1,547 research outputs found

    Musical morphogenesis - a self-organizing system

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    We feel and seize the built environment through senses and body’s interactive movement. During this process, our mind and physical status is processing solutions and methods of integration and adaptation that enable us to integrate and live with and in our surrounding environment. In this paper, we provide an overview on “Musical Morphogenesis” interactive installation, which interacts through colour, light, movement and sound with the environment and its inhabitants. In addition, we intend to take visitors in a sensorial journey to explore the dynamic action of a network of genes during the development of an organism. Finding its roots in the Autopoiesis’ theory (Maturana & Varela 1980), “Musical Morphogenesis” acts and interacts as a self-producing system. This installation results from a multidisciplinary collaboration of six main scientific disciplines: complex systems, computational biology, music, architecture, robotics, and science communication. During the design and implementation of the installation’s components, the specificities of each discipline had to be taken into consideration, resulting in an extremely challenging project.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of small-sided games on football players

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    El objetivo ha sido analizar cómo influyen los juegos reducidos o SSGs sobre la condición física, técnica y los cambios de dirección (CODA) en jugadoras alevines de fútbol femenino. Participan 12 jugadoras de fútbol femenino. Realizaron 14 sesiones de entrenamiento basado en juegos reducidos de fútbol. La muestra presenta valores normales en la prueba de Saphiro-Wilk, además, en la prueba de t de Student muestra que existen diferencias estadísticamente muy significativas (p ≤0,00) en todas las variables físicas analizadas, menos en el caso de la fuerza explosiva. En las variables de técnica nos muestra que existen diferencias significativas en todas las variables analizadas (p ≤0,00). Por último existen correlaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre las distintas variables analizadas. De esta forma podemos considerar los juegos reducidos son un método adecuado y muy ventajoso para el entrenamiento en las etapas iniciales o de formación en jugadoras de fútbolThe objective has been to analyze how small-sided games or SSGs affect physical, technical and changes of direction (CODA) in U12 female soccer players. 12 female soccer players participate. They conducted 14 training sessions based on reduced soccer games. The sample has normal values in the Saphiro-Wilk test, and in the Student's t test it shows that there are statistically very significant differences (p ≤0,00) in all the analyzed physical variables, less in the case of the explosive force. In the technique variables we show that there are significant differences in all variables analyzed (p ≤0,00). Finally, there are positive and statistically significant correlations between the different variables analyzed. In this way we can consider reduced games are a suitable and very advantageous method for training in the initial stages or training in soccer player

    Numerical and experimental development of cupronickel filler brazed joints for divertor and first wall components in DEMO fusion reactor

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    The brazeability of a cupronickel commercial alloy (Cu10Ni) was evaluated for its use as a filler alloy for high- temperature joining of tungsten to the reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel EUROFER 97 (W-E) and between tungsten base materials (W-W) for its application at the first wall and divertor of future fusion reactors. In addition, given the importance of the residual stresses in these heterogenous joints, a study of the brazing conditions and the impact of the selected filler has been conducted using numerical software to understand its impact on the quality of the joint. Two thermal cycles were evaluated (1165 ^◦C and 1190^◦C) and selected based on the thermal characterization of the filler alloy. The microstructural examination revealed that, in W-E joints, nickel acts as an activator element, reacting and forming interfacial layers at the EUROFER 97 - Cu10Ni interface. In the case of the W-W joints, a lower level of diffusion phenomenon and metallurgical interaction between Cu10Ni and base materials were observed. The hardness profile indicated that the hardening process of EUROFER 97 was associated with the formation of untempered martensite. On the other hand, tungsten kept the received hardness. The me- chanical characterization by shear test reported similar values between both types of joints carried out at 1190^◦C but different when the temperature was increased (1165 °C), associated with the brittle character of tungsten and its lower metallurgical interaction. The numerical analysis of the brazing process carried out with ANSYS software shows that residual stresses are accumulated mainly at the interfaces. The information provided by the simulation shows, for a 50 μm filler thickness, the importance of mitigating the residual stress by selecting a filler with an intermediate Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) that alleviates mechanical stresses relative to the base materials

    Movilización de carbono orgánico por distintos procesos erosivos en la conexión ladera-cauce

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    21 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas.[ES] Con el fin de caracterizar la cantidad y tipo (lábil o recalcitrante) de carbono orgánico (CO) movilizado por distintos procesos erosivos identificados en las conexiones ladera-cauce, se estudiaron las características de los depósitos de erosión concentrada en cárcavas, erosión hídrica laminar, erosión lateral-gravitacional y erosión por laboreo en el contacto ladera-cauce de una cuenca de pequeño tamaño (10 ha) y se relacionaron con las características de los suelos-fuentes originales de donde procedían. La selectividad en el arranque y transporte de suelo de los distintos procesos se pudo asociar a diferentes contenidos y tipos de CO en los depósitos. Las razones de enriquecimiento de carbono orgánico sedimento/suelo fueron bajas (~0,40 ± 0,26), a pesar de haber un ligero enriquecimiento en partículas finas (correlacionadas positivamente con el CO) en los depósitos. Todo ello se atribuyó a los efectos de la mineralización en un cauce muy activo con pocas zonas de deposición y abundantes procesos de erosión no selectiva.[EN] With the purpose of analysing the type (labile or stable) and quantity of organic carbon (OC) mobilized by different erosive processes identified at the slope-bed connection, the erosion deposits of gullies, sheet erosion, bank erosion and tillage erosion were studied in a small catchment (10 ha) and compared to the characteristics of the catchment soils. Selectivity upon soil detachment and transport was associated to different OC content and types in the erosion deposits. Enrichment ratios of organic carbon sediment/soil were low (~0,40 ± 0,26), even though a slight enrichment was described for fine particles (positively correlated to CO). These results were attributed to mineralization processes prevailing over OC burial in a very active channel where depositional sites are scarce.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos ERCO (CGL-2007- 62590/BTE) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y el proyecto PROBASE (CGL2006-11619). La primera autora tiene el apoyo económico de una ayuda FPI del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (BES-2008-002379).Peer reviewe

    Circular strings, wormholes and minimum size

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    The quantization of circular strings in an anti-de Sitter background spacetime is performed, obtaining a discrete spectrum for the string mass. A comparison with a four-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic spacetime coupled to a conformal scalar field shows that the string radius and the scale factor have the same classical solutions and that the quantum theories of these two models are formally equivalent. However, the physically relevant observables of these two systems have different spectra, although they are related to each other by a specific one-to-one transformation. We finally obtain a discrete spectrum for the spacetime size of both systems, which presents a nonvanishing lower bound.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2e, minor change

    Unveiling Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation

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    We review the present understanding of neutrino masses and mixings, discussing what are the unknowns in the three family oscillation scenario. Despite the anticipated success coming from the planned long baseline neutrino experiments in unraveling the leptonic mixing sector, there are two important unknowns which may remain obscure: the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} and the CP-phase δ\delta. The measurement of these two parameters has led us to consider the combination of superbeams and neutrino factories as the key to unveil the neutrino oscillation picture.Comment: Invited brief review, 18 pages, 6 figure

    Altered sleep and neurovascular dysfunction in alpha-synucleinopathies: the perfect storm for glymphatic failure

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    Clinical and cognitive progression in alpha-synucleinopathies is highly heterogeneous. While some patients remain stable over long periods of time, other suffer early dementia or fast motor deterioration. Sleep disturbances and nocturnal blood pressure abnormalities have been identified as independent risk factors for clinical progression but a mechanistic explanation linking both aspects is lacking. We hypothesize that impaired glymphatic system might play a key role on clinical progression. Glymphatic system clears brain waste during specific sleep stages, being blood pressure the motive force that propels the interstitial fluid through brain tissue to remove protein waste. Thus, the combination of severe sleep alterations, such as REM sleep behavioral disorder, and lack of the physiological nocturnal decrease of blood pressure due to severe dysautonomia may constitute the perfect storm for glymphatic failure, causing increased abnormal protein aggregation and spreading. In Lewy body disorders (Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies) the increment of intraneuronal alpha-synuclein and extracellular amyloid-β would lead to cognitive deterioration, while in multisystemic atrophy, increased pathology in oligodendroglia would relate to the faster and malignant motor progression. We present a research model that may help in developing studies aiming to elucidate the role of glymphatic function and associated factors mainly in alpha-synucleinopathies, but that could be relevant also for other protein accumulation-related neurodegenerative diseases. If the model is proven to be useful could open new lines for treatments targeting glymphatic function (for example through control of nocturnal blood pressure) with the objective to ameliorate cognitive and motor progression in alpha-synucleinopathies

    Long-term effectiveness of sustainable land management practices to control runoff, soil erosion, and nutrient loss and the role of rainfall intensity in Mediterranean rainfed agroecosystems

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    Mediterranean environments are especially susceptible to soil erosion and to inappropriate soil management, leading to accelerated soil loss. Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices (such as reduced tillage, no-tillage, cover crops, etc.,) have the potential to reduce soil, organic carbon (OC), and nutrient losses by erosion. However, the effectivity of these practices is site-dependent and varies under different rainfall conditions. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effects of SLM practices in two rainfed systems (a wheat field and an almond orchard) representative of a large area of the driest Mediterranean regions - on runoff, soil erosion, particle size distribution, and OC and nutrient (N and P) contents in sediments. The influence of the rainfall characteristics on the effectiveness of the SLM practices was also evaluated. The SLM implemented were: reduced tillage (RT) in the wheat field and almond orchard and reduced tillage combined with green manure (RTG) in the almond orchard; these were compared to conventional tillage, the usual practice in the area. Open erosion plots were set up to monitor the effects of SLM on soil carbon and nutrients and on soil erosion after each rainfall event over six years (2010 2016). The results show that the SLM practices evaluated resulted in increased organic carbon (OC) and nutrients (N and P) contents in the soil, and reduced runoff, erosion, and mobilization of organic carbon and nutrients in sediments. Reductions in runoff of 30% and 65% and decreases in erosion of 65 and 85% were found in the wheat field and almond orchards, respectively. In addition, the total OC, N, and P losses in the wheat field were reduced by 56%, 45%, and 64%, respectively, while in the almond field the OC, N, and P losses were reduced by 90% under RT and by 85% under RTG. The beneficial effect of the SLM practices on soil erosion was observed within 18 months of their implementation and continued throughout the six years of the study. Furthermore, the effectiveness of tillage reduction with respect to erosion control and carbon and nutrients mobilization was highest during the most intense rainfall events, which are responsible for the highest erosion rates in Mediterranean areas. Our results support the key role of SLM practices under semiarid conditions as useful tools for climate change mitigation and adaptation, given the expected increase in high-intensity rainfall events in semiarid areas. © 2019 The AuthorsThis study site has been funded by several national (CYCIT AGL201125069//CICYT AGL2010-20941//CGL2013-42009-R//CGL2014-55-405-R), Regional (Séneca Foundation: 08757/PI/08//19350/PI/14), and European Commission H2020 (F6 DG RTD 037046 and Grant 728003, DIVERFARMING projects). Joris de Vente acknowledges support from a Ramón y Cajal research grant (RYC-2012-10375) and María Almagro was supported by the Juan de la Cierva Program (IJCI-2015-23500)

    Movilización de carbono orgánico por distintos procesos erosivos en la conexión ladera-cauce

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    With the purpose of analysing the type (labile or stable) and quantity of organic carbon (OC) mobilized by different erosive processes identified at the slope-bed connection, the erosion deposits of gullies, sheet erosion, bank erosion and tillage erosion were studied in a small catchment (10 ha) and compared to the characteristics of the catchment soils. Selectivity upon soil detachment and transport was associated to different OC content and types in the erosion deposits. Enrichment ratios of organic carbon sediment/soil were low (~0,40 ± 0,26), even though a slight enrichment was described for fine particles (positively correlated to CO). These results were attributed to mineralization processes prevailing over OC burial in a very active channel where depositional sites are scarce.Con el fin de caracterizar la cantidad y tipo (lábil o recalcitrante) de carbono orgánico (CO) movilizado por distintos procesos erosivos identificados en las conexiones ladera-cauce, se estudiaron las características de los depósitos de erosión concentrada en cárcavas, erosión hídrica laminar, erosión lateral-gravitacional y erosión por laboreo en el contacto ladera-cauce de una cuenca de pequeño tamaño (10 ha) y se relacionaron con las características de los suelos-fuentes originales de donde procedían. La selectividad en el arranque y transporte de suelo de los distintos procesos se pudo asociar a diferentes contenidos y tipos de CO en los depósitos. Las razones de enriquecimiento de carbono orgánico sedimento/suelo fueron bajas (~0,40 ± 0,26), a pesar de haber un ligero enriquecimiento en partículas finas (correlacionadas positivamente con el CO) en los depósitos. Todo ello se atribuyó a los efectos de la mineralización en un cauce muy activo con pocas zonas de deposición y abundantes procesos de erosión no selectiva

    Higher-Derivative Quantum Cosmology

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    The quantum cosmology of a higher-derivative derivative gravity theory arising from the heterotic string effective action is reviewed. A new type of Wheeler-DeWitt equation is obtained when the dilaton is coupled to the quadratic curvature terms. Techniques for solving the Wheeler-DeWitt equation with appropriate boundary conditions shall be described, and implications for semiclassical theories of inflationary cosmology will be outlined.Comment: 11 pages TeX. A term has been removed from equation (13