52 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bentuk gaya hidup konsumtif yang ditunjukkan mahasiswa FISH UNESA dalam berbelanja jilbab secara online dan mengungkap faktor-faktor dominan yang menyebabkan mahasiswa FISH UNESA memilih untuk berbelanja jilbab secara online. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori intensionalitas dari Edmund Husserl dan teori masyarakat konsumsi dari Jean Paul Baudrillard. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian fenomenologi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis model interaktif dari Huberman dan Miles. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Informan berjumlah delapan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk gaya hidup konsumtif mahasiswa FISH UNESA dalam berbelanja jilbab secara online meliputi dua nilai yang sangat menonjol yaitu simulakra dan nilai tanda. Faktor-faktor dominan yang menyebabkan pemilihan cara berbelanja jilbab secara online yaitu karena adanya faktor kebutuhan dan faktor prestige, selanjutnya dalam berbelanja jilbab secara online mahasiswa FISH UNESA berperilaku konsumtif karena lebih cenderung mengkonsumsi nilai tanda atau prestige. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa konsep intensionalitas bawaan Husserl dan teori masyarakat konsumsi Baudrillard dialami oleh para informan. Mereka dalam memilih cara berbelanja jilbab secara online memiliki intended meaning (makna yang dimaksudkan) kepada suatu objek yang dituju dan dalam kegiatan belanja jilbab secara online banyak mengkonsumsi nilai tanda daripada nilai guna. Selanjutnya saran dalam penelitian ini yaitu diharapkan dapat dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai online shop, tidak hanya pada jenis fashion jilbab tetapi juga pada jenis objek lain yang lebih luas. Kata kunci : gaya hidup konsumtif, mahasiswi FISH UNESA, online shop jilbab Abstract The purpose of this study was to reveal the shape of a consumptive lifestyle that is shown by the FISH UNESA students when buying a jilbab by online and uncover the dominant factors that cause FISH UNESA students choose to buying a jilbab by online. The theory used in this research is the theory of intentionality of Edmund Husserl and consumption society theory of Jean Paul Baudrillard. The approach used in this study is a qualitative research with phenomenological research design. Data analysis techniques in this study using an interactive model analysis techniques of Huberman and Miles. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews. Informants were eight students. The results of this study indicate that the shape of consumer lifestyle UNESA FISH students when buying a jilbab by online covers two very prominent value, it is simulakra and the value of the mark. The dominant factors that cause to buying a jilbab by online is because of need factors and prestige factor, than FISH UNESA students when by a jilbab by online behave consumtive as more likely to consume the value of the mark or prestige. It is proved that the concept of innate intentionality Husserl and society theory Baudrillard consumption experienced by the informants. They choose to buy a jilbab by online had intended meaning (intended meaning) to a target object and the buying a jilbab by online activities consume a lot of value rather than use value mark. Further advice in this study is expected to do further research on the online shop, not only on the type of jilbab fashion but also on other object types broader. Keywords: consumer lifestyle, student FISH UNESA, jilbab online sho


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    Kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dari terorisme semakin meningkat seiring dengan pengaruh kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang disalahgunakan oleh para pelaku teror untuk menyebar ideologi secara cepat dan mudah ke seluruh daerah di berbagai penjuru dunia. Hal ini diperlukan strategi khusus dalam penanganan tindak terorisme yang sedang marka terjadi. Salah satu peran dan fungsi diberikan kepada Forum Koordinasi Pencegahan Terorisme (FLPT) dalam menjalankan perannya. Kajian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi FKPT Aceh dalam membendung terorisme di Kota Banda Aceh, serta apa saja peluang dan tantangan FKPT Aceh dalam menerapkan strategi membendung terorisme di Kota Banda Aceh. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa FKPT Aceh telah memberikan strategi dalam membendung terorisme dengan cara melakukan program-program kegiatan berupa sosialisasi, pelatihan, masuk kepada kelompok-kelompok diskusi, membuat kajian-kajian, membuat agen perdamaian, dan kegiatan-kegiatan lainnya. Adapun peluang yang didapatkan oleh FKPT Aceh adalah terdapat respon yang baik pada tokoh masyarakat, pada tingkatan masyarakat, tokoh agama, tokoh adat dan budaya. Sedangkan tantangan yang dihadapi FKPT Aceh seperti keterbatasan jumlah pengurus, pendanaan, regulasi, minimnya pemahaman di masyarakat dan kurangnya kesadaran dalam memerangi terorisme


