2,195 research outputs found

    Linear independence of cables in the knot concordance group

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    We produce infinite families of knots {Ki}i1\{K^i\}_{i\geq 1} for which the set of cables {Kp,1i}i,p1\{K^i_{p,1}\}_{i,p\geq 1} is linearly independent in the knot concordance group. We arrange that these examples lie arbitrarily deep in the solvable and bipolar filtrations of the knot concordance group, denoted by {Fn}\{F_n\} and {Bn}\{B_n\} respectively. As a consequence, this result cannot be reached by any combination of algebraic concordance invariants, Casson-Gordon invariants, and Heegaard-Floer invariants such as tau, epsilon, and Upsilon. We give two applications of this result. First, for any n>=0, there exists an infinite family {Ki}i1\{K^i\}_{i\geq 1} such that for each fixed i, {K2j,1i}j0\{K^i_{2^j,1}\}_{j\geq 0} is a basis for an infinite rank summand of FnF_n and {Kp,1i}i,p1\{K^i_{p,1}\}_{i, p\geq 1} is linearly independent in Fn/Fn.5F_{n}/F_{n.5}. Second, for any n>=1, we give filtered counterexamples to Kauffman's conjecture on slice knots by constructing smoothly slice knots with genus one Seifert surfaces where one derivative curve has nontrivial Arf invariant and the other is nontrivial in both Fn/Fn.5F_n/F_{n.5} and Bn1/Bn+1B_{n-1}/B_{n+1}. We also give examples of smoothly slice knots with genus one Seifert surfaces such that one derivative has nontrivial Arf invariant and the other is topologically slice but not smoothly slice

    Semi-Empirical Bound on the Chlorinr-37 Solar Neutrino Experiment

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    The Kamiokande measurement of energetic Boron-8 neutrinos from the sun is used to set a lower bound on the contribution of the same neutrinos to the signal in the \Chlorine\ experiment. Implications for Beryllium-7 neutrinos are discussed.Comment: Latex, 6 pages + 1 postscript figure (included). UTAPHY-HEP-

    Improved definition of crustal magnetic anomalies for MAGSAT data

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    The routine correction of MAGSAT vector magnetometer data for external field effects such as the ring current and the daily variation by filtering long wavelength harmonics from the data is described. Separation of fields due to low altitude sources from those caused by high altitude sources is affected by means of dual harmonic expansions in the solution of Dirichlet's problem. This regression/harmonic filter procedure is applied on an orbit by orbit basis, and initial tests on MAGSAT data from orbit 1176 show reduction in external field residuals by 24.33 nT RMS in the horizontal component, and 10.95 nT RMS in the radial component

    Inverting Ray-Knight identity

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    We provide a short proof of the Ray-Knight second generalized Theorem, using a martingale which can be seen (on the positive quadrant) as the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the reversed vertex-reinforced jump process measure with respect to the Markov jump process with the same conductances. Next we show that a variant of this process provides an inversion of that Ray-Knight identity. We give a similar result for the Ray-Knight first generalized Theorem.Comment: 18 page

    Investigating the transport of angular momentum from young stellar objects: do H2 jets from Class I YSOs rotate?

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    In this pilot study, we examine molecular jets from the embedded Class I sources, HH 26 and HH 72, to search, for the first time, for kinematic signatures of jet rotation from young embedded sources.High resolution long-slit spectroscopy of the H2 1-0 S(1) transition was obtained using VLT/ISAAC, position-velocity (PV) diagrams constructed and intensity-weighted radial velocities transverse to the jet flow measured. Mean intensity-weighted velocities vary between vLSR ~ -90 and -65 km/s for HH 26, and -60 and -10 km/s for HH 72; maxima occur close to the intensity peak and decrease toward the jet borders. Velocity dispersions are ~ 45 and ~ 80 km/s for HH 26 and HH 72, respectively, with gas motions as fast as -100 km/s present. Asymmetric PV diagrams are seen for both objects which a simple empirical model of a cylindrical jet section shows could in principle be reproduced by jet rotation alone. Assuming magneto-centrifugal launching, the observed HH 26 flow may originate at a disk radius of 2-4 AU from the star with the toroidal component of the magnetic field dominant at the observed location, in agreement with magnetic collimation models. We estimate that the kinetic angular momentum transported by the HH 26 jet is ~ 2E5 M_sun/yr AU km/s. This value (a lower limit to the total angular momentum transported by the flow) already amounts to 70% of the angular momentum that has to be extracted from the disk for the accretion to proceed at the observed rate. The results of this pilot study suggest that jet rotation may also be present at early evolutionary phases and supports the hypothesis that they carry away excess angular momentum, thus allowing the central protostar to increase its mass.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Recipes for stellar jets: results of combined optical/infrared diagnostics

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    We examine the conditions of the plasma along a sample of 'classical' Herbig-Haro jets located in the Orion and Vela star forming regions, through combined optical-infrared spectral diagnostics. Our sample includes HH 111, HH 34, HH 83, HH 73, HH 24 C/E, HH 24 J, observed at moderate spatial/spectral resolution. The obtained spectra cover a wide wavelength range from 0.6-2.5 um, including many transitions from regions of different excitation conditions. This allows us to probe the density and temperature stratification which characterises the cooling zones behind the shock fronts along the jet. The derived physical parameters (such as the extinction, the electron density and temperature, the ionisation fraction, and the total density) are used to estimate the depletion onto dust grains of Calcium and Iron with respect to solar abundances. This turns out to be between 70% and 0% for Ca and ~90% for Fe, suggesting that the weak shocks present in the beams are not capable of completely destroying the dust grains. We then derive the mass flux rates (Mdot_jet is on average 5 10^-8 M_solar yr^-1) and the associated linear momentum fluxes. The latter are higher than, or of the same order as, those measured in the coaxial molecular flows, suggesting that the flows are jet driven. Finally, we discuss differences between jets in our sample.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted by A&

    A combined optical/infrared spectral diagnostic analysis of the HH1 jet

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    Complete flux-calibrated spectra covering the spectral range from 6000 A to 2.5 um have been obtained along the HH1 jet and analysed in order to explore the potential of a combined optical/near-IR diagnostic applied to jets from young stellar objects. Important physical parameters have been derived along the jet using various diagnostic line ratios. This multi-line analysis shows, in each spatially unresolved knot, the presence of zones at different excitation conditions, as expected from the cooling layers behind a shock front. In particular, a density stratification in the jet is evident from ratios of various lines of different critical density. In particular, [FeII] lines originate in a cooling layer located at larger distances from the shock front than that generating the optical lines, where the compression is higher and the temperature is declining. The derived parameters were used to measure the mass flux along the jet, adopting different procedures, the advantages and limitations of which are discussed. dM/dt is high in the initial part of the flow but decreases by about an order of magnitude further out. Conversely, the mass flux associated with the warm molecular material is low and does not show appreciable variations along the jet. We suggest that part of the mass flux in the external regions is not revealed in optical and IR lines because it is associated with a colder atomic component, which may be traced by the far-IR [O I]63 um line. Finally, we find that the gas-phase abundance of refractory species is lower than the solar value suggesting that a significant fraction of dust grains may still be present in the jet beam.Comment: Accepted on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Proper Motions and Variability of the H2_2 Emission in the HH~46/47system

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    We report here on the first proper motion measurements of molecular hydrogen emission features in the Herbig-Haro 46/47 outflow. Assuming a distance of 350 pc to this flow, the inferred tangential velocities range from a few tens to almost 500 km/s . The highest velocities are observed for H2 knots either in, or close to, the jet/counterjet axes. Knots constituting the wings of the large scale H2 bow (see, for example, Eisl\"offel et al. 1994) are found to move much more slowly. These results appear to be in agreement with recent numerical simulations of H2 emission from pulsed jets. We also report the first detection of variability in H2 features for a young stellar object (YSO) outflow. It was found that several H2 knots significantly changed their luminosity over the 4 year timebase used to conduct our study. This is in line with current estimates for the cooling time of gas radiating shocked H2 emission in YSO environments.Comment: 2 figure