20 research outputs found


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    Facies mapping at the 1: 10.000 scale of the Lower Permian in the Orobic Anticline, carried out in the framework of the CARG Project, allowed reconstruction of the basin architecture and refined subdivision of the stratigraphic succession with respect to the available framework. Paroxysmal effusion of benmoreites in the lower volcanic member of the Collio Formation was followed by a synsedimentary, polymodal volcanic activity (mugearite flows to rhyolite tuffs) during deposition of the overlying arenaceous-volcaniclastic member. After progradation of the Ponteranica Conglomerate proximal fan-delta facies, a possible marine transgression is suggested by rare foraminifers, newly found in the upper arenaceous-pelitic member of the Collio Formation. Magmatic evolution fits into a palaeogeodynamic scenario of continental wrenching; lack of rhyolites in the lower volcanic member points to distinct and/or non-coeval volcanic activity at the western edge of the Collio Basin (Orobic Anticline) with respect to the central-eastern sector (Trabuchello-Cabianca to Camuna Anticlines). Sandstone petrography, indicating provenance from overwhelming neovolcanic sources, is fairly uniform both vertically and laterally, and thus suggests high sedimentation rates for the Collio Formation, in agreement with the shorter time span recently assigned to this unit by radiometric data from the Camuna Anticline. Different sandstone composition in the Orobic and Camuna Anticlines is another line of evidence against physical continuity of the Collio Basin.&nbsp

    Typology of detrital zircon as a key to unravelling provenance in rift siliciclastic sequences (Permo-Carboniferous of Spiti, N India)

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    AbstractDetrital zircon populations from Carboniferous to Permian sandstones from the Lozar Section of Spiti, northern India, were analyzed with the typology method in order to obtain complementary information on the source areas of the sediments. Zircon grains were subdivided into several groups and subgroups, according to degree of abrasion and morphological features.First appearance of detrital zircons with distinct typologic signature within successive stratigraphic intervals provided useful data about the tectono-magmatic evolution of the northern Indian margin during Late Paleozoic rifting of Gondwana and initial opening of Neotethys. The base of the studied sequence (Lower Carboniferous Thabo Fm.) is characterized by a largely cratonic provenance, seemingly from the Indian Shield to the South. In the Upper Carboniferous Chichong Fm., first occurrence of typical zircons from anatectic granites and increasing abundance of granitoid detritus suggest rapid uplift and unroofing of anatectic rocks of pro..


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    The middle Eocene Cibrone Formation of Brianza (central-western Lombardy) represents an important stratigraphic record to understand a key step of the tectonic evolution of the Alpine range poorly recorded elsewhere. Quantitative petrographic analysis of turbidite arenites, well-constrained in age by the biostratigraphy of interlayered marlstones based on calcareous foraminifera and nannoplankton, allowed us to identify a possible vertical compositional trend within the Cibrone Fm. and to document the NP17 nannofossil Zone (Bartonian) in central Lombardy exposures, east of the Ternate Formation outcrop area. Variable arenite compositions are interpreted to reflect contributions from different source areas, i.e., recycled orogen, island arc, and starved continental shelf. In a paleogeographic scenario still open to different interpretations, the proposed reconstruction supports a classical plate tectonics model for arc-trench systems. The stratigraphic gap, recorded everywhere in Lombardy, between the Eocene succession and the base of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group (upper NP24 nannofossil Zone, early Chattian), corresponds to the earliest stage of continental collision, uplift and erosion that climaxed in the Neo-Alpine Phase


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    In the Manang area (north Annapurna Range; Nepal Himalaya), the Permo-Carboniferous succession is 1000 to 1500 m thick. Crinoidal biocalcarenites (Tilicho Lake Fm.) pass upward to alternating black shales and sharp-based white quartzose sandstones (Thini Chu Group). Detailed stratigraphic analysis of this unit allowed us to recognize and establish 5 new formations and 8 new members. The Marsyandi Fm., of Visean age, records an increase of subarkosic terrigenous detritus during the initial stage of Neotethyan rifting, and is capped by two sequences "Syringotbyris  beds") characterized by transgressive sandstones rich in Serpukhovian brachiopods. The overlying black shales with subordinate quartzarenites (Col Noir Shale) are followed in the more proximal Bangba section by diamictites yielding dolostone rock fragments, documenting the first advance of glacial ice on rift shoulders, actively uplifted since the Bashkirian-Moscovian (Bangba Fm.). Next, glaciomarine to transgressive shelfal deposits are enriched first in igneous detritus and then in arenaceous rock fragments (Braga Fm.). Mafic to felsic magmatism during the climax of rifting was thus followed by active erosion of sedimentary successions, probably around the Carboniferous/Permian boundary. A major Early Permian transgression, coinciding with ameliorating climates at the end of the Gondwana glaciation, was followed by mainly estuarine chert-bearing quartzose pebbly sandstones capped by richly bioclastic shelfal deposits (Puchenpra Fm.). This second major transgression, associated with quartzose sandstones documenting subdued rift reliefs, is dated as Bolorian at Bangba, as Murgabian-Midian at Col Noirand as Djulfian at Tilicho. The base of the condensed outer shelf/upper slope carbonates capping the Thini Chu Group ("topmost  biocalcarenites") is also strongly heterochronous, being dated as Bolorian to Kubergandian-Murgabian at Bangba and as Djulfian-Dorashamian at Col Noir and Tilicho. Thermal subsidence associated with the opening of Neotethys thus began as early as the Early Permian

    Opening of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and the Pangea B to Pangea A transformation during the Permian

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    We studied the stratigraphy, composition, and paleomagnetic properties of lateritic weathering profiles of Permian age from northern Iran and western Karakoram, Pakistan. A limited set of samples deemed representative yielded stable low-inclination paleomagnetic components carried essentially by hematite of chemical origin isolated in massive, fine-grained, and homogeneous ferricrete facies. These laterites originated at equatorial paleolatitudes characterized by intense weathering processes under warm and humid climatic conditions. Paleomagnetic estimates of paleolatitude from Iran, Karakoram, and north Tibet from this study and the literature, albeit sparse, provide testable constraints on the motion of the Cimmerian terranes as the result of the opening of the Neo-Tethys Ocean along the eastern margin of Gondwana during the Permian. We confirm and help refine previous suggestions that the Cimmerian terranes migrated from southern Gondwanan paleolatitudes in the Early Permian to subequatorial paleolatitudes by the Middle Permian – Early Triassic. As a novel conclusion, we find that timing, rates, and geometry of Cimmerian tectonics are broadly compatible with the transformation of Pangea from an Irvingian B to a Wegenerian A-type configuration with Neo-Tethyan opening taking place contemporaneously essentially in the Permian


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    The stratigraphical data collected during four geological expeditions to the Northern Karakorum (1996,1991,1992a,1992b) are discussed. The sedimentary succession has been classified by 9 formations, here formalised, and subdivided into members and lithozones. The biochronology has been established on fusulinids, brachiopods, and conodonts. Several plates illustrate the most significant fossil species as well as the litho- and microfacies. The sedimentary succession may be roughly subdivided into three parts. The lower part consists of terrigenous rocks, mostly pelitic and less frequently arenaceous(quartzarenites with thick arkose intervals during the latest  Asselian-early Sakmarian). They are evidence of a continental to coxtal environment, with short term marine  ingressions. The second part begins with the Sakmarian, when the marine environment spread over most of the studied area. Bioclastic sand bars with brachiopods and crinoids at the base are followed by huge fusulinid packages. In Hunza oolitic bars and dolostone peritidal cycles also follow. The carbonate ramp is often polluted by terrigenous sediments, especially westwards. Temporary arenaceous spillovers (quartzarenites), often linked to minor  sedimentation gaps, occur both westwards in the Baroghil area, and eastwards in the Hunza-Shimshal area. In the centre, in the Upper  Karambar valley, a large gap most probably occurs, with reappearance of the sedimentation only with the dolostones of the Upper Permian. These erosional episodes with arenaceous spillovers are interpreted as being linked to rifting events of the Neotethys opening, active  southwards. The third part of rhe succession concerns the Late Permian. Towards the end at the Murgabian or at the beginning of the Midian, the Northern  Karakorum is subdivided into two major areas. To the west, after a transgressive episode with ironstone deposition, a wide peritidal carbonate platform spread over from Baroghil to Chillinji in Karambar and the Pasu area in Hunza. This palaeogeographic pattern extends up to the Triassic. However, biostratigraphic control is poor. Instead to the north-east, a progressive sinking of the slope is observed,  with spreading of deeper environments and cherty limestone deposition. The down-warping is activated by block-faulting resulting in huge megabreccia bodies interbedded with the cherty limestones. During the Dzhulfian, significant clay inputs dilute the carbonate mud accumulation and shales are dominant around the Permian-Triassic boundary. Pelagic carbonate sedimentation gradually recovers from the Smithian onward. The Permian of the Karakorum is the sedimentary evidence of the passive margin of a lithospheric block, detached from the Gondwana continent during the Permian, that will later migrate towards the centre  of the Paleo-Tethys, along with other lithospheric blocks of the Mega Lhasa plate

    Pennsylvanian-Early Triassic stratigraphy in the Alborz Mountains (Iran)

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    New fieldwork was carried out in the central and eastern Alborz, addressing the sedimentary succession from the Pennsylvanian to the Early Triassic. A regional synthesis is proposed, based on sedimentary analysis and a wide collection of new palaeontological data. The Moscovian Qezelqaleh Formation, deposited in a mixed coastal marine and alluvial setting, is present in a restricted area of the eastern Alborz, transgressing on the Lower Carboniferous Mobarak and Dozdehband formations. The late Gzhelian–early Sakmarian Dorud Group is instead distributed over most of the studied area, being absent only in a narrow belt to the SE. The Dorud Group is typically tripartite, with a terrigenous unit in the lower part (Toyeh Formation), a carbonate intermediate part (Emarat and Ghosnavi formations, the former particularly rich in fusulinids), and a terrigenous upper unit (Shah Zeid Formation), which however seems to be confined to the central Alborz. A major gap in sedimentation occurred before the deposition of the overlying Ruteh Limestone, a thick package of packstone–wackestone interpreted as a carbonate ramp of Middle Permian age (Wordian–Capitanian). The Ruteh Limestone is absent in the eastern part of the range, and everywhere ends with an emersion surface, that may be karstified or covered by a lateritic soil. The Late Permian transgression was directed southwards in the central Alborz, where marine facies (Nesen Formation) are more common. Time-equivalent alluvial fans with marsh intercalations and lateritic soils (Qeshlaq Formation) are present in the east. Towards the end of the Permian most of the Alborz emerged, the marine facies being restricted to a small area on the Caspian side of the central Alborz. There, the Permo-Triassic boundary interval is somewhat similar to the Abadeh–Shahreza belt in central Iran, and contains oolites, flat microbialites and domal stromatolites, forming the base of the Elikah Formation. The P–T boundary is established on the basis of conodonts, small foraminifera and stable isotope data. The development of the lower and middle part of the Elikah Formation, still Early Triassic in age, contains vermicular bioturbated mudstone/wackestone, and anachronostic-facies-like gastropod oolites and flat pebble conglomerates. Three major factors control the sedimentary evolution. The succession is in phase with global sea-level curve in the Moscovian and from the Middle Permian upwards. It is out of phase around the Carboniferous–Permian boundary, when the Dorud Group was deposited during a global lowstand of sealevel. When the global deglaciation started in the Sakmarian, sedimentation stopped in the Alborz and the area emerged. Therefore, there is a consistent geodynamic control. From the Middle Permian upwards, passive margin conditions control the sedimentary evolution of the basin, which had its depocentre(s) to the north. Climate also had a significant role, as the Alborz drifted quickly northwards with other central Iran blocks towards the Turan active margin. It passed from a southern latitude through the aridity belt in the Middle Permian, across the equatorial humid belt in the Late Permian and reached the northern arid tropical belt in the Triassic

    Kinematics and Age of Syn-Intrusive Detachment Faulting in the Southern Alps: Evidence for Early Permian Crustal Extension and Implications for the Pangea A Versus B Controversy

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    Permian basin formation and magmatism in the Southern Alps of Italy have been interpreted as expressions of a WSW‐ENE‐trending, dextral megashear zone transforming Early Permian Pangea B into Late Permian Pangea A between ~285 and 265 Ma. In an alternative model, basin formation and magmatism resulted from N‐S crustal extension. To characterize Permian tectonics, we studied the Grassi Detachment Fault, a low‐angle extensional fault in the central Southern Alps. The footwall forms a metamorphic core complex affected by upward‐increasing, top‐to‐the‐southeast mylonitization. Two granitoid intrusions occur in the core complex, the synmylonitic Val Biandino Quartz Diorite and the postmylonitic Valle San Biagio Granite. U‐Pb zircon dating yielded crystallization ages of 289.1 ± 4.5 Ma for the former and 286.8 ± 4.9 Ma for the latter. Consequently, detachment‐related mylonitic shearing took place during the Early Permian and ended at ~288 Ma, but kinematically coherent brittle faulting continued. Considering 30° anticlockwise rotation of the Southern Alps since Early Permian, the extension direction of the Grassi Detachment Fault was originally ~N‐S. Even though a dextral continental wrench system has long been regarded as a viable model at regional scale, the local kinematic evidence is inconsistent with this and, rather, supports N‐S extensional tectonics. Based on a compilation of >200 U‐Pb zircon ages, we discuss the evolution and tectonic framework of Late Carboniferous to Permian magmatism in the Alps