32 research outputs found

    LINC complexes mediate the positioning of cone photoreceptor nuclei in mouse retina

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    It has long been observed that many neuronal types position their nuclei within restricted cytoplasmic boundaries. A striking example is the apical localization of cone photoreceptors nuclei at the outer edge of the outer nuclear layer of mammalian retinas. Yet, little is known about how such nuclear spatial confinement is achieved and further maintained. Linkers of the Nucleoskeleton to the Cytoskeleton (LINC complexes) consist of evolutionary-conserved macromolecular assemblies that span the nuclear envelope to connect the nucleus with the peripheral cytoskeleton. Here, we applied a new transgenic strategy to disrupt LINC complexes either in cones or rods. In adult cones, we observed a drastic nuclear mislocalization on the basal side of the ONL that affected cone terminals overall architecture. We further provide evidence that this phenotype may stem from the inability of cone precursor nuclei to migrate towards the apical side of the outer nuclear layer during early postnatal retinal development. By contrast, disruption of LINC complexes within rod photoreceptors, whose nuclei are scattered across the outer nuclear layer, had no effect on the positioning of their nuclei thereby emphasizing differential requirements for LINC complexes by different neuronal types. We further show that Sun1, a component of LINC complexes, but not A-type lamins, which interact with LINC complexes at the nuclear envelope, participate in cone nuclei positioning. This study provides key mechanistic aspects underlying the well-known spatia

    The role of retinol dehydrogenase 10 in the cone visual cycle

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    Pigment regeneration is critical for the function of cone photoreceptors in bright and rapidly-changing light conditions. This process is facilitated by the recently-characterized retina visual cycle, in which Müller cells recycle spent all-trans-retinol visual chromophore back to 11-cis-retinol. This 11-cis-retinol is oxidized selectively in cones to the 11-cis-retinal used for pigment regeneration. However, the enzyme responsible for the oxidation of 11-cis-retinol remains unknown. Here, we sought to determine whether retinol dehydrogenase 10 (RDH10), upregulated in rod/cone hybrid retinas and expressed abundantly in Müller cells, is the enzyme that drives this reaction. We created mice lacking RDH10 either in cone photoreceptors, Müller cells, or the entire retina. In vivo electroretinography and transretinal recordings revealed normal cone photoresponses in all RDH10-deficient mouse lines. Notably, their cone-driven dark adaptation both in vivo and in isolated retina was unaffected, indicating that RDH10 is not required for the function of the retina visual cycle. We also generated transgenic mice expressing RDH10 ectopically in rod cells. However, rod dark adaptation was unaffected by the expression of RDH10 and transgenic rods were unable to use cis-retinol for pigment regeneration. We conclude that RDH10 is not the dominant retina 11-cis-RDH, leaving its primary function in the retina unknown

    Bringing KASH under the SUN: the many faces of nucleo-cytoskeletal connections

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    The nucleus is the most prominent cellular organelle, and its sharp boundaries suggest the compartmentalization of the nucleoplasm from the cytoplasm. However, the recent identification of evolutionarily conserved linkers of the nucleoskeleton to the cytoskeleton (LINC) complexes, a family of macromolecular assemblies that span the double membrane of the nuclear envelope, reveals tight physical connections between the two compartments. Here, we review the structure and evolutionary conservation of SUN and KASH domain–containing proteins, whose interaction within the perinuclear space forms the “nuts and bolts” of LINC complexes. Moreover, we discuss the function of these complexes in nuclear, centrosomal, and chromosome dynamics, and their connection to human disease

    The plant LINC complex at the nuclear envelope

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    Significant advances in understanding the plant nuclear envelope have been made over the past few years; indeed, knowledge of the protein network at the nuclear envelope is rapidly growing. One such network, the linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex, is known in animals to connect chromatin to the cytoskeleton through the nuclear envelope. The LINC complex is made of Sad1/Unc84 (SUN) and Klarsicht/Anc1/Syne1 homology (KASH) proteins which have been recently characterized in plants. SUN proteins are located within the inner nuclear membrane, while the KASH proteins are included into the outer nuclear membrane. SUN and KASH domains interact and bridge the two nuclear membranes. In Arabidopsis, KASH proteins also interact with the tryptophan-proline-proline (WPP) domain-interacting tail-anchored protein 1 (WIT1), associated with the nuclear pore complex and with myosin XI-i which directly interacts with the actin cytoskeleton. Although evidence for a plant LINC complex connecting the nucleus to the cytoskeleton is growing, its interaction with chromatin is still unknown, but knowledge gained from animal models strongly suggests its existence in plants. Possible functions of the plant LINC complex in cell division, nuclear shape, and chromatin organization are discussed

    Mislocalization of cone nuclei impairs cone function in mice.

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    The nuclei of cone photoreceptors are located on the apical side of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) in vertebrate retinas. However, the functional role of this evolutionarily conserved localization of cone nuclei is unknown. We previously showed that Linkers of the Nucleoskeleton to the Cytoskeleton (LINC complexes) are essential for the apical migration of cone nuclei during development. Here, we developed an efficient genetic strategy to disrupt cone LINC complexes in mice. Experiments with animals from both sexes revealed that disrupting cone LINC complexes resulted in mislocalization of cone nuclei to the basal side of ONL in mouse retina. This, in turn, disrupted cone pedicle morphology, and appeared to reduce the efficiency of synaptic transmission from cones to bipolar cells. Although we did not observe other developmental or phototransduction defects in cones with mislocalized nuclei, their dark adaptation was impaired, consistent with a deficiency in chromophore recycling. These findings demonstrate that the apical localization of cone nuclei in the ONL is required for the timely dark adaptation and efficient synaptic transmission in cone photoreceptors

    Bicd2, Dynactin, And Lis1 Cooperate In Regulating Dynein Recruitment To Cellular Structures

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    Cytoplasmic dynein is the major microtubule minus-end-directed cellular motor. Most dynein activities require dynactin, but the mechanisms regulating cargo-dependent dynein-dynactin interaction are poorly understood. In this study, we focus on dynein-dynactin recruitment to cargo by the conserved motor adaptor Bicaudal D2 (BICD2). We show that dynein and dynactin depend on each other for BICD2-mediated targeting to cargo and that BICD2 N-terminus (BICD2-N) strongly promotes stable interaction between dynein and dynactin both in vitro and in vivo. Direct visualization of dynein in live cells indicates that by itself the triple BICD2-N-dynein-dynactin complex is unable to interact with either cargo or microtubules. However, tethering of BICD2-N to different membranes promotes their microtubule minus-end-directed motility. We further show that LIS1 is required for dynein-mediated transport induced by membrane tethering of BICD2-N and that LIS1 contributes to dynein accumulation at microtubule plus ends and BICD2-positive cellular structures. Our results demonstrate that dynein recruitment to cargo requires concerted action of multiple dynein cofactors. © 2012 Splinter et al