160 research outputs found

    Клінічні ознаки та патоморфологічні зміни у свиней за спонтанного охратоксикозу

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    The most dangerous natural contaminants of food are mycotoxins – low molecular weight secondary toxic metabolite prodacted by organisms of the fungus kingdom that suppress or toxicly affect other living organisms. Mycotoxins are a significant danger of ochratoxins, the main producers of which are Aspergillus ochraceus and Pennicilium viridicatum. The pigs are very sensitive to the effects of ochratoxins, under the influence of which the most pronounced changes develop in the organs of the urinary system, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, immune and nervous systems. The pigs are very sensitive to the effects of ochratoxin A, under the influence of which the most pronounced changes develop in the organs of the urinary system, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, immune and nervous systems. In the course of the research, complex diagnostics of spontaneous ochratoxicosis was performed, based on the anamnesis data of the results of clinical (including biochemical), pathoanatomical, mycological and chemical-toxicological studies. As a result of mycological and mycotoxicological research in feeds fed to sows revealed the producer of ochratoxins Aspergillus ochraceus. The content of ochratoxin A in feed fed to sows varied from 8.32 mg/kg to 85.72 mg/kg, and in the kidneys its concentration was 4.34–48.33 mg/kg. With ochratoxicosis, the most striking clinical symptoms (polyuria and polydipsia, accompanied by a significant increase of serum creatinine) indicate significant renal involvement, and a increase of serum activity of alanine aminotransferase levels indicates the development of necrocytic changes of the hepatocits. In a pathologoanatomical study in the gastrointestinal tract was detected acute catarrhal or catarrhal-hemorrhagic inflammation and and in 28.57% of sows the ulcers of the fundus zone of the mucous membrane of the stomach, the development of which was accompanied by massive hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract. It developed in the kidneys hyalinosis and sclerosis of the vascular plexus of the renal glomeruli developed, as well as hyaline-drip dystrophy, necrotic changes of nephrocytes, polymorphocellular infiltration of interstitium, which in 21.4% of sows was accompanied by the appearance of cystic in the kidneys. In the peripheral organs of the immune system, necrotic changes in the lymphoid elements were recorded. This indicates the immunosuppressive effect of ochratoxins, which also needs detailed study.Найнебезпечнішими природними забруднювачами кормів є мікотоксини – низькомолекулярні вторинні токсичні метаболіти плісеневих мікроскопічних грибів, що пригнічують або токсично впливають на інші живі організми. Серед мікотоксинів значну небезпеку становлять охратоксини, основними продуцентами яких є Aspergillus ochraceus та Pennicilium viridicatum. Свині є дуже чутливими до дії охраткосинів, за впливу яких найбільш виражені зміни розвиваються в органах сечової системи, а також в шлунково-кишковому тракті, печінці, імунній та нервовій системах. У процесі дослідження провели комплексну діагностику спонтанного охратоксикозу, що базувалась на даних анамнезу, результатах клінічних, патологоанатомічних, мікологічних та токсикологічних досліджень. Унаслідок проведеного мікологічного та мікотоксикологічного дослідження в кормах, що згодовували свиноматкам, виявили продуцент охратоксинів Aspergillus ochraceus. Вміст охратоксину А в кормах, коливався від 8,32 мг/кг до 85,72 мг/кг, а у нирках його концентрація становила 4,34–48,33 мг/кг. За охратоксикозу найбільш яскраві клінічні симптоми (поліурія та полідипсія, що супроводжувались достовірним зростанням рівня креатиніну та сечовини сироватки крові) вказують на значне ураження нирок, а достовірне зростання активності аланінамінотрансферази свідчить про розвиток некротичних змін гепатоцитів. Під час проведення патологоанатомічного дослідження встановлено розвиток гострого катарального або катарально-геморагічного гастриту та ентериту. У 28,57% свиноматок виявили виразки фундальної зони слизової оболонки шлунка, що супроводжувались кровотечею у просвіт шлунково-кишкового тракту. У печінці реєстрували жирову дистрофію та некрози гепатоцитів, проліферацію епітелію жовчних ходів, а також  гостру застійну гіперемію. У нирках розвивався гіаліноз та склероз судинного сплетіння ниркових клубочків, а також гіаліново-крапельна дистрофія, некротичні зміни нефроцитів, поліморфноклітинна інфільтрація інтерстицію, що у 21,4% свиноматок супроводжується появою в нирках кістозних порожнин. В периферичних органах імунної системи реєстрували некротичні зміни лімфоїдних елементів. Це свідчить про імунодепресивну дію охратоксинів. Зазначений аспект також потребує детального вивчення

    Layer-by-layer surface modification of poly(ether sulfone) membranes using polyelectrolytes and AgCl/TiO2 xerogels

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    In this study, the layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly method was employed to modify a commercial polyethersulfone (PES) membrane by successive adsorption of chitosan and alginate as cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes. To enhance anti-biofouling property, pure, PEG mixed and PEGylated AgCl/TiO2 xerogels were incorporated solely in the top layer of the LbL-modified membranes. Organic and biological foulings were addressed separately using alginate and Escherichia coli bacteria suspensions as the organic and biological model foulants, respectively. LbL-modifying the commercial PES membrane successively with chitosan and alginate polyelectrolyte multilayers prevented organic fouling extensively. In addition, we found that AgCl/TiO2-incorporated membranes show higher water permeability and improved resistance to biological fouling as compared to the PES membrane. Silver amounts in consecutively collected permeate samples were quantified by ICP-MS analysis to assess the stability of AgCl/TiO2-incorporated layers. Silver loss per filtration cycle followed an increasing trend initially, up to a filtration volume totaling 3000L/m2, leading to 4.2% reduction in the immobilized silver amount. After that, silver loss per filtration cycle stabilized at ~7.44μg/L, which extrapolates to ~265 days time-span for the remaining silver to be released at a filtration rate of ~1000L/m2 h. Antibacterial activity tests showed that AgCl/TiO2-incorporated layers do not permit bacterial growth on the membrane surface.European Union (246039

    The Vehicle, Spring 1980

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    Vol. 3, No. 2 Table of Contents White LanguageStarla Stensaaspage 4 The Grand Canyon at SunsetElisabeth Cristpage 5 WitheringSheila Kattypage 5 In Defense of the DandelionKathleen Alakspage 6 HaikuScott Fishelpage 7 Double SolitaireCathy Georgepage 8 AdolescenceNancy Douglaspage 9 Sunrises as SunsetsRobert Schumacherpage 9 War Is Not All HellChris Goerlichpage 11 Young SoldierRobert Swansonpage 11 Without Really Looking For ThemSheila Kattypage 12 JourneyJean Wallacepage 15 I Barely Remember the Poet/TeacherStarla Stensaaspage 16 To SearchKaren Buchananpage 17 Four-Hundred and Twenty-Four DaysAnnette Heinzpage 19 Killing CarpJerry McAnultypage 20 War of the WillsLaurel Anzelmopage 21 Life of a Sexual MetaphorChris Goerlichpage 23 Hazy Days in Mid-JulyKaren Buchananpage 24 August\u27s EndCynthia Rozminpage 24 Visiting GrandmotherRobert Swansonpage 26 UntitledNancy Van Cleavepage 27 The AlbinoDenise Davinroypage 27 This ChristmasRobert Schumacherpage 28 Burnt OfferingGinny Stroheckerpage 29 Long-term VacationDenise Davinroypage 29 Storm\u27s EveJeffrey Stousepage 30 Lovers: A Weaver in the StatesStarla Stensaaspage 31 Gitchegumme BeachScott Fishelpage 32 Dear Husband, What Do You Think?Katherine Adamspage 33 Cat\u27s Eve InnCynthia Rozminpage 34 BassScott Fishelpage 34 Fall Morning in the Okanagan ValleyJerry McAnultypage 35 MusicMary McDanielpage 36 AnticipationNancy Douglaspage 41 Don\u27t Let Your Bread LoafJohn Stockmanpage 41 The FieldElise Hempelpage 42 the g.a.Carla Vitezpage 42 Quality in Search of An AuthorRobert Schinaglpage 43 February 9thLisa Livingstonpage 44 By A Pond in SpringJohn Stockmanpage 46 Night SoundsJeffrey Stousepage 47 Art CoverKaren Dankovich PhotographCindy Hubbarttpage 3 PhotographScott Fishelpage 10 PhotographLisa Larsonpage 18 EtchingKaren Dankovichpage 25 PhotographScott Fishelpage 30 PhotographScott Fishelpage 40 PhotographCindy Hubbarttpage 45 PhotographCindy Hubbarttpage 48https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1037/thumbnail.jp

    The Vehicle, Spring 1980

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    Vol. 3, No. 2 Table of Contents White LanguageStarla Stensaaspage 4 The Grand Canyon at SunsetElisabeth Cristpage 5 WitheringSheila Kattypage 5 In Defense of the DandelionKathleen Alakspage 6 HaikuScott Fishelpage 7 Double SolitaireCathy Georgepage 8 AdolescenceNancy Douglaspage 9 Sunrises as SunsetsRobert Schumacherpage 9 War Is Not All HellChris Goerlichpage 11 Young SoldierRobert Swansonpage 11 Without Really Looking For ThemSheila Kattypage 12 JourneyJean Wallacepage 15 I Barely Remember the Poet/TeacherStarla Stensaaspage 16 To SearchKaren Buchananpage 17 Four-Hundred and Twenty-Four DaysAnnette Heinzpage 19 Killing CarpJerry McAnultypage 20 War of the WillsLaurel Anzelmopage 21 Life of a Sexual MetaphorChris Goerlichpage 23 Hazy Days in Mid-JulyKaren Buchananpage 24 August\u27s EndCynthia Rozminpage 24 Visiting GrandmotherRobert Swansonpage 26 UntitledNancy Van Cleavepage 27 The AlbinoDenise Davinroypage 27 This ChristmasRobert Schumacherpage 28 Burnt OfferingGinny Stroheckerpage 29 Long-term VacationDenise Davinroypage 29 Storm\u27s EveJeffrey Stousepage 30 Lovers: A Weaver in the StatesStarla Stensaaspage 31 Gitchegumme BeachScott Fishelpage 32 Dear Husband, What Do You Think?Katherine Adamspage 33 Cat\u27s Eve InnCynthia Rozminpage 34 BassScott Fishelpage 34 Fall Morning in the Okanagan ValleyJerry McAnultypage 35 MusicMary McDanielpage 36 AnticipationNancy Douglaspage 41 Don\u27t Let Your Bread LoafJohn Stockmanpage 41 The FieldElise Hempelpage 42 the g.a.Carla Vitezpage 42 Quality in Search of An AuthorRobert Schinaglpage 43 February 9thLisa Livingstonpage 44 By A Pond in SpringJohn Stockmanpage 46 Night SoundsJeffrey Stousepage 47 Art CoverKaren Dankovich PhotographCindy Hubbarttpage 3 PhotographScott Fishelpage 10 PhotographLisa Larsonpage 18 EtchingKaren Dankovichpage 25 PhotographScott Fishelpage 30 PhotographScott Fishelpage 40 PhotographCindy Hubbarttpage 45 PhotographCindy Hubbarttpage 48https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Recycling as a mechanism for extracellular matrix remodeling at the synapse

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    In the adult brain, the extracellular matrix (ECM) forms lattices that sheath neurons and synapses. The exceptional longevity of ECM molecules lends these lattices a unique durability, and as such, they are deemed to stabilize neural circuits and restrict their plasticity. At the same time, the adult ECM retains the ability to be occasionally remodeled, in order to allow neural circuits to be altered throughout adulthood. According to the dominant paradigm in the current literature, this remodeling occurs through the transient release of proteolytic enzymes to cleave the ECM near synapses, followed by the secretion of newly-synthesized molecules that embed into the ECM, thereby resulting in ECM changes that fit this structure to the needs of synaptic plasticity. A problem arises when considering that structural changes to synapses in vivo are surprisingly frequent (on a timescale of minutes to hours). Supporting such frequent remodeling through de novo synthesis of ECM molecules would be costly for the cell in metabolic terms. Importantly, such a view is not in line with the measured lifetimes of these molecules, of weeks to months. How, then, can the cell sustain a continual remodeling of the ECM at synapses? In this thesis, I propose the existence of an additional mechanism, whereby the ECM can be continually remodeled through a recycling of its components. This mechanism lends the ECM the flexibility that is necessary for frequent synaptic changes. I expect that such a mechanism would operate constitutively, but would also be intimately linked to synaptic activity. In Chapter 1, I summarize the existing knowledge on the configuration and function of the ECM in the adult brain, and discuss the potential interactions of ECM molecules with the pre- and postsynaptic machinery. After a brief discussion of the dominant paradigm for ECM remodeling through proteolytic cleavage, I present the body of literature to support the hypothesis of ECM recycling at synapses. Accordingly, I conclude that ECM molecules can be secreted in an activity-dependent manner from both the pre- and postsynaptic compartments. By contrast, I hypothesize that the locus of ECM entry into the recycling route is restricted to the postsynaptic side, where there is a considerably greater presence of local trafficking machinery. I remark, however, that it has not yet been established whether (and how) the presence of this local machinery is related to synaptic activity.  In Chapter 2, I present a collaborative project that endeavored to bridge the knowledge gap described in Chapter 1, and establish a link between the amounts of postsynaptic trafficking machinery and local synaptic activity. This was accomplished through the use of super-resolution microscopy and automated quantitative image analysis to successfully correlate the local distribution and abundance of several postsynaptic trafficking elements to local synaptic activity.  In Chapter 3, I present the primary investigation of this thesis, which directly tests the hypothesis of ECM recycling at synapses, using the glycoprotein TNR as an archetype. Here, we used an array of imaging assays, including super-resolution fluorescence imaging and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry, to test the hypothesis that TNR molecules undergo continual recycling. We demonstrated the existence of a pool of mobile TNR molecules that are enriched at synapses, and cycle in and out of the perisynaptic ECM via a surprisingly long route (lasting approximately three days). Further investigation revealed that these molecules are trafficked as far as the Golgi apparatus in the neuronal soma, where they presumably undergo a re-glycosylation, and are then trafficked to synapses once again. Finally, we established a link between synaptic activity and the extent of TNR recycling. Lastly, in Chapter 4, I discuss the primary conclusions of this thesis, as well as existing caveats and outstanding unanswered questions. I present possible experiments that could address these in the future, and discuss new areas of research that warrant further investigation.    2022-09-1