126 research outputs found

    Projeto de uma unidade de produção de chamuças doces com recheio de maçã e mel.

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    O presente trabalho visa apresentar, de forma simples, um estudo de natureza académica efetuado com vista à tentativa de implementação de uma unidade industrial de produção de chamuças doces. O trabalho foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Equipamentos e Instalações e Industriais do curso de Engenharia Alimentar da Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu. Os objetivos do trabalho incluem a descrição do processo produtivo e cálculos de projeto, nomeadamente no que respeita a balanços mássicos; a caracterização da empresa e recursos humanos; breves considerações sobre o mercado alvo e uma resumida análise SWOT; projeto da linha de produção, que inclui layout e equipamentos; considerações relativas aos efluentes gerados no processo; e, por fim, uma análise ligeira de viabilidade económica

    COVID-19 pandemic and its psychological impact among healthy Portuguese and Spanish nursing students

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    Few studies have explored the impacts of COVID-19 and lockdown on the mental health of undergraduate nursing students. This study aimed: a) to explore perceived stress among undergraduate nursing students in Portugal and Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak; and b) to analyze several COVID-19 related factors and psychological issues that may be associated with perceived stress. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a convenience sample of Portuguese and Spanish undergraduate nursing students (n=1075). The data gathered included demographic information, questions about COVID-19 related factors, and psychological issues. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression with a degree of significance at p<0.05. High perceived stress scores were found in 558 participants (51.9%). Students with high perceived stress most likely had a COVID-19 diagnosis in their household; their household income had been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; experienced difficulty falling asleep or sleeping all night; consumed junk food in excess; neglected their appearance; felt headaches, stomach aches, and back pain; and lacked the patience or desire to exercise. Additionally, high perceived stress was negatively associated with life satisfaction. The results provide evidence that infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, may significantly influence mental health. Further research should explore the long-term psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic among nursing students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustainable integration of biofuel generation and domestic wastewater treatment by chlorella vulgaris: Integração sustentável da geração de biocombustíveis e do tratamento de águas residuais domésticas pela chlorella vulgaris

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    The production of microalgae biofuels has become promising because it is a renewable, non-polluting and non-competitive source such as food growing areas. This work has the objective of using the effluents generated by the Lorena Engineering School - EEL / USP as a growth medium for microalgae of the Chlorella vulgaris species, aiming at lipid production and treatment of effluents. The laps were completed in photobioreactor with effluent from the collection on alternate days. C. vulgaris showed good adaptation to the effluent, reaching a cell density of 1.92x107 cells.mL-1 and a dry biomass concentration of 1.74 g.L-1. The lipid content per gram of biomass was 0.095 to 0.164 mg.g-1. Concomitantly, between 54% and 78.74% of nitrate was dismissed and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) fell between 17.73% and 36.13%. With the results of statistical analysis (ANOVA and Tukey's test). Although lipid has been lower, the success of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris in this sense must have been similar to that of the same

    Evaluation of MOD16 algorithm over irrigated rice paddy using flux tower measurements in Southern Brazil

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important component of the hydrological cycle. Understanding the ET process has become of fundamental importance given the scenario of global change and increasing water use, especially in the agricultural sector. Determining ET over large agricultural areas is a limiting factor due to observational data availability. In this regard, remote sensing data has been used to estimate ET. In this study, we evaluated the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface ET product estimates (hereafter MOD16 ET - MODIS Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Product) over two rice paddy areas in Southern Brazil, through the ET measured using the eddy covariance technique (hereafter EC). The energy balance components were evaluated during fallow and flooded seasons showing latent heat flux dominates in both seasons. The results showed that MOD16 ET underestimated EC measurements. Overall, the RMSE (root mean square error) ranged between 13.40 and 16.35 mm 8-day-1 and percent bias (PBIAS) ranged between -33.7% and -38.7%. We also assessed the ET (measured and estimated) main drivers, with EC yielding higher correlation against observed net radiation (Rn) and global radiation (Rg), followed by air temperature (Temp) and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), whilst MOD16 ET estimates yielded higher correlation against leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR). The MOD16 algorithm was forced with meteorological measurements but the results did not improve as expected, suggesting a low sensitivity to meteorological inputs. Our results indicated when a water layer was present over the soil surface without vegetation (LAI around zero), the largest differences between EC measurements and MOD16 ET were found. In this period, the expected domain of soil evaporation was not observed in MOD16 ET physical processes partition, indicating the algorithm was not able to detect areas with high soil moisture. In general, the MOD16 ET product presented low accuracy when compared against experimental measurements over flooded rice paddy, suggesting more studies are necessary, in order to reduce uncertainties associated to the land cover conditions

    Impacto da segunda e terceira etapas do método canguru: do nascimento ao sexto mês

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    Objetivos: Avaliar se o Método Canguru tem impacto nas taxas de aleitamento materno exclusivo, peso, tempo de internação e taxas de reinternação. Método: Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva, que incluiu recém-nascidos pré-termo de muito baixo peso ao nascer, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos: GCCo – composto por aqueles assistidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intermediários Neonatal Convencionais; GCCa – composto por aqueles que foram assistidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intermediários Neonatal Canguru. Resultados: O grupo GCCa apresentou resultados superiores nas taxas de aleitamento materno exclusivo, no momento da alta hospitalar, primeira consulta ambulatorial, quarto mês de idade gestacional corrigida, além de menores taxas de reinternação. Conclusão: As segunda e terceira etapas do Método Canguru favoreceram a prática e manutenção do aleitamento materno exclusivo, além de apresentarem menores taxas de reinternação até o sexto mês de idade gestacional corrigida

