Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam Open Journal System
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    828 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Physitherapy Services Quality at The Homecare Level to Patient Satisfaction in Practice Independent Physiotherapy Malang Raya

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    In 2021 there will be an increase in population in Indonesia with East Java being the second most populous in Indonesia and Malang Raya being one of the cities with the highest number of people according to data from the Ministry of Health. This increase in population has resulted in the phenomenon of the emergence of many independent health service clinics, one of which is an independent physiotherapy clinic, especially with homecare services to meet the needs of public health services. Providing independent health services needs to pay attention to service quality for patient satisfaction. So it is necessary to know whether there is a relationship between the quality of service at the independent clinic and the satisfaction of service users or patients. This study used an observational approach with a cross-sectional design with 37 respondents or samples in filling out two questionnaires for each variable, namely the servqual questionnaire and the medrisk questionnaire for 5 weeks of study. The results of the Shapiro-Wilk test for service quality at independent physiotherapy clinics were 0.059>0.005 and patient satisfaction levels were 0.078>0.005, which means that the data were normally distributed. The Pearson correlation test is 0.000 <0.005, which means there is a relationship between the two variables. There is a strong relationship between the quality of physiotherapy services at the homecare level and patient satisfaction in the Malang Raya self-help physiotherapy practice as seen from the Pearson correlation value of 0.618. For future researchers, this research can be continued by increasing research time and making the data in this study a good reference for students, educators, and physiotherapy colleagues


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    Kulit ialah area terbesar tubuh yang berguna untuk melindungi tubuh dari bahaya kimia dan fisik seperti goresan, luka yang terinfeksi, dan luka bakar. Luka yakni hilangnya atau rusaknya beberapa jaringan tubuh. Daun balakacida (Chromolaena odorata L.) memiliki getah dan air yang berkhasiat menyembuhkan luka, dapat menghentikan pendarahan pada luka dan lecet dengan cukup cepat. Metode pada penelitian ini yakni eksperimental. Pembuatan ekstrak etanol daun balakacida didapat melalui maserasi dengan pelarut etanol, selanjutnya diformulasikan pada salep dengan ekstrak etanol daun balakacida pada berbagai konsentrasi 5%,7,5%,10%, selanjutnya dilakukan perbandingan dengan kontrol positif (Betadine) serta kontrol negatif (Basis salep). Hasil skrining yang didapat menyatakan ekstrak etanol daun balakacida mengandung senyawa tanin, flavonoid, saponin, alkoloid serta triterpenoid/steroid. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh sediaan salep ekstrak etanol daun balakacida dengan konsentrasi 5%,7,5%, serta 10% mampu menyembuhkan luka sayat pada marmut. Semua konsentrasi telah menunjukkan kemampuan menyembuhkan luka sayat. Ekstrak etanol daun balakacidayang memberikan efek terbaik pada penyembuhan luka yakni konsentrasi 10%


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    Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by excessive blood glucose levels caused by absolute and relative insulin deficiency. The stages in this study were sampling, identification of samples/plants, simplification, simplification screening, and preparation of extracts by maceration. The method used in the diabetes activity test uses a glucometer to induce alloxan in rats at a dose of 150 mg/kg body weight. The test animals were 25 rats which were divided into 5 treatment groups namely CMC Na 0.5% (negative control), glibenclamide (positive control) 0.45 mg/kg body weight and EEB dose 200 mg/kg body weight, 400 mg/kg body weight and 600. mg/kg body weight. kg B.W. kg body weight as a test material given orally. Measurement of blood glucose values ??according to Allox and on days 3, 5, and 7 after administration of the test substance, namely EEB. The test results data were analyzed statistically using one-way ANOVA at a 95% confidence level followed by Tukey's post hoc test. The results of the phytochemical screening showed that EEB contains alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and glycosides. The results of the diabetes efficacy test showed that EEB doses of 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg BW had an anti-diabetic effect on male white rats. The EEB dose of 600 mg/kg is the most effective. Post hoc Tukey test results showed that EEB doses of 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, and 600 mg/kg were not significantly different from the positive control glibenclamide 0.45 mg/kg (p>0.05) and 200,400 ug. and 600 mg/kg BW were significantly different from the negative control CMC Na 0.5% (p<0.05)

    Factors Associated with TB Treatment Non-Adherence in Tanjung Morawa Health Center