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    ABSTRAKAbstrak Karya Akhir Diserahkan Kepada Panitia Komisi Ujian Untuk Mendapatkan Gelar Megister Manajemen Pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Syiah KualaPENGARUH BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN, BEBAN KERJA DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP TURNOVERINTENTION KARYAWAN SERTA DAMPAKNYA TERHADAPKINERJA KARYAWAN PT. BANK MANDIRIKOTA BANDA ACEHOlehRISKA DIANANIM: 1509200020077Konsentrasi : Manajemen Umum Pembimbing Pertama : Dr. Syafruddin Chan, S.E., MBAPembimbing Kedua : Dr. Ridwan Nurdin, S.E., MAAbstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan budaya perusahaan, beban kerja, disiplin kerja, turnover intention serta dampaknya secara simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT.Bank Mandiri Kota Banda Aceh.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada PT.Bank Mandiri Kota Banda Aceh. Sebagai objek dari penelitian ini adalah budaya perusahaan, beban kerja, disiplin kerja, turnover intention dan kinerja karyawan. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah pegawai PT.Bank Mandiri Kota Banda Aceh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai PT.Bank Mandiri Kota Banda Aceh yaitu sebanyak 230 pegawai. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode sensus yakni keseluruhan populasi dijadikan sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua hipotesis langsung yakni dari hipotesis 1 sampai dengan hipotesis 7 diterima. Berarti terdapat pengaruh significant antara variable independent dengan dependent pada masing-masing hipotesis tersebut. Hasil pengujian hipotesis tidak langsung budaya perusahaan, beban kerja dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan yang melalui turnover intention adalah tidak signifikan. Turnover intention dalam hal ini perannya adalah partial mediating. Dari hasil temuan penelitian ini, terbukti Budaya Perusahaan dapat digambarkan sebagai pemicu terbesar dalam mendorong peningkatan kinerja karyawan pada instansi ini karena variabel ini memiliki nilai pengaruh terbesar yaitu 42,8%. Oleh sebab itu bila kinerja karyawan menjadi concern utama untuk ditingkatkan, maka harus dilakukan melalui peningkatan budaya perusahaan yang lebih baik, sehingga dapat memicu meingkatnya kinerja karyawan dilingkungan Bank Mandiri di Kota Banda Aceh ini.Kata Kunci: Budaya Perusahaan, Beban Kerja, Disiplin Kerja, Turnover Intention, Kinerja Karyawan, PT.Bank Mandiri Kota Banda AcehABSTRACTFinal abstract submitted the Committee of the examination commission to obtain Master of Management degree in the Postgraduate Program Syiah Kuala University.EFFECT OF CULTURE, WORKLOAD AND WORK DISCIPLINE OF TURNOVER INTENTION OF EMPLOYEES AND ITS IMPACT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES PT. MANDIRI BANKBANDA ACEHBYRISKA DIANANIM: 1509200020077Specialization : General ManagementSupervisor: Dr. Syafruddin Chan, S.E., MBACo- Supervisor : Dr. Ridwan Nurdin, S.E., MAAbstract:The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between corporate culture, workload, work discipline, turnover intention and the simultaneous impact on employee performance at PT. Bank Mandiri Banda Aceh City. This research was conducted at PT Mandiri Bank Banda Aceh. As an object of this research are corporate culture, workload, work discipline, turnover intention and employee performance. The subjects of this study were employees of PT Mandiri Bank Banda Aceh. The population in this study were all employees of PT Mandiri Bank Banda Aceh, which were 230 employees. Sampling using the census method is the whole population sampled. The results of the study show that all direct hypotheses namely from hypothesis 1 to hypothesis 7 are accepted. This means that there is a significant influence between the independent variables and the dependent on each of these hypotheses. The results of testing the indirect hypothesis of corporate culture, workload and work discipline on employee performance through turnover intention are not significant. Turnover intention in this case its role is partial mediating. From the findings of this study, it is evident that the Corporate Culture can be described as the biggest trigger in encouraging employee performance improvement in this institution because this variable has the greatest influence value, namely 42.8%. Therefore, if employee performance becomes the main concern for improvement, it must be done through improved corporate culture, so that it can trigger an increase in employee performance within the Bank Mandiri in Banda Aceh City.Keywords: Corporate Culture, Workload, Work Discipline, Turnover Intention, Employee Performance, PT. Bank Mandiri Banda Aceh Cit

