24 research outputs found

    Analisis Pemasaran Buah Manggis di Desa Pulau Rambai Kecamatan Kampa Kabupaten Kampar: analisis pemasaran

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    Mangosteen prices are determined by traders who tend to speculate, causing a weak bargaining position for farmers. Prices are determined unilaterally by traders, making farmers position only as price takers. Mangosteen marketing efficiency analysis needs to be done so that it can discover the cause of the low bargaining power of farmers and price fluctuations and the level of efficiency in each marketing channel. The study aims to analyze the marketing functions, costs, and the marketing efficiency of mangosteen fruit in Pulau Rambai Village, Kampa District, Kampar Regency. The method used is a survey method. Farmer sampling in this study used a simple random sampling method, and as for the traders, samples were taken by census method. The data analysis used is descriptive and quantitative. The results of the study highlight that the marketing functions carried out by each marketing institution are the exchange function, physical function, and facility functions. The exchange function is carried out in the form of a sale and purchase function. Physical functions is performed in the form of packaging, transportation and storage functions. The function of the facilities carried out in the forms of the activities of sorting and grading, financing, risk management, and market information. There are two mangosteen marketing channels in Desa Rambai Island. The most efficient marketing channels are determinedby thecalculation of marketing costs and marketing efficiency. The most efficient chaanel in this study is marketing channel number two.  Harga manggis ditentukan oleh pedagang yang cenderung berfluktuasi menyebabkan posisi tawar menawar petani lemah. Harga yang ditentukan sepihak oleh para pedagang, membuat petani hanya sebagai penerima harga (price taker). Analisis efisiensi pemasaran manggis perlu dilakukan sehingga dapat diketahui penyebab rendahnya daya tawar petani dan fluktuasi harga serta tingkat efisiensi pada setiap saluran pemasaran. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis fungsi-fungsi pemasaran, biaya dan efisiensi pemasaran buah manggis di Desa Pulau Rambai Kecamatan Kampa Kabupaten Kampar.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Pengambilan sampel petani pada penelitian ini digunakan cara simple random sampling dan sampel pedagang diambil secara sensus. Analisis data secara deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa fungsi-fungsi pemasaran dilakukan oleh setiap lembaga pemasaran yaitu fungsi pertukaran, fungsi fisik dan fungsi fasilitas. Fungsi pertukaran yang dilakukan berupa fungsi penjualan dan pembelian. Fungsi fisik yang dilakukan berupa fungsi pengemasan, pengangkutan dan penyimpanan. Fungsi fasilitas yang dilaksanakan berupa fungsi sortasi dan grading, pembiayaan, penanggungan risiko dan informasi pasar. Terdapat dua saluran pemasaran manggis di Desa Pulau Rambai. Analisis efisiensi saluran pemasaran yang paling efisien dilihat dari perhitungan biaya pemasaran dan efisiensi pemasaran adalah di saluran pemasaran dua

    The Experience of Marine Tribe Communities Regarding Handling Emergencies Due to Venomous Marine Animal Strings on The Coast of Bintan Regency, Riau Islands

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    The existence of Bintan Regency is surrounded by the ocean which is an ecosystem of marine animals. One of them is venomous marine animals such as constipated fish, lepu fish, jellyfish and others. Bintan Regency has a sea tribe community that lives on the coast and has its own culture in social life including treatment due to venomous marine animal stings. Handling emergencies due to venomous marine animal stings should be done with medical treatment. The results of field studies still found sea tribe communities who use traditional treatments. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of the sea tribe community regarding the handling of emergencies due to venomous marine animal stings on the coast of Bintan Regency, Riau Islands. The method used was a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted with In-depth Interview. Participants were 10 marine tribesmen who had been stung by venomous marine animals. In Panglong Village, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands by purposive sampling. The research data were analyzed using the Colaizii approach. The results of this study obtained 4 themes, namely 1) seeking initial treatment with manipulative or body-based practices in reducing the effects of venomous marine animal stings, 2) biological-based practices are most commonly used in handling emergencies due to venomous marine animal stings, 3) combining beliefs with CAM practices in handling emergencies due to venomous marine animal stings, 4) overcoming ineffective treatment to medical service facilities in search of healing. The conclusion of this study is that the sea tribe community has experience using traditional medicine based on the tribe's beliefs and choosing medical treatment if the initial treatment is not effective. It is hoped that after this study, counseling can be conducted on emergency treatment due to venomous marine animal stings in collaboration with local health service


