85 research outputs found

    Zapatista Women Warriors: Examining the Sociopolitical Implications of Female Participation in the EZLN Army

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    Thesis advisor: Jennie PurnellThe Ejrcito Zapatista de Liberacint of the Zapatista platform. It will demonstrate that external conditions have influenced and frustrated realistic improvements in Zapatista gender relations. Finally, this thesis will assess the future of female participation within the Zapatista movement, and illustrate the limited social and political changes in indigenous communities.Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2008.Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Political Science.Discipline: College Honors Program

    Importancia de la comprensión de la puérpera primigesta sobre la educación de enfermería de los cuidados del recién nacido

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    Esta investigación pretende determinar los conocimientos que adquieren las puérperas primigestas sobre los cuidados de su bebé, descubrir el grado de comprensión materna de la educación inculcada por parte de enfermería (puericultura), e investigar si esta contribuye a evitar hospitalizaciones por complicaciones prevenibles en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Carlos F. Saporiti, en el departamento de Rivadavia, Mendoza, en el mes de octubre de 2015. El mismo se enfoca hacia la importancia de la puericultura realizada por el personal de enfermería en las primeras 48Hs de vida del niño, que se corresponde con la estadía del binomio Madre – Recién Nacido en internación conjunta. Estudio con diseño de tipo descriptivo, cuantitativo, prospectivo y de corte Transversal. La Muestra fueron 30 pacientes primigestas de 18 a 25 años de edad, de dicho servicio de salud a las que se les realizó una encuesta con preguntas cerradas y abiertas.Fil: Montoro del Balso, Mariana Leonor. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Morón, Silvina Antonela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Silva, Yésica Yamila. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Effect of Taper Design on Trunnionosis in Metal on Polyethylene Total Hip Arthroplasty.

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    This study examines how taper design affects corrosion and fretting at the head trunnion surface. All hip prostheses retrieved between 1999 and 2013 with 28mm/+0 heads were selected, resulting in 44 cobalt-chrome-on-polyethylene implants, representing six taper designs. Mean implantation time: 8.9±3.7years. The femoral head tapers were scored for fretting and corrosion using the Goldberg scale as both a combined score and by three zones (apex, central and base). There was no difference in age (P=0.34), BMI (P=0.29), or implantation time (P=0.19) between taper groups. The 11/13 taper had the highest combined corrosion and fretting score, but no difference (P=0.22) between groups for combined scores (P=0.22 for corrosion, P=0.19 for fretting). In a zone-specific analysis, the 11/13 taper had highest corrosion score at base zone (P=0.02). Taper design had a significant effect on corrosion at base of trunnion

    Task-specific neural adaptations to isoinertial resistance training

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    This study aimed to delineate the contribution of adaptations in agonist, antagonist and stabiliser muscle activation to changes in isometric and isoinertial lifting strength after short-term isoinertial resistance training (RT). Following familiarisation, 45 men (23.2±2.8 yrs) performed maximal isometric and isoinertial strength tests of the elbow flexors of their dominant arm before and after three weeks of isoinertial RT. During these tasks surface EMG amplitude was recorded from the agonist (biceps brachii short and long heads), antagonist (triceps brachii lateral head) and stabiliser (anterior deltoid, pectoralis major) muscles and normalised to either Mmax (agonists) or to maximum EMG during relevant reference tasks (antagonist, stabilisers). After training there was more than a two-fold greater increase in training task specific isoinertial than isometric strength (17 vs. 7%). There were also task specific adaptations in agonist EMG, with greater increases during the isoinertial than isometric strength task (ANOVA, training x task, P=0.005). A novel finding of this study was that training increased stabiliser muscle activation during all the elbow flexion strength tasks (P<0.001), although these were not task specific training effects. RT elicited specific neural adaptations to the training task that appeared to explain the greater increase in isoinertial than isometric strength

    Changes in agonist neural drive, hypertrophy and pre-training strength all contribute to the individual strength gains after resistance training.

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    PURPOSE: Whilst neural and morphological adaptations following resistance training (RT) have been investigated extensively at a group level, relatively little is known about the contribution of specific physiological mechanisms, or pre-training strength, to the individual changes in strength following training. This study investigated the contribution of multiple underpinning neural [agonist EMG (QEMGMVT), antagonist EMG (HEMGANTAG)] and morphological variables [total quadriceps volume (QUADSVOL), and muscle fascicle pennation angle (QUADSθ p)], as well as pre-training strength, to the individual changes in strength after 12 weeks of knee extensor RT. METHODS: Twenty-eight healthy young men completed 12 weeks of isometric knee extensor RT (3/week). Isometric maximum voluntary torque (MVT) was assessed pre- and post-RT, as were simultaneous neural drive to the agonist (QEMGMVT) and antagonist (HEMGANTAG). In addition QUADSVOL was determined with MRI and QUADSθ p with B-mode ultrasound. RESULTS: Percentage changes (∆) in MVT were correlated to ∆QEMGMVT (r = 0.576, P = 0.001), ∆QUADSVOL (r = 0.461, P = 0.014), and pre-training MVT (r = -0.429, P = 0.023), but not ∆HEMGANTAG (r = 0.298, P = 0.123) or ∆QUADSθ p (r = -0.207, P = 0.291). Multiple regression analysis revealed 59.9% of the total variance in ∆MVT after RT to be explained by ∆QEMGMVT (30.6%), ∆QUADSVOL (18.7%), and pre-training MVT (10.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Changes in agonist neural drive, quadriceps muscle volume and pre-training strength combined to explain the majority of the variance in strength changes after knee extensor RT (~60%) and adaptations in agonist neural drive were the most important single predictor during this short-term intervention

    Repeatability of Corticospinal and Spinal Measures during Lengthening and Shortening Contractions in the Human Tibialis Anterior Muscle

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    Elements of the human central nervous system (CNS) constantly oscillate. In addition, there are also methodological factors and changes in muscle mechanics during dynamic muscle contractions that threaten the stability and consistency of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and perpherial nerve stimulation (PNS) measures

    Neural adaptations to electrical stimulation strength training

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    This review provides evidence for the hypothesis that electrostimulation strength training (EST) increases the force of a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) through neural adaptations in healthy skeletal muscle. Although electrical stimulation and voluntary effort activate muscle differently, there is substantial evidence to suggest that EST modifies the excitability of specific neural paths and such adaptations contribute to the increases in MVC force. Similar to strength training with voluntary contractions, EST increases MVC force after only a few sessions with some changes in muscle biochemistry but without overt muscle hypertrophy. There is some mixed evidence for spinal neural adaptations in the form of an increase in the amplitude of the interpolated twitch and in the amplitude of the volitional wave, with less evidence for changes in spinal excitability. Cross-sectional and exercise studies also suggest that the barrage of sensory and nociceptive inputs acts at the cortical level and can modify the motor cortical output and interhemispheric paths. The data suggest that neural adaptations mediate initial increases in MVC force after short-term EST

    Tribology of Medical Devices

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    Importance of tribology in a number of medical devices and surgical instruments is reviewed, including artificial joints, artificial teeth, dental implants and orthodontic appliances, cardiovascular devices, contact lenses, artificial limbs and surgical instruments. The current focus and future developments of these medical devices are highlighted from a tribological point of view, together with the underlying mechanisms