    Suitability of Egg-laying Habitat and Its Relationship with the Number of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) that landed on Pangumbahan Beach Sukabumi

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    During the nesting season, green turtles have an instinct to return to their original place to lay their eggs. The success of turtle egg laying is influenced by the suitability of the beach for their nesting habitat which consists of physical and biological factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of the physical and biological factors of green turtle nesting habitat and its relationship to the number of green turtles landed at each station. The research method used is observation, the observation station is determined by purposive sampling, and the data analysis technique used is quantitative. The result is that physical and biological factors consisting of beach width and slope, sand texture and temperature, and vegetation at each landing station on Pangumbahan beach are still suitable as green turtle nesting sites except station 6. There were 47 green turtles that landed, and station 2 has the highest number of turtles landing, which is 16 turtles. Meanwhile, at station 6, no turtles landed. From the results of the correlation analysis, the beach slope factor and the vegetation density factor have a very strong and significant relationship with the number of turtles that landed. As for the other factors have a fairly - strong relationship. The conclusion is that all factors, both physical and biological factors from the beach, affect the number of green turtles that land, as evidenced by the relationship between the two variables


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    The researchers really wanted to know the causes of errors and mistakes that often occur, including missing inventory items, as well as the purpose of this study, so that researchers know the internal control procedures contained in the trading company, so that the company gets additional insight into control procedures internally in accordance with the existing Internal Control Standards, as well as adding insight and references to the reader. The basic theory in this research is Accounting Information System, Accounting Information System is an information system that handles everything related to Accounting. The inventory accounting system aims to record the mutations of each type of inventory stored in the warehouse. Inventory security issues are the main problem experienced by every type of trading business. A good inventory internal control procedure is needed by trading companies because this is able to minimize these risks. based on the description, this study takes the title "Analysis of Internal Control of Merchandise Inventory at PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk. Samarinda Branch. Researchers this time also took the steps of qualitative methods that tend to use analysis and focus on facts in the field. The analytical tool used is a comparison of the relative values to determine the suitability of the company against the elements of internal control that are applied after conducting an interview by providing questions that have been provided in the form of questionnaires, so that researchers can find out the level of the procedures applied. The results of the study, it can be concluded that the procedures that exist at PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk. The Samarinda Branch is in full compliance with the existing Internal Control Standards, although there are still a few weaknesses, namely the vulnerability of theft in the sales area caused by a lack of equipment that can detect stolen items, damaged goods due to being too long in the warehouse


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    This paper has a purpose 1) to know about how many companies listed on the BEI has been revealed sustainability report, and 2) to know about to determine how many GRI indicators are disclosed in each company. The method used was a qualitative descriptive method is to describe in words the comparison between theory and practice in the field. Techniques of data collection through an internet search on the web IDX (www.idx.co.id), (www.globalreporting.org) GRI and literature. From the results of the analysis indicate that there 11 companies that are 100% said sustainability report and the company has been effective and the two companies just below 100% in the reveal. This is due to the two companies to focus more liabilities and coporate profits


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    The purpose of this research was to aim regarding how the Public Relations of the Museum Nasional Sejarah Alam Indonesia (MUNASAIN) carried out rebranding and to find out which step of brand awareness carried out by the public relations of the MUNASAIN. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the public relations of the MUNASAIN published information on rebranding, mostly through social media or online media, organized various special events or events, news was created by public relations and disseminated through the official MUNASAIN website and social media, disseminated information on the latest name change. through social relations with the community, besides that, public relations also attracts public attention by freeing entry fees as well as disseminating information about the change in the name of the museum. The MUNASAIN Public Relationss also collaborates with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Bogor City Tourism Office by disseminating information about the rebranding of the museum in joint activities, there are also activities in the form of social activities named Charity Day with the surrounding community and to form the concern of museum awareness along with efforts to build brand awareness of the museum to the public. The strategy implemented by public relations still places MUNASAIN at the lowest level of brand awareness, Unaware of Brand


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    Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim (AKDR) merupakan salah satu kontrasepsi jangka panjang yang efektif, aman, dan reversibel. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi seorang ibu dalam memilih alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim,diantaranya adalah : Dukungan keluarga, peran petugas kesehatan, efek samping, sikap, paritas, umur, pendapatan, keluarga , pendidikan, pengetahuan. (Hartanto, 2013).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan suami, pengetahuan dan peran tenaga kesehatan dengan Rendahnya pemakaian alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim di Puskemas Suka Damai Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin Tahun 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif bersifat survei analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional dimana variabel independen dan variabel dependen diambil pada waktu yang bersamaan menggunakan data primer dengan populasi 45 orang dan jumlah sampel diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yaitu sebanyak 45 responden. Hasil penelitian analisis univariat dan bivariat dari 45 responden diketahui ibu yang menggunakan KB AKDR (35,6%), dukungan suami baik (55,6%), pengetahuan baik (51,1%), dan peran tenaga kesehatan baik (66.7%), sedangkan hasil analisis bivariat ada hubungan dukungan suami (? value= 0,024), ada hubungan signifikan pengetahuan ibu (? value= 0.007) dan peran tenaga kesehatan (? value= 0,008), dengan rendahnya pemakaian KB AKDR. Kesimpulan ada hubungan dukungan suami, pengetahuan dan peran tenaga kesehatan dengan rendahnya pemakaian KB AKDR di Puskesmas Suka Damai Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin tahun 2023. Saran untuk Puskesmas diharapkan dapat meningkatkan konseling pada Pasangan Usia Subur dalam memberikan pelayanan di bidang kontrasepsi

    Strategi Guru dalam Membina Akhlakul Karimah Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    The aims of this study is to provide an explanation of the teacher's strategy in fostering the morals of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) students. This study uses a type of qualitative research with the intention to understand the phenomenon of the things experienced by research subjects in a descriptive way. The research was carried out with the stages of preparation, implementation, and completion. The research subjects were teachers of the Akidah Akhlak subject, students, and parents of class 5A MI Al Fithrah Surabaya. Data collection techniques using observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study revealed that the strategy used by Akidah Akhlak teachers in fostering akhlakul karimah class 5A students through the 8C program at MI Al Fithrah Surabaya. This program is very helpful in building children's character so that akhlakul karimah can be formed through habituation. The teacher's obstacle in implementing this strategy is the difficulty of directly monitoring the development and evaluation of students. Constraints experienced by students, namely the limitations of the learning process directly with the teacher and the lack of support from parents at home. The solution to this obstacle includes actively involving parents in raising awareness, responsibility, and discipline in their children

    Tingkat Karakter Remaja IRMAS (Ikatan Remaja Masjid) terhadap Pengendalian Diri

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk  mengetahui berapa tingkat pengendalian diri anggota Irmas Lubuk Lancang dan tingkat nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan melakukan  survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh remaja masjid Desa Lubuk Lancang Kecamatan Suak Tapeh sebanyak kurang lebih 40 orang. Jumlah sampel diambil dari tabel Krejcie and Morgan  menjadi 36 orang. Alat pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah angket. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan teknik analisis data deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa  83.3% atau sebanyak 30 sampel remaja masjid memiliki nilai – nilai karakter yang  termasuk kepada kategori sedang, dan  16.7% sebanyak 6 remaja masjid termasuk kepada kategori tinggi. 83.3% atau sebanyak 30 sampel remaja masjid pengendalian diri yang  termasuk kepada kategori sedang, dan  16.7% sebanyak 6 remaja masjid termasuk kepada kategori tinggi.  Nilai-nilai karakter yang paling berkembang adalah Olah Pikir yang tertinggi yaitu 25% sebanyak 9 remaja msjid dibandingkan dengan Olah Hati yang tertinggi 14% sebanyak 7 remaja masjid. Sedangkan pada Pengendalian Diri aspek yang paling berkembang adalah Pencapaian Tujuan yaitu 28% sebanyak 10 remaja masjid
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