44 research outputs found

    Microhabitats of benthic foraminifera - a static concept or a dynamic adaption to optimize food aquisition?

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    In situ observations of microhabitat preferences of living benthic foraminifera are presented from sediments of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, the upwelling area off northwestern Africa and the shallow-water Kiel Bight (Baltic Sea). Certain foraminiferal species (e.g.Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi andRupertina stabilis) can be regarded as strictly epibenthic species, colonizing elevated habitats that are strongly affected by bottom water hydrodynamics. Large epibenthic foraminifera (e.g.Rhabdammina abyssorum andHyperammina crassatina) colonize the sediment surface in areas where strong bottom currents occur and might have by virtue of their own size an impact on the small-scale circulation patterns of the bottom water. Motile species changing from epifaunal to infaunal habitats (e.g.Pyrgo rotalaria, Melonis barleeanum, Elphidium excavatum clavatum, Elphidium incertum, Ammotium cassis andSphaeroidina bulloides) are regarded here as highly adaptable to changes in food availability and/or changing environmental conditions. This flexible behaviour is regarded as a dynamic adaptation to optimize food acquisition, rather than a static concept leading to habitat classification of these ubiquitous rhizopods

    Benthic foraminifera living in Gulf of Mexico bathyal and abyssal sediments : community analysis and comparison to metazoan meiofaunal biomass and density

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2008. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55 (2008): 2617-2626, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.07.011.Benthic foraminiferal biomass, density, and species composition were determined at ten sites in the Gulf of Mexico. During June 2001 and June 2002, sediment samples were collected with a GoMex boxcorer. A 7.5-cm diameter subcore was taken from a box core collected at each site and sliced into 1-cm or 2-cm sections to a depth of 2 or 3 cm; the >63-mm fraction was examined shipboard for benthic foraminifera. Individual foraminifers were extracted for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) using a luciferin-luciferase assay, which indicated the total ATP content per specimen; that data was converted to organic carbon. Foraminiferal biomass and density varied substantially (~2-53 mg C m-2; ~3,600-44,500 individuals m-2, respectively) and inconsistently with water depth. For example, although two ~1000-m deep sites were geographically separated by only ~75 km, the foraminiferal biomass at one site was relatively low (~9 mg C m-2) while the other site had the highest foraminiferal biomass (~53 mg C m-2). Although most samples from Sigsbee Plain (>3000 m) had low biomass, one Sigsbee site had >20 mg foraminiferal C m-2. The foraminiferal community from all sites (i.e., bathyal and abyssal locales) was dominated by agglutinated, rather than calcareous or tectinous, species. Foraminiferal density never exceeded that of metazoan meiofauna at any site. Foraminiferal biomass, however, exceeded metazoan meiofaunal biomass at five of the ten sites, indicating that foraminifera constitute a major component of the Gulf’s deep-water meiofaunal biomass.Funded by Minerals Management Service contract 1435-01-99-CT-30991 to G.T. Rowe (Texas A&M University)

    Ultraviolet radiation shapes seaweed communities

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    Tolerance of allogromiid Foraminifera to severely elevated carbon dioxide concentrations : implications to future ecosystem functioning and paleoceanographic interpretations

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global and Planetary Change 65 (2009): 107-114, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.10.013.Increases in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the atmosphere will significantly affect a wide variety of terrestrial fauna and flora. Because of tight atmospheric-oceanic coupling, shallow-water marine species are also expected to be affected by increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. One proposed way to slow increases in atmospheric pCO2 is to sequester CO2 in the deep sea. Thus, over the next few centuries marine species will be exposed to changing seawater chemistry caused by ocean-atmospheric exchange and/or deep-ocean sequestration. This initial case study on one allogromiid foraminiferal species (Allogromia laticollaris) was conducted to begin to ascertain the effect of elevated pCO2 on benthic Foraminifera, which are a major meiofaunal constituent of shallow- and deep-water marine communities. Cultures of this thecate foraminiferan protist were used for 10-14-day experiments. Experimental treatments were executed in an incubator that controlled CO2 (15 000; 30 000; 60 000; 90 000; 200 000 ppm), temperature and humidity; atmospheric controls (i.e., ~375 ppm CO2) were executed simultaneously. Although the experimental elevated pCO2 values are far above foreseeable surface water pCO2, they were selected to represent the spectrum of conditions expected for the benthos if deep-sea CO2 sequestration becomes a reality. Survival was assessed in two independent ways: pseudopodial presence/absence and measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an indicator of cellular energy. Substantial proportions of A. laticollaris populations survived 200 000 ppm CO2 although the mean of the median [ATP] of survivors was statistically lower for this treatment than for that of atmospheric control specimens. After individuals that had been incubated in 200 000 ppm CO2 for 12 days were transferred to atmospheric conditions for ~24 hours, the [ATP] of live specimens (survivors) approximated those of the comparable atmospheric control treatment. Incubation in 200 000 ppm CO2 also resulted in reproduction by some individuals. Results suggest that certain Foraminifera are able to tolerate deep-sea CO2 sequestration and perhaps thrive as a result of elevated pCO2 that is predicted for the next few centuries, in a high-pCO2 world. Thus, allogromiid foraminiferal “blooms” may result from climate change. Furthermore, because allogromiids consume a variety of prey, it is likely that they will be major players in ecosystem dynamics of future coastal sedimentary environments.This work was funded by US Department of Energy grant # DE-FG02-03ER63696 (to J. Kennett and J. Bernhard), NSF OCE-0725966, and the WHOI Summer Student Fellow Program, which is funded by NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Program grant #OCE-0139423

    Enrichment of intracellular sulphur cycle –associated bacteria in intertidal benthic foraminifera revealed by 16S and aprA gene analysis

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    Benthic foraminifera are known to play an important role in marine carbon and nitrogen cycles. Here, we report an enrichment of sulphur cycle -associated bacteria inside intertidal benthic foraminifera (Ammonia sp. (T6), Haynesina sp. (S16) and Elphidium sp. (S5)), using a meta barcoding approach targeting the 16S rRNA and aprA -genes. The most abundant intracellular bacterial groups included the genus Sulfurovum and the order Desulfobacterales. The bacterial 16S OTUs are likely to originate from the sediment bacterial communities, as the taxa found inside the foraminifera were also present in the sediment. The fact that 16S rRNA and aprA -gene derived intracellular bacterial OTUs were species-specific and significantly different from the ambient sediment community implies that bacterivory is an unlikely scenario, as benthic foraminifera are known to digest bacteria only randomly. Furthermore, these foraminiferal species are known to prefer other food sources than bacteria. The detection of sulphur-cycle related bacterial genes in this study suggests a putative role for these bacteria in the metabolism of the foraminiferal host. Future investigation into environmental conditions under which transcription of S-cycle genes are activated would enable assessment of their role and the potential foraminiferal/endobiont contribution to the sulphur-cycle.Peer reviewe