468 research outputs found

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease in surgical versus clinical literature: clinicians do not read surgical journals

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    BACKGROUND: Several diseases may be treated either medically or surgically; however, clinical and surgical therapies are often not treated as different options for the same patient but rather as different medical philosophies. AIM: To assess whether the main surgical and medical journals make references to their counterparts, with gastroesophageal reflux as a model of clinical/surgical disease. METHOD: It was reviewed the leading medical journals in order to verify if surgeons and clinicians make references to their counterparts on their work using gastroesophageal reflux disease as a model of a clinical/surgical disease. It was reviewed the five top-ranked journals in the field of gastroenterology, general surgery and general medicine and a neutral journal. The issues of the year 2008 of the selected journals were searched for papers dealing with gastroesophageal reflux disease. RESULTS: The search in the selected journals retrieved 49 papers, 36 (74%) in clinical journals, 5 (10%) in surgical journals, 2 (4%) in general medicine journals, and 6 (12%) in the neutral journal. Thirty one (63%) had a clinical origin, 13 (26%) a surgical origin, and 5 (10%) a neutral origin. Surgical journals published only surgical papers and general medicine journals published only clinical papers. Clinical journals and general medicine journals showed a higher proportion of clinical/surgical references compared to surgical journals (p<0.001) and the neutral journal (p<0.001). There was no differences in the proportion of clinical/surgical references when surgical and the neutral journal were compared (p=0.06). Clinical journals and general medicine journals showed a similar proportion of clinical/surgical references (p=0.06). CONCLUSION: Clinicians make significantly less references to surgical journals than surgeons do to clinical journals.RACIONAL: VĂĄrias doenças podem ser tratadas mĂ©dica ou cirurgicamente; no entanto, a terapĂȘutica clĂ­nica ou cirĂșrgica nĂŁo Ă© muitas vezes usada como diferente opção para o mesmo paciente, mas sim como diferente filosofia mĂ©dica na abordagem. OBJETIVO: Verificar se os principais periĂłdicos cirĂșrgicos e clĂ­nicos fazem referĂȘncias aos seus congĂȘneres, tendo a doença do refluxo gastroesofĂĄgico como um modelo de doença clĂ­nico/cirĂșrgica. MÉTODO: Foram revistos os cinco primeiros periĂłdicos classificados na ĂĄrea de gastroenterologia, cirurgia geral e medicina geral e um jornal neutro. Os nĂșmeros do ano 2008 dos periĂłdicos selecionados foram pesquisados no como lidar com a doença do refluxo gastroesofĂĄgico. RESULTADOS: Foram selecionados 49 trabalhos, 36 (74%) em revistas clĂ­nicas, 5 (10%) em revistas de cirurgia, 2 (4%) em revistas de medicina geral e 6 (12%) no jornal neutro. Trinta e um (63%) tiveram origem clĂ­nica, 13 (26%) cirĂșrgica, e 5 (10%) a origem foi neutra. Revistas cirĂșrgicas publicaram apenas artigos cirĂșrgicos e revistas de medicina geral, publicaram apenas trabalhos clĂ­nicos. Revistas e jornais de medicina clĂ­nica geral mostraram maior proporção de referĂȘncias clĂ­nico/cirĂșrgicas em relação Ă s revistas de cirurgia (p<0,001) e do jornal neutro (p<0,001). NĂŁo houve diferenças na proporção de referĂȘncias clĂ­nico/cirĂșrgicas quando revistas cirĂșrgