148 research outputs found

    Polar protein Wag31 both activates and inhibits cell wall metabolism at the poles and septum

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    Mycobacterial cell elongation occurs at the cell poles; however, it is not clear how cell wall insertion is restricted to the pole or how it is organized. Wag31 is a pole-localized cytoplasmic protein that is essential for polar growth, but its molecular function has not been described. In this study we used alanine scanning mutagenesis to identify Wag31 residues involved in cell morphogenesis. Our data show that Wag31 helps to control proper septation as well as new and old pole elongation. We have identified key amino acid residues involved in these essential functions. Enzyme assays revealed that Wag31 interacts with lipid metabolism by modulating acyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) activity. We show that Wag31 does not control polar growth by regulating the localization of cell wall precursor enzymes to the Intracellular Membrane Domain, and we also demonstrate that phosphorylation of Wag31 does not substantively regulate peptidoglycan metabolism. This work establishes new regulatory functions of Wag31 in the mycobacterial cell cycle and clarifies the need for new molecular models of Wag31 function.Habibi Arejan N, Ensinck D, Diacovich L, Patel PB, Quintanilla SY, Emami Saleh A, Gramajo H and Boutte CC (2023) Polar protein Wag31 both activates and inhibits cell wall metabolism at the poles and septum. Front. Microbiol. 13:1085918. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1085918Fil: Habibi Arejan, Neda. University of Texas at Arlington. Department of Biology; United States.Fil: Patel, Parthvi Bharatkumar. University of Texas at Arlington. Department of Biology; United States.Fil: Quintanilla, Samantha Y. University of Texas at Arlington. Department of Biology; United States.Fil: Boutte, Cara C. University of Texas at Arlington. Department of Biology; United States.Fil: Ensinck, Delfina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET). Laboratory of Physiology and Genetics of Actinomycetes; Argentina.Fil: Diacovich, Lautaro. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET). Laboratory of Physiology and Genetics of Actinomycetes; Argentina.Fil: Gramajo, Hugo Cesar. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario (IBR-CONICET). Laboratory of Physiology and Genetics of Actinomycetes; Argentina.Fil: Emami Saleh, Arash. University of Texas at Arlington. Department of Civil Engineering; United States

    The role of acyl-coenzyme A carboxylase complex in lipstatin biosynthesis of Streptomyces toxytricini

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    Streptomyces toxytricini produces lipstatin, a specific inhibitor of pancreatic lipase, which is derived from two fatty acid moieties with eight and 14 carbon atoms. The pccB gene locus in 10.6 kb fragment of S. toxytricini chromosomal DNA contains three genes for acyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) complex accA3, pccB, and pccE that are presumed to be involved in secondary metabolism. The pccB gene encoding a β subunit of ACCase [carboxyltransferase (CT)] was identified upstream of pccE gene for a small protein of ε subunit. The accA3 encoding the α subunit of ACCase [biotin carboxylase (BC)] was also identified downstream of pccB gene. When the pccB and pccE genes were inactivated by homologous recombination, the lipstatin production was reduced as much as 80%. In contrast, the accumulation of another compound, tetradeca-5.8-dienoic acid (the major lipstatin precursor), was 4.5-fold increased in disruptant compared with wild-type. It implies that PccB of S. toxytricini is involved in the activation of octanoic acid to hexylmalonic acid for lipstatin biosynthesis

    Improved mycobacterial protein production using a Mycobacterium smegmatis groEL1ΔC expression strain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The non-pathogenic bacterium <it>Mycobacterium smegmatis </it>is widely used as a near-native expression host for the purification of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>proteins. Unfortunately, the Hsp60 chaperone GroEL1, which is relatively highly expressed, is often co-purified with polyhistidine-tagged recombinant proteins as a major contaminant when using this expression system. This is likely due to a histidine-rich C-terminus in GroEL1.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to improve purification efficiency and yield of polyhistidine-tagged mycobacterial target proteins, we created a mutant version of GroEL1 by removing the coding sequence for the histidine-rich C-terminus, termed GroEL1ΔC. GroEL1ΔC, which is a functional protein, is no longer able to bind nickel affinity beads. Using a selection of challenging test proteins, we show that GroEL1ΔC is no longer present in protein samples purified from the <it>groEL1ΔC </it>expression strain and demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of purifying and characterising proteins produced using this strain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This novel <it>Mycobacterium smegmatis </it>expression strain allows efficient expression and purification of mycobacterial proteins while concomitantly removing the troublesome contaminant GroEL1 and consequently increasing the speed and efficiency of protein purification.</p

    Rational Design of Pathogen-Mimicking Amphiphilic Materials as Nanoadjuvants

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    An opportunity exists today for cross-cutting research utilizing advances in materials science, immunology, microbial pathogenesis, and computational analysis to effectively design the next generation of adjuvants and vaccines. This study integrates these advances into a bottom-up approach for the molecular design of nanoadjuvants capable of mimicking the immune response induced by a natural infection but without the toxic side effects. Biodegradable amphiphilic polyanhydrides possess the unique ability to mimic pathogens and pathogen associated molecular patterns with respect to persisting within and activating immune cells, respectively. The molecular properties responsible for the pathogen-mimicking abilities of these materials have been identified. The value of using polyanhydride nanovaccines was demonstrated by the induction of long-lived protection against a lethal challenge of Yersinia pestis following a single administration ten months earlier. This approach has the tantalizing potential to catalyze the development of next generation vaccines against diseases caused by emerging and re-emerging pathogens

    Siglec-5 and Siglec-14 are polymorphic paired receptors that modulate neutrophil and amnion signaling responses to group B Streptococcus

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    Group B Streptococcus (GBS) causes invasive infections in human newborns. We recently showed that the GBS beta-protein attenuates innate immune responses by binding to sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin 5 (Siglec-5), an inhibitory receptor on phagocytes. Interestingly, neutrophils and monocytes also express Siglec-14, which has a ligand-binding domain almost identical to Siglec-5 but signals via an activating motif, raising the possibility that these are paired Siglec receptors that balance immune responses to pathogens. Here we show that beta-protein-expressing GBS binds to both Siglec-5 and Siglec-14 on neutrophils and that the latter engagement counteracts pathogen-induced host immune suppression by activating p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and AKT signaling pathways. Siglec-14 is absent from some humans because of a SIGLEC14-null polymorphism, and homozygous SIGLEC14-null neutrophils are more susceptible to GBS immune subversion. Finally, we report an unexpected human-specific expression of Siglec-5 and Siglec-14 on amniotic epithelium, the site of initial contact of invading GBS with the fetus. GBS amnion immune activation was likewise influenced by the SIGLEC14-null polymorphism. We provide initial evidence that the polymorphism could influence the risk of prematurity among human fetuses of mothers colonized with GBS. This first functionally proven example of a paired receptor system in the Siglec family has multiple implications for regulation of host immunity

    Early evolution of the biotin-dependent carboxylase family

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biotin-dependent carboxylases are a diverse family of carboxylating enzymes widespread in the three domains of life, and thus thought to be very ancient. This family includes enzymes that carboxylate acetyl-CoA, propionyl-CoA, methylcrotonyl-CoA, geranyl-CoA, acyl-CoA, pyruvate and urea. They share a common catalytic mechanism involving a biotin carboxylase domain, which fixes a CO<sub>2 </sub>molecule on a biotin carboxyl carrier peptide, and a carboxyl transferase domain, which transfers the CO<sub>2 </sub>moiety to the specific substrate of each enzyme. Despite this overall similarity, biotin-dependent carboxylases from the three domains of life carrying their reaction on different substrates adopt very diverse protein domain arrangements. This has made difficult the resolution of their evolutionary history up to now.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Taking advantage of the availability of a large amount of genomic data, we have carried out phylogenomic analyses to get new insights on the ancient evolution of the biotin-dependent carboxylases. This allowed us to infer the set of enzymes present in the last common ancestor of each domain of life and in the last common ancestor of all living organisms (the cenancestor). Our results suggest that the last common archaeal ancestor had two biotin-dependent carboxylases, whereas the last common bacterial ancestor had three. One of these biotin-dependent carboxylases ancestral to Bacteria most likely belonged to a large family, the CoA-bearing-substrate carboxylases, that we define here according to protein domain composition and phylogenetic analysis. Eukaryotes most likely acquired their biotin-dependent carboxylases through the mitochondrial and plastid endosymbioses as well as from other unknown bacterial donors. Finally, phylogenetic analyses support previous suggestions about the existence of an ancient bifunctional biotin-protein ligase bound to a regulatory transcription factor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The most parsimonious scenario for the early evolution of the biotin-dependent carboxylases, supported by the study of protein domain composition and phylogenomic analyses, entails that the cenancestor possessed two different carboxylases able to carry out the specific carboxylation of pyruvate and the non-specific carboxylation of several CoA-bearing substrates, respectively. These enzymes may have been able to participate in very diverse metabolic pathways in the cenancestor, such as in ancestral versions of fatty acid biosynthesis, anaplerosis, gluconeogenesis and the autotrophic fixation of CO<sub>2</sub>.</p

    Thioredoxin 80-Activated-Monocytes (TAMs) Inhibit the Replication of Intracellular Pathogens

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    BACKGROUND: Thioredoxin 80 (Trx80) is an 80 amino acid natural cleavage product of Trx, produced primarily by monocytes. Trx80 induces differentiation of human monocytes into a novel cell type, named Trx80-activated-monocytes (TAMs). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this investigation we present evidence for a role of TAMs in the control of intracellular bacterial infections. As model pathogens we have chosen Listeria monocytogenes and Brucella abortus which replicate in the cytosol and the endoplasmic reticulum respectively. Our data indicate that TAMs efficiently inhibit intracellular growth of both L. monocytogenes and B. abortus. Further analysis shows that Trx80 activation prevents the escape of GFP-tagged L. monocytogenes into the cytosol, and induces accumulation of the bacteria within the lysosomes. Inhibition of the lysosomal activity by chloroquine treatment resulted in higher replication of bacteria in TAMs compared to that observed in control cells 24 h post-infection, indicating that TAMs kill bacteria by preventing their escape from the endosomal compartments, which progress into a highly degradative phagolysosome. SIGNIFICANCE: Our results show that Trx80 potentiates the bactericidal activities of professional phagocytes, and contributes to the first line of defense against intracellular bacteria

    Murine Gamma Herpesvirus 68 Hijacks MAVS and IKKβ to Abrogate NFκB Activation and Antiviral Cytokine Production

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    Upon viral infection, mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS) protein serves as a key adaptor to promote cytokine production. We report here that murine gamma herpesvirus 68 (γHV68), a model virus for oncogenic human gamma herpesviruses, subverts cytokine production via the MAVS adaptor. During early infection, γHV68 hijacks MAVS and IKKβ to induce the site-specific phosphorylation of RelA, a crucial subunit of the transcriptionally active NFκB dimer, which primes RelA for the proteasome-mediated degradation. As such, γHV68 efficiently abrogated NFκB activation and cytokine gene expression. Conversely, uncoupling RelA degradation from γHV68 infection promoted NFκB activation and elevated cytokine production. Loss of MAVS increased cytokine production and immune cell infiltration in the lungs of γHV68-infected mice. Moreover, exogenous expression of the phosphorylation- and degradation-resistant RelA variant restored γHV68-induced cytokine production. Our findings uncover an intricate strategy whereby signaling via the upstream MAVS adaptor is intercepted by a pathogen to nullify the immediate downstream effector, RelA, of the innate immune pathway

    Childhood tuberculosis is associated with decreased abundance of T cell gene transcripts and impaired T cell function

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    The WHO estimates around a million children contract tuberculosis (TB) annually with over 80 000 deaths from dissemination of infection outside of the lungs. The insidious onset and association with skin test anergy suggests failure of the immune system to both recognise and respond to infection. To understand the immune mechanisms, we studied genome-wide whole blood RNA expression in children with TB meningitis (TBM). Findings were validated in a second cohort of children with TBM and pulmonary TB (PTB), and functional T-cell responses studied in a third cohort of children with TBM, other extrapulmonary TB (EPTB) and PTB. The predominant RNA transcriptional response in children with TBM was decreased abundance of multiple genes, with 140/204 (68%) of all differentially regulated genes showing reduced abundance compared to healthy controls. Findings were validated in a second cohort with concordance of the direction of differential expression in both TBM (r2 = 0.78 p = 2x10-16) and PTB patients (r2 = 0.71 p = 2x10-16) when compared to a second group of healthy controls. Although the direction of expression of these significant genes was similar in the PTB patients, the magnitude of differential transcript abundance was less in PTB than in TBM. The majority of genes were involved in activation of leucocytes (p = 2.67E-11) and T-cell receptor signalling (p = 6.56E-07). Less abundant gene expression in immune cells was associated with a functional defect in T-cell proliferation that recovered after full TB treatment (p<0.0003). Multiple genes involved in T-cell activation show decreased abundance in children with acute TB, who also have impaired functional T-cell responses. Our data suggest that childhood TB is associated with an acquired immune defect, potentially resulting in failure to contain the pathogen. Elucidation of the mechanism causing the immune paresis may identify new treatment and prevention strategies