    Avaliação da atividade antibacteriana do óleo da microalga Chlorella minutissima como alternativa para o tratamento de dermatite atópica / Evaluation of antibacterial activity of Chlorella minutissima microalgae oil as an alternative for the treatment of atopic dermatitis

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    A dermatite atópica é uma doença inflamatória da pele que pode ter caráter crônico e recidivante. A infecção por Staphylococcus aureus é a causa mais comum da doença devido à produção de toxinas por esta bactéria. O uso de antibióticos está aumentando ao longo dos anos, e seu uso indiscriminado está ligado a resistência bacteriana. Portanto, o desenvolvimento de alternativas eficazes à prática do uso de antibióticos é essencial para o controle de infecções. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi cultivar a microalga Chlorella minutissima sob regime batelada, avaliar a produção de clorofila e a atividade antimicrobiana do óleo microalgal sobre o microrganismo S. aureus. A microalga foi cultivada durante 33 dias sob luminosidade e aeração constantes, com temperatura variando entre 21°C e 33°C. No final deste período, o cultivo foi floculado e filtrado a vácuo para obtenção da biomassa seca. O óleo foi obtido pelo método de extração a quente e sua atividade antimicrobiana contra a bactéria Staphylococcus aureus foi avaliada. Como resultado, a microalga apresentou crescimento durante os primeiros 15 dias de cultivo, quando entrou em fase estacionária; porém, alcançou maior produção de clorofila no 18° dia de cultivo. O óleo e os extrativos obtidos a partir da microalga apresentaram efeito positivo na inibição do crescimento do Staphylococcus aureus. Sendo assim, embora sejam necessários estudos aprofundados, os resultados sugerem que os bioprodutos extraídos a partir da microalga Chlorella minutissima são promissores para o tratamento de dermatite atópica

    A hybrid bi-objective optimization approach for joint determination of safety stock and safety time buffers in multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains

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    In material requirements planning (MRP) systems, safety stock and safety time are two well-known inventory buffering strategies to protect against supply and demand uncertainties. While the role of safety stocks in coping with uncertainty is well studied, safety time has received only scarce attention in the supply chain management literature. Particularly, most previous operations research models have typically considered the use of such inventory buffers in a separate fashion, but not together. Here, we propose a decision support system (DSS) to address the problem of integrating optimal safety stock and safety time decisions at the component level, in multi-supplier multi-item single-stage industrial supply chains under dynamic demands and stochastic lead times. The DSS is based on a hybrid bi-objective optimization approach that simultaneously optimizes upstream inventory holding costs and β-service levels, suggesting multiple non-dominated Pareto-optimal solutions to decision-makers. We further explore a weighted closed-form analytical expression to select a single Pareto-optimal point from a set of non-dominated solutions, thereby enhancing the practical application of the proposed DSS. We describe the implementation of our approach in a major automotive electronics company operating under a myriad of components with dynamic demand, uncertain supply and requirements plans with different degrees of sparsity. We show the potential of our approach to improve β-service levels while minimizing inventory-related costs. The results suggest that, in certain cases, it appears to be more cost-effective to combine safety stock with safety time compared to considering each inventory buffer independently.This work has been supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Pro-gram (COMPETE 2020) [Project No. 39479, Funding reference: POCI-01–0247-FEDER-39479]

    Anti-inflammatory and healing action of oral gel containing borneol monoterpene in chemotherapy-induced mucositis in rats ( Rattus norvegicus )

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gels containing the monoterpene borneol in induced oral mucositis using an animal model. Gels were prepared with borneol at 1.2% and 2.4% (w/w). Oral mucositis was induced by administration of three doses of 5-fluorouracil (30 mg/kg, i.p.) and injury with acetic acid (50%, v/v) soaked in filter paper applied to right cheek mucosa for 60s. Four subgroups comprising 12 animals each were formed. Six animals from each group were sacrificed at days seven and fourteen after oral mucositis induction. Mucous samples were processed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson’s Trichrome. The semiquantitative evaluation involved observation of inflammatory parameters. ImageJ® software was used in the quantitative evaluation. For statistical analyses, Two-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s post-test (

    Aplicação de Bandagem Elástica Funcional nos músculos expiratórios de portadores de Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica

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    Objetivo: verificar o efeito da Bandagem Elástica Funcional (BEF) aplicada nos músculos expiratórios (reto abdominal e oblíquo externo) sobre o pico de fluxo expiratório de portadores de Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DPOC). Método: estudo quase-experimental, amostragem de conveniência, avaliou dois grupos: grupo bandagem elástica funcional (GBEF) e grupo controle (GC) pelas variáveis clínicas: nível de dispneia pela escala Medical Research Council; pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE) em três momentos (antes, imediatamente após e 5 dias após a aplicação da BEF). Resultados: o PFE, após aplicação da BEF, não apresentou diferença significativa na comparação com o GC. No grupo GBEF, logo após a aplicação da BEF, houve melhora do PFE, porém este decai na 3ª medida. Observou-se melhora clínica da dispneia nos diferentes momentos de análise do pico de fluxo expiratório. Considerações finais: a aplicação da BEF nos músculos expiratórios reto abdominal e oblíquo externo exerceu efeito positivo sobre o PFE dos portadores de DPOC com idade menos avançada, menor grau de obstrução de vias aéreas, eutróficos e em estadiamento avançado da doença
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