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    Belimbing merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura yang tak hanya dapatdinikmati dalam bentuk mentahnya saja, namun belimbing dapat dinikmatidengan berbagai macam olahan. Tujuan pengolahan belimbing adalah untukmeningkatkan keawetan belimbing sehingga layak dikonsumsi serta dapatmemperoleh nilai jual yang tinggi di pasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui profil konsumen produk olahan belimbing di Agrowisata BelimbingKarangsari, Kota Blitar. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan menggunakanmetode Accidental Sampling sebanyak 45 orang. Pendekatan penelitian yangadalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan datamenggunakan kuesioner.wawancara dan observasi secara langsung dengankonsumen produk olahan belimbing di Agrowisata Belimbing Karangsari, KotaBlitar. Analisis data menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif . Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan konsumen produk olahan belimbing padaAgrowisata Belimbing Karangsari di Kota Blitar didominasi oleh jenis kelaminperempuan, didominasi kalangan usia diatas 27 tahun, memiliki statuspekerjaan sebagai pegawai Negeri/Swasta, memiliki rata-rata pendapatanperbulan sebesar <Rp.1.000.000,- dan frekuensi kunjungan serta pembeliansebanyak 1 kali dalam sebulan.Kata Kunci: Profil Konsumen, Produk Olahan Belimbing, Agrowisat


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    Nadhira Napoleon is one of the shops that houses the largest and most comprehensive chain of souvenir shops in Pekanbaru City. In carrying out its business certainly can not be separated from a good marketing strategy. One of the marketing strategies that is often carried out by a company is the 7P marketing mix. This study aims to determine marketing mix priorities at Nadhira Napoleon's Souvenir Shop. Data analysis is carried out by means of weighting from experts, distributors and consumers using the ANP (Analytic Network Process) method. The results of the data analysis show that the Place mix is ​​the first priority carried out by the Nadhira Napoleon Gift Shop with a weight of 0.227 with a percentage of 22.72%. Followed by the place marketing mix which occupies the first position, namely out lite Location with a weight of 0.085 with a percentage of 17. Furthermore, the alternative that is the first priority of the marketing mix is ​​to expand market share with a weight of 0.247 and a percentage of 49.4. Gift shop Nadhira Napoleon set up a gift shop which is strategically located, with easy access for consumers. Starting from the layout, shop settings, traffic flow conditions such as congestion, and parking lots for easy access in and out of vehicles and the level of security is very trustworthy, so that the Nadhira Napoleon Gift Shop can dominate the market share for souvenir products.Nadhira Napoleon is a store that houses the largest and most comprehensive chain of souvenir shops in Pekanbaru City. In running the Nadhira Napoleon Gift Shop business, of course, you cannot be separated from a good marketing strategy. One of the marketing strategies that is often carried out by a company is the 7P marketing mix. This study aims to determine marketing mix priorities at Nadhira Napoleon's Souvenir Shop. Data analysis is carried out by means of weighting from experts, distributors and consumers using the ANP (Analytic Network Process) method. The results of the data analysis show that the Place mix is ​​the first priority carried out by the Nadhira Napoleon Gift Shop with a weight of 0.227 with a percentage of 22.72%. Followed by the Place marketing mix which occupies the first position, namely Outlite Location with a weight of 0.085 with a percentage of 17%. Furthermore, the alternative that is the first priority of this research is to expand market share with a weight of 0.247 and a percentage of 49.4%. Gift shop Nadhira Napoleon set up a gift shop which is strategically located, namely in the city center Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.177 with easy access for consumers. Starting from the layout, shop settings, traffic flow conditions such as congestion, parking lots for easy access in and out of vehicles and the level of security is very reliable so that the Nadhira Napoleon Gift Shop can dominate the market share for souvenir products


