922 research outputs found

    Oxygen depletion affects kinematics and shoaling cohesion of cyprinid fish

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    CommunicationNumerous anthropogenic stressors impact rivers worldwide. Hypoxia, resulting from organic waste releases and eutrophication, occurs very commonly in Mediterranean rivers. Nonetheless, little is known about the effects of deoxygenation on the behavior of Mediterranean freshwater fish. To fill this knowledge gap, we assessed the impact of three different dissolved oxygen levels (normoxia, 48.4%, 16.5% saturation) on kinematics indicators (swimming velocity, acceleration, distance traveled) and shoaling cohesion of adult Iberian barbel, Luciobarbus bocagei, a widespread cyprinid species inhabiting a broad range of lotic and lentic habitats. We conducted flume experiments and video-tracked individual swimming movements of shoals of five fish. Our results reveal significant differences between the treatments regarding kinematics. Swimming velocity, acceleration, and total distance traveled decreased stepwise from the control to each of the two oxygen depletion treatments, whereby the difference between the control and both depletion levels was significant, respectively, but not between the depletion levels themselves. Shoaling cohesion showed dissimilarities between the treatments regarding the maximum distance between fish, as the high depletion treatment differed from each of the other two, indicating that under severe oxygen depletion some individuals move away from the shoal. Overall, our results show how oxygen depletion changes fish behavior, which may entail ecological responses, highlighting the need to maintain an unfragmented river network to ensure movement dispersal among habitats, thus providing conditions for species escapement from hypoxiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dabigatran for Stroke Prevention in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: Answers to Challenging “Real-World” Questions

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    Dabigatran etexilate is a novel, oral, reversible, direct thrombin inhibitor that constitutes a major breakthrough for stroke prevention in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF). Dabigatran was the first new oral anticoagulant approved in Europe and became available in Portugal, for stroke prevention in nonvalvular AF, earlier than in most European countries. This paper is the joint effort of a panel of experts from different specialties and provides information on the use of dabigatran, in anticipation of the challenges that will come with increased usage

    Controlling for non-controllable factors : a case-study at Rubi Engenharia company on reduction of negative effects

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    Esta pesquisa eminentemente qualitativa, discute os aspectos relacionados aos fatores não-controláveis pela organização. Elaborada na forma de estudo de caso junto a Rubi Engenharia, empresa de porte médio com atuação no Rio de Janeiro, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo responder o seguinte problema: De que forma a empresa administra o seu negócio em prol da redução dos efeitos negativos dos fatores não-controláveis? Constatou-se que na empresa estudada os itens não-controláveis estão relacionados a mão-de-obra, a demanda de matéria-prima, a preferência do cliente, ao preço do produto, a eventos da natureza, a tumultos e greves e a interdependência. Os achados mais relevantes é que apesar da não-controlabilidade de tais itens, ações são tomadas ex-ante com intuito de minimizar o impacto negativo de tais acontecimentos. No entanto, a empresa toma decisões ex-post, porém em menor escala, corroborando assim com a ideia de Merchant e Van Der Stede, onde as medidas encontradas para minimizar os custos desses efeitos não-controláveis são através do planejamento, treinamento, estudo de viabilidade e de mercado ainda que isso não garanta uma precisão no controle dos resultados visto a gama de variáveis externas. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis eminently qualitative research, discusses aspects related to factors uncontrollable by the organization. Prepared in the form of case study with the Ruby Engineering, medium-sized company with operations in Rio de Janeiro, this research aims to answer the following question: In what way the company manages its business in favor of reducing the negative effects of uncontrollable factors? It was found that the company studied non-controllable items are related to hand labor, the demand for raw materials, customer preference, the price of the product, the events of nature, riots, strikes and interdependence. The most important findings is that despite the non-controllability of such items, actions are taken ex-ante in order to minimize the negative impact of such events. However, the company makes decisions ex post, but on a smaller scale, thus corroborating the idea of Merchant and Van der Stede, where the measures found to minimize the effects of these costs are non-controllable through planning, training, study feasibility and market although this does not guarantee accuracy of the results seen in the control range of external variables

    Tratamento endovascular de aneurismas saculares isolados da aorta abdominal e da artéria ilíaca – caso clínico

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    ResumoOs autores apresentam um caso clínico de um doente do sexo masculino, de 72 anos, que apresentava 2 aneurismas abdominais saculares isolados: um aneurisma da artéria ilíaca comum esquerda de 3cm que envolvia a bifurcação ilíaca, corrigido por via endovascular através de embolização com diversos coils da artéria ilíaca interna ipsilateral com a subsequente colocação de uma extensão ilíaca de endoprótese Endurant II (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, EUA), e um aneurisma da aorta abdominal de 3,8cm, corrigido com a colocação de uma endoprótese tubular Endurant II.É realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre o nível de evidência do tratamento de aneurismas saculares e das possíveis complicações decorrentes da exclusão de aneurismas da artéria ilíaca, principalmente no diz respeito à embolização da artéria ilíaca interna.AbstractThe authors present a case report of 72 years‐old male patient, who had two isolated saccular abdominal aneurysms, one aneurysm of the left common iliac artery of 3cm of diameter involving the iliac bifurcation, corrected by endovascular embolization with multiple coils of the ipsilateral internal iliac artery with subsequent placement of a iliac extension of an Endurant II stent‐graft (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, Minn) and an abdominal aortic aneurysm of 3.8cm, managed by the placement of an Endurant II tubular stent‐graft.A literature review is performed on the level of evidence of the treatment of saccular aneurysms and made reference of the possible complications resulting from the exclusion of iliac artery aneurysms, especially in relation to the internal iliac artery embolization

    Nonlinear dynamic analysis for safety assessment of heritage buildings: Church of Santa Maria de Bélem

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    Despite the remarkable longevity of heritage constructions, they typically present several structural fragilities inherent to their own material and constructive features. This fact is particularly relevant when seismic loads are concerned, because a very significant portion of such constructions lack adequate seismic resistance and require retrofitting interventions in order to mitigate their vulnerability. However, to guarantee the success of the interventions, the interventions should be carefully selected based on a full understanding of the dynamic response of the building and, particularly, its most vulnerable structural elements. Due to many reasons, the issues associated with this kind of analysis are still difficult to address; therefore, research on this subject should be encouraged. Taking this into account, the church of Santa Maria de Belem, one of the most emblematic buildings of the monastery of Jeronimos complex in Lisbon, is used in this work as a case study to discuss the nonlinear dynamic response of cultural heritage buildings. The nonlinear dynamic behavior of the church was numerically simulated with a three-dimensional (3D) model using artificially generated seismic acceleration time histories, in agreement with seismic hazard scenarios for return periods of 475, 975, and 5,000 years. The dynamic response of the church is discussed and a comparison against results derived from a pushover analysis is also presented. Finally, a modal analysis is presented, estimating the damage level that would be present in the church after the occurrence of such seismic scenarios.This work was partly financed by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds through the Operational Programme Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE) and by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the scope of project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633. The authors are also grateful to three anonymous reviewers whose comments significantly improved the clarity of the paper

    A "nova onda" dos audiolivros: os recursos dos audiodramas aplicados à experiência da leitura-pela-escuta

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    This paper addresses the production of audiobooks in the contemporary media ecosystem. It is shown that a renewed interest in Reading-by-listening results from the same phenomenon that supports the growth of podcast consumption and the emergency of a new listening experience: mediatization. Thus, a discussion takes place based on bibliography on sound language and vocal performance, to demonstrate whether it is possible to lend audiobooks some native characteristics of audiodramas from radio and podcasts. Such knowledge is applied to the analysis of an audiobook from Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, Desta terra nada vai sobrar, a não ser o vento que sopra sobre ela, concluding that some literary works may benefit from such audio resources to a better listener’s experience.O artigo aborda a produção de audiolivros no ecossistema midiático contemporâneo. Entende-se que um renovado interesse pela leitura por audição é efeito do mesmo fenômeno que garante o crescimento dos podcasts e uma nova experiência de escuta: a midiatização. Assim, por meio de uma discussão fundamentada em arcabouço bibliográfico sobre a linguagem sonora e a performance vocal, tenta-se demonstrar se é possível emprestar aos audiolivros características nativas de audiodramas do rádio e dos podcasts. Aplica-se tal conhecimento na análise do audiolivro Desta terra nada vai sobrar, a não ser o vento que sopra sobre ela, de Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, e conclui-se que algumas obras literárias podem se beneficiar de tais recursos sonoros para melhor experiência do ouvinte

    Estacionalidad en el consumo de combustible: un estudio de caso de una gasolinera

