711 research outputs found

    Crystallization Kinetics of Colloidal Spheres under Stationary Shear Flow

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    A systematic experimental study of dispersions of charged colloidal spheres is presented on the effect of steady shear flow on nucleation and crystal-growth rates. In addition, the non-equilibrium phase diagram as far as the melting line is concerned is measured. Shear flow is found to strongly affect induction times, crystal growth rates and the location of the melting line. The main findings are that (i) the crystal growth rate for a given concentration exhibits a maximum as a function of the shear rate, (ii) contrary to the monotonous increase of the growth rate with increasing concentration in the absence of flow, a maximum of the crystal growth rate as a function of concentration is observed for sheared systems, and (iii) the induction time for a given concentration exhibits a maximum as a function of the shear rate. These findings will be partly explained on a qualitative level.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted in Langmui

    Efficient simulation of non-crossing fibers and chains in a hydrodynamic solvent

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    An efficient simulation method is presented for Brownian fiber suspensions, which includes both uncrossability of the fibers and hydrodynamic interactions between the fibers mediated by a mesoscopic solvent. To conserve hydrodynamics, collisions between the fibers are treated such that momentum and energy are conserved locally. The choice of simulation parameters is rationalised on the basis of dimensionless numbers expressing the relative strength of different physical processes. The method is applied to suspensions of semiflexible fibers with a contour length equal to the persistence length, and a mesh size to contour length ratio ranging from 0.055 to 0.32. For such fibers the effects of hydrodynamic interactions are observable, but relatively small. The non-crossing constraint, on the other hand, is very important and leads to hindered displacements of the fibers, with an effective tube diameter in agreement with recent theoretical predictions. The simulation technique opens the way to study the effect of viscous effects and hydrodynamic interactions in microrheology experiments where the response of an actively driven probe bead in a fiber suspension is measured.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables, 5 figure

    Density profiles of a colloidal liquid at a wall under shear flow

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    Using a dynamical density functional theory we analyze the density profile of a colloidal liquid near a wall under shear flow. Due to the symmetries of the system considered, the naive application of dynamical density functional theory does not lead to a shear induced modification of the equilibrium density profile, which would be expected on physical grounds. By introducing a physically motivated dynamic mean field correction we incorporate the missing shear induced interparticle forces into the theory. We find that the shear flow tends to enhance the oscillations in the density profile of hard-spheres at a hard-wall and, at sufficiently high shear rates, induces a nonequilibrium transition to a steady state characterized by planes of particles parallel to the wall. Under gravity, we find that the center-of-mass of the density distribution increases with shear rate, i.e., shear increases the potential energy of the particles

    Note: Scale-free center-of-mass displacement correlations in polymer films without topological constraints and momentum conservation

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    We present here computational work on the center-of-mass displacements in thin polymer films of finite width without topological constraints and without momentum conservation obtained using a well-known lattice Monte Carlo algorithm with chain lengths ranging up to N=8192. Computing directly the center-of-mass displacement correlation function C_N(t) allows to make manifest the existence of scale-free colored forces acting on a reference chain. As suggested by the scaling arguments put forward in a recent work on three-dimensional melts, we obtain a negative algebraic decay C_N(t) \sim -1/(Nt) for times t << T_N with T_N being the chain relaxation time. This implies a logarithmic correction to the related center-of-mass mean square-displacement h_N(t) as has been checked directly

    Kinetic pathways of the Nematic-Isotropic phase transition as studied by confocal microscopy on rod-like viruses

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    We investigate the kinetics of phase separation for a mixture of rodlike viruses (fd) and polymer (dextran), which effectively constitutes a system of attractive rods. This dispersion is quenched from a flow-induced fully nematic state into the region where the nematic and the isotropic phase coexist. We show experimental evidence that the kinetic pathway depends on the overall concentration. When the quench is made at high concentrations, the system is meta-stable and we observe typical nucleation-and-growth. For quenches at low concentration the system is unstable and the system undergoes a spinodal decomposition. At intermediate concentrations we see the transition between both demixing processes, where we locate the spinodal point.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter as symposium paper for the 6th Liquid Matter Conference in Utrech

    Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations of Anisotropic Colloids

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    We put forward a simple procedure for extracting dynamical information from Monte Carlo simulations, by appropriate matching of the short-time diffusion tensor with its infinite-dilution limit counterpart, which is supposed to be known. This approach --discarding hydrodynamics interactions-- first allows us to improve the efficiency of previous Dynamic Monte Carlo algorithms for spherical Brownian particles. In a second step, we address the case of anisotropic colloids with orientational degrees of freedom. As an illustration, we present a detailed study of the dynamics of thin platelets, with emphasis on long-time diffusion and orientational correlations.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Substrate concentration dependence of the diffusion-controlled steady-state rate constant

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    The Smoluchowski approach to diffusion-controlled reactions is generalized to interacting substrate particles by including the osmotic pressure and hydrodynamic interactions of the nonideal particles in the Smoluchoswki equation within a local-density approximation. By solving the strictly linearized equation for the time-independent case with absorbing boundary conditions, we present an analytic expression for the diffusion-limited steady-state rate constant for small substrate concentrations in terms of an effective second virial coefficient B_2*. Comparisons to Brownian dynamics simulations excluding HI show excellent agreement up to bulk number densities of B_2* rho_0 < 0.4 for hard sphere and repulsive Yukawa-like interactions between the substrates. Our study provides an alternative way to determine the second virial coefficient of interacting macromolecules experimentally by measuring their steady-state rate constant in diffusion-controlled reactions at low densities.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Dense colloidal suspensions under time-dependent shear

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    We consider the nonlinear rheology of dense colloidal suspensions under a time-dependent simple shear flow. Starting from the Smoluchowski equation for interacting Brownian particles advected by shearing (ignoring fluctuations in fluid velocity) we develop a formalism which enables the calculation of time-dependent, far-from-equilibrium averages. Taking shear-stress as an example we derive exactly a generalized Green-Kubo relation, and an equation of motion for the transient density correlator, involving a three-time memory function. Mode coupling approximations give a closed constitutive equation yielding the time-dependent stress for arbitrary shear rate history. We solve this equation numerically for the special case of a hard sphere glass subject to step-strain.Comment: 4 page

    Hydrodynamic induced deformation and orientation of a microscopic elastic filament

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    We describe simulations of a microscopic elastic filament immersed in a fluid and subject to a uniform external force. Our method accounts for the hydrodynamic coupling between the flow generated by the filament and the friction force it experiences. While models that neglect this coupling predict a drift in a straight configuration, our findings are very different. Notably, a force with a component perpendicular to the filament axis induces bending and perpendicular alignment. Moreover, with increasing force we observe four shape regimes, ranging from slight distortion to a state of tumbling motion that lacks a steady state. We also identify the appearance of marginally stable structures. Both the instability of these shapes and the observed alignment can be explained by the combined action of induced bending and non-local hydrodynamic interactions. Most of these effects should be experimentally relevant for stiff micro-filaments, such as microtubules.Comment: three figures. To appear in Phys Rev Let

    Stochastic Interactions of Two Brownian Hard Spheres in the Presence of Depletants

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    A quantitative analysis is presented for the stochastic interactions of a pair of Brownian hard spheres in non-adsorbing polymer solutions. The hard spheres are hypothetically trapped by optical tweezers and allowed for random motion near the trapped positions. The investigation focuses on the long-time correlated Brownian motion. The mobility tensor altered by the polymer depletion effect is computed by the boundary integral method, and the corresponding random displacement is determined by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. From our computations it follows that the presence of depletion layers around the hard spheres has a significant effect on the hydrodynamic interactions and particle dynamics as compared to pure solvent and pure polymer solution (no depletion) cases. The probability distribution functions of random walks of the two interacting hard spheres that are trapped clearly shifts due to the polymer depletion effect. The results show that the reduction of the viscosity in the depletion layers around the spheres and the entropic force due to the overlapping of depletion zones have a significant influence on the correlated Brownian interactions.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 1 appendix, 40 formulas inside the text, 5 formulas in appendi
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