137 research outputs found

    Manajemen Transaksi Big Data-IoT berbasis Rasberry Pi (Studi Kasus Sistem Cerdas Pengisian Air Minum)

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    Pada penelitian telah diracang sebuah sistem cerdas pengisian air minum dengan memanfaatkan Raspberry Pi dan sistem Internet of Things (IoT). Transaksi data dalam IoT memerlukan manajemen agar dipastikan frame informasi benar. Penerapan konsep Big Data dalam IoT memberikan fokus cakupan untuk melihat volumeterik, pola transaksi dan analisa data. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah bagaimana menerapkan konsep Big Data-IoT untuk validasi data dalam rancang bangun sistem cerdas pengisian air minum. Pada penelitian dilakukan dua metode yaitu rancang bangun sistem dan analisa implementasi Big Data. Rancang bangun yang dilakukan adalah membuat sistem sensor, Arduino, Raspberry Pi dan mekanik. Hasil kalibrasi sensor debit air didapatkan deviasi volume adalah sekitar 9ml. Paket data yang terformat dalam JSON dapat dikirim secara client-server dengan akurasi adalah 80%. Hal yang mendasari keberhasilan pengiriman data adalah pengaturan konsep multi-task dalam Raspberry Pi untuk menerjemahkan data. Hasil sparasi data dan analisa JSON didapatkan tingkat kebenaran sekitar 90%. Sparasi data dalam teks JSON digunakan sebagai parsing parameter dalam penyimpanan basis data dan kendali pengisian ai

    The Stomatogastric Nervous System as a Model for Studying Sensorimotor Interactions in Real-Time Closed-Loop Conditions

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    The perception of proprioceptive signals that report the internal state of the body is one of the essential tasks of the nervous system and helps to continuously adapt body movements to changing circumstances. Despite the impact of proprioceptive feedback on motor activity it has rarely been studied in conditions in which motor output and sensory activity interact as they do in behaving animals, i.e., in closed-loop conditions. The interaction of motor and sensory activities, however, can create emergent properties that may govern the functional characteristics of the system. We here demonstrate a method to use a well-characterized model system for central pattern generation, the stomatogastric nervous system, for studying these properties in vitro. We created a real-time computer model of a single-cell muscle tendon organ in the gastric mill of the crab foregut that uses intracellular current injections to control the activity of the biological proprioceptor. The resulting motor output of a gastric mill motor neuron is then recorded intracellularly and fed into a simple muscle model consisting of a series of low-pass filters. The muscle output is used to activate a one-dimensional Hodgkin–Huxley type model of the muscle tendon organ in real-time, allowing closed-loop conditions. Model properties were either hand tuned to achieve the best match with data from semi-intact muscle preparations, or an exhaustive search was performed to determine the best set of parameters. We report the real-time capabilities of our models, its performance and its interaction with the biological motor system

    Lei 12.654/12: identificação criminal e a necessidade do consentimento

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Em linhas gerais, o presente trabalho de pesquisa monográfica discute a Lei nº 12.654/12 frente ao princípio nemo tenetur se detegere. Para isso, é feito um estudo do referido princípio, com breve análise histórica, além dos principais princípios relacionados ao assunto em tela. Posteriormente, aborda-se a questão das provas, da coleta de material genético e a necessidade do consentimento do acusado ou condenado. Ainda, analisa as principais alterações promovidas pela lei nos institutos da Execução Penal e da Identificação Criminal. Nesse sentido, o trabalho visa analisar a Lei nº 12.654/12 diante aos princípios e garantias assegurados na Constituição Federal de 1988, verificando as possíveis inconstitucionalidades que poderiam ser sanadas pelo simples consentimento ou outra forma já existente de identificação

    Veränderung der Kontrollfähigkeit bei adulten Patienten mit einer ADHS im Verlauf einer Neurofeedbacktherapie durch Messung und Visualisierung der Hirnoxygenierung mittels Nahinfrarotspektroskopie

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    Hintergrund: Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) ist eine Erkrankung, welche in der Kindheit beginnt und häufig bis in das Erwachsenenalter fortbesteht. Die Erkrankung kann insbesondere auch durch die Ausbildung zahlreicher Komorbiditäten zu einer schweren Beeinträchtigung der Gesundheit und des sozialen Lebens von Betroffenen führen. Eine noch junge Behandlungsoption der ADHS ist die Anwendung eines Neurofeedbacktrainings. Diese Methode wird im Kinder- und Jugendbereich bereits erfolgreich mittels EEG angewandt. Bisher noch wenig erforscht ist die Anwendung eines Neurofeedbacks mittels Nahinfrarotspektroskopie. Ziele: In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine Behandlung mittels Neurofeedback mit Nahinfrarotspektroskopie bei erwachsenen ADHS-Patienten zu messbaren Veränderungen der Hirnoxygenierung führt und mit einem Rückgang der ADHS-Symptomatik bei den Betroffenen einhergeht. Methoden: Die Patienten erhielten insgesamt 30 Anwendungen einer Neurofeedbacktherapie mittels Nahinfrarotspektroskopie. Im Rahmen der Therapie sollten die Patienten lernen, die Oxygenierung des präfrontalen Cortex willentlich zu beeinflussen. Ergebnisse: Die Patienten konnten die Oxygenierung des präfrontalen Cortex numerisch in die gewünschte Richtung beeinflussen. Dabei blieben die Ergebnisse jedoch unterhalb des Signifikanzniveaus von 5%. Signifikant verbesserten sich hingegen die Gesamt-Symptomatik der ADHS sowie alle Kernsymptome (Unaufmerksamkeit, Hyperaktivität und Impulsivität). Fazit: Die Durchführung eines Neurofeedbacks mittels Nahinfrarotspektroskopie bei erwachsenen ADHS-Patienten geht mit einer Verbesserung der Symptomatik einher und führt möglicherweise zu einer Veränderung der Hirnoxygenierung im präfrontalen Cortex. Sie könnte damit in der Zukunft zu einer Behandlungsalternative zur medikamentösen Behandlung und zu einer Alternative zum Neurofeedback mittels EEG entwickelt werden.Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychiatric/psychiatric disorder beginning in childhood. The disease often persists into adulthood and massively affects the health and social life of patients particularly due to the formation of numerous comorbidities. An emergent treatment option of ADHD is neurofeedbacktraining. This method is already being successfully applied in the child- and youth sector employing EEG. An underexplored treatment option is the application of neurofeedback based on near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Objectives: The present study examined whether a treatment using neurofeedback with NIRS in adult ADHD patients leads to measurable changes of brain oxygenation and whether it is associated with a decline of the patients ADHD symptoms. Methods: The patients received a total of 30 applications of neurofeedback therapy employing NIRS. Over the course of the therapy it was attempted to affect the oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex intentionally. Results: The patients showed a tendency to be able to intentionally influence numerically the oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex in the desired direction. Yet, the result remained below the significance level of 5%. However, ADHD symptoms changed significantly. We also detected a significant improvement regarding the main symptoms inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Conclusion: The implementation of neurofeedback employing near infrared spectroscopy in adult ADHD patients is associated with an improvement of symptoms and potentially leads to a change of brain oxygenation in the prefrontal cortex. Therefore the method offers an alternative way of treatment to the pharmacological treatment and EEG neurofeedback

    Avaliação de métodos fenotípicos de detecção de beta lactamase de espectro estendido em klebsiella pneumoniae, klebsiella oxytoca e escherichia coli

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    Orientadora : Profª Drª Cristina Leise B. MonteiroCo-orientadora : Profª Drª Libera Maria Dalla Costa e Profª Drª Laura Lúcia CogoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciencias Biológicas (Microbiologia, Parasitologia e Patologia Básica). Defesa: Curitiba, 31/03/2009Inclui referências : f. 77-88Área de concentraçãoResumo: A produção de _-Lactamases de Espectro Estendido (ESBL) tem emergido como um importante mecanismo de resistência a antimicrobianos _-lactâmicos e sua prevalência, embora elevada, ainda é subestimada, devido às dificuldades na detecção laboratorial desta enzima. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar os diferentes métodos fenotípicos de detecção laboratorial de ESBL em isolados clínicos de Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca e Escherichia coli provenientes de pacientes internados no Hospital de Clínicas da UFPR, previamente caracterizadas por métodos moleculares, além de avaliar os melhores substratos para a pesquisa de ESBL, a detecção fenotípica das enzimas AmpC e KPC e avaliar as concentrações inibitórias mínimas e sensibilidades dos diferentes antimicrobianos testados. Foram analisadas 160 amostras de E. coli (32), K. pneumoniae (122) e K. oxytoca (6) previamente caracterizadas por métodos moleculares. Os testes de dupla difusão e discos combinados detectaram 96,3% e 99,4% das amostras produtoras de ESBL, respectivamente. No método de triagem a cefpodoxima (99,4%) foi o melhor substrato, seguido da cefotaxima (97,5%) e no teste de dupla difusão o substrato que obteve maior positividade na detecção de ESBL foi a ceftriaxona (92,5%), seguido pelo cefepime (91,3%), aztreonam (89,4%) e ceftazidima (80,6%). Em relação aos substratos utilizados na técnica de discos combinados, a maior positividade apresentada foi de 93,1% para cefotaxima+ácido clavulânico, seguido de 91,9% para cefpodoxima+ácido clavulânico e de 77,5% para ceftazidima+ácido clavulânico. A pesquisa fenotípica de outras _-lactamases demonstrou que 8,8% das amostras podem ser produtoras de AmpC e 4,4% de KPC, as quais serão analisadas futuramente por métodos moleculares. Entre os antimicrobianos avaliados o meropenem obteve a maior potência (CIM50<0,06 ?g/mL), seguido do ertapenem (CIM50=0,06 ?g/mL), e imipenem (CIM50=0,12 ?g/mL). A maior sensibilidade foi observada para o imipenem (100%) e meropenem (100%). A tigeciclina apresentou alta atividade (CIM90=1 ?g/mL), potência (CIM50=0,5 ?g/mL) e sensibilidade (99,4%). Para todas as cefalosporinas e aztreonam a CIM50 e CIM90 foram elevadas. A sensibilidade às cefalosporinas de terceira geração e aztreonam variaram de 5,3 a 10%, enquanto o cefepime apresentou 20% de sensibilidade. Neste trabalho conclui-se que a avaliação dos métodos para a detecção de ESBL depende da expressão fenotípica da _-lactamase presente, sendo importante testar a maior variedade possível de substratos nos laboratórios de microbiologia.Abstract: Production of Extended Spectrum _-Lactamase (ESBL) has emerged as an important mechanism of resistance to _-lactam antimicrobial and its prevalence, although high, is still underestimated due to difficulties in laboratorial detection of this enzyme. This study aims to evaluate the different phenotypic methods of laboratorial detection of ESBL in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca and Escherichia coli from patients at the Hospital de Clinicas of UFPR previously characterized by molecular methods, and evaluate the best substrates for the detection of ESBL, the phenotypic detection of KPC and AmpC enzymes, evaluate the minimum inhibitory concentrations and sensitivities of different antimicrobial agents tested. We analyzed 160 samples of E. coli (32), K. pneumoniae (122) and K. oxytoca (6). Tests for double disk synergy test and combination disk method detected 96.3% and 99.4% of samples producing ESBL, respectively. At the screening method cefpodoxime (99.4%) was the best substrate, followed by cefotaxime (97.5%) and the double disk synergy test the substrate that obtain more positive in the detection of ESBL was ceftriaxone (92.5%), followed by cefepime (91.3%), aztreonam (89.4%) and ceftazidime (80.6%). For the substrates used in the combination disc method, the highest positivity was 93.1% presented to cefotaxime+clavulanic acid, followed by 91.9% to cefpodoxime+clavulanic acid and 77.5% for ceftazidime + clavulanic acid. In the study of other phenotypic _-lactams showed that 8.8% of the samples may be producing AmpC and 4.4% KPC which will be further analyzed by molecular methods. Among the antimicrobial evaluated meropenem got the highest power (MIC50<0.06 ?g/mL), followed by ertapenem (MIC50=0.06 ?g/mL) and imipenem (MIC50=0.12 ?g/mL). The highest sensitivity was observed for imipenem (100%) and meropenem (100%). Tigecycline showed high activity (MIC50=0.5 ?g/mL), power (MIC90=1.0 ?g/mL) and sensitivity (99.4%).Sensitivity to third generation cephalosporins and aztreonam ranged from 5.3 to 10%, while cefepime showed 20% of sensitivity. This work concluded that the evaluation of methods for detection of ESBL depends on the phenotypic expression of present _-lactam and is important to test the largest possible variety of substrates in microbiology laboratories


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    O isolamento e identificação do agente etiológico causador de infecção a partir de líquidos biológicos podem ser um fator crítico para a recuperação da saúde do paciente, pois estas infecções geralmente são graves e deixam seqüelas. Neste trabalho foram analisadas 82 amostras de diferentes líquidos biológicos, comparando os resultados da coloração de Gram com os das culturas, além de verificar incidência dos microrganismos isolados. O Gram apresentou sensibilidade e especificidade de 62,5% e 93,9% respectivamente. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus foram as bactérias mais isoladas. Concluiu-se que a Coloração de Gram pode ser uma ferramenta útil na análise dos líquidos biológicos, contribuindo no diagnóstico preliminar destas infecções. SENSITIVITY OF GRAM STAINING FOR EARLY DIAGNOSTIC OF INFECTIONS IN STERILE BODY SITES Abstract Isolation and identification of an etiologic agent from biological fluids can be a critic factor for the clinical outcome of the patient, because this infection can generally be severe and cause sequels. Eighty-two different samples of biological fluids were analyzed through the Gram staining method. The results of Gram were compared with those obtained with culture, and the incidence of isolated microorganisms was also analyzed. The Gram staining presented 62.5% and 93.9% of sensitivity and specificity, respectively. Among all types of isolated and identified bacteria, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and S. aureus were the commonest ones. It was concluded that the Gram staining could be a useful tool on analysis of biological fluids, contributing for the previous diagnostic of these infections

    Can cephalopods Vomit? Hypothesis based on a review of circumstantial evidence and preliminary experiemntal observations

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    In representative species of all vertebrate classes, the oral ejection of upper digestive tract contents by vomiting or regurgitation is used to void food contaminated with toxins or containing indigestible material not voidable in the feces. Vomiting or regurgitation has been reported in a number of invertebrate marine species (Exaiptasia diaphana, Cancer productus, and Pleurobranchaea californica), prompting consideration of whether cephalopods have this capability. This “hypothesis and theory” paper reviews four lines of supporting evidence: (1) the mollusk P. californica sharing some digestive tract morphological and innervation similarities with Octopus vulgaris is able to vomit or regurgitate with the mechanisms well characterized, providing an example of motor program switching; (2) a rationale for vomiting or regurgitation in cephalopods based upon the potential requirement to void indigestible material, which may cause damage and ejection of toxin contaminated food; (3) anecdotal reports (including from the literature) of vomiting- or regurgitation-like behavior in several species of cephalopod (Sepia officinalis, Sepioteuthis sepioidea, O. vulgaris, and Enteroctopus dofleini); and (4) anatomical and physiological studies indicating that ejection of gastric/crop contents via the buccal cavity is a theoretical possibility by retroperistalsis in the upper digestive tract (esophagus, crop, and stomach). We have not identified any publications refuting our hypothesis, so a balanced review is not possible. Overall, the evidence presented is circumstantial, so experiments adapting current methodology (e.g., research community survey, in vitro studies of motility, and analysis of indigestible gut contents and feces) are described to obtain additional evidence to either support or refute our hypothesis. We recognize the possibility that further research may not support the hypothesis; therefore, we consider how cephalopods may protect themselves against ingestion of toxic food by external chemodetection prior to ingestion and digestive gland detoxification post-ingestion. Reviewing the evidence for the hypothesis has identified a number of gaps in knowledge of the anatomy (e.g., the presence of sphincters) and physiology (e.g., the fate of indigestible food residues, pH of digestive secretions, sensory innervation, and digestive gland detoxification mechanisms) of the digestive tract as well as a paucity of recent studies on the role of epithelial chemoreceptors in prey identification and food intakeVersión del edito