311 research outputs found

    Crystal structures of trypanosoma brucei oligopeptidase B broaden the paradigm of catalytic regulation in prolyl oligopeptidase family enzymes

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    Oligopeptidase B cleaves after basic amino acids in peptides up to 30 residues. As a virulence factor in bacteria and trypanosomatid pathogens that is absent in higher eukaryotes, this is a promising drug target. Here we present ligand-free open state and inhibitor-bound closed state crystal structures of oligopeptidase B from Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness. These (and related) structures show the importance of structural dynamics, governed by a fine enthalpic and entropic balance, in substrate size selectivity and catalysis. Peptides over 30 residues cannot fit the enzyme cavity, preventing the complete domain closure required for a key propeller Asp/Glu to fix the catalytic His and Arg in the catalytically competent conformation. This size exclusion mechanism protects larger peptides and proteins from degradation. Similar bacterial prolyl endopeptidase and archael acylaminoacyl peptidase structures demonstrate this mechanism is conserved among oligopeptidase family enzymes across all three domains of life

    Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase (EcDdlB) from Escherichia coli

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    A recombinant form of Escherichia coli DdlB (EcDdlB) has been prepared and cocrystallized with ADP and D-alanyl-D-alanine to represent the ternary complex of EcDdlB. Furthermore, EcDdlB has been cocrystallized under the same conditions with the ligands ATP and D-alanyl-D-alanine, representing the product-inhibited complex. The crystals belonged to space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 53.0, b = 97.6, c = 109.5 Ã… and a = 51.2, b = 97.8, c = 110.1 Ã…, respectively, and both contained two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Complete data sets were collected to 1.5 and 1.4 Ã… resolution, respectively, from single crystals under cryogenic conditions using synchrotron radiation

    Structure of thermobifida fusca DyP-type peroxidase and activity towards kraft lignin and lignin model compounds

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    A Dyp-type peroxidase enzyme from thermophilic cellulose degrader Thermobifida fusca (TfuDyP) was investigated for catalytic ability towards lignin oxidation. TfuDyP was characterised kinetically against a range of phenolic substrates, and a compound I reaction intermediate was observed via pre-steady state kinetic analysis at max 404 nm. TfuDyP showed reactivity towards Kraft lignin, and was found to oxidise a -aryl ether lignin model compound, forming an oxidised dimer. A crystal structure of TfuDyP was determined, to 1.8Ã… resolution, which was found to contain a diatomic oxygen ligand bound to the heme centre, positioned close to active site residues Asp-203 and Arg-315. The structure contains two channels providing access to the heme cofactor for organic substrates and hydrogen peroxide. Site-directed mutant D203A showed no activity towards phenolic substrates, but reduced activity towards ABTS, while mutant R315Q showed no activity towards phenolic substrates, nor ABTS

    Inhibition of prolyl oligopeptidase with a synthetic unnatural dipeptide

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    A new inhibitor, containing a linked proline-piperidine structure, for the enzyme prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) has been synthesised and demonstrated to bind covalently with the enzyme at the active site. This provides evidence that covalent inhibitors of POP do not have to be limited to structures containing five-membered N-containing heterocyclic rings

    Art Meets Sport::What Can Actor Training Bring to Physical Literacy Programs?

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    The aim of this communication is to highlight synergies and opportunities between the fields of education, sport and health and the performing arts for the promotion of physical literacy. First, physical literacy is introduced and then defined according to the definition used in this communication. Secondly, we highlight the gap in physical literacy interventions, in that they do not address learning based on a holistic comprehensive definition of physical literacy. Then we provide examples of interventions that do borrow from the arts, such as circus arts, and show how these approaches explicitly link to the discipline of arts. This is followed by program examples, which approach motor and language development from discipline-specific perspectives. Then we introduce actor training (within the discipline of arts) in terms of how this approach may be useful to our understanding of physical literacy and how to expand the conception of physical literacy to include affective meaning making, and tolerance for ambiguity and discomfort in not-knowing. Finally, we conclude with the next step for the bridging of disciplines in order to further our journey to understand and improve physical literacy

    Feeling every bit of winter - distributed temperature sensitivity in vernalization

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    Temperature intrinsically influences all aspects of biochemical and biophysical processes. Organisms have therefore evolved strategies to buffer themselves against thermal perturbations. Many organisms also use temperature signals as cues to align behavior and development with certain seasons. These developmentally important thermosensory mechanisms have generally been studied in constant temperature conditions. However, environmental temperature is an inherently noisy signal, and it has been unclear how organisms reliably extract specific temperature cues from fluctuating temperature profiles. In this context, we discuss plant thermosensory responses, focusing on temperature sensing throughout vernalization in Arabidopsis. We highlight many different timescales of sensing, which has led to the proposal of a distributed thermosensing paradigm. Within this paradigm, we suggest a classification system for thermosensors. Finally, we focus on the longest timescale, which is most important for sensing winter, and examine the different mechanisms in which memory of cold exposure can be achieved

    The loops facing the active site of prolyl oligopeptidase are crucial components in substrate gating and specificity

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    Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) has emerged as a drug target for neurological diseases. A flexible loop structure comprising loop A (res. 189–209) and loop B (res. 577–608) at the domain interface is implicated in substrate entry to the active site. Here we determined kinetic and structural properties of POP with mutations in loop A, loop B, and in two additional flexible loops (the catalytic His loop, propeller Asp/Glu loop). POP lacking loop A proved to be an inefficient enzyme, as did POP with a mutation in loop B (T590C). Both variants displayed an altered substrate preference profile, with reduced ligand binding capacity. Conversely, the T202C mutation increased the flexibility of loop A, enhancing the catalytic efficiency beyond that of the native enzyme. The T590C mutation in loop B increased the preference for shorter peptides, indicating a role in substrate gating. Loop A and the His loop are disordered in the H680A mutant crystal structure, as seen in previous bacterial POP structures, implying coordinated structural dynamics of these loops. Unlike native POP, variants with a malfunctioning loop A were not inhibited by a 17-mer peptide that may bind non-productively to an exosite involving loop A. Biophysical studies suggest a predominantly closed resting state for POP with higher flexibility at the physiological temperature. The flexible loop A, loop B and His loop system at the active site is the main regulator of substrate gating and specificity and represents a new inhibitor target

    Crystal structure of Porphyromonas gingivalis dipeptidyl peptidase 4 and structure-activity relationships based on inhibitor profiling

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    The Gram-negative anaerobe Porphyromonas gingivalis is associated with chronic periodontitis. Clinical isolates of P. gingivalis strains with high dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) expression also had a high capacity for biofilm formation and were more infective. The X-ray crystal structure of P. gingivalis DPP4 was solved at 2.2 Ã… resolution. Despite a sequence identity of 32%, the overall structure of the dimer was conserved between P. gingivalis DPP4 and mammalian orthologues. The structures of the substrate binding sites were also conserved, except for the region called S2-extensive, which is exploited by specific human DPP4 inhibitors currently used as antidiabetic drugs. Screening of a collection of 450 compounds as inhibitors revealed a structure-activity relationship that mimics in part that of mammalian DPP9. The functional similarity between human and bacterial DPP4 was confirmed using 124 potential peptide substrates

    Identification of manganese superoxide dismutase from Sphingobacterium sp. T2 as a novel bacterial enzyme for lignin oxidation

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    The valorisation of aromatic heteropolymer lignin is an important unsolved problem in the development of a biomass-based biorefinery, for which novel high-activity biocatalysts are needed. Sequencing of the genomic DNA of lignin-degrading bacterial strain Sphingobacterium sp. T2 revealed no matches to known lignin-degrading genes. Proteomic matches for two manganese superoxide dismutase proteins were found in partially purified extracellular fractions. Recombinant MnSOD1 and MnSOD2 were both found to show high activity for oxidation of Organosolv and Kraft lignin, and lignin model compounds, generating multiple oxidation products. Structure determination revealed that the products result from aryl-Cα and Cα-Cβ bond oxidative cleavage and O-demethylation. The crystal structure of MnSOD1 was determined to 1.35 Å resolution, revealing a typical MnSOD homodimer harbouring a 5-coordinate trigonal bipyramidal Mn(II) centre ligated by three His, one Asp and a water/hydroxide in each active site. We propose that the lignin oxidation reactivity of these enzymes is due to the production of hydroxyl radical, a highly reactive oxidant. This is the first demonstration that MnSOD is a microbial lignin-oxidising enzyme
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