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    Oil and its derivatives are very important goods in the world, not only because of their huge use but also because the consequences of that use. The literature has plenty of works with economic analysis of the use of oil. Having available a huge amount of data, we propose an innovative approach: based on daily information of sales in a gas station since 2001 to 2018, we make a seasonality analysis of those sales. In separate analysis, using information of the both existing shifts, of the week day and of the month, we conclude that seasonality in sales is significant. This is an important information for firm managers, which could use this information to better define their strategies.El petróleo y sus derivados son bienes muy importantes en el mundo, no solo por su enorme uso sino también por las consecuencias de ese uso. La literatura tiene muchos trabajos con análisis económicos del uso del aceite. Teniendo disponible una gran cantidad de datos, proponemos un enfoque innovador: a partir de la información diaria de las ventas en una gasolinera desde 2001 a 2018, hacemos un análisis de estacionalidad de esas ventas. En un análisis separado, utilizando información de los dos turnos existentes, del día de la semana y del mes, concluimos que la estacionalidad en las ventas es significativa. Ésta es una información importante para los gerentes de la empresa, que podrían utilizar esta información para definir mejor sus estrategias

    Modelação e avaliação da qualidade da água em sistemas hídricos urbanos. O caso da ribeira de Couros, em Guimarães (Portugal)

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    Os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram: a caracterização mais detalhada do impacto das descargas das redes municipais (saneamento e de drenagem urbana) na qualidade da água da Ribeira de Couros, em Guimarães; a identificação das zonas mais críticas da ribeira; a avaliação da qualidade da água em locais estratégicos, com base na modelação matemática, visando o posterior estabelecimento de um índice de qualidade da água (IQA) aplicável a meios hídricos urbanos. Face à escassez de dados, foi implementado um programa de monitorização com o objetivo de permitir a calibração e validação do modelo. Os dados obtidos constituem um contributo valioso para a construção de um IQA, integrando diferentes indicadores de qualidade, cuja graduação permitira sustentar a definição de estratégias e medidas de intervenção adequadas para a reabilitação e requalificação de cursos de água. A modelação efetuada permitiu evidenciar que a zona do novo Mercado Municipal é a mais crítica deste trecho, nomeadamente em termos de desoxigenação. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a especificidade da avaliação da qualidade da água em meio urbano, desaconselhando metodologias generalistas que ignorem a frequente variação (espacial e temporal) das características hidrodinâmicas e de qualidade da água nestes ecossistemas

    Clinical usefulness of the electroencephalogram in acute stroke: a preliminary study

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    Introduction: Stroke is the main cause of disability worldwide, being the first cause of death in Portugal. In the first hours of the event, the cranioencephalic CT scan (CT Scan) does not show the lesion in about 74% of cases, making validation of alternative diagnostic approaches of utmost importance. The electroencephalogram (EEG) may provide useful information for the diagnosis and prognosis of stroke. Objective: To study the potential usefulness of the EEG for the early diagnosis of acute stroke in patients with initial negative CT Scan, and for the evaluation of the functional status and risk of epilepsy. Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with ischemic stroke who underwent EEG and acute phase CT scan between January 2014 and February 2018. Patient characteristics and stroke were classified according to the Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project (OCSP) criteria. The patients were functionally evaluated at 12 months post-stroke by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and the existence of post-stroke epilepsy was determined by telephone interview on February 2018. Results: Thirty patients (25 females and 5 males, mean age 70.5 years) were included. According to the OCSP were identified: 40% TACS, 37% PACS, 10% LACS and 13% POCS. 50% with acute vascular injury visible on the initial CT Scan performed with 7 hours of evolution in median. All patients underwent EEG with a median of 3 days of evolution, and slow focal activity was observed in all patients, and focal paroxysmal activity (PA) was seen in 17% of the participants. 17 patients (58% of patients) developed post-stroke epilepsy (PSE) with 4 of these having PA evidence in the initial EEG (24%). One of the patients with PA in the initial EEG did not develop epilepsy during a 4 years follow-up period. In patients without PA, the average of mRs at follow-up was 3.8 and the mortality was 24%, whereas in patients with PA, the mean of the mRs was 5.0 and the mortality was 40%. Conclusion: In this study, unlike CT Scan, the acute-phase EEG presented with abnormal features in all patients with acute stroke, therefore the EEG may potentially provide significant diagnostic information, estimates of risk for developing future epilepsy and also overall risk stratification. Further studies are needed to validate this hypothesis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio