Jurnal FKIP Universitas Mataram (Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan)
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    3055 research outputs found

    Isolation and Identification of Biosurfactant-Producing Bacteria in An-aerobic Palm Oil Waste Pools at PT. Aek Loba Plantation

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    Biosurfactant-producing bacteria are bacteria that have alternative energy sources, namely surfactants which contain hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups based on their molecular structure so that they can survive between different polar and hydrogen bonding fluids. Palm oil mill liquid waste is waste in the form of water or liquid, oil and organic solids produced from the processing of palm oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the genera of biosurfactant-producing bacteria found in palm oil wastewater in the an-aerobic pond of PT. Aek Loba plantation and to find out the bacterial species with the highest emulsification index. This study used descriptive methods and identification of bacteria through morphological characterization, gram staining tests and biochemical tests. Bacteria were isolated from palm oil wastewater by dilution method 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6. Bacterial emulsification index is calculated by emulsification test. In this study, 8 biosurfactant-producing bacterial isolates were found, consisting of 2 Proteus genus isolates, 2 Enterobacter genus isolates, 2 Bacillus genus bacterial isolates and 2 Pluralibacter genus isolates. The bacteria that had the highest emulsification index was Pluralibacter gergoviae with an emulsion index of 43% which was identified by molecular testing

    The Effect of Providing Different Natural Feeds on The Growth of Manfish (Pterophyllum scale)

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    Decorative fish is a significant fishery product since it tends to be finished by exporters, one of the elaborate fish that adjusts to be sent out is manfish on the grounds that it has the excellence of variety and agile developments. The growth of manfish can be influenced by appropriate feed, so this study aims to find out what type of natural feed is suitable for the growth of manfish with artificial feed comparisons (pellets). The treatments used in this study were 100% artificial feed (petet) as control/P0, 100% Daphnia sp as 1/P1 treatment, 100% Tubifex as 2/P2 treatment, and 50% Daphnia sp and 50% Tubifex as 3/P3 treatment. The parameters observed during the study were absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, survival rate,  water quality, and feed conversion ratio. The results showed a treatment that used good natural feed in the long growth of manfish, namely P1 treatment of 100% Daphnia sp feed by showing a figure of 5.27±0.29 cm. The absolute weight growth parameters in good natural feed treatment are P1 treatment of 100% Daphnia sp with a figure of 3.20±0.34 g. The results of the study with feed conversion ratio parameters in natural feed treatment showed the results that P1 treatment experienced high fish appetite because feed needs during the study showed a figure of 11454.02 mg. The lowest survival rate was obtained in the control at 66.67% and the highest survival rate at P1 treatment at 91.67%. The measured water quality parameters are temperature, pH, salinity, and dissolved oxygen which each show numbers in the range of 27-17oC, 00/00, 7-8 and 4-5mg/L

    Study of Developing Models of Crop Failure Risk Information

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    Climate is one factor that can influence plant growth. The risk of crop failure due to climate variability can be in the form of reduced water sources, which impact water needs in the land and the emergence of pests and diseases in plants. The risk of planting failure can impact product quality, which has the potential to decrease, higher plant handling costs, and various things that cause losses to farming businesses. The availability of climate forecast information, such as rainfall and other parameters, encourages writers to apply it to information that is easier for users to understand. One of the machine learning algorithms, Decision Tree, is used as a model in determining the risk of planting failure based on each attribute/parameter, including monthly rain, ENSO and IOD phenomena, drought, groundwater availability, and Oldeman climate type. This study aims to make a model prediction of crop failure risk potential, and the calculation is based on climate prediction data. The results of this study show differences in climatic conditions for each commodity when there is an increased potential risk of planting failure. Monthly rainfall is the most dominant factor influencing rice, maize, and soybean planting failure. Validation of the decision tree model shows that this model is quite good in determining the potential risk of crop failure in all commodities studied, with the proportion of correct proportion of more than 65%. However, the Heidke Skill Score (HSS) shows that this model is good for Paddy and Soybean; Maize shows an HSS of less than zero

    Construction of Kedisan Pier to Increase Tourist Visits and Water Quality in Lake Batur, Bali

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    Kedisan Pier gives a new feel of traveling in Batur, with a concept like a pier in South Korea, but also provides views of Lake Batur and Mount Batur simultaneously. Tourists not only visit restaurants, hot springs, hikes, and stay overnight but can also visit the Kedisan Pier Area. The increase in tourist visits influences the condition of water quality in Lake Batur. This study aims to determine the influence of the construction of Kedisan Pier on tourist visits and the quality of Lake Batur water. This study used a purposive sampling method; sampling was carried out at three points representing settlements and agriculture, water bodies/middle of lakes, and dock. The samples were tested for pH and temperature in the field and COD parameters in the laboratory. Furthermore, these three parameters are compared with Class 1 lake water quality standards in Government Regulation 22 of 2021. Based on the results, it is known that the pH and COD in the three locations exceed the class 1 water quality standard, which is 10 mg / L. pH in the range of 9.2 – 9.5. Increased COD concentration compared to the quality standard at point 1 by 127%; Point 2 is 82%, and Point 3 is 144%. Domestic activities cause the high pH and COD values at these three points—the highest COD value in the Kedisan Pier area. The construction of Kedisan Pier impacts the increasing number of tourists but also causes a decrease in Lake Batur's water quality. Based on this, human awareness is needed to increase tourism while maintaining the quality of waters for the future benefit of humans, flora, and fauna. In addition, further research needs to be carried out using other microbiological and chemical parameters to see the quality of Lake Batur waters

    Antibacterial Activity Test of the Combination of Methanol Extract of Arumanis Mango Leaves (Mangifera indica L) and Taro Leaves (Colocasia esculanta L) on Escherichia coli Bacteria Causes of Diarrhea Diseases

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    Arumanis mango leaves (Mangifera indica L) and taro leaves (Colocasia esculanta L) are plants that have the potential to be antibacterial and can be used as an alternative to treat infectious diseases caused by bacteria. Arumanis mango leaves contain secondary metabolite compounds, including flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, polyphenols, tannins, and saponins, and taro leaves contain secondary metabolite compounds in the form of saponins, tannins, flavonoids, formic acid, glucosides, citric acid, and several minerals. Secondary metabolite compounds that have potential as antibacterials are flavonoids and tannins. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of a combination of methanol extracts of arumanis mango leaves (Mangifera indica L) and taro leaves (Colocasia esculanta L) against Escherichia coli bacteria. The research was carried out starting from the plant determination and preparation of simplisia, extraction, phytochemical screening of extracts and KLT tests, and antibacterial testing using the disc paper method. The concentration series of extract combinations used are 6.25%, 12.5%, and 25%. The antibacterial test results of the combination of arumanis mango leaf extract (Mangifera indica L) and taro leaf (Colocasia esculanta L), which showed the highest inhibition zone diameter was at a concentration of 6.25% (1:1), a concentration of 12.5% (1:2). At a concentration of 25% (2:1). From the results of this study, a single extract of arumanis mango leaves and taro leaves with a concentration of 6.25%; 12.5%; 25% and a combination of extracts in a ratio of 1:1. 1:2, 2:1, which has potential antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli bacteria, so that further research can be carried out by utilizing a combination of arumanis mango leaf extracts and taro leaves and as a source of information and insight into the combination of arumanis mango leaves and taro leaves that have antibacterial properties

    The Effect of Using Ecology Modules on Communication Skills, Cognitive, and Student Attitudes Through Problem-Based Learning

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    Learning carried out in lectures requires a variety of learning resources to improve students' abilities for the better. During this time, lectures usually only use learning resources that vary little and tend to use only one source so that student learning outcomes are not maximized. This research was conducted to improve student learning outcomes, especially in communication skills and cognitive and student attitudes at Bina Bangsa University. The research method used is ADDIE development research, starting from the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Module development is carried out by measuring its effectiveness on communication skills using observation sheets, measuring cognitive abilities with tests, and observing attitudes with observation sheets. The application of the module in learning is carried out with a quasi-experimental design. Then, the results are analyzed descriptively with the ANCOVA statistical test using the SPSS application. The results showed improved communication skills, cognitive abilities, and student attitudes. Based on statistical tests, there are differences in the achievement of learning outcomes between the control and treatment classes. In the treatment class, the application of problem-based learning modules showed improved communication, cognitive, and student attitudes. However, based on the value of the gain score, the use of problem-based teaching modules on communication skills and student attitudes is in the range of low effectiveness, while in cognitive aspects, it is in the range of moderate effectiveness. Using ecology modules with problem-based learning is important because real problem-based learning makes learning more contextual, especially in courses that use environmental problems as the main study

    Screening of Antimicrobial Producing Bacteria from Berawe Beach Sand on Kampai Pangkalan Susu Island against Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Sand is naturally a place to live, grow and develop some marine animals and microorganisms, usually bacteria originating from the sea area that have a large number of bioactive compounds that can produce various kinds of secondary metabolites for further production of antimicrobials. The purpose of this study was to obtain bacteria that have the potential to produce antimicrobials and to characterize bacterial isolates on the sand of Berawe Beach, Kampai Island, Pangkalan Susu. In this study several stages were carried out, namely sampling, isolation, purification, morphological characterization, antimicrobial activity test, gram staining, biochemical test and determining the bacterial genus. The results of this study obtained 9 isolates (SP14A. SP15A, SP16A, SP24A, SP24B, SP35A, SP44A, SP44B and SP45A) which have the potential as antimicrobial producers. Characterization of antimicrobial bacterial isolates from the sand of Berawe Beach, Kampai Island, Pangkalan Susu, namely isolate SP14A, which is a gram- positive bacterium in the form of streptobacilli. SP15A, SP24B and SP44B isolates were coccus-shaped gram-positive bacteria. SP16A, SP35A, SP44A and SP45A isolates were gram-positive bacteria in the form of bacilli. And isolate SP24A is a gram-negative bacterium in the form of streptobacilli. All isolates produce catalase enzymes but do not use carbon and energy. Isolates that are motile (SP14A, SP15A, SP16A, SP24A, SP35A, SP44A and SP45A) can ferment glucose while non-motile (SP24B and SP44B) cannot ferment glucose. These bacteria come from the genera Bacillus, Micrococcus, LactoBacillus and Alcaligenes. Species of Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus firmus, LactoBacillus bulgaricus, Micrococcus luteus and Alcaligenes eutrophus

    The Effect of Liquid Organic Fertilizer of Shallot Skins and Compost of Coconut Dregs on the Growth of Mint Plant (Mentha piperita L.) Cuttings

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    Mint (Mentha piperita L.) belongs to the Lamiaceae family, whose essential oil is used as a flavouring agent and to treat diseases. The low productivity of mint plants is because the nutrients in the planting medium do not support growth efforts made through fertilization. Two organic materials that can be used as fertilizer are shallot skin and coconut dregs. This study aimed to determine the effect of liquid organic fertilizer on shallot skins and coconut dregs compost and the most optimal treatment for the growth of mint plant cuttings (Mentha piperita L.). This type of research was quantitative with an experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial consisting of 2 factors, namely red onion skin liquid organic fertilizer and coconut dregs compost, each consisting of 3 levels so that the treatment combination consisted of 9 treatments with as many repetitions as three times. Data analysis in this study used the Kruskal Wallis test with SPSS. The results showed that it had a very significant effect on wet weight and a significant effect on the number of leaves on the growth of mint cuttings (Mentha piperita L.). The best treatment for each observation parameter was wet weight BM1AK2 (13 grams), number of primary branches BM1AK2 (2.67), plant height BM2AK1 (26.5 cm) and number of leaves BM2AK1 (27.33 strands)

    Shoot Induction of Black Stem Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Cingkariang) with Several Concentration of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP)

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    Black stem potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. cingkariang/cingkariang potato) are a specific germplasm of West Sumatra with low productivity. One method of propagating this plant is through tissue culture techniques. The addition of Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) determines the results of plant propagation through tissue culture technique. Cytokinins such as 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) play a role in cell division and accelerate shoot formation. This study expects to decide the impact of a few convergences of BAP on the shoot enlistment of cingkariang potato. The examination utilized a totally randomized plan (CRD) with four treatments (0, 1, 2, and 3 mg/L BAP) and six replications. The result showed that BAP was able to induce Cingkariang potato shoots in all concentration. BAP 2 mg/L gave the fastest shoot and root emergence time and also gave the highest number of shoots and roots of Cingkariang potato. BAP 2 mg/L was the best concentration for shoot induction of black stem potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Cingkariang)


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    Salah satu kompetensi guru yang menjadi faktor penting dalam keberhasilan pelaksanaan sebuah kurikulum pendidikan adalah kompetensi pedagogi guru dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran. Saat ini kurikulum yang mulai diperkenalkan dan mulai diimplementasikan di sekolah di Indonesia adalah Kurikulum Merdeka. Dalam kurikulum tersebut guru dituntut untuk mampu mengembangkan modul ajar yang merupakan dasar untuk dapat melaksanakan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM). Untuk meningkatkan setidaknya perlu ada terobosan inovatif bagi para guru dalam memahami dan meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai IKM pada umumnya dan Modul Ajar pada khususnya. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari sebuah pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam menyusun modul ajar Bahasa Inggris kepada guru-guru SMP di Kota Tasikmalaya melalui program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) skema Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Universitas Siliwangi tahun 2023. Dalam melaksanakan PPM ini, dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu ceramah dan diskusi kelompok terarah yang diisi dan didampingi oleh para narasumber terlatih. Dari hasil pengabdian diperoleh draf modul ajar hasil kerja para guru selama kurang lebih 30 hari dan juga perubahan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun modul ajar sebelum dan sesudah pendampingan melalui angket. &nbsp


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