9 research outputs found

    Classical and cubic Rashba effect in the presence of in-plane 4f magnetism at the iridium silicide surface of the antiferromagnet GdIr2Si2

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the two-dimensional electron states at the iridium-silicide surface of the antiferromagnet GdIr2Si2 above and below the Ned temperature. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) we find a significant spin-orbit splitting of the surface states in the paramagnetic phase. By means of ab initio density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations we establish that the surface electron states that reside in the projected band gap around the (M) over bar point exhibit very different spin structures which are governed by the conventional and the cubic Rashba effect. The latter is reflected in a triple spin winding, i.e., the surface electron spin reveals three complete rotations upon moving once around the constant energy contours. Below the Ned temperature, our ARPES measurements show an intricate photoemission intensity picture characteristic of a complex magnetic domain structure. The orientation of the domains, however, can be clarified from a comparative analysis of the ARPES data and their DFT modeling. To characterize a single magnetic domain picture, we resort to the calculations and scrutinize the interplay of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling field with the in-plane exchange field, provided by the ferromagnetically ordered 4f moments of the near-surface Gd layer

    Divalent EuRh2Si2 as a reference for the Luttinger theorem and antiferromagnetism in trivalent heavy-fermion YbRh2Si2

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    Application of the Luttinger theorem to the Kondo lattice YbRh2Si2 suggests that its large 4f-derived Fermi surface (FS) in the paramagnetic (PM) regime should be similar in shape and volume to that of the divalent local-moment antiferromagnet (AFM) EuRh2Si2 in its PM regime. Here we show by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy that paramagnetic EuRh2Si2 has a large FS essentially similar to the one seen in YbRh2Si2 down to 1 K. In EuRh2Si2 the onset of AFM order below 24.5 K induces an extensive fragmentation of the FS due to Brillouin zone folding, intersection and resulting hybridization of the Fermi-surface sheets. Our results on EuRh2Si2 indicate that the formation of the AFM state in YbRh2Si2 is very likely also connected with similar changes in the FS, which have to be taken into account in the controversial analysis and discussion of anomalies observed at the quantum critical point in this system

    Untersuchung der elektronischen Struktur quasi-zweidimensionaler Einlagerungsverbindungen

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    Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung ausgewählter niederdimensionaler Schichtgittersysteme, wobei das Hauptinteresse in der Erforschung der elektronischen Struktur im Zusammenhang mit Interkalationsexperimenten liegt. Einkristalline Graphit-, TiSe2- und TaSe2-Proben wurden vor und nach der Interkalation mit winkelaufgelöster Photoemission, Fermi- und Isoenergieflächenmessungen und Elektronenbeugung (LEED) analysiert. Als Interkalationsmaterialien wurden U, Eu, Gd und Cs verwendet. Die experimentellen Daten wurden mit Ergebnissen von LDA-LCAO-Bandstrukturrechnungen und Simulationen im Rahmen eines Single-Impurity-Anderson-Modells verglichen. Neben dem Einfluß unterschiedlicher Valenzelektronen der interkalierten Atome auf den Einlagerungsprozeß werden Fragen zum Lokalisierungsverhalten von 4f- und 5f-Zuständen und zu den Veränderungen in der Dimensionalität der Verbindungen durch die Einlagerung diskutiert. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit befaßt sich mit Untersuchungen zur temperaturabhängigen Ausbildung von Ladungsdichtewellen in 1T-TaSe2.Subject of the present thesis are investigations of selected low-dimensional layered lattice systems, with the principal goal to study the electronic structure in relation to intercalation experiments. Single-crystalline graphite-, TiSe2 - and TaSe2- samples were analyzed by angle-resolved photoemission, Fermi- and isoenergy-surface measurements, and low energy electron diffraction experiments before and after intercalation. U, Eu, Gd, and Cs were used as materials for the intercalation process. The experimental results were compared with theoretical LDA-LCAO band-structure calculations and with simulations in the framework of a single-impurity Anderson model. In addition to the influence of different numbers of valence electrons from intercalated atoms, questions concerning the localization of 4f and 5f states and changes in the dimensionality of the compounds due to the intercalation process are discussed. Investigations of the temperature dependent formation of charge density waves in 1T-TaSe2 complete this work

    Detecting the parity of electron wave functions in solids by quantum-well states of overlayers

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    We present an approach to monitor the parity of wave functions of electronic states of bulk solids, which was elaborated on the model Ag/W(110) system. The dispersion of quantum-well (QW) states formed in the thin Ag layer was examined by means of angle-resolved photoemission. The obtained experimental data were compared with results of layer Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker calculations. We found that around k points, where the two-dimensional QW bands cross the projected bulk bands of the W substrate of the same symmetry, broad hybridization gaps in the QW distributions are observed. Careful analysis based on a symmetry approach for the electronic bands in the Ag monolayer and the W substrate suggests that respective gaps may generally be taken as a fingerprint for the interaction with substrate states of even parity with respect to the emission plane. We anticipate that QW states may be used as a probe for symmetry properties of strongly correlated states in systems like heavy-fermion compounds that are difficult to access theoretically within an ab initio approach.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 463, TP B4 and TP B16.Peer reviewe

    Cationic PAMAM Dendrimers Aggressively Initiate Blood Clot Formation

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    Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers are increasingly studied as model nanoparticles for a variety of biomedical applications, notably in systemic administrations. However, with respect to blood-contacting applications, amine-terminated dendrimers have recently been shown to activate platelets and cause a fatal, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)-like condition in mice and rats. We here demonstrate that, upon addition to blood, cationic G7 PAMAM dendrimers induce fibrinogen aggregation, which may contribute to the <i>in vivo</i> DIC-like phenomenon. We demonstrate that amine-terminated dendrimers act directly on fibrinogen in a thrombin-independent manner to generate dense, high-molecular-weight fibrinogen aggregates with minimal fibrin fibril formation. In addition, we hypothesize this clot-like behavior is likely mediated by electrostatic interactions between the densely charged cationic dendrimer surface and negatively charged fibrinogen domains. Interestingly, cationic dendrimers also induced aggregation of albumin, suggesting that many negatively charged blood proteins may be affected by cationic dendrimers. To investigate this further, zebrafish embryos were employed to more specifically determine the speed of this phenomenon and the pathway- and dose-dependency of the resulting vascular occlusion phenotype. These novel findings show that G7 PAMAM dendrimers significantly and adversely impact many blood components to produce rapid coagulation and strongly suggest that these effects are independent of classic coagulation mechanisms. These results also strongly suggest the need to fully characterize amine-terminated PAMAM dendrimers in regard to their adverse effects on both coagulation and platelets, which may contribute to blood toxicity

    Le palmier à huile

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    La diversité génétique exploitée pour l'amélioration du palmier à huile repose sur un nombre relativement important de provenances d'origine géographique variée aux caractéristiques bien différenciées. Les principaux objectifs de sélection sont l'augmentation du potentiel de production d'huile, la résistance à la fusariose et la réduction de la vitesse de croissance du stipe. Deux méthodes de création végétale sont actuellement suivies : l'une, dérivée de la sélection récurrente réciproque, est utilisée par la plupart des centres de recherche africains. L'autre, fondée sur la sélection familiale et individuelle est mise en oeuvre en Malaisie. L'embryogenèse somatique semble également ouvrir des perspectives attrayante

    Interlayer Coupling of a Two-Dimensional Kondo Lattice with a Ferromagnetic Surface in the Antiferromagnet CeCo2P2

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    The f-driven temperature scales at the surfaces of strongly correlated materials have increasingly come into the focus of research efforts. Here, we unveil the emergence of a two-dimensional Ce Kondo lattice, which couples ferromagnetically to the ordered Co lattice below the P-terminated surface of the antiferromagnet CeCo2P2. In its bulk, Ce is passive and behaves tetravalently. However, because of symmetry breaking and an effective magnetic field caused by an uncompensated ferromagnetic Co layer, the Ce 4f states become partially occupied and spin-polarized near the surface. The momentum-resolved photoemission measurements indicate a strong admixture of the Ce 4f states to the itinerant bands near the Fermi level including surface states that are split by exchange interaction with Co. The temperature-dependent measurements reveal strong changes of the 4f intensity at the Fermi level in accordance with the Kondo scenario. Our findings show how rich and diverse the f-driven properties can be at the surface of materials without f-physics in the bulk

    Unexpected differences between surface and bulk spectroscopic and implied Kondo properties of heavy fermion CeRh2Si2

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    Ultra-violet angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (UV-ARPES) was used to explore the temperature dependence of the Ce-4f spectral responses for surface and bulk in the antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice CeRh2Si2. Spectra were taken from Ce- and Si-terminated surfaces in a wide temperature range, and reveal characteristic 4f patterns for weakly (surface) and strongly (bulk) hybridized Ce, respectively. The temperature dependence of the Fermi level peak differs strongly for both cases implying that the effective Kondo temperature at the surface and bulk can be rather distinct. The greatly reduced crystal–electric-field (CEF) splitting at the surface gives reason to believe that the surface may exhibit a larger effective Kondo temperature because of a higher local-moment effective degeneracy. Further, the hybridization processes could strongly affect the 4f peak intensity at the Fermi level. We derived the k-resolved dispersion of the Kondo peak which is also found to be distinct due to different sets of itinerant bands to which the 4f states of surface and bulk Ce are coupled. Overall our study brings into reach the ultimate goal of quantitatively testing many-body theories that link spectroscopy and transport properties, for both the bulk and the surface, separately. It also allows for a direct insight into the broader problem of Kondo lattices with two different local-moment sublattices, providing some understanding of why the cross-talking between the two Kondo effects is weak

    Spin orientation of two-dimensional electrons driven by temperature-tunable competition of spin-orbit and exchange-magnetic interactions

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    Finding ways to create and control the spin-dependent properties of two-dimensional electron states (2DESs) is a major challenge for the elaboration of novel spin-based devices. Spin–orbit and exchange–magnetic interactions (SOI and EMI) are two fundamental mechanisms that enable access to the tunability of spin-dependent properties of carriers. The silicon surface of HoRh2Si2 appears to be a unique model system, where concurrent SOI and EMI can be visualized and controlled by varying the temperature. The beauty and simplicity of this system lie in the 4f moments, which act as a multiple tuning instrument on the 2DESs, as the 4f projections parallel and perpendicular to the surface order at essentially different temperatures. Here we show that the SOI locks the spins of the 2DESs exclusively in the surface plane when the 4f moments are disordered: the Rashba-Bychkov effect. When the temperature is gradually lowered and the system experiences magnetic order, the rising EMI progressively competes with the SOI leading to a fundamental change in the spin-dependent properties of the 2DESs. The spins rotate and reorient toward the out-of-plane Ho 4f moments. Our findings show that the direction of the spins and the spin-splitting of the two-dimensional electrons at the surface can be manipulated in a controlled way by using only one parameter: the temperature.This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (Grant Nos. VY64/1-3, GE602/2-1, GRK1621, and SFB1143) as well as by Research Grant No. of Saint Petersburg State University. We acknowledge Diamond Light Source for beamtime on the beamline I05 under proposal SI11512. The authors acknowledge experimental support from the SIS beamline at Swiss Light Source. The support by the Tomsk State University Academic D.I. Mendeleev Fund Program in 2015 (research grant N, the University of the Basque Country (Grants Nos. GIC07IT36607 and Grant No. IT-756-13), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant Nos. FIS2013-48286-C02-02-P and FIS2013-48286-C02-01-P) is also acknowledged.Peer Reviewe