106 research outputs found

    La sustentabilidad agro pecuaria como una estrategia de reproducción en la producción familiar

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    Históricamente el debate acerca de la persistencia de la producción familiar se velegitimado por la constatación empírica de la resistencia de esta categoría transicional, adesaparecer o ser absorbida.La hipótesis central de este trabajo se basa en que la incorporación del modelo deproducción sustentable está altamente relacionado a los mecanismos de persistencia en elmarco de la reproducción histórica de la producción familiar.Para ello se analizan las condiciones estructurantes de la acción y la problemática delcambio desde la comprensión de los actores en el marco de la ruralidad.En el espacio social estudiado, se observa la forma en que las condiciones globales sonmediatizadas por las empresas familiares para configurar un tipo de adaptación a lascondiciones locales tanto ambientales como sociales y económicas.Los cambios más notables en la cultura material pueden observarse en la recomposiciónde las prácticas de manejo de los agroecosistemas y de la producción sin incorporación deinnovaciones. En tanto no se modifica la especialización en la agricultura ni se incorporanalternativas de producción para diversificar la misma.Los elementos presentados permiten abordar la cuestión de la persistencia de la producciónfamiliar agraria no sólo desde la lógica de la dinámica de la estructura de laproducción capitalista sino también desde la propia dinámica interna de esta formaciónsocial.Fil: Cloquell, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: De Nicola, Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Gonnella, Marisa. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina

    Endeudamiento agropecuario pampeano : el caso sudeste de Córdoba

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    El endeudamiento de los productores agropecuarios en el sistema bancario y comercial ha ido creciendo en los últimos años, colocando a los mismos en una situación comprometida. Las políticas implementadas a partir de la Convertibilidad afectaron negativamente al sector agropecuario, por la caída de ingresos reales en las empresas agropecuarias debido a la variación en el tipo de cambio y a modificaciones en los precios relativos de la economía; como también por la reestructuración del sistema financiero, con cambios en la orientación del crédito hacia parámetros de riesgo y rentabilidad que resultaron en altas tasas reales de interés. Ante la restricción de financiamiento bancario, los productores orientaron la búsqueda hacia los circuitos comerciales, quienes otorgaron financiamiento en condiciones generalmente más desfavorables que el sistema bancario. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el estado de endeudamiento de las explotaciones agropecuarias en el Dpto. Marcos Juárez, en base al estudio de: montos de endeudamiento, canales de financiación, plazos de pago y las relaciones existentes entre endeudamiento, régimen de tenencia de la tierra y superficie operada.The farmer's comercial and banking debt has been raising on the past year positioning them in a compromise situation. The implementation of the conversion policy have had a negative in the agriculture unit to due to the effect of the variation on the currency exchange rate and the modifications on the related economy prices. It has been also affected by the financial system re-organziation, with changes on the orientation of the credit to risk parameters together with high interes rate. The farmers have changed the request of credits aiming to the commercial circuit now, because of the financial system contrains. The project objective was to study the farmer's current level of debt in the Marcos Juarez Department, based on the amount of debt, tenant's land structure, financial channels, loan payment terms and the actual relation in between debt and worked area per farmer

    Cultural heritage and civil engineering

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    This special issue of Journal of Geophysics and Engineering offers a diverse panorama of approaches and technologies that aim to characterize and analyse the state of conservation and health of cultural heritage and civil infrastructure. In particular, it provides a significant overview not only of the effectiveness but also of the limitations of single diagnostic techniques, which can be overcome through the integration of different methods and technologies and/or the use of robust and novel data processing techniques. The choice of diagnostic strategy depends on the material (concrete, masonry), the spatial characteristics of the objects or sites, the value of the objects to be investigated (cultural or not), the aim of the investigation (knowledge, conservation, restoration) and the issues to be addressed (monitoring, decay assessment, etc). The paper by Fornaro et al reports an important technological advance in the field of slow deformation monitoring of civil infrastructure by means of differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) from satellite platforms. The paper shows how the joint exploitation of the last generation of X-band SAR sensors, such as TerraSAR-X, and novel tomographic approaches makes possible advanced multi-dimensional imaging of real structures such as the Las Vegas Monorail. Within the same SAR-based applications, Tapete et al tested the capability of persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) techniques in the preventative diagnosis of deformation threatening the structural stability of archaeological monuments and buried structures in the Roman Forum, Palatino Hill and Oppio Hill in the centre of Rome. A PSInSAR processing approach, based on the use of the SqueeSAR algorithm, has been shown to be highly suitable for retrieving not only information about displacements of the archaeological remains, but also evidence of criticalities affecting partially or totally buried structures, such as those discovered at Nero's Golden House. Lasaponara et al, by means of integrating passive and active remotely sensed data, detect traces of past human activity on an Etruscan site in Northern Lazio, Italy. In particular, the use of different sensors (laser of LIDAR, infrared and near-infrared cameras, multispectral satellite data) allows for different types of surface cover, archaeological marks (micro-relief, crop marks, etc) and expected spatial/spectral feature patterns related to past human activities (urban necropoleis, palaeorivers, etc). Deroin et al present the results of a geoarchaeological project dealing with the study of mineral resources and metal production in the Andean plateau of southern Bolivia from the 10th to the 18th century. A field survey and a multisource remote sensing approach, from declassified satellite images taken in the 1960s to Lansdsat TM, and from ALOS-AVNIR-2 to very high resolution Geo-Eye data, has allowed the mapping of geological features and archaeological remains. The paper by Stabile et al is concerned with the very interesting and unique exploitation of 'non-conventional' techniques, such as the use of ground-based interferometric radar and high-frequency infrared cameras as non-remote-sensing tools, to obtain information about the dynamical behavior of real structures like the Sihlhochstrasse Bridge in Zurich (one of the largest bridges in Switzerland). The feasibility of these techniques is also testified by cross validation of monitoring results, which are in a good agreement. Minardo et al present a very promising technique based on a novel optic fiber sensor for the distributed monitoring of strain and temperature over long ranges. In particular, the sensor is particularly suitable for civil engineering and cultural heritage monitoring, as shown by a very interesting field application assessing the strain deformation of the Basento Bridge in Potenza, southern Italy, an architectural masterpiece of the 20th century designed by Musmeci. Grutzner et al combine archaeology and geoarchaeology with remote sensing, including aerial images collected by a drone equipped with a high-resolution range-finder camera, and geophysical tools (ground penetrating radar, SQUID magnetometry, geoelectric) to obtain a comprehensive picture of the timing, archaeological meaning and environmental history of archaeological remains in the Orkhon Valley in Central Mongolia. Leucci et al evaluate the practical application of attenuation-based GPR attribute analysis methods in providing indirect information on moisture content, which is one of the main factors contributing to the decay of historical monuments. The results obtained confirm the presence of a relationship between soil hydraulic properties and amplitudes in the radargram. The papers by Catapano et al describe the effectiveness of the joint use of ground penetrating radar and advanced data processing based on microwave tomography as a solution to real problems in the field of cultural heritage and civil engineering. In particular, the use of an integrated strategy proved very helpful in driving excavations at an important survey at the Domus Centauro in Pompeii. The other successful case was concerned with the monitoring of the inside of a concrete beam affected by direct impacts, part of the Montagnole experiment within the ISTIMES project. The Montagnole experiment is concerned with the exploitation and performance of a large variety of electromagnetic sensing techniques for the non-invasive monitoring of the damage to a one-scale structure, such as a concrete beam, from controlled direct impacts. The surface properties of any material need to be modified to adapt to new conditions. As Vazquez-Calvo et al show, the measurement of surface roughness is a reliable test of the suitability of stone cleaning methods; this is a non-destructive technique, portable and easy to use, that can help us—together with other techniques such as polarizing optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and colour analysis—to assess the efficacy and the appropriateness or aggressiveness of any stone cleaning method. Tracking raw material back to its extraction source is a crucial step for archaeologists when trying to infer migration patterns and trade contacts in (pre-)history. The characterization of such material is therefore necessary. With this aim, Veldeman et al have analysed the hypersiliceous rocks of Belgium used in (pre-)history by using optical polarizing, optical cold cathode-luminescence and scanning-electron microscopy combined with energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry and back-scatter electron imaging

    Políticas públicas para la producción de alimentos en áreas periurbanas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las relaciones en torno a la construcción de políticas públicas vinculadas a las formas de producción de alimentos, la planificación urbana y nutrición de la población. El modelo productivo y de consumo global muestra falencias en cuanto a la sustentabilidad de los territorios. Esto se refleja particularmente en los cinturones hortícolas, dado su importante rol como oferentes de alimentos para el consumo local. En la Argentina, en estos cinturones hortícolas coexisten modelos intensivos en el uso de insumos con otros modelos que buscan ser económicamente viables, ecológicamente adecuados y socialmente aceptables. Se utilizarán metodologías cualitativas, a través de entrevistas a fuentes primarias (informantes calificados, productores, distribuidores, consumidores, técnicos, funcionarios públicos), y fuentes secundarias (revisión bibliográfica, documentos públicos, redes sociales, ordenanzas municipales, planes estratégicos). Los resultados indican que si bien el cinturón hortícola de Rosario sigue produciendo alimentos frescos de forma tradicional para abastecer a la población urbana, existen políticas públicas de nivel local, provincial y nacional de “Áreas periurbanas libres de agrotóxicos”, “Fomento a la agroecologia”, “Buenas Prácticas agrícolas”; que deben ser consensuadas o implementadas en el marco de un ordenamiento territorial general que incluya la complejidad de los actores, sus subjetividades y conflictos.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as relações na construção de políticas públicas vinculadas às formas de produção de alimentos, a planificação urbana e nutrição da população. O modelo produtivo e de consumo global apresenta falências no quesito da sustentabilidade dos territórios. Isto acontece particularmente nas faixas hortícolas dada sua função na oferta de alimentos para consumo local. Em Argentina, nestas faixas hortícolas coexistem modelos intensivos na utilização de insumos com outros modelos que procuram ser economicamente viáveis, ecologicamente adequados e socialmente aceitáveis. Utilizar-se-ão metodologias qualitativas, através de entrevistas a fontes primárias (informantes qualificados, produtores, distribuidores, consumidores, técnicos, funcionários públicos) e fontes secundárias (revisão bibliográfica, documentos públicos, redes sociais, leis municipais, planejamentos estratégicos). Os resultados indicam que na faixa hortícola da cidade de Rosário continuam produzindo-se alimentos de forma tradicional para abastecer à população urbana, mas também existem políticas públicas de nível local, provincial e nacional de “áreas periurbanas livres de agrotóxicos”, “Impulso da agroecologia”, “Boas práticas agrícolas”, que devem obter consenso o ser implementadas em um contexto de ordenamento territorial geral incluindo a complexidade dos atores, suas subjetividades e conflitos.The aim of this work is to analyze the relationships about the construction of public policies related to food production methods, urban planning and nutrition of the population. The productive and global consumption models show failures regarding the sustainability of territories. This can be seen particularly in horticultural belts, due to their important role as food offerers for the local consumption. In Argentina, intensive models in the use of supplies and other models that try to be economically viable, ecologically appropriate and socially acceptable coexist in these horticultural belts. Qualitative methods are going to be used, via interviews to main sources (qualified informants, producers, consumers, technicians, public employees) and secondary ones (bibliographical review, public documents, social networks, municipal ordinances, strategic plans). The results demonstrate that even though Rosario´s horticultural belt continues producing fresh food in a traditional way in order to supply urban population, there are local, provincial and national public policies of “pesticide-free periurban areas”, “development of agroecology”, “good agricultural practice” that must be agreed or introduced within the framework of a general land use planning that includes the complexity of the actors, their subjectivities and conflicts.EEA OliverosFil: Nicola, Mónica de. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Aradas, Maria Elena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Oliveros; ArgentinaFil: Lazari, Julieta. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Aseguinolaza, Blas. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Pascuale, Adhemar. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Farías, Anabela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Pepino, Aldana. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Características del consumo en el modelo de producción-distribucion-consumo agroecológico en rosario / Características do consumo no modelo agroecológico produção-distribuição-consumo em rosário

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    Numerosos son los estudios que hablan acerca de la sustentabilidad de los sistemas productivos y muy pocos aquellos que incorporan la sustentabilidad del consumo. Una de las formas de evitar este sesgo hacia la producción es empezar a estudiar el sistema agroalimentario, de acuerdo a la definición de Malasis, L: (1994) como “la manera en que los hombres se organizan en el espacio y en el tiempo, para obtener y consumir sus alimentos”. La propuesta de modelos de producción-distribución-consumo (P-D-C) agroecológico, se constituye en una posibilidad concreta para la producción de alimentos dentro de un modelo agroalimentario alternativo. La metodología empleada es la investigación cualitativa, con relevamiento de información secundaria y primaria. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si los distintos canales de comercialización organizados por los movimientos sociales,  por el Estado Municipal y/o provincial en el marco del modelo de producción – distribución - consumo agroecológico en la ciudad de Rosario, se constituye como posible espacios de repolitización y/o de un consumo responsable en las prácticas de consumo de alimentos. La lógica del modelo P-D-C agroecológico tiene que ver con los territorios de cercanía, entre producción y consumo, que generan un perfil de consumo propio de cada lugar, donde se priorizan los  alimentos locales (localizados) y estacionales (estacionalizados), o alimentos que llegan de otras regiones pero que provienen de la mimas lógica de P-D-C. Este tipo de consumo ha generado modificaciones a nivel de la producción primaria de alimentos, ya que la misma se ha organizado en base a producciones diversificadas con una fuerte vinculación a la naturaleza y sus ciclos.Los distintos canales de comercialización y consumo analizados, muestran en general alternativas que priorizan la organización de circuitos de ventas directas de los productores (como por ejemplo las ferias, mercados locales y ventas en finca).No obstante en el consumo, se observa una gran heterogeneidad en los razones por las cuáles se opta por estos productos, desde la búsqueda de productos sanos (sin uso de productos de síntesis química), razones políticas, razones de preservación ambiental y/o social; que no necesariamente implican un Consumo politizado, sino más bien un Consumo responsable individual en una transición hacia otro tipo de Consumo. 

    Valuing health states: is the MACBETH approach useful for valuing EQ-5D-3L health states?

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    Background Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) are a key outcome measure widely used within health technology assessment and health service research studies. QALYs combine quantity and quality of life, with quality of life calculations relying on the value of distinct health states. Such health states’ values capture the preferences of a population and have been typically built through numerical elicitation methods. Evidence points to these value scores being influenced by methods in use and individuals reporting cognitive difficulties in eliciting their preferences. Evidence from other areas has further suggested that individuals may prefer using distinct elicitation techniques and that this preference can be influenced by their numeracy. In this study we explore the use of the MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique) non-numerical preference elicitation approach for health states’ evaluation. Methods A new protocol for preference elicitation based on MACBETH (only requiring qualitative judgments) was developed and tested within a web survey format. A sample of the Portuguese general population (n=243) valued 25 EQ-5D-3L health states with the MACBETH protocol and with a variant of the time trade-off (TTO) protocol, for comparison purposes and for understanding respondents’ preference for distinct protocols and differences in inconsistent evaluations. Respondents answered to a short numeracy test, and basic socio-economic information collected. Results Results show that the mean values derived from MACBETH and the TTO variant are strongly correlated; however, there are substantial differences for several health states’ values. Large and similar numbers of logical inconsistencies were found in respondents’ answers with both methods. Participants with higher levels of numeracy according to the test preferred expressing value judgments with MACBETH, while participants with lower levels were mostly indifferent to both methods. Higher correlations between MACBETH and TTO variant evaluations were observed for individuals with higher numeracy. Conclusion Results suggest that it is worth researching the use of non-numerical preference elicitation methods. Numeracy tests more appropriate for preference elicitation when no explicit considerations of uncertainty are made need to be explored and used. Further behavioural research is needed to fully understand the potential for using these methods in distinct settings (e.g. in different evaluation contexts and in face-to-face and non-face-to-face environments), as well as to explore the effect of literacy on assessments and on respondents’ preferences.UID/MULTI/4066/2016info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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    Future-ai:International consensus guideline for trustworthy and deployable artificial intelligence in healthcare

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    Despite major advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for medicine and healthcare, the deployment and adoption of AI technologies remain limited in real-world clinical practice. In recent years, concerns have been raised about the technical, clinical, ethical and legal risks associated with medical AI. To increase real world adoption, it is essential that medical AI tools are trusted and accepted by patients, clinicians, health organisations and authorities. This work describes the FUTURE-AI guideline as the first international consensus framework for guiding the development and deployment of trustworthy AI tools in healthcare. The FUTURE-AI consortium was founded in 2021 and currently comprises 118 inter-disciplinary experts from 51 countries representing all continents, including AI scientists, clinicians, ethicists, and social scientists. Over a two-year period, the consortium defined guiding principles and best practices for trustworthy AI through an iterative process comprising an in-depth literature review, a modified Delphi survey, and online consensus meetings. The FUTURE-AI framework was established based on 6 guiding principles for trustworthy AI in healthcare, i.e. Fairness, Universality, Traceability, Usability, Robustness and Explainability. Through consensus, a set of 28 best practices were defined, addressing technical, clinical, legal and socio-ethical dimensions. The recommendations cover the entire lifecycle of medical AI, from design, development and validation to regulation, deployment, and monitoring. FUTURE-AI is a risk-informed, assumption-free guideline which provides a structured approach for constructing medical AI tools that will be trusted, deployed and adopted in real-world practice. Researchers are encouraged to take the recommendations into account in proof-of-concept stages to facilitate future translation towards clinical practice of medical AI

    FUTURE-AI: International consensus guideline for trustworthy and deployable artificial intelligence in healthcare

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    Despite major advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for medicine and healthcare, the deployment and adoption of AI technologies remain limited in real-world clinical practice. In recent years, concerns have been raised about the technical, clinical, ethical and legal risks associated with medical AI. To increase real world adoption, it is essential that medical AI tools are trusted and accepted by patients, clinicians, health organisations and authorities. This work describes the FUTURE-AI guideline as the first international consensus framework for guiding the development and deployment of trustworthy AI tools in healthcare. The FUTURE-AI consortium was founded in 2021 and currently comprises 118 inter-disciplinary experts from 51 countries representing all continents, including AI scientists, clinicians, ethicists, and social scientists. Over a two-year period, the consortium defined guiding principles and best practices for trustworthy AI through an iterative process comprising an in-depth literature review, a modified Delphi survey, and online consensus meetings. The FUTURE-AI framework was established based on 6 guiding principles for trustworthy AI in healthcare, i.e. Fairness, Universality, Traceability, Usability, Robustness and Explainability. Through consensus, a set of 28 best practices were defined, addressing technical, clinical, legal and socio-ethical dimensions. The recommendations cover the entire lifecycle of medical AI, from design, development and validation to regulation, deployment, and monitoring. FUTURE-AI is a risk-informed, assumption-free guideline which provides a structured approach for constructing medical AI tools that will be trusted, deployed and adopted in real-world practice. Researchers are encouraged to take the recommendations into account in proof-of-concept stages to facilitate future translation towards clinical practice of medical AI