1,113 research outputs found

    Relationship between research and practice: a qualitative study with Portuguese social workers

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    This paper focuses on the relationship between research and practice insocial work, particularly in the understanding the motivations and the placeassigned by the social workers on this relationship. The main study shaftsare: 1) constraints to investigate in daily work; 2) potentialities of such research; 3) motivations to research.In this exploratory study we opted for qualitative methodology. Data collection was conducted in 2011, with the application of semi-structuredinterviews to eleven Portuguese social workers with BSW and MSW in SocialWork and a minimum of three years of practice.All interviewed social workers consider that research is one of the dimensions of Social Work, but the relationship established between researchand practice was covered from different nuances, from those who claim toestablish this relationship to those that punctually did (on the MSW).Social workers pointed out more the constraints (i.e. paucity of time in dailywork) than the potentialities of relationship between research and practice,but the potentiality repeatedly enunciated from all of interviewers is the key:improve practice. Improving practice, its the main reason and motivationthat led the social workers to do research, but they highlight that it is necessary create a set of conditions that allow and encourage professionals to doitq, particularly in organizations where they work.The interviewees pointed out reasons to explain the lack relationship between research and practice: 1) historical reasons; 2) the separation betweenscientists and practitioners; 3) small practitioner investment in postgraduate training, particularly in social work in order to contribute to increasedknowledge in this area; 4) lack of critical thinking; 5) focus in daily work; 6)routinized practice.It is fundamental in Portugal a higher investment in the discussion of the relationship between research and practice that includes more research aboutthis theme, and an evaluation about the integration of research and practice in social work education. This preoccupation in the training was refer inthe interviews like a key element in encouraging an effective relationshipbetween research and practice, and this requires: 1) investing in postgraduate studies in Social Work; 2) encourage the importance of research inSocial Work (since the BSW); 3) create or promote an investigative culture instudents/practitioners; 4) break with the dichotomy between practitionersand academics; 5) bring together the academic and professional spaces(organizations).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Duo-Femmes: une expérience d’intégration sociale de femmes migrantes dans le Chablais

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    La migration est un phénomène important de notre société. L’intégration des personnes migrantes dans le pays d’accueil est devenue une préoccupation et un enjeu majeur. Il devient nécessaire de décrire la migration spécifique des femmes qui a été largement ignorée par les travaux de recherches jusque dans les années 80 (Morokvasic, 2008). Longtemps, on prit en compte la migration des femmes uniquement dans le contexte du regroupement familial, ce qui laisse supposer que les hommes migraient pour des raisons essentiellement économiques et les femmes non-économiques (Gay, 2011). Aujourd’hui, la migration des femmes est en train de devenir un sujet d’actualité. En effet, de nouvelles recherches ont été menées et de nombreux programmes sont mis sur pied afin de tenter de favoriser leur intégration. Le présent travail de recherche traite des facteurs favorisant l’intégration des femmes migrantes dans la société d’accueil, plus précisément appréhendé sous le prisme du projet Duo-Femmes. Celui-ci est porté par Agoris et a été développé en collaboration avec plusieurs communes du Chablais. Il s’agit d’un mentorat qui met en tandem une femme migrante souhaitant améliorer son intégration dans la commune avec une femme autochtone disposée à s’ouvrir à d’autres cultures. La professionnelle qui coordonne le projet offre un soutien et un encadrement tout au long du parcours en proposant des soirées de formation, des consultations individuelles ainsi qu’une écoute et un suivi. Ce travail propose un état des lieux des différentes recherches en lien avec la migration et l’intégration des femmes en Suisse, puis aborde plus spécifiquement le cadre conceptuel lié à Duo-femmes. Par ailleurs, il le décrit de son élaboration à son évaluation. Ce projet pilote a débuté en avril 2013 et s’est terminé en janvier 2014

    A intervenção dos terapeutas da fala na área oncológica

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    Com este artigo pretendemos dar ênfase a novas áreas de intervenção dos Terapeutas da Fala, que estão muito para além das tradicionalmente atribuídas a estes profissionais, decorrentes de diversas intervenções cirúrgicas em indivíduos portadores de tumores naso-sinusais e oro-faringo-laríngeos, procurando ao mesmo tempo demonstrar que esta poderá ser mais uma área a explorar por estes profissionais, ao mesmo tempo que se deverá orientar e dirigir o estudo destes na fase formativa. With this article we aim to emphasize the Speech Therapists’ new intervention areas, which are far beyond the ones traditionally attributed to these professionals, deriving not only from various surgical interventions on individuals with naso-sinusal and oro-pharyngo-laryngeal tumours, seeking simultaneously to demonstrate that this may be another area to explore by these professionals, at the same time that we should orient and direct their studies during the training phase

    Satisfaction with Life: Mediating Role in the Relationship between Depressive Symptoms and Coping Mechanisms

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the mediating role of life satisfaction in the relationship between fourteen coping strategies and depressive symptoms in the Portuguese population. To undertake this work, 313 Portuguese adults aged 18 to 70 years (M = 30.73; SD = 10.79) were invited to participate in this study. Their participation was completely voluntary, and participants granted and signed informed consent previously to the filling of the validated Portuguese questionnaires. These questionnaires measured depressive symptoms, coping, and life satisfaction. The results revealed that life satisfaction displayed a mediating role in the relationship between adaptive coping mechanisms, specifically between active coping, planning, reinterpretation, and acceptance and depressive symptoms, showing a negative and significant indirect effect. Maladaptive coping mechanisms of self-blame, denial, self-distraction, disengagement, and substance use had a significant positive association with depressive symptoms, considering the mediating role of satisfaction with life. Current investigation provides initial evidence of how each coping mechanism is associated with satisfaction with life and depressive symptoms. This study clearly demonstrates that not all coping strategies are capable of influencing well-being indicators and that health professionals should focus on endorsing those that are significantly associated with lowering depressive symptoms and increasing overall satisfaction with lifeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The paper discusses the opportunities for the use of mediation in cartel damages claims in Brazil. For this, the paper discusses the growth of the private mediation market in Brazil as well as the art of choosing a consensual dispute resolution method and why mediation would be a suitable method in cartel damage cases. It than discusses cases in which cartel damages claims were filed in Brazil that could have benefited from mediation. Finally, it also discusses a global Dispute System Design case involving cartel damages claims (the Parker ITR case related to the marine hose cartel) and provides a forward looking view on private mediation in Brazil in cartel damages claims.Article信州大学経法論集 5(ブラジル・日本国際セミナー特集号) : 159-178(2019)departmental bulletin pape

    Discriminação, estigma e AIDS: revisão da produção acadêmica nacional (2005-2010)

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    Given the implications of stigma for HIV/AIDS prevention and control of the epidemic, as emphasized by UNAIDS, this study analyzes the Brazilian academic production on health, AIDS, stigma, and discrimination, available in the SciELO database from 2005 to 2010. Brazilian research on the theme is modest as compared to the international literature, but the studies follow the same trend of focusing on individual experiences of discrimination as opposed to analysis of stigma and discrimination as social processes associated with power relations and domination (macro-social structures) and the characteristics of individuals and social groups that shape social interactions. The current study seeks to analyze the reasons for the scarcity of studies on the social perspective towards stigma and discrimination in the field of public health and the implications for the development of proposals to deal with HIV/AIDS-related discrimination.Frente às implicações do estigma para a prevenção e o controle da epidemia de HIV/AIDS, destacada pela UNAIDS, este trabalho analisa a produção acadêmica nacional sobre saúde, AIDS, estigma e discriminação, disponível no SciELO, de 2005 a 2010. Constatou-se que a literatura sobre o tema não é expressiva, quando comparada à literatura internacional; no entanto, os trabalhos seguem a mesma tendência de privilegiar as experiências individuais de discriminação, em detrimento da análise do estigma e da discriminação como processos sociais, associados às relações de poder e dominação (estruturas macrossociais), assim como às características dos indivíduos e grupos sociais que conformam as interações sociais. O trabalho busca analisar as razões para a escassez de estudos sobre a perspectiva social do estigma e da discriminação no campo da saúde pública, e suas implicações para o desenvolvimento de propostas de enfrentamento da discriminação associada ao HIV/AIDS.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Instituto Oswaldo CruzUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Faculdade de MedicinaUNIFESPSciEL

    New social movements in media: marginal or marginalized narratives? The view of young people

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    New social movements emerge in Portugal as relevant actors in democratic decision-making processes. As more democratic, young and urban, new social move-ments engage in a relevant change in the processes of negotiation (Santos 2008, 2001; Schemmeling 2009; Swyngedouw 2010; Touraine 2002, 1994), publicizing marginal claims and minority flags (Guerra 2006; Henriques 2007; Picolotto 2007; Alonso 2009). So, this article aims to discover: “How to define today’s narratives of the New Social Movements in Portuguese media, in the view of young people?”. The meth-odological resources used are documentary research and inquiry to a nonprobabilistic sample survey by voluntary system.The most significant results found about new activism are: a) journalistic pieces are evaluated, by youth, as partial, superficial and controversial; b) the respondents as-sociate some advantages to the new activism: flexibility, new technologies, and the per-ception of helping the world; c) and, finally, the respondents associate disadvantages to the new activism: extremism, violence, controversy.Os novos movimentos sociais surgem em Portugal como atores relevantes nos processos democráticos de tomada de decisão. À medida que se tornam cada vez mais democráticos, jovens e urbanos, os novos movimentos sociais operam uma não menos importante mudança nos processos de negociação coletiva (Santos 2008, 2001; Schemmeling 2009; Swyngedouw 2010; Touraine 2002, 1994), divulgando, não raro, reivindicações marginais e bandeiras minoritárias (Guerra 2006; Henriques 2007; Picolotto 2007; Alonso 2009). Nesse contexto, visa o presente artigo responder à questão de partida que aqui se propõe: “Como se definem, nos media portugueses, as narrativas dos Novos Movimentos Sociais, na perspetiva dos mais jovens?”. Os recursos metodológicos utilizados neste trabalho são a pesquisa documental e o inquérito via questionário, administrado a uma amostra não-probabilística por sistema de voluntariado. Os resultados preliminares do estudo apontam para o facto de: a) as peças jornalísticas serem avaliadas, pelos jovens, como parciais, superficiais e controversas; b) os inquiridos associarem algumas vantagens ao novo ativismo, como a flexibilidade, a associação às novas tecnologias, e a perceção altruísta do novo ativismo; c) e, finalmente, os inquiridos associarem também desvantagens inequívocas aos novos movimentos sociais, a saber, o extremismo, a violência, e a controvérsia