307 research outputs found

    Ageing and recovering of glass RPC

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    The glass Resistive Plate Chambers efficiency before and after water vapour flushing have been studied. The efficiency has been observed to rapidly drop to the level of 30% after a few days. After few hours of ammonia flushing, a full recover of the device occurred. Surprisingly, further flushing with water vapour had no effect on the efficiency, suggesting a treatment before the use in an experiment and/or whenever the performance is poor. In this work experimental results on tests at high temperature (up to 55∘C), high rate (up to 100Hz/cm2) and ageing (up to 10mC/cm2) are reported

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of implementing polygenic risk score in a workplace cardiovascular disease prevention program

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    BackgroundPolygenic risk score for coronary artery disease (CAD-PRS) improves precision in assessing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and is cost-effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases in a health system and may be cost-effective in other settings and prevention programs such as workplace cardiovascular prevention programs. Workplaces provide a conducitve environment for cardiovascular prevention interventions, but the cost-effectiveness of CAD-PRS in a workplace setting remains unknown. This study examined the cost-effectiveness of integrating CAD-PRS in a workplace cardiovascular disease prevention program compared to the standard cardiovascular workplace program without CAD-PRS and no-workplace prevention program.MethodsWe developed a cohort simulation model to project health benefits (quality-adjusted life years gained) and costs over a period of 5 years in a cohort of employees with a mean age of 50 years. The model health states reflected the risk of disease (coronary artery disease and ischemic stroke) and statin prevention therapy side effects (diabetes, hemorrhagic stroke, and myopathy). We considered medical and lost productivity costs. Data were obtained from the literature, and the analysis was performed from a self-insured employer perspective with future costs and quality-adjusted life years discounted at 3% annually. Uncertainty in model parameter inputs was assessed using deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Three programs were compared: (1) a workplace cardiovascular program that integrated CAD-PRS with the pooled cohort equation—a standard of care for assessing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CardioriskSCORE); (2) a workplace cardiovascular prevention program without CAD-PRS (Standard-WHP); and (3) no-workplace health program (No-WHP). The main outcomes were total costs (US 2019),incrementalcosts,incrementalqualityadjustedlifeyears,andincrementalcosteffectivenessratio.ResultsCardioriskSCOREloweredemployercosts(2019), incremental costs, incremental quality-adjusted life years, and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.ResultsCardioriskSCORE lowered employer costs (53 and $575) and improved employee quality-adjusted life years (0.001 and 0.005) per employee screened compared to Standard-WHP and No-WHP, respectively. The effectiveness of statin prevention therapy, employees' baseline cardiovascular risk, the proportion of employees that enrolled in the program, and statin adherence had the largest effect size on the incremental net monetary benefit. However, despite the variation in parameter input values, base case results remained robust.ConclusionPolygenic testing in a workplace cardiovascular prevention program improves employees' quality of life and simultaneously lowers health costs and productivity monetary loss for employers

    Spitzer mid-infrared spectroscopy of compact symmetric objects: What powers radio-loud active galactic nuclei?

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    We present low- and high-resolution mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectra and photometry for eight compact symmetric objects (CSOs) taken with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The hosts of these young, powerful radio galaxies show significant diversity in their mid-IR spectra. This includes multiple atomic fine-structure lines, H2 gas, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, warm dust from T = 50 to 150 K, and silicate features in both emission and absorption. There is no evidence in the mid-IR of a single template for CSO hosts, but 5/8 galaxies show similar moderate levels of star formation (<10 M_sun/yr from PAH emission) and silicate dust in a clumpy torus. The total amount of extinction ranges from A_V ~ 10 to 30, and the high-ionization [Ne V] 14.3 and 24.3 um transitions are not detected for any galaxy in the sample. Almost all CSOs show contributions both from star formation and active galactic nuclei (AGNs), suggesting that they occupy a continuum between pure starbursts and AGNs. This is consistent with the hypothesis that radio galaxies are created following a galactic merger; the timing of the radio activity onset means that contributions to the IR luminosity from both merger-induced star formation and the central AGN are likely. Bondi accretion is capable of powering the radio jets for almost all CSOs in the sample; the lack of [Ne V] emission suggests an advection-dominated accretion flow mode as a possible candidate. Merging black holes (BHs) with M_BH > 10^8 M_sun likely exist in all of the CSOs in the sample; however, there is no direct evidence from these data that BH spin energy is being tapped as an alternative mode for powering the radio jets.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures; published in Ap

    Chapter Sentinel-2 e campionamenti in situ per il monitoraggio delle acque marine dell’Abruzzo: primi risultati

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    In this study, the estimate of chlorophyll "a" and the dispersion of sediment in the sea, calculated from Sentinel-2, was compared with real data acquired in situ by a multiparametric probe, along the Abruzzo coast. The ultimate goal is to optimize parameters and algorithms to be able to derive concentration maps of chlorophyll and suspended solids from satellite, taking advantage of the high time frequency and high spatial resolution of the detections. This information is of particular relevance for aquaculture activities, for monitoring water quality and for analyzing sedimentary processes

    El deporte escolar en las escuelas secundarias de José C. Paz: las representaciones de los docentes en las ESB

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    Este trabajo es el avance de una investigación en el distrito de José C Paz, que permita conocer sobre algunos supuestos y tensiones que se dan en el desarrollo de la tarea en relación al diseño curricular de la provincia de Buenos Aires y en particular con la implementación del mismo y su relación con el deporte escolar. Las construcciones socio históricas del deporte nos remite a determinadas concepciones que lleva a repensar la función del mismo en las escuelas y su alcance como transposición didáctica ¿Cómo y de qué manera los docentes trabajan el deporte escolar desde los constructos teóricos y cuál es la representación que tienen de él? En estas inquietudes hemos desarrollado una línea de trabajo que pretende indagar a qué se denomina deporte escolar. Hablar de ello implica abordar la complejidad del fenómeno deportivo, lo cual no permite dar definiciones unívocas ni universales. No obstante, elaboramos un marco teórico de los autores que referenciamos y a través de un diseño metodológico y el trabajo con grupos focales y entrevistas, pretendemos analizar esos datos a fin de poder comprender las representaciones sociales de los docentes del distrito cuando se refieren al deporte escolar en la escuela secundaria.Mesa 6. Educación física y didáctica.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    El deporte escolar en las escuelas secundarias de José C. Paz: las representaciones de los docentes en las ESB

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    Este trabajo es el avance de una investigación en el distrito de José C Paz, que permita conocer sobre algunos supuestos y tensiones que se dan en el desarrollo de la tarea en relación al diseño curricular de la provincia de Buenos Aires y en particular con la implementación del mismo y su relación con el deporte escolar. Las construcciones socio históricas del deporte nos remite a determinadas concepciones que lleva a repensar la función del mismo en las escuelas y su alcance como transposición didáctica ¿Cómo y de qué manera los docentes trabajan el deporte escolar desde los constructos teóricos y cuál es la representación que tienen de él? En estas inquietudes hemos desarrollado una línea de trabajo que pretende indagar a qué se denomina deporte escolar. Hablar de ello implica abordar la complejidad del fenómeno deportivo, lo cual no permite dar definiciones unívocas ni universales. No obstante, elaboramos un marco teórico de los autores que referenciamos y a través de un diseño metodológico y el trabajo con grupos focales y entrevistas, pretendemos analizar esos datos a fin de poder comprender las representaciones sociales de los docentes del distrito cuando se refieren al deporte escolar en la escuela secundaria.Mesa 6. Educación física y didáctica.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    El deporte escolar en las escuelas secundarias de José C. Paz: las representaciones de los docentes en las ESB

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    Este trabajo es el avance de una investigación en el distrito de José C Paz, que permita conocer sobre algunos supuestos y tensiones que se dan en el desarrollo de la tarea en relación al diseño curricular de la provincia de Buenos Aires y en particular con la implementación del mismo y su relación con el deporte escolar. Las construcciones socio históricas del deporte nos remite a determinadas concepciones que lleva a repensar la función del mismo en las escuelas y su alcance como transposición didáctica ¿Cómo y de qué manera los docentes trabajan el deporte escolar desde los constructos teóricos y cuál es la representación que tienen de él? En estas inquietudes hemos desarrollado una línea de trabajo que pretende indagar a qué se denomina deporte escolar. Hablar de ello implica abordar la complejidad del fenómeno deportivo, lo cual no permite dar definiciones unívocas ni universales. No obstante, elaboramos un marco teórico de los autores que referenciamos y a través de un diseño metodológico y el trabajo con grupos focales y entrevistas, pretendemos analizar esos datos a fin de poder comprender las representaciones sociales de los docentes del distrito cuando se refieren al deporte escolar en la escuela secundaria.Mesa 6. Educación física y didáctica.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    PCA of the spectral energy distribution and emission line properties of red 2MASS AGN

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    We analyze the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and emission line properties of the red (J-KS_S > 2) 2MASS AGN observed by Chandra using principle component analysis. The sample includes 44 low redshift AGN with low or moderate obscuration (N_H < 10^{23} cm^{-2}) as indicated by X-rays and SED modeling. The obscuration of the AGN allows us to see weaker emission components (host galaxy emission, AGN scattered light) which are usually outshone by the AGN. The first four eigenvectors explain 70% of the variance in the sample. The dominant cause of variance in the sample (eigenvector 1) is the L/Ledd ratio strengthened by intrinsic absorption. Eigenvector 2 is related to host galaxy (relative to the observed AGN) emission and eigenvectors 3 and 4 distinguish between two sources of obscuration: host galaxy absorption and circumnuclear absorption. Although our analysis is consistent with unification schemes where inclination dependent obscuration is important in determining the AGN SEDs, the L/Ledd ratio is the most important factor, followed by host galaxy emission.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap