1,659 research outputs found

    Research into the information referents of deaf signers

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    The Information society is bringing about an increase in the number of information referents for deaf signers (those who use sign language). With the aim of exploring the ways most commonly used by deaf people to find out about current affairs, this paper summarizes some quantitative research that was carried out involving 138 deaf people: 69 in Spain and 69 in the US. The work is complemented qualitatively by a focus group in Gallaudet University, Washington, using American Sign Language (ASL), and by observations from three lecture/ news presentations which took place in Barcelona in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)

    Estudio de la violencia y conflictividad escolar en las aulas de educación primaria a través de un cuestionario de clima de clase: el caso de las provincias de Córdoba y Granada

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    Actualmente en la mayoría de las instituciones educativas existe un problema evidente, la violencia escolar. Numerosos estudios han mostrado datos sobre los índices de violencia en las aulas, los cuales nos sirven como base para justificar la necesidad de una educación para la convivencia en los centros escolares apoyada y reforzada por el trabajo conjunto de los docentes que desarrollan su labor educativa en dichos centros. Este trabajo supone un acercamiento a una realidad educativa que esta muy presente en las aulas de los cursos superiores de los centros de Educación Primaria de las provincias de Córdoba y Granada del sur de España. El objetivo del estudio trata de plasmar y analizar las situaciones de conflictividad escolar y las relaciones entre el alumnado a nivel de aula, obteniendo así una visión general respecto al tema de la conflictividad y violencia escolar

    Characterization of two second-site mutations preventing wild type protein aggregation caused by a dominant negative PMA1 mutant

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    The correct biogenesis and localization of Pma1 at the plasma membrane is essential for yeast growth. A subset of PMA1 mutations behave as dominant negative because they produce aberrantly folded proteins that form protein aggregates, which in turn provoke the aggregation of the wild type protein. One approach to understand this dominant negative effect is to identify second-site mutations able to suppress the dominant lethal phenotype caused by those mutant alleles. We isolated and characterized two intragenic second-site suppressors of the PMA1-D378T dominant negative mutation. We present here the analysis of these new mutations that are located along the amino-terminal half of the protein and include a missense mutation, L151F, and an in-frame 12bp deletion that eliminates four residues from Cys409 to Ala412. The results show that the suppressor mutations disrupt the interaction between the mutant and wild type enzymes, and this enables the wild type Pma1 to reach the plasma membraneThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grant BFU2008-0428

    Ictioplancton asociado a praderas de Posidonia oceanica durante la época estival en la reserva marina de Tabarca

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    El hábitat es un factor decisivo en la supervivencia de los estadios tempranos. Los objetivos de este trabajo se centran en describir el poblamiento ictioplantónico de la pradera de P. oceanica en la reserva marina de Tabarca, así comosu comportamiento según el periodo día-noche. Se calaron redes fijas a nivel de P. oceanica y a 2 m por encima de ella durante cinco días en julio de 2000. Se capturaron 353 larvas. Las familias más abundantes fueron Clupeidae, Sparidae, Engraulidae y Gobbidae, representando el 31%, el 27%, el 11% y el 6%, respectivamente. Especies de pequeño tamaño presentan capacidad de seleccionar el hábitat. Concluimos que la pradera de P. oceanica es un factor determinante de la estructura del poblamiento larvario de especies demersales. Palabras clave: Larvas de peces, Fanerógamas marinas, Refugio, Redes fijas de plancton.Habitat complexity plays a key role in survival in early stages of fish larvae. We investigated fish larvae assemblage and its relation with P. oceanica seagrass at the Tabarca Island Marine Reserve. Samples were taken using moored plankton nets at two depths (0 and 2 m from P. oceanica meadow) over five consecutive days in July 2000. Three hundred and fifty-three larvae were captured. The most abundant families were Clupeidae (31%), Sparidae (27%), Engraulidae (11%) and Gobiidae (6%). We observed that small fish larvae were able to select nursery areas. We conclude that the P. oceanica leaf canopy is a major factor in structuring the larval fish assemblages of some demersal species. Key words: Fish larvae, Seagrasses, Habitat shelter, Moored plankton nets.El hábitat es un factor decisivo en la supervivencia de los estadios tempranos. Los objetivos de este trabajo se centran en describir el poblamiento ictioplantónico de la pradera de P. oceanica en la reserva marina de Tabarca, así comosu comportamiento según el periodo día-noche. Se calaron redes fijas a nivel de P. oceanica y a 2 m por encima de ella durante cinco días en julio de 2000. Se capturaron 353 larvas. Las familias más abundantes fueron Clupeidae, Sparidae, Engraulidae y Gobbidae, representando el 31%, el 27%, el 11% y el 6%, respectivamente. Especies de pequeño tamaño presentan capacidad de seleccionar el hábitat. Concluimos que la pradera de P. oceanica es un factor determinante de la estructura del poblamiento larvario de especies demersales. Palabras clave: Larvas de peces, Fanerógamas marinas, Refugio, Redes fijas de plancton

    Pushed Output and Noticing in a Dictogloss: Task Implementation in the CLIL Classroom

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    This study investigates the role of output tasks in noticing a certain target form upon receiving subsequent input. Sixteen adolescent learners from an intact CLIL classroom carried out a multi-stage dictogloss task collaboratively and individually. They followed the usual steps in this type of task (listen and jot down key words, text reconstruction). Then they listened to the text once again and compared it with their production. The study revealed that (a) pushed output affects noticing in subsequent input and provides learners the opportunity to notice formal aspects of language and (b) pairs working in collaboration did not obtain better results.El presente estudio investiga cómo una tarea productiva puede promover la atención a la forma al recibir input tras dicha producción. Dieciséis aprendices adolescentes llevaron a cabo una dictoglosia en varios pasos de forma colaborativa e individual de la siguiente forma: escucharon un texto y anotaron palabras clave, reconstruyeron el texto; volvieron a escuchar el texto y lo compararon con su producción escrita. Los resultados revelaron que (a) la producción y consiguiente input son beneficiosos, dado que los aprendices dirigieron su atención a aspectos formales de la lengua; (b) los alumnos que trabajaron en grupo no obtuvieron mejores resultados.The research was supported by the following research grants: UFI11/06 from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and IT-311-10 from the Basque Government

    Acoustic assessment and distribution of anchovy, sardine and chub mackerel in ICES Subdivision 9a South during the ECOCADIZ-RECLUTAS 2021-10 Spanish survey (October 2020) with notes on the distribution of other pelagic species. Preliminary information.

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    The present working document summarises a part of the main results obtained during the ECOCADIZ-RECLUTAS 2021-10 Spanish (pelagic ecosystem-) acoustic survey. The survey was conducted by IEO between 21st October and 07th November 2021 in the Portuguese and Spanish shelf waters (20-200 m isobaths) off the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) onboard the R/V Ramón Margalef. The survey suffered a ten-day delay in relation to the usual starting dates, resulting in ending dates very close to the starting ones of the WGACEGG meeting. Therefore, no acoustic estimates were available at the time of WG meeting. The survey’s main objective is the acoustic assessment of anchovy and sardine juveniles (age 0 fish) in the recruitment areas of the GoC. The 21 foreseen acoustic transects were sampled. A total of 18 valid fishing hauls were carried out for echo-trace ground-truthing purposes. This working document only provides information on the results of these hauls in terms of species-specific occurrences, yields in numbers and weight, size ranges, mean size and mean weight in catches

    Iron Status Biomarkers and Cardiovascular Risk

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    Both iron excess and deficiency may be related to oxidative stress. Serum ferritin, the main marker of iron status, and hepcidin, the key regulator of iron metabolism, are increased in inflammation states and their links with insulin resistance are emerging topics. We have reviewed the role of iron deficiency/overload in cardiovascular risk, including our own results. Most studies deal with the association between iron deposition in tissues and cardiovascular risk, while decreased iron status is predominantly related to protection against atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Less information is available on the role of iron status in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Serum ferritin is positively correlated with several indicators of cardiovascular risk in healthy adults and diabetics, thus excess body iron is related to cardiometabolic alterations including vascular and heart damage, central obesity, and metabolic syndrome. Our data in an ample sample of T2DM adults suggest that body iron stores, evaluated as ferritin, are clearly related with some key markers of the so-called lipidic triad (high triglyceride and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol) levels together with the presence of small and dense low-density lipoprotein particles which also is in the frame of the dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome


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    The objective of the paper is to estimate the relationship between CO2 emissions per capita, GDP per capita, energy consumption and environmental taxes for OECD countries in the period 1994-2014. To perform the above, we estimated a static and dynamic panel data models. The results show that the Environmental Kuznets Curve is verified for OECD countries, and environmental taxes have a negative impact on CO2 emissions (static model). On the other hand, the consumption of energy from fossil fuels has a positive impact on CO2 emissions. We conclude that while the Environmental Kuznets Curve is met, government plays an important role in improving the environment, because environmental taxes have a negative impact on CO2 emissions

    Influence of the substrate type on CVD grown homoepitaxial diamond layer quality by cross sectional TEM and CL analysis

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    To assess diamond-based semiconducting devices, a reduction of point defect levels and an accurate control of doping are required as well as the control of layer thickness. Among the analyses required to improve such parameters, cross sectional studies should take importance in the near future. The present contribution shows how FIB (focused ion beam) preparations followed by electron microscopy related techniques as TEM or CL allowed to performanalysis versus depth in the layer, doping and point defect levels. Three samples grown along the sameweek in the same machinewith identical growth conditions but on different substrates (CVD-IIIa (110) oriented, CVD-optical grade (100) oriented and a HPHT-Ib (100) oriented) are studied. Even though A-band is observed by CL, no dislocation is observed by CTEM. Point defect type and level are shown to substantially change with respect to the substrate type as well as the boron doping levels that vary within an order of magnitude. H3 present in the epilayer grown on HPHT type of substrate is replaced by T1 and NE3 point defects for epilayers grown on the CVD type one. An increase of excitonic transitions through LO phonons is also shown to take place near the surface while only TO ones are detected deeper in the epilayer. Such results highlight the importance of choosing the correct substrate.5 page

    Carbon storage in cacao (Theobroma cacao) plantations in Armero-Guayabal (Tolima, Colombia)

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    P?ginas 6-10El cambio clim?tico sigue siendo la principal amenaza de la humanidad hoy en d?a. Esta problem?tica se ha incrementado debido a las acciones humanas, como el uso de combustibles f?siles, la deforestaci?n y la degradaci?n. La comunidad mundial organizada ha establecido esquemas para mitigar este problema ambiental, por ejemplo el mecanismo de desarrollo limpio. Los sistemas agroforestales con cacao son considerados como mitigadores del cambio clim?tico por capturar carbono en biomasa, necromasa y suelos. Se estim? el almacenamiento y la fijaci?n de carbono en biomasa arriba del suelo y necromasa de cacaotales de 18 y 35 a?os de edad en el Centro Universitario Regional del Norte, en Armero-Guayabal (Tolima, Colombia) CURDN. Los cacaotales estudiados almacenaron 28.8 y 33.6 t C ha-1 en biomasa arriba del suelo a los 18 y 35 a?os, respectivamente, que arrojaron una tasa de fijaci?n promedio de 1.1 t C ha-1 a?o-1 . El carbono almacenado en necromasa ascendi? a 4.4 t ha-1 , con diferencias leves entre las edades de las plantaciones. Los sistemas agroforestales con cacao en Armero-Guayabal (Tolima, Colombia) tienen potencial para mitigar el cambio clim?tico al capturar carbono en biomasa y necromasa.ABSTRACT. Climate change holds as the current main threat of the humankind. This problem has being increasing by human actions such as the use of fossil fuels, deforestation and degradation. The organized world community has established schemes to mitigate this environmental problem, such as the Clean Development Mechanism. Agroforestry systems with cacao are considered as mitigating activities of climate change due to their capture of carbon in biomass and necromass. The carbon storage and fixation in aboveground biomass and necromass in cacao plantations of 18 and 35 years in the Centro Universitario Regional del Norte (CURDN), in ArmeroGuayabal (Tolima, Colombia) were estimated. The studied cacao plantations stored 28.8 and 33.6 t C ha-1 in aboveground biomass with an age of 18 and 35 years respectively, showing an average fixation rate of 1.1 t C ha-1 year-1 . The stored carbon in necromass was 4.4 t ha-1 , with slight differences between the ages of plantations. Agroforestry systems with cacao in Armero-Guayabal, Tolima, Colombia have the potential to mitigate climate change due its capture of atmospheric carbon in aboveground biomass and necromass