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the diseases that can cause death both in Indonesia and the world. This TB disease can attack all ages and the way of transmission of this disease is very easy because it can be transmitted through droplets. Treatment of TB disease requires a long period of time up to 6 months without stopping taking medication, but usually patients in the third month after taking the drug feel healthy so that the patient does not comply or continue treatment, this can endanger the patient because the body can become resistant to the drug. The purpose of this study was to find out what factors make patients non-compliant in TB treatment. The method used observational analytic with a cross sectional design, the instrument used questionnaire, the population in this study was all TB patients at the Tanjung Morawa health center as many as 47 people with sample 30 patients who were taken rondom. The test used chi square test with a confidence level of 95%. The test results showed that there were 2 factors with non-compliance in TB treatment, namely knowledge factors (0.26%) and occupational factors (0.47%), and there were 2 related factors, namely Education factors (0.001%) and Attitude factors (0.003%). It is recommended for TB patients or sufferers to continue to improve compliance for those who are good in order to recover completely and for those who have not complied in TB treatment in order to improve their level of compliance so that they can be cured also by doctors and health workers are expected to continue to support and remind patients to continue to be obedient in TB treatment

    Education on The Application of The 3J Diet to Increase Knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in The Community of Bandar Kupa, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang District

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    Degenerative diseases become dangerous killer diseases if not treated properly. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease which can be a complication that causes other dangerous diseases. The incidence of DM is still worrying as a contributor to killer diseases and in North Sumatra the incidence continues to increase every year. Based on the existing number of DM sufferers, 25% of sufferers know that they are DM sufferers, the rest do not know yet and this remaining number has a big risk of causing bodily health problems and a risk of complications from other, more dangerous diseases. Consuming foods high in simple carbohydrates, high in sugar, subjected to a lot of processing and low in complex nutrients and fiber can cause disturbances in the function of the insulin hormone, leading to the emergence of DM. In an effort to treat and increase public knowledge regarding DM disease and control the condition of DM sufferers, this is through the implementation of the 3J diet (right schedule, right amount and right type). This educational service activity was carried out in Bandar Kupa, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang district on 5-7 June 2023. This community service activity was carried out through several stages. At the initial stage, observations were carried out, then continued with the planning stage, education, delivery of educational material and the evaluation stage of acceptance of the material that had been delivered during the service education process. The results obtained showed that in terms of participant attendance, there was community enthusiasm in participating in the education provided. The results of the educational evaluation, increasing the knowledge of the community of education participants, decreased with the level of knowledge from less than 48% to 12%, there was an increase in sufficient knowledge before education by 32%, increasing to 68% and the level of good knowledge did not increase, namely at a percentage of 20%

    Education about Ergonomics in the Workplace to Overcome Neck Pain in Computer Users

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    In an era where information technology has become an integral part of everyday life, the use of computers in the workplace has become the norm. Employees spend hours in front of computer screens to complete their tasks. However, a less recognized impact of prolonged exposure to computer devices is health problems, especially neck, shoulder and back pain. Ergonomics issues in computer use have become a major concern in today's work environment. This PKM activity aims to increase awareness of ergonomics in the workplace and overcome neck pain in workers who use computers regularly. Involving 45 participants, this activity focused on providing education that prioritizes ergonomic principles. Through presentations, discussions and live demonstrations, participants are provided with an in-depth understanding of the importance of correct work posture and the practical implementation of ergonomics principles in daily work routines. Initial assessment results showed that the majority of participants had unergonomic working postures. However, after participating in this activity, there was a significant increase in their understanding of ergonomics and awareness of the importance of correct posture in the workplace. The ergonomic solutions presented, such as chair arrangement, monitor position, and use of ergonomic accessories, were welcomed by participants as real steps in reducing neck pain. This article emphasizes the importance of awareness and practical application of ergonomics in the workplace to improve work health and comfort. It is hoped that this service can make a real contribution in reducing health problems such as neck pain in workers who use computers intensively, as well as improving the quality of their wor


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    The problem with the low coverage of health services at puskesmas is partly due to the low performance of health workers who are not yet optimal. This is due to low motivation and discipline of health workers. Based on initial observations of several health workers at the Plus Perbaungan Health Center, it was found that there were problems with the discipline and work motivation of health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the determinant factors (goals and abilities, sanctions, achievement, recognition and responsibility) with the discipline and work motivation of health workers at the Health Center Plus Perbaungan. The research design used in this research is an analytical survey using a cross sectional study approach. The population of this study was all 78 health workers with a sample using a total sampling technique of 78 people. Data collection methods are primary data, secondary and tertiary data. The data analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis using the chi-square statistical test. And what will happen in the study shows that there is a relationship between goals and abilities with a p value (0.000), sanctions p (0.000), firmness p (0.000) and recognition p (0.000) with discipline and work motivation, while achievement p (0.683) and responsibility p (0.577) have no relationship with discipline and work motivation. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between goals and abilities, punishment, firmness and recognition with discipline and motivation, while achievement and responsibility have no relationship with discipline and work motivation in health workers

    Authoritarian Parenting Is Assoociated With Bullying Behavior In Teenagers At Smp Negeri 1 Namorambe, Deli Serdang Distriet In 2023

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    Adolescence is a period of rapid physical, psychological, and intellectual growth and development. Bullying is an aggressive action that one person repeatedly takes against another, causing physical or mental harm to the victim. Authoritarian parenting style emphasizes the importance of children obeying all parental rules. The study involved 86 students as study subjects, selected using non-probability sampling with the purposive sampling technique. Data collection in this study used a parenting style scale based on the Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) and a bullying behavior scale based on the Bullying Questionnaire by Putri (2018). These data were subsequently analyzed using the Chi-square test, yielding a result of CI = 0.001. The hypothesis was tested using a Cross-Sectional correlation. The correlation coefficient obtained r = 0.306 with a significance of 0.004 ). The study results indicated a positive relationship between the tendency of bullying behavior and authoritarian parenting style at SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe. As the authoritarian parenting style increases, the incidence of bullying behavior also increases. Conversely, the authoritarian parenting style decreases, the incidence of bullying behavior decreases as well. In conclusion, this study reveals a moderate positive relationship between authoritarian parenting style and bullying behavior among adolescents at SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe in 2023

    The Relationship Between Mothers’ Knowledge On Posyandu Services And Their Frequency Of Visit To Posyandu In Karangrejo Village Purworejo Regency

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    Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) is among the Community-based Health Efforts (UKBM) managed by and for benefits of the community members assisted by health workers’ technical supports. Posyandu is a strategy implemented by the Indonesian government and assigned by the Ministry of Health to conduct early detection of any growth disorders among toddlers, especially stunting (growth failure). However, in reality, the community hardly use Posyandu services due to mother’s lack of knowledge regarding the services. This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between mothers’ knowledge on Posyandu services and their frequency of visit to Posyandu in Karangrejo village, Purworejo regency. The researcher implemented quantitative approach with observational analytic method and cross-sectional research design. The respondents were mothers with 12-59 months aged children in Karangrejo village. There were 44 participants chosen using total sampling technique. Spearman’s rank statistical test revealed that 20 respondents (45.4%) had good knowledge on Posyandu services and therefore frequently visited Posyandu for their toddlers while 5 of them (11.4%) had little knowledge on the services which explained why they did not pay regular visits to Posyandu. Further, the results showed p-value=0.000 and correlation coefficient 0.698 meaning that the relationship of mothers’ knowledge on Posyandu services and their frequency of visit to Posyandu in Karangrejo village, Purworejo regency was considered to be moderate (C=0.698). It is suggested that mothers with children of 12-59 months age regularly visit Posyandu to ensure the good growth of their children


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    Soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) are a plant that has many health benefits that can be obtained from the fruit, leaves, and seeds. Soursop leaves contain saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids which can act as an antiseptic-disinfectant or as an antibacterial. Flavonoid compounds can be used as wound medicine, antifungal, antimicrobial, anticancer, and antiviral. In society, it is used by boiling the leaves and then drinking the boiled water. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of soursop leaf ethanol extract as an antibacterial against Salmonella typhi so that fever can be reduced. The dosage includes 100; 150; 200; and 250 mg/kg BW. No treatment was given as a negative control and chloramphenicol tablets as a positive control. Based on data analysis, it shows that there is a significant difference in body temperature after being tested using the t-test with a value of 0.000 < 0.05. These results prove that body temperature which was initially normal during the acclimatization stage experienced an increase in body temperature when infected with Salmonella typhi. The results of the One-Way ANOVA test also showed an effect on reducing body temperature infected with Salmonella typhi. From several doses, the EDDS dose of 100 mg/kg BW was able to reduce body temperature by an average of 36.5°C


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