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    Butir soal merupakan suatu alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur perkembangan kompetensi dari peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kegiatan menganalisis butir soal yang akan diberikan kepada peserta didik pada penilaian akhir semester. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan analisis butir soal penilaian akhir semester mata pelajaran matematika kelas IV dilihat dari segi validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran dan daya pembedanya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptid kuantitatif. Objek dalam penelitian ini merupakan sebuah dokumen berupa butir soal penilaian akhir semester mata pelajaran matematika kelas IV pada sekolah SDN 1 Blender, Kabupaten Cirebon. Teknik dalam mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Data tersebt dianalisis menggunakan sebuah program Anates V4. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa dari 20 butir soal isian dan 10 butir soal uraian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: (1) Validasi butir soal dari butir soal PAS mata pelajaran matematika kelas IV di SDN 01 Blender, Kecamatan Karangwareng Kabupaten Cirebon yang termasuk butir soal yang valid berjumlah 22 butir soal (73,3%) sedangkan butir soal yang tidak valid berjumlah 8 butir soal (10%). (2) Reliabilitas butir soal dari butir soal PAS mata pelajaran matematika kelas IV di SDN 01 Blender, Kecamatan Karangwareng Kabupaten Cirebon memiliki reliabilitas yang sangat tinggi sebesar 0,93. (3) Tingkat Kesukaran Butir Soal dari butir soal PAS mata pelajaran matematika kelas IV di SDN 01 Blender, Kecamatan Karangwareng Kabupaten Cirebon meliputi 1 butir soal (3,3%) kategori sukar, 17 butir soal (56,7%) kategori sedang, 9 butir soal (30%) kategori mudah, 3 butir soal (10%) kategori sangat mudah. (4) Daya Pembeda dari butir soal PAS mata pelajaran matematika kelas IV di SDN 01 Blender, Kecamatan Karangwareng Kabupaten Cirebon meliputi 2 butir soal (6,7%) kategori sangat buruk, 4 butir soal (13,3%) kategori buruk, 1 butir soal (3,3%) kategori cukup,13 butir soal (43,3%) kategori baik dan 5 butir soal (16,7%) kategori sangat baik. ----- Items are a measuring tool used to measure the development of the competence of students. This research is motivated by the low activity of analyzing the items that will be given to students at the end of the semester assessment. This study aims to describe the end-of-semester questions for grade IV mathematics in terms of validity, reliability, level of difficulty and distinguishing power. This research is quantitative descriptive. The object of this research is a document in the form of class points about the end of the semester in mathematics at SDN 1 Blender, Cirebon Regency. Techniques in collecting data using the method of documentation. The data were analyzed using an Anates V4 program. The results of this study are that from 20 items filled in and 10 items of description obtained as follows: (1) Validation of items from PAS items for 4th Grade mathematics at SDN 01 Blender, Karangwareng District, Cirebon Regency which includes valid items is obtained. 22 items (73.3%) while the invalid items returned 8 items (10%). (2) The reliability of the PAS items for 4th Grade mathematics subject at SDN 01 Blender, Karangwareng District, Cirebon Regency has a very high reliability of 0,93. (3) The level of item difficulty of the PAS items in 4th Grade mathematics subject at SDN 01 Blender, Karangwareng District, Cirebon Regency includes 1 item (3.3%) in the difficult category, 17 items (56.7%) in the medium category, 9 items (30%) in the easy category, 3 items (10%) in the very easy category. (4) Distinguishing Power of PAS items for 4th Grade mathematics subjects at SDN 01 Blender, Karangwareng District, Cirebon Regency includes 2 items (6.7%) in the very bad category, 4 items (13.3%) in the bad category, 1 items (3.3%) in the sufficient category, 13 items (43.3%) in the good category and 5 items (16.7%) in the very good category


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    Perkembangan sains tidak dapat terpisahkan oleh kehidupan manusia. Mengingat manusia sering menggunakan ilmu alam untuk kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran sains akan lebih mudah bila dikembangkan dan diperoleh sejak usia dini. Salah satu media yang mampu mengembangkan kemampuan sains anak adalah boneka hortikultural. Boneka hortikultural atau yang sering disebut boneka horta ini merupakan media tanam yang berbentuk boneka. Melalui boneka hortikultural anak dapat memperoleh sains dengan mengamati, menprediksi, mengukur, dan mengkomunikasikan proses pertumbuhan tanaman. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan kepada anak di TK Tulus Sejati Surabaya, 14 dari 20 anak kurang memahami proses pertumbuhan tanaman. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh media boneka hortikultural terhadap kemampuan sains anak usia 5 sampai 6 tahun.Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan design penelitian quasi experimental dalam bentuk Nonequivalentcontrol group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Jumlah subyek penelitian yang digunakan sebanyak 40 di TK Tulus Sejati, dan menggunakan sampel sebanyak 20 anak kelompok kontrol dan 20 anak kelompok eksperimen. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan statistic non parametris dan menggunakan uji mann Whitney U-Test, dimana apabila U hitung &lt; U tabel maka penelitian dianggap signifikan yaitu terdapat adanya pengaruh media bonekahortikultural terhadap kemampuan sains.Hasil analisis data dapat diperoleh U hitung &lt; U tabel dengan taraf kesalahan &alpha;= 0,05 dengan n sebesar 20 yaitu U hitung &lt; U tabel atau 0 &lt; 114, sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan penelitian tersebut adalah media boneka hortikultural berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan sains anak usia 5 sampai 6 tahun di TK Tulus Sejati Surabaya. Kata Kunci : Boneka, Horta, Hortikultural ABSTRACT Science development cannot be separated by human life. Considering humans has been commonly using natural science in daily life. Science learning in daily life. Science learning will be easier if developed and acquired from anearly age. One&rsquo;s media which qualified to develop children&rsquo;s science capabilities is horticultural puppet. Horticultural puppet or offten called a horta puppet is a growth media which resemble a puppet.Through a horticultural puppet student can acquired scienced by observation, prediction, measure, and communicate the growth plants process. Based on the observation has been done in the children Kindergarten Tulus Sejati, 14 0f 20 children wasn&rsquo;t understand the growth plants process. The function of research is know the influence of horticultural puppetmedia on the sciences capabilities of children aged 5 to 6 yearsThe research was used quantitative research methods with quasi experimental research design and used nonequivalentcontrol group design. The research used two groups which experiment group and control group. The subject research is 40 in kindergarten Tulus Sejati, and used sample of total number 20 children control group and 20 children experiment group. Data collection methods used observation, documentation and interview in accordance with sample. The data analysis technique used in this research was non paramatric statistical tests and Mann Whitney U Test, that U value &lt;U table so the research is significantly and the research coclude that horticultural puppet media influnced on the sciences capabilities of children .Based on the data analysis result can be obtained U value &lt; U table &alpha; = 0,05 with n as much as 20 that U value &lt; Utable or 0 &lt; 114, reject Ho and accept Ha. Thus, the research conclude that the horticultural puppet media influnced on the sciences capabilities of children aged 5 to 6 years in Kindergarten Tulus Sejati Surabaya. Keywords : puppet, horta, horticultura


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    Nadhira Napoleon is one of the shops that houses the largest and most comprehensive chain of souvenir shops in Pekanbaru City. In carrying out its business certainly can not be separated from a good marketing strategy. One of the marketing strategies that is often carried out by a company is the 7P marketing mix. This study aims to determine marketing mix priorities at Nadhira Napoleon's Souvenir Shop. Data analysis is carried out by means of weighting from experts, distributors and consumers using the ANP (Analytic Network Process) method. The results of the data analysis show that the Place mix is ​​the first priority carried out by the Nadhira Napoleon Gift Shop with a weight of 0.227 with a percentage of 22.72%. Followed by the place marketing mix which occupies the first position, namely out lite Location with a weight of 0.085 with a percentage of 17. Furthermore, the alternative that is the first priority of the marketing mix is ​​to expand market share with a weight of 0.247 and a percentage of 49.4. Gift shop Nadhira Napoleon set up a gift shop which is strategically located, with easy access for consumers. Starting from the layout, shop settings, traffic flow conditions such as congestion, and parking lots for easy access in and out of vehicles and the level of security is very trustworthy, so that the Nadhira Napoleon Gift Shop can dominate the market share for souvenir products


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    Central Java is one of the contributors to our maternal and infant mortality rates in Indonesia. This increase was partly due to the knowledge of pregnant women about nutritional needs at the time of assessment. The purpose of this research is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about the adequacy of nutrition and the use of drugs during pregnancy. The method used was assistance for pregnant women by professionals in their fields in September Obgyn Doctors and Pharmacists and descriptive analysis through questionnaires before and then conducted activities. Assistance activities carried out for one day in preparation for preliminary pregnant women in Pudak Payung. Based on the results of research people do not understand the importance of adequate nutrition during the assessment seen from a baby's low weight at his age. After mentoring, the increase in knowledge and awareness of pregnant women increased by 97%.ABSTRAKJawa tengah merupakan salah satu penyumbang angka kamatian ibu hamil dan bayi di Indonesia. Peningkatan tersebut salah satunya karena faktor pengetahuan ibu hamil mengenai kebutuhan gizi pada saat kehamilan. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu hamil akan kecukupan gizi dan penggunaan obat selama kehamilan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendampingan pada ibu hamil oleh tenaga professional dibidangnya seperti Dokter Obgyn dan Apoteker dan analisa deskriptif melalui kuisioner sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan kegiatan. Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan selama satu hari sebagai gambaran pendahuluan kondisi ibu hamil di Pudak Payung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian masyarakat belum mengetahui akan pentingnya kecukupan gizi selama kehamilan dilihat dari berat badan bayi yang rendah pada usianya. Setelah dilakukan pendampingan peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran ibu hamil meningkat sebesar 97%.

    Facial Palsy Treatment After Cranial Base Fracture : A Systematic Review

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    Facial nerve paralysis is a common event in cases of cranial base trauma. Especially facial nerve paralysis due to trauma or fracture of the temporal bone accounts for around 7-10% of cases. Analysis of studies related to the management of facial nerve paralysis due to skull base fractures still needs to be studied. The aim of this paper is to examine in more depth the management of facial nerve paralysis due to traumatic skull base fractures. This research analyzes studies through the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Proquest databases. After searching, 729 articles were found. Seven articles were found that were suitable and discussed the management of facial nerve paralysis due to cranial base trauma. Based on the results of the investigation, it was found that the management carried out was based on the severity scale of facial paralysis where medical or surgical treatment could be carried out according to the required indications

    Optimalisasi UMKM “Dian Bakery” di Desa Karangsono, Barat, Magetan melalui Digital Marketing

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    Bentuk kegiatan dari KKN-Periode 1 UNIPMA ini adalah optimalisasi UMKM “”Dian Bakery” di Desa Karangsono, Barat, Magetan melalui digital marketing. Pelaksanaan dilakukan 1 bulan mulai dari tahap perijinan, observasi potensi, pembimbingan, pelaksanaan, sampai pada evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan program tim KKN-Periode 1 UNIPMA telah membuat akun media instagram dan facebook sebagai sarana marketing melalui plateform digital yang sebelumnya UMKM tersebut hanya menggunakan metode konvensional yaitu door to door. Dampak dari pelaksanaan program permintaan pesanan roti pada UMKM Dian Bakery meningkat dari sebelumnya