154 research outputs found

    Do conceito de empoderamento do paciente aos instrumentos de medição: uma revisão integrativa

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    OBJETIVO Analizar definiciones y dimensiones de empoderamiento. Identificar fortalezas y debilidades de los instrumentos de medida de empoderamiento respecto al modelo conceptual. MÉTODO Revisión integrativa de la literatura en las bases de datos MEDLINE y Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). RESULTADOS Fueram seleccionados 29 artículos . Se identificaron 17 definiciones, 7 propuestas de dimensiones y 10 instrumentos de medida. Empoderamiento puede ser un proceso de capacitación o habilitación en el que se transfiere el poder de un individuo a otro, o bien un resultado producto de ese proceso. Las dimensiones reflejan indicadores de resultados como son la participación en la toma de decisiones y tomar el control, e indicadores relativos al proceso como son la adquisición de conocimientos y las habilidades de afrontamiento. De los instrumentos analizados seis son los instrumentos que presentan mayor robustez. CONCLUSIÓN Se propone una definición de empoderamiento que puede ayudar a mejorar la comprensión del término y por lo tanto a operacionalizarlo.OBJETIVO Analisar as definições e as dimensões do conceito de empoderamento. Identificar os pontos fortes e fracos dos instrumentos de medição de empoderamento a partir do seu modelo conceitual. MÉTODO Revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados MEDLINE e Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). RESULTADOS Foram selecionados 29 artigos, 17 definições de empoderamento, sete propostas de dimensões e 10 instrumentos de medição. Empoderamento pode ser concebido como um processo de formação e habilitação em que se transfere o poder de um indivíduo a outro, ou como resultado/produto desse processo; as dimensões refletem indicadores de resultados, tais como a participação na tomada de decisões e assumir o controle; e os indicadores relativos ao processo referem-se à aquisição de conhecimentos e às habilidades de enfrentamento. Dos instrumentos analisados, seis têm maior robustez. CONCLUSÃO Propor uma definição de empoderamento que possa ajudar a melhorar a compreensão do termo e, assim, operacionalizá-lo.OBJECTIVE Analyze the definitions and dimensions of empowerment. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of empowerment measures based on the conceptual model. METHOD This was a comprehensive literature review of publications on the MEDLINE and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) databases. RESULTS Twenty-nine articles were selected. Seventeen definitions and seven dimensions of empowerment, and 10 empowerment measures were selected. Empowerment can be seen as an enabling process involving a shift in the balance of power, or as an outcome of this process. The dimensions reflect outcome indicators, such as participation in decision-making and control, and process indicators, such as knowledge acquisition and coping skills. Six of the tools analyzed by this study could be said to provide a robust measure of patient empowerment. CONCLUSION we propose a definition of empowerment that helps to deepen understanding of the term and, therefore, its operationalization

    La tutorización del TFG en el Grado de Psicología: propuesta de evaluación por rúbrica

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    Existe la necesidad de definir las competencias de tutorización del profesorado. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta de rúbrica para ayudar al profesorado a dirigir los TFG eficazmente.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Multi-stage warm started optimal motion planning for over-actuated mobile platforms

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    This work presents a computationally lightweight motion planner for over-actuated platforms. For this purpose, a general state-space model for mobile platforms with several kinematic chains is defined, which considers dynamics, nonlinearities and constraints. The proposed motion planner is based on a sequential multi-stage approach that takes advantage of the warm start on each step. Firstly, a globally optimal and smooth 2D/3D trajectory is generated using the Fast Marching Method. This trajectory is fed as a warm start to a sequential linear quadratic regulator that is able to generate an optimal motion plan without constraints for all the platform actuators. Finally, a feasible motion plan is generated considering the constraints defined in the model. In this respect, the sequential linear quadratic regulator is employed again, taking the previously generated unconstrained motion plan as a warm start. The motion planner has been deployed into the Exomars Testing Rover of the European Space Agency. This rover is an Ackermann-capable planetary exploration testbed that is equipped with a robotic arm. Several experiments were carried out demonstrating that the proposed approach speeds up the computation time and increases the success ratio for a martian sample retrieval mission, which can be considered as a representative use case of goal-constrained trajectory generation for an over-actuated mobile platform.This work has been partially funded by the EU-H2020 project entitled “Cooperative Robots for Extreme Environments” (CoRob-X) under grant agreement: 101004130. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA”

    Teachers and parents’ point of view about the school as promoter of physical activity

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    Reconocida la importancia de la práctica físico-deportiva en la salud de los jóvenes, mediante la presente investigación hemos obtenido la opinión de 53 profesores, 142 padres y 159 madres sobre el papel que puede desempeñar el centro escolar en la promoción y desarrollo de este tipo prácticas. Para tal fin, se ha efectuado un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, empleando un cuestionario “El centro como agente promotor y movilizador”, con 17 ítems que discriminan adecuadamente y obtienen una consistencia elevada. El análisis descriptivo, inferencial y relacional, nos permite obtener la importancia que se le concede a la disposición de un profesional consciente y capaz de concebir clases de Educación Física motivantes, orientadas hacia cuestiones de salud y generadoras de participación activa para los jóvenes. Igualmente la relevancia de contar con padres y madres concienciados sobre los beneficios de prácticas saludables. Se aprecian algunas diferencias de opinión entre los colectivos estudiados.Having recognized the importance of physical and sport practice in the health of young people, through the present research we have obtained the opinion of 53 teachers, 142 parents and 159 mothers about the possible role of the school center in promoting and developing this type of practices. To this end, there has been carried out a transversal descriptive study, using a questionnaire "The center as a promoter and active agent", with 17 items which discriminate adequately and obtain a high consistency. The descriptive, inferential and relational analysis, allows us to see the importance attached to the disposition of a conscious professional capable of carrying out motivating Physical Education classes, orientated towards health related questions and provoquing an active participation of young people. Moreover the study highlights the relevance of having parents and mothers aware of the benefits of healthy practices, and detects some differences of opinion among the groups studied

    The probiotic strain Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 strongly modulates gene expression of the fish pathogen Vibrio harveyi

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    In this work, the interaction between the fish probiotic Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 and the fish pathogen V. harveyi was studied by RNA-seq to understand how SpPdp11 interferes with the pathogen through bioinformatics analysis. Three types of cultures were performed: SpPdp11 alone, V. harveyi alone and SpPdp11 and V. harveyi together. RNA was extracted and sequenced (paired end, 2x75 bp) at the Ultrasequencing Service of the University of Málaga using the Illumina NextSeqTM 550 platform. Raw reads were processed using a bioinformatic pipeline and a network analysis was performed for the most relevant functional enrichment results. The results suggest that the presence of SpPdp11 affects V. harveyi to a greater extent than V. harveyi affects SpPdp11. Considering that V. harveyi is a pathogenic strain and SpPdp11 is a probiotic strain, this may be positive for its probiotic capacity, as it not only maintains its functionality almost intact, but also produces a huge imbalance in that of V. harveyiThis work was funded by project AG-2017-509 83370-C3-3-R (MINECO, Spain)

    Antropología educativa, gestión cooperativa del conocimiento y desarrollo humano sustentable

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    We present three case studies conducted in different places and schools linked, first, to terminate the same question Would it be feasible in the educational environment to transform the community context it reaches positive indicators of sustainable human development? Second, the overall objective, enable cooperatively transform the context of student life, both in the educational space in the family, and socially, for the achievement of sustainable human development; and, ultimately, by the application of qualitative research technique action at Community level and strategy of dialogic-cooperative learning in academia. However, this link was broken by their dissimilar contextuality, so it was necessary, as the priority factor of our contribution, the practice of prior research on the lives of students, their families and the operation of the school, under the unifying hypothesis for the genesis and knowledge management could be shared by the community and educational space. In each of them the results were satisfactory, becoming visible in the progressive increase in interest of young people learning and the positive assessment of the community in the acquisition of knowledge for its cooperative transmission between the family and education. Presentamos tres estudios de caso, realizados en diferentes lugares y centros escolares, vinculados, en primer lugar, por la resolución del mismo interrogante ¿Sería viable desdeel ámbito educativo transformar el contexto comunitario para que éste alcance indicadores positivos de desarrollo humano sustentable? en segundo lugar, por la consecución del objetivo general, posibilitar el transformar de forma cooperativa el contexto de la vida del estudiante, tanto en el espacio educativo, en el familiar, como en el social, para la consecución del desarrollo humano sustentable; y, en último término, por la aplicación de la técnica cualitativa de la investigación-acción en el ámbito comunitario y de la estrategia del aprendizaje dialógico-cooperativo en el ámbito académico. Sin embargo,  este vínculo estaba fracturado por su disímil contextualidad, por lo que fue preciso, por ser el factor prioritario de nuestra aportación, el ejercicio de la investigación previa de las condiciones de vida del estudiante, sus familias y del funcionamiento del centro educativo, bajo la hipótesis unificadora de que la génesis y gestión del conocimiento podía ser compartida por el espacio educativo y el comunitario. En cada uno de ellos los resultados fueron satisfactorios, haciéndose visibles en el aumento progresivo del interés de los jóvenes por el aprendizaje y en la valoración positiva de la comunidad en la adquisición del conocimiento por su transmisión cooperativa entre el ámbito familiar y el educativo.

    El AMD3100 (plerixafor) puede mejorar la movilización de células hematopoyéticaspara hacer trasplantes autólogos : Informe de un caso.

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    La quimioterapia a dosis alta rescatada con trasplante de células hematopoyéticas autólogas se ha convertido en el tratamiento de elección en los pacientes con mieloma múltiple menores de 65 años de edad. El éxito del autotrasplante depende de la infusión de un número suficiente de células CD34+. Algunos pacientes no movilizan adecuadamente células CD34 de la médula ósea a la sangre periférica para hacer los trasplantes, principalmente aquellos quienes han recibido quimioterapia previa. En estos casos, además de los agentes movilizantes habituales como el G-CSF, la adición de plerixafor incrementa la colección de células CD34+. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con mieloma múltiple quien había sido sometido a un trasplante de células hematopoyéticas autólogas y que, al intentar un segundo trasplante, no movilizó adecuadamente células CD34 al usar filgrastim. La adición de plerixafor permitió hacer adecuadamente la movilización de las células hematopoyética y trasplantar al paciente. No existen en la literatura nacional publicaciones sobre este tema

    Fresnel solar cooling plant for buildings: Optimal operation of an absorption chiller through inverse modelling

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    Increasing comfort conditions in buildings imply higher energy demands. However, these needs can be mitigated by solar cooling solutions. These systems, such as absorption chillers, are complex and require stable operation, with strict control to maximise the solar fraction and minimise gas consumption. This is incompatible with the variability of renewable resources, so they are often coupled with auxiliary gas systems. Although gas-free operation is possible if these systems are optimally controlled, they would require special supervision. This paper aims to develop an experimental validation of an inverse model to manage an absorption chiller coupled with a solar cooling plant. To know its real behaviour, long-term experiments have been performed using this plant, which consists of a linear Fresnel solar collector and an auxiliary natural gas boiler. The inverse model is used as a predictive control tool to decide the auxiliary boiler commands of the absorption chiller to optimise its operation: maximum cooling production by minimising gas consumption and maximising solar contribution. It has been identified with data from two weeks and validated with data from one summer month. Results show that the model estimates, on a time base of fewer than 30 min, are acceptable with errors of less than 5%. In addition, the maximum error of the estimated seasonal COP and the renewable fraction are less than 6% per day. Therefore, the results prove the usefulness of the proposal as a predictive control for optimal operation. Furthermore, it could be used as a baseline for preventive maintenance. If the proposed model is used for optimal management of the absorption chiller, the thermal efficiency of the plant increases significantly, doubling the solar contribution. As a result, the gas consumption of the solar cooling plant is halved and the total cost of air conditioning the building decreases by 16%.Comisión Europea A_B.4.3_02

    ERECTA and BAK1 Receptor Like Kinases Interact to Regulate Immune Responses in Arabidopsis

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    ERECTA (ER) receptor-like kinase (RLK) regulates Arabidopsis thaliana organ growth, and inflorescence and stomatal development by interacting with the ERECTA-family genes (ERf) paralogs, ER-like 1 (ERL1) and ERL2, and the receptor-like protein (RLP) TOO MANY MOUTHS (TMM). ER also controls immune responses and resistance to pathogens such as the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pto) and the necrotrophic fungus Plectosphaerella cucumerina BMM (PcBMM). We found that er null-mutant plants overexpressing an ER dominant-negative version lacking the cytoplasmic kinase domain (ERΔK) showed an enhanced susceptibility to PcBMM, suggesting that ERΔK associates and forms inactive complexes with additional RLKs/RLPs required for PcBMM resistance. Genetic analyses demonstrated that ER acts in a combinatorial specific manner with ERL1, ERL2, and TMM to control PcBMM resistance. Moreover, BAK1 (BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1-associated kinase 1) RLK, which together with ERf/TMM regulates stomatal patterning and resistance to Pto, was also found to have an unequal contribution with ER in regulating immune responses and resistance to PcBMM. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments in Nicotiana benthamiana further demonstrated BAK1-ER protein interaction. The secreted epidermal pattern factor peptides (EPF1 and EPF2), which are perceived by ERf members to specify stomatal patterning, do not seem to regulate ER-mediated immunity to PcBMM, since their inducible overexpression in A. thaliana did not impact on PcBMM resistance. Our results indicate that the multiproteic receptorsome formed by ERf, TMM and BAK1 modulates A. thaliana resistance to PcBMM, and suggest that the cues underlying ERf/TMM/BAK1-mediated immune responses are distinct from those regulating stomatal pattering