudiantes, y con una pareja sexual diferente el 63 de los sujetos. 134 alumnos utilizaron un método anticonceptivo, siendo el favorito el condón, que fue utilizado por el 81,2%. Respecto a la información de los estudiantes sobre sexualidad, 457 (87,7%) se consideran informados, recurriendo en su mayoría a internet y revistas (42,6%) para obtenerla. Con el fin de discutir sobre la sexualidad la mayoría de los estudiantes prefiere hablar con los amigos (53,7%). Se ha comprobado que un gran porcentaje de los estudiantes inician la actividad sexual tempranamente, aunque sigue siendo necesaria una mayor intervención a nivel escolar, invertir en educación sexual y educación entre iguales, así sobre un gran porcentaje de alumnos que elige referir sus problemas de sexualidad a los amigos.Over the last years, attitudes and sexual behaviors of teenagers have suffered permanent evolution, and have changed into a more permissive sexuality, not always followed by proper information on the most adequate way to deal with their own sexuality, which may lead to several health risks. Statistic analysis of questionnaires from a 521 student sample, from 2 high schools, with ages between 15 and 19 years old, comprising 46,4% boys and 53,6% girls, the age average being 16,37 and standard deviation (SD) 1,07. 196 students already have boyfriend/girlfriend, representing 36,8% of the total boys and 38,4% of the total for girls. 188 students already had sexual intercourse, being 64,9% of these sexual intercourses with boyfriend/girlfriend. After the first sexual intercourse 179 students had at least another sexual intercourse, with the same sexual partner for 116 of these students an with a different sexual partner for 63 of the subjects. 134 students used a contraceptive method, being the favorite the condom, which was used by 81,2%. About the information on sexuality 457 students (87,7%) considered themselves informed, resorting in their vast majority to internet and magazines (42,6%) to obtain information. In order to discuss sexuality most of the students prefer to talk to friends (53,7%). It has been verified that a big percentage of students initiate sexual activity quite early, though being necessary a greater intervention on school level, investing in sexual education and peer education, as a big percentage of students chooses to discuss their sexuality issues with friends.peerReviewe

    On the origin of Goa Cathedral former altarpiece: Material and technical assessment to the work of Garcia Fernandes, Portuguese painter from 16th century Lisbon workshop

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    Goa Cathedral former altarpiece is one of the oldest set of paintings in India. The seven remaining paintings from the first altarpiece of Goa Cathedral, nowadays in the sacristy, are attributed by some art historians to Master Garcia Fernandes (act. 1514–1565), Portuguese painter from Lisbon workshop. The 16th century was the “Golden age” of Portuguese painting. In this context the Royal Lisbon workshop played a predominant role, where the activity of the painter Garcia Fernandes and his workshop can be distinguished. In this new approach, Goa paintings are being studied and compared with other works in Portuguese territory attributed to this same painter, as St. Bartholomew altarpiece from the chapel of Bartolomeu Joanes in Lisbon Cathedral. The stratigraphic study allowed to compare ground layers, pigments and binders which, were characterized using complementary analytical and imaging techniques: (X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), Infrared Reflectography (IRR), Infrared Photography (IRP), Macro Photography (MP), micro-X-ray Diffraction (μ-XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Raman micro-spectroscopy (μ-Raman), Fourier Transform Infrared micro-spectroscopy (μ-FTIR), Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (PY-GC/MS). This work brought a new insight on the techniques and materials used in this Masterpiece and highlighted the conclusion that Goa Cathedral former altarpiece must be a Portuguese production

    Simulacro odontopediátrico com recurso à estratégia de ensino roleplaying em educação para a saúde oral

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    The aim of this article is to demystify within the scope of a pedagogical act, i) the eruption of permanent teeth in the child; ii) establish salutogenic habits from an early age; and iii) create communication and health education tools, thus evidencing the importance of both relational and therapeutic communication of Dental Medicine. The theoretical bases were founded according to Chernoff, (1973), Dranka (2012), Magalhães et al. (2013), Mota-Cardoso (2012) and Santos (2017). A therapeutic-pedagogical simulation in the pediatric dental environment was carried out by the students with recourse to the role-playing technique, consolidating the experience of a therapeutic bond, the admission, the empowerment of the students, in the context of learning their communication. It is coherent that the role play, as a teaching-learning strategy, allows students to develop knowledge about their (self) communication skills from a critical reflection of their own experiences and / or of their classmates.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo desmitificar en el ámbito de un acto pedagógico, i) el acontecimiento de desarrollo de la erupción de los dientes definitivos en el niño; ii) consolidar hábitos salutogénicos precozmente; y iii) elaborar instrumentos de Educación para la Salud, evidenciándose, así, la importancia de la comunicación relacional y terapéutica en el entorno terapéutico de la Medicina odontológica. Las bases teóricas fueron fundamentadas de acuerdo con Chernoff (1973); Dranka (2012); Magalhães et al. (2013); Mota-Cardoso (2012); Santos (2017). Fue realizado por los estudiantes un simulacro terapéutico-pedagógico en el entorno odontopediátrico con recurso a la técnica del juego de roles, consolidando la experiencia de un vínculo terapéutico, la admisión, el empoderamiento de los estudiantes, en el contexto de aprendizaje de sus capacidades de comunicación. Es coherente que el juego de roles, como estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje permite a los estudiantes desarrollar conocimientos sobre sus (auto) capacidades de comunicación a partir de una reflexión crítica de sus propias experiencias y/o de sus compañeros.O presente artigo tem como objetivo desmistificar no âmbito de um ato pedagógico, i) o acontecimento desenvolvimentista da erupção dos dentes definitivos na criança; ii) sedimentar precocemente hábitos salutogénicos; e iii) elaborar instrumentos de Educação para a Saúde, evidenciando-se, assim, a importância da comunicação relacional e terapêutica no setting terapêutico de Medicina Dentária. As bases teóricas foram fundamentadas de acordo com Chernoff (1973); Dranka (2012); Magalhães et al. (2013); Mota-Cardoso (2012); Santos (2017). Foi realizado pelos discentes de um simulacro terapêutico-pedagógico em setting odontopediátrico com recurso à técnica do roleplaying, consolidando a vivência de um vínculo terapêutico, a acessibilidade e o fortalecimento dos discentes, no contexto da aprendizagem das suas capacidades comunicacionais. É consentâneo que o roleplaying, enquanto estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem permite que os discentes edifiquem conhecimentos sobre as suas (auto) capacidades comunicacionais a partir de uma reflexão crítica das suas próprias experiências e/ou dos seus pares

    Planeamento de uma webrádio universitária: um estudo no contexto da Universidade de Aveiro

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    Este artigo apresenta resultados das várias fases por que passou o processo de planeamento de uma webrádio universitária que teve como públicos‐alvo estudantes, docentes e familiares de estudantes da Universidade de Aveiro. Começando por clarificar o conceito de webrádio, o artigo aborda, em seguida, as potencialidades adquiridas pela rádio na sua migração para a Internet com um especial enfoque nas webrádios em contexto de comunidades universitárias. O artigo propõe e justifica um modelo de análise que permite definir um conjunto de indicadores relevantes para o estudo subjacente à questão de investigação, com base no qual foi elaborado um inquérito por questionário online, que permitiu recolher dados de 1723 respondentes. O artigo sintetiza ainda as principais caraterísticas da webrádio em planeamento, tendo em conta a análise dos dados recolhidos através do questionário que é também apresentada.This paper presents the results gathered through several phases of a web radio planning process. A web radio with its audience targeted to students, teachers and student’s families of the University of Aveiro. Beginning with a discussion of the web radio concept, this paper subsequently develops an analysis of acquired potentialities in the radios’ migration process towards the Internet, with a special focus given to web radios targeted to university communities. An Analysis Model is proposed and rationalised, through which the definition of relevant indicators (for the underlying study and research question), was accomplished. With these indicators an inquiry by means of an online questionnaire was deployed gathering data from 1723 respondents. The paper ends with a summary of the in planning web radio’s main characteristics, taking into account the analysis of collected data (gathered through the questionnaire that is also presented).Este trabajo presenta los resultados de varias fases por qué ha pasado el proceso de planificación de una webradio universitaria dirigida a los estudiantes, profesores y familias de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Aveiro. Comenzando por aclarar el concepto de webradio, el artículo analiza, a continuación, las potencialidades adquiridas pela radio en su migración para la Internet con un enfoque especial en webradios en el contexto de las comunidades universitarias. El artículo propone y justifica un modelo de análisis que le permite definir un conjunto de indicadores relevantes para la pregunta de investigación subyacente, y a través do cual se ha construido una cuestionario en línea, lo que permitió recoger datos de 1.723 encuestados. En el artículo también se resumen las características principales de la webradio en la planificación, teniendo en cuenta el análisis de los datos recogidos a través del cuestionario

    Contaminantes da água com potencial genotóxico: cianotoxinas e subprodutos de desinfeção da água

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    A garantia da qualidade da água destinada ao consumo humano é, atualmente, uma preocupação universal, em termos de saúde pública. Assim, a presença de contaminantes de natureza microbiológica ou química, pode constituir um perigo para a saúde humana que importa avaliar, particularmente no que diz respeito a efeitos carcinogénicos. O presente trabalho representa uma abordagem multidisciplinar, abrangendo a caracterização de efeitos citotóxicos, genotóxicos e potencialmente carcinogénicos de toxinas cianobacterianas (microcistinas) e de subprodutos de desinfeção da água (derivados clorados de benzo[a] pireno e fluoranteno). As microcistinas têm sido detetadas em reservatórios de água doce, sendo sobretudo conhecidas pela sua hepatotoxicidade aguda. O nosso trabalho tem vindo a demonstrar que, por um lado, estas toxinas possuem também atividade citotóxica e genotóxica e que, por outro, essa atividade pode ser extensiva a células de outros órgãos, para além do fígado. Estes resultados suportam a hipótese, ainda alvo de alguma controvérsia científica, de que as microcistinas são agentes genotóxicos e potencialmente carcinogénicos. Os derivados clorados de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) podem formar-se pela reação do cloro, usado na desinfeção da água, com resíduos de HAP presentes na água, sendo que os seus efeitos biológicos são praticamente desconhecidos. O nosso trabalho compreendeu a preparação de três derivados clorados a partir do benzo[a]pireno (BaP) e fluoranteno (Fluo), a saber: 6-Cl-BaP, 3-Cl-Fluo e 1,3-Cl2-Fluo, tendo-se confirmado a sua formação em condições semelhantes às utilizadas em Estações de Tratamento de Águas. Mostrámos ainda que o 6-Cl-BaP apresenta um efeito genotóxico superior ao do BaP, o que veio justificar o alargamento deste estudo a novos subprodutos de desinfeção da água. No seu conjunto, os dados de ambos os estudos contribuíram para gerar evidência científica relativamente ao potencial impacto de contaminantes da água na saúde humana, com importantes implicações para a avaliação de risco e implementação de medidas preventivas, com vista a uma maior segurança na utilização dos recursos hídricos nacionais

    Long-term monitoring of the fish community in the Minho Estuary (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    The paper presents an extensive fish sampling dataset spanning a long-term period from 2010 to 2019. The data were collected in Lenta Marina, an upstream area in the Minho Estuary of the NW Iberian Peninsula, which belongs to a LTSER (Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research) platform. To capture fish, fyke nets were utilised as the sampling method and deployed at Lenta Marina. This dataset offers valuable insights into the abundance of each collected taxa recorded over time.The dataset reports a comprehensive compilation of data on the abundance of fish species observed in the area during the sampling period (includes zeroes when a given taxonomic entity was absent in a given sampling event). It provides a detailed record of the abundances of the fish community through time in a frequent sampling regime (on average, sampling was done every 6 days). The dataset shows that the amount of fish from invasive taxa exceeds the count of fish from native taxa in the Minho Estuary

    Elementos estruturais do pensamento crítico de enfermeiros atuantes em emergências

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    Objetivou-se neste estudo analisar os elementos estruturais do pensamento crítico (PC) do enfermeiro no processo de tomada de decisão clínica. Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, com 20 enfermeiros de emergências em três hospitais do sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados deu-se de abril a junho de 2009; aplicou-se um caso clínico validado, deste os enfermeiros listaram problemas de saúde, cuidados prescritos e ordenaram os elementos estruturais no PC. Na análise de conteúdo, desvelaram-se categorias às quais se relacionaram os elementos estruturais prioritários do PC, a saber: relação de fundamentos teóricos e práticos para tomada de decisão clínica: conhecimento técnico-científico e experiência clínica, processo de pensamento e tomada de decisão clínica: raciocínio clínico e bases para o julgamento clínico do enfermeiro: avaliação do paciente e ética. Concluiu-se que pensar criticamente é uma habilidade necessária para implementar o processo de cuidado de enfermagem seguro

    A web-based educational therapy intervention associated with physical exercise to promote health in fibromyalgia in Brazil: the Amigos De Fibro (Fibro Friends) study protocol.

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    Health education is one of the main items to enable health promotion to patients with fibromyalgia. The objective of the study "Amigos de Fibro (Fibro Friends)" is to evaluate the impact of an educational intervention associated with physical exercise based on the web in promoting health and quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia in Brazil. A study with a randomized controlled trial approach will be carried out. The sample will consist of 24 participants, divided into two groups, with 12 individuals each. The experimental group will participate in meetings with lectures, debates, conversation rounds and exercises by a multidisciplinary team. Physical exercises will also be performed in an online environment. On the other hand, the control group will receive an e-book of education and self-care. Primary outcomes will be quality of life. The secondary outcomes will be sociodemographic and health profile, pain intensity, sleep quality, self-care agency, usage and costs of health and social care services, viability of the program and program participation. In addition, a qualitative evaluation process will be carried out with the participants. After the intervention, the data of both groups will be collected again, as well as after 3, 6, and 12 months to verify the effect and the maintenance of the intervention. The results will provide data for studies to consider the use of this tool in the future by professionals working in the field of rheumatology. The protocol was registered in the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials RBR-3rh759 ( https://trialsearch.who.int/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=RBR-3rh759 ). Date of registration: 07/02/2020]

    SETDB2 and RIOX2 are differentially expressed among renal cell tumor subtypes, associating with prognosis and metastization

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    Increasing detection of small renal masses by imaging techniques entails the need for accurate discrimination between benign and malignant renal cell tumors (RCTs) as well as among malignant RCTs, owing to differential risk of progression through metastization. Although histone methylation has been implicated in renal tumorigenesis, its potential as biomarker for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) progression remains largely unexplored. Thus, we aimed to characterize the differential expression of histone methyltransferases (HMTs) and histone demethylases (HDMs) in RCTs to assess their potential as metastasis biomarkers. We found that SETDB2 and RIOX2 (encoding for an HMT and an HDM, respectively) expression levels was significantly altered in RCTs; these genes were further selected for validation by quantitative RT-PCR in 160 RCTs. Moreover, SETDB2, RIOX2, and three genes encoding for enzymes involved in histone methylation (NO66, SETD3, and SMYD2), previously reported by our group, were quantified (RT-PCR) in an independent series of 62 clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) to assess its potential role in ccRCC metastasis development. Additional validation was performed using TCGA dataset. SETDB2 and RIOX2 transcripts were overexpressed in RCTs compared to renal normal tissues (RNTs) and in oncocytomas vs. RCCs, with ccRCC and papillary renal cell carcinoma (pRCC) displaying the lowest levels. Low SETDB2 expression levels and higher stage independently predicted shorter disease-free survival. In our 62 ccRCC cohort, significantly higher RIOX2, but not SETDB2, expression levels were depicted in cases that developed metastasis during follow-up. These findings were not apparent in TCGA dataset. We concluded that SETDB2 and RIOX2 might be involved in renal tumorigenesis and RCC progression, especially in metastatic spread. Moreover, SETDB2 expression levels might independently discriminate among RCC subgroups with distinct outcome, whereas higher RIOX2 transcript levels might identify ccRCC cases with more propensity to endure metastatic dissemination.This study was funded by research grants from Research Center of Portuguese Oncology Institute - Porto (CI-IPOP 4-2012 and CI-IPOP 27) and from Associacao Portuguesa de Urologia (APU-2010). ASP-L was supported by FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia fellowship (SFRH/SINTD/94217/2013). CSG is supported by FCT- Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia PhD fellowships (SFRH/BD/92786/2013) and BMC is funded by FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (IF/00601/2012).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio