228 research outputs found

    Ecology of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the coasts of the Campania region (Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea)

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    Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis genus are a recurrent phenomenon in tropical and temperate regions worldwide. The most widely distributed species in the Mediterranean Sea, Ostreopsis cf. ovata, produces blooms with increasing intensity, frequency and distribution. These blooms have been associated with respiratory problems and skin irritations in humans, causing health problems along Italian coasts. In addition, palytoxin-like substances produced by this species can be accumulated by various organisms and make the seafood toxic, with further risks to human health. This thesis is based on the analysis of a multiannual dataset gathered at different coastal sites along the Campania region: 1) the area of Posillipo, in the Gulf of Naples, where the most intense blooms of O. cf. ovata for the Campania Region are regularly recorded; 2) the Ischia Island coasts, which are subjected to natural acidification due to the presence of volcanic vents; 3) the sandy littoral of the Gulf of Salerno littoral, where O. cf. ovata has not been found previously, and where structures for the defence from coastal erosion will be built. Results showed that: i) Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms are a stable phenomenon, occurring at regular frequency over the years in summer months along Posillipo and Ischia Island coasts; ii) the blooms show a marked seasonality, with peaks in the summer months, thus representing a risk for people during the bathing season, either through direct contact and aerosol or following the consumption of contaminated seafood; iii) based on the results from the Ischia island, a lower pH does not affect Ostreopsis blooms, meaning no risk decrease in future scenarios of ocean acidification; iv) Ostreopsis does occur in the Gulf of Salerno, although at low concentrations, probably due to the absence of a suitable substrate; by providing a hard substrate for macroalgae hosting Ostreopsis blooms, artificial structures against coastal erosion might determine an increase of the species in an area where it has not represented a risk so far. The present study highlights the relevance of appropriate strategies for monitoring Ostreopsis blooms. Knowledge and data obtained can be used for a better assessment and interpretation of these phenomena, thus supporting informed management actions to protect the environment, seafood resources and human health

    Qualité réglée, qualité gérée

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    Ce texte est un chapitre destiné à publication dans un ouvrage collectif du CRTD sur "Qualité du travail, qualité au travail"La recherche de la qualité a envahi les politiques de management, dans des contextes variés : secteur industriel, secteur des services, service public. La qualité est supposée être obtenue par la définition et l'application de standards, de procédures, de référentiels, de règles, de normes. On parlera alors de "qualité réglée". La "qualité gérée" repose à l'inverse sur les capacités d'initiative des opérateurs, seuls ou en groupe, à faire face à l'imprévisible et à la variabilité naturelle du réel. A partir de quelques exemples, on montre que la qualité du travail est la résultante d'ajustements, de compromis, d'optimisations entre critères de sécurité, de performance et d'équité. La qualité gérée n'est pas seulement le comblement des lacunes de la qualité réglée ou la réponse à des violations à la qualité réglée. C'est aussi un jugement sur la pertinence, dans des circonstances données, de l'application de la qualité réglée et la conception et la mise en œuvre d'un arbitrage raisonné permettant l'atteinte du meilleur niveau de qualité possible dans le contexte particulier

    Análise numérica da influência de pás auxiliares no desempenho aerodinâmico e acústico de ventiladores centrífugos

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    This work presents a Methodology for Numerical Analysis of Centrifugal Fans with splitter blades through Computational Fluid Dynamics Techniques (CFD), to determine the influence of splitter blades on fan behavior and broadband noise sources. It was considered a rotor with ten main blades in a circle arc shape. A three-dimensional numerical simulations of the complete steady flow field in the whole impeller were considered, the inlet velocity and constant speed rotation as boundary conditions were given based on the experimental test. The numerical results of the rotor without splitter blades was conducted by comparison with the experimental data from the UNIFEI fan test rig. The turbulence model employed k-w SST was suitable to identify viscous effects and energy dissipation by turbulent viscosity provides a good qualitative prediction with the experimental results. Regarding the acoustic power levels results, based on the sound pressure, it was satisfactory based on analysis in the literature. Aerodynamic loading analysis were also performed to quantify the effects on efficiency considering the splitter blades.Este trabalho apresenta uma análise numérica de ventiladores centrífugos com pás auxiliares através de técnicas de Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional (CFD), para determinar a influência das pás auxiliares no comportamento aerodinâmico do ventilador e as fontes de ruído de banda larga. Foi considerado um rotor com 10 pás principais em formato de arco de círculo com 10 pás auxiliares intercaladas às pás principais. Para as análises do campo de escoamento foram consideradas simulações em regime permanente, onde as condições de contorno de velocidade na entrada, mantendo a rotação constante foram dadas com base no ensaio experimental. Em princípio, os resultados numéricos do rotor sem pás auxiliares foram validados com dados experimentais obtidos do banco de ensaios de ventiladores da UNIFEI. O modelo de turbulência empregado k-w SST, mostrou-se adequado na identificação dos efeitos viscosos e a dissipação de energia pela viscosidade turbulenta, resultando numa representação numérica coerente com os dados experimentais. Em relação à potência acústica, com base na pressão sonora, os resultados foram satisfatórios, com base em análises disponíveis na literatura. Foram também feitas análises de carregamentos aerodinâmicos para quantificar os efeitos no rendimento hidráulico considerando as pás auxiliares

    Self-alignment of silicon chips on wafers: a capillary approach

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    As the limits of Moores law are approached, three-dimensional integration appears as the key to advanced microelectronic systems. Die-to-wafer assembly appears to be an unavoidable step to reach full integration. While robotic methods experience difficulties to accommodate fabrication speed and alignment accuracy, self-assembly methods are promising due to their parallel aspect, which overcomes the main difficulties of current techniques. The aim of this work is the understanding of the mechanisms of self-alignment with an evaporating droplet technique. Stable and unstable modes are examined. Causes for misalignments of chips on wafers and their evolution are investigated with the help of the SURFACE EVOLVER numerical software. Precautions for suitable alignment are proposed

    Thermal characterization of electrically injected thin-film InGaAsP microdisk lasers on Si

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    Abstract—We have performed a numerical and experimental analysis of the thermal behavior of electrically injected microdisk lasers that are defined in an InGaAsP-based thin film bonded on top of a silicon wafer. Both the turn-on as well as the pulsed-regime temperature evolution in the lasing region was simulated using the finite-element method. The simulation results are in good agreement with experimental data, which was extracted from the broadening of the time-averaged emission spectra. Lasing at room temperature was only possible in pulsed regime due to the high thermal resistance (10 K/mW). Some strategies to decrease the thermal resistance of the microdisk lasers are proposed and discussed. Index Terms—Heterogeneous integration, InGaAsP, integrated optics, microdisk laser, Si, thermal characterization

    Silicon Die Self-alignment on a Wafer: Stable and Unstable Modes

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    3D integration is the key to advanced microelectronic systems. Die-to-wafer assembly is a necessary step to reach full integration. Self-assembly methods are promising due to their parallel aspect which overcomes the main difficulties of the current techniques. The aim of this work is the understanding of the mechanisms of self-alignment with an evaporating droplet technique and the investigation the stable and unstable modes. Using the Surface Evolver software, we analyze the causes for misalignments of the system and their evolution

    Earthquakes trigger the loss of groundwater biodiversity

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    Earthquakes are among the most destructive natural events. The 6 April 2009, 6.3-Mw earthquake in L\u27Aquila (Italy) markedly altered the karstic Gran Sasso Aquifer (GSA) hydrogeology and geochemistry. The GSA groundwater invertebrate community is mainly comprised of small-bodied, colourless, blind microcrustaceans. We compared abiotic and biotic data from two pre-earthquake and one post-earthquake complete but non-contiguous hydrological years to investigate the effects of the 2009 earthquake on the dominant copepod component of the obligate groundwater fauna. Our results suggest that the massive earthquake-induced aquifer strain biotriggered a flushing of groundwater fauna, with a dramatic decrease in subterranean species abundance. Population turnover rates appeared to have crashed, no longer replenishing the long-standing communities from aquifer fractures, and the aquifer became almost totally deprived of animal life. Groundwater communities are notorious for their low resilience. Therefore, any major disturbance that negatively impacts survival or reproduction may lead to local extinction of species, most of them being the only survivors of phylogenetic lineages extinct at the Earth surface. Given the ecological key role played by the subterranean fauna as decomposers of organic matter and "ecosystem engineers", we urge more detailed, long-term studies on the effect of major disturbances to groundwater ecosystems

    Prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression in with Alzheimer caregivers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alzheimer's disease presents a social and public health problem affecting millions of Italians. Those affected receive home care from caregivers, subjected to risk of stress.</p> <p>The present investigation focuses on stress, anxiety and depression in caregivers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on 200 caregivers and their patients were collected using a specific form to assess cognitive, behavioural, functional patient (MMSE, and ADL-IAD) and caregiver stress (CBI). The relationship between stress, depression and disease has been assessed by means of a linear regression, logistic analysis which reveals the relationship between anxiety, stress and depression and cognitive problems, age, the patient's income.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The caregivers are usually female (64%), mean age of 56.1 years, daughters (70.5%), pensioners and housewives (30%), who care for the sick at home (79%). Of these, 53% had little time for themselves, 55% observed worsening of health, 56% are tired, 51% are not getting enough sleep. Overall, 55% have problems with the patient's family and/or their own family, 57% at work. Furthermore, 29% feel they are failing to cope with the situation as they wish to move away from home. The increase in the degree of anxiety and depression is directly proportional to the severity of the illness, affecting the patient (r = 0.3 stress and depression r = 0.4 related to CBI score). The memory disorders (OR = 8.4), engine problems (OR = 2.6), perception disorders (OR = 1.9) sick of the patient with Alzheimer's disease are predictive of caregiver stress, depression is associated with the presence of other disorders, mainly behavioural (OR = 5.2), low income (OR = 3.4), patients < 65 years of age (OR = 2.9).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The quality of life of caregivers is correlated with the severity of behavioural disorders and duration of the Alzheimer's disease. The severity of the disease plays an important role in reorganization of the family environment in families caring for patients not institutionalised. It is important to promote measures to soften the impact that the patient has on the caregiver, and that, at the same time, improves the quality of life of the patient.</p
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