281 research outputs found

    A prosa brechtiana: rupturas e poéticas do entre-lugar literatura e teatro

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    Bertolt Brecht é genuinamente um homem da arte, envolvido com questões políticas tanto do seu país como da humanidade. Reconhecido pelas suas mudanças no campo da prática teatral, foi um dos maiores expoentes do teatro épico, suas peças de teatro e poesias criticavam o regime nazista. Antevendo a escalada de violência, um dia após o incêndio do Reichstag, deixou a Alemanha, foi neste contexto em que produziu seus mais importantes textos de dramaturgia e poesia. Embora tenha sido esta a produção que lhe consentiu reconhecimento, Brecht escreveu textos em prosa. Investigar os predicativos dessa literatura é a pergunta que se pretende responder nesta dissertação. Para responder a este problema foram estabelecidos quatro eixos de pesquisa: (i) da transversalidade da teoria do método brechtiano; (ii) definição literária imprecisa; (iii) presença de intertextualidade e (iv) diálogo entre ficção e factualidade. Como base para o objeto de pesquisa incluem-se os livros: Histórias do Sr. Keuner; Os negócios do sr. Júlio César; Romance dos três vinténs; Diário de trabalho e Conversas de Refugiados. Trata-se de uma análise apoiada no suporte bibliográfico da teoria da literatura, da teoria crítica, da filosofia e do teatro, configura-se como um estudo transartístico e transdisciplinar, buscando identificar bem como apontar as formas de aproximação da zona limítrofe entre o teatro e literatura, suas trocas e contribuições para a constituição das especificidades dos textos em prosa de Brecht. A partir das análises, foi possível confirmar que as seis obras pesquisadas apresentam características dos quatro eixos de trabalho supracitados. Algumas de forma isolada, em maior ou menor grau, e outras que articularam mais de um eixo de trabalho. Na conclusão, emito considerações importantes diante dos acontecimentos que se desenrolaram a partir ano de 2018, evidenciando a importância da pesquisa de Brecht não somente para o campo da arte, mas, também, para a sociedade e para a democracia.Bertolt Brecht es un auténtico hombre de arte, comprometido con las cuestiones políticas de su país y de la humanidad. Reconocido por sus cambios en el campo de la práctica teatral, fue uno de los mayores exponentes del teatro épico y sus obras y poesías criticaron el régimen nazi; previendo la escalada de violencia, un día después del incendio del Reichstag, abandonó Alemania y fue en este contexto donde produjo sus textos más importantes de dramaturgia y poesía. Aunque esta fue la producción que le consintió el reconocimiento, Brecht escribió textos en prosa e investigar cuáles son los predicados de esta literatura es la pregunta que se pretende responder en esta tesis de maestria. Para responder a este problema se establecieron cuatro ejes de investigación: (i) de la transversalidad de la teoría del método brechtiano; (ii) de la imprecisión de la definición literaria; (iii) de la presencia de la intertextualidad y (iv) del diálogo entre ficción y facticidad. Como objeto de investigación de esta disertación, los libros: Histórias del Sr. Keuner; Negócios do Sr. Júlio César; Romance de los três peniques; Diario de trabajo y Conversaciones de refugiados. Apoyado en el soporte bibliográfico de la teoría de la literatura, la teoría crítica, la filosofía y el teatro, se configura como un estudio transartístico y transdisciplinar, que pretende identificar y señalar las formas de aproximación al territorio fronterizo entre el teatro y la literatura, sus intercambios y aportaciones a la constitución de las especificidades de los textos en prosa de Brecht. A partir de los análisis, se pudo confirmar que las seis obras investigadas presentan características de los cuatro ejes de trabajo mencionados. Algunos de ellos están aislados, en mayor o menor grado, y otros articulan más de un eje de trabajo. En la conclusión de esta disertación aporto importantes consideraciones ante los acontecimientos que se han desarrollado desde 2018 hasta la fecha actual de finalización de este texto, que indican, no sólo la importancia de la investigación de Brecht para el campo del arte, sino también para la sociedad y la democracia

    An extended Kalman filter approach for accurate instantaneous dynamic phasor estimation

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    This paper proposes the application of a non-linear Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for accurate instantaneous dynamic phasor estimation. An EKF-based algorithm is proposed to better adapt to the dynamic measurement requirements and to provide real-time tracking of the fundamental harmonic components and power system frequencies. This method is evaluated using dynamic compliance tests defined in the IEEE C37.118.1-2011 synchrophasor measurement standard, providing promising results in phasor and frequency estimation, compliant with the accuracy required in the case of off-nominal frequency, amplitude and phase angle modulations, frequency ramps, and step changes in magnitude and phase angle. An important additional feature of the method is its capability for real-time detection of transient disturbances in voltage or current waveforms using the residual of the filter, which enables flagging of the estimation for suitable processing

    Power quality in DC distribution networks

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    This paper presents an overview of power quality in low-voltage DC distribution networks. We study which of the power quality disturbances in AC networks are also relevant in DC networks, as well as other disturbances specific to DC networks. The paper reviews the current status of international regulations in this topic and proposes different indices for the detection and characterization of the main types of power quality disturbances, presenting some results obtained in different laboratory tests in DC networks using different DC voltage shapes delivered by different DC power source types

    Respuesta de la Soya (Glycine Max (L) Merril) a la Aplicación de Hormonagro en el Municipio de Santa Marta

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    Este trabajo se realizó con el objeto de evaluar el comportamiento de la soya (Glycine max (L) Merril) ante la aplicación de 3 dosis diferentes de Hormonagro (ácido-naftalen-acético). El área donde se efectuó el ensayo se encuentra localizada en los terrenos de la Universidad Tecnológica del Magdalena, Municipio de Santa Marta (departamento del Magdalena) y presenta la siguiente ubicación: 74 °- 07' y 74° - 12' de longitud oeste y 11° - 11' y 11°- 15' de latitud norte, situada en el noroeste de Colombia. La altura sobre el nivel del mar que presenta la zona es de 7 m. la temperatura promedia oscila entre 28 y 36 °C y la precipitación promedia anual es de 674.4 mm y la humedad relativa es de 74-76 %. El experimento se llevó a cabo en un tiempo de aproximadamente 100 días, comprendidos desde mediados de septiembre hasta finales de diciembre de 1977.E1 diseño usado fue el de parcelas divididas, con cuatro (4) replicaciones y cuatro (4) tratamientos. Se tuvo en cuenta en el desarrollo del trabajo los siguientes factores: rendimiento, altura promedio de las plantas, número de vainas por planta, número de granos por vaina, grado de volcamiento y peso de 1000 semillas, todo esto al momento de la recolección. Los datos conseguidos indicaron que la mayor producción fue la correspondiente al tratamiento tres (3) Pelican (400 c.c de Hormonagro/Ha) y dos (2) Tunía (250 c.c/Ha)

    Limitations in the use of the IEC standard method for detection and analysis of rapid voltage changes in power system networks

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    IEC 61000-4-30 has recently defined a method for detection and analysis of rapid voltage changes in power system networks. This paper presents some of the results obtained in the application of the IEC standard method in different low-voltage and medium-voltage power system networks with different load types and some of the limitations found in the standard method for the correct detection and characterization of these voltage events

    Grupos de Reflexão para Mulheres que Sofreram Violência Doméstica: um estudo de campo

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    A violência doméstica contra a mulher é um fenômeno de caráter sócio-histórico que deixa inúmeras sequelas, e as de cunho psicológico são as que os grupos de reflexão são voltados à enfrentar mais diretivamente, proporcionando um espaço de acolhida, de informação e de partilha de experiências. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender a atuação dos grupos de reflexão no empoderamento de vítimas de violência doméstica e as mudanças ocorridas nas mesmas, em razão do grupo. A pesquisa é de abordagem qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e de campo. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a entrevista semiestruturada e a observação participante

    Simplified Mathematical Modeling of Uncertainty: Cost-Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Spain

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    [EN] When exceptional situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic arise and reliable data is not available at decision-making times, estimation using mathematical models can provide a reasonable reckoning for health planning. We present a simplified model (static but with two-time references) for estimating the cost-effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine. A simplified model provides quick assessment of the upper bound of cost-effectiveness, as we illustrated with data from Spain, and allows for easy comparisons between countries. It may also provide useful comparisons among different vaccines at the marketplace, from the perspective of the buyer. From analysis of this information, key epidemiological figures, and costs of the disease for Spain have been estimated, based on mortality. The fatality value is a robust data that can alternatively be obtained from death registers, funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematoria. Our model estimates the cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) to be 5,132 € (4,926 ¿ 5,276) as of 17 February 2021, based on the following assumptions/inputs: an estimated cost of 30 euros per dose (plus transport, storing, and administration), two doses per person, efficacy of 70% and coverage of 70% of the population. Even considering the possibility of some bias, this simplified model provides confirmation that vaccination against COVID-19 is highly cost-effective.Marco-Franco, JE.; Pita-Barros, P.; González-De Julián, S.; Sabat, I.; Vivas-Consuelo, D. (2021). Simplified Mathematical Modeling of Uncertainty: Cost-Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines in Spain. Mathematics. 9(5):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/math90505661159

    Characterization of Acrocarpus fraxinifolius wood submitted to heat treatment

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    Aiming to provide greater visibility for the wood species Acrocarpus fraxinifolius, the present study sought to analyze the influence of heat treatment on an industrial scale applied to wood species, also popularly known as Indian cedar. The heat treatment was carried out in an autoclave, with temperature and pressure control, and with saturated steam injection, for temperatures 155 ºC, 165 ºC, 175 ºC, and 185 ºC. Physical, chemical, and mechanical tests were carried out for the analyzed wood. The content of holocellulose and total lignin decreased, while the content of extractives showed a substantial increase. The density increased after the heat treatment, however the treated wood showed cracks, and these cracks influenced the significant loss of the values of the mechanical properties of compression, tension, and flexion. The shear showed strength gain for the temperature of 155 ºC, and the wood treated at 165 ºC was equivalent to untreated wood. The woods submitted to temperatures of 175 ºC and 185 ºC presented strength losses. The heat treatment in question contributes to increase the visibility, use and market value of wood

    COVID-19, Fake News, and Vaccines: Should Regulation Be Implemented?

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    [EN] We analysed issues concerning the establishment of compulsory vaccination against COVID-19, as well as the role of misinformation as a disincentive-especially when published by health professionals-and citizen acceptance of measures in this regard. Data from different surveys revealed a high degree of hesitation rather than outright opposition to vaccines. The most frequent complaint related to the COVID-19 vaccination was the fear of side effects. Within the Spanish and European legislative framework, both compulsory vaccination and government regulation of FN (Fake News) appear to be feasible options, counting on sufficient legal support, which could be reinforced by additional amendment. However, following current trends of good governance, policymakers must have public legitimation. Rather than compulsory COVID-19 vaccination, an approach based on education and truthful information, persuading the population of the benefits of a vaccine on a voluntary basis, is recommended. Disagreements between health professionals are positive, but they should be resolved following good practice and the procedures of the code of ethics. Furthermore, citizens do not support the involvement of government authorities in the direct control of news. Collaboration with the media and other organizations should be used instead.Marco-Franco, JE.; Pita-Barros, P.; Vivas-Orts, D.; González-De Julián, S.; Vivas-Consuelo, D. (2021). COVID-19, Fake News, and Vaccines: Should Regulation Be Implemented?. International Journal of Environmental research and Public Health (Online). 18(2):1-11. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18020744S111182Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2020https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2020-06/DNR_2020_FINAL.pdfMerck CEO Ken Frazier Discusses a COVID Cure, Racism, and Why Leaders Need to Walk the Talkhttps://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/merck-ceo-ken-frazier-speaks-about-a-covid-cure-racism-and-why-leaders-need-to-walk-the-talkDe las Heras-Pedrosa, C., Rando-Cueto, D., Jambrino-Maldonado, C., & Paniagua-Rojano, F. J. (2020). Exploring the Social Media on the Communication Professionals in Public Health. Spanish Official Medical Colleges Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(13), 4859. doi:10.3390/ijerph17134859Page, B. I., & Shapiro, R. Y. (1983). Effects of Public Opinion on Policy. 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Comparative Politics, 24(2), 199. doi:10.2307/422278The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studieshttps://www.statista.com/Flash Eurobarometer 464: Fake News and Disinformation Onlinehttps://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/2d79b85a-4cea-11e8-be1d-01aa75ed71a1/language-enState of Vaccine Confidence in the EU 2018https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/vaccination/docs/2018_vaccine_confidence_en.pdfGlobal Attitudes on a COVID-19 Vaccine, 2020https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2020-09/global-attitudes-on-a-covid-19-vaccine-ipsos-survey-for-wef-2020.pdfEffects and Consequences of the Coronavirus (II): Advance Results. Tabulation by Sociodemographic Variableshttp://datos.cis.es/pdf/Es3302marMT_A.pdfNeumann-Böhme, S., Varghese, N. E., Sabat, I., Barros, P. P., Brouwer, W., van Exel, J., … Stargardt, T. (2020). Once we have it, will we use it? A European survey on willingness to be vaccinated against COVID-19. 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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 8876. doi:10.3390/ijerph17238876Bavel, J. J. V., Baicker, K., Boggio, P. S., Capraro, V., Cichocka, A., Cikara, M., … Willer, R. (2020). Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(5), 460-471. doi:10.1038/s41562-020-0884-zBaldassarre, A., Giorgi, G., Alessio, F., Lulli, L., Arcangeli, G., & Mucci, N. (2020). Stigma and Discrimination (SAD) at the Time of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6341. doi:10.3390/ijerph17176341Betsch, C. (2020). How behavioural science data helps mitigate the COVID-19 crisis. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(5), 438-438. doi:10.1038/s41562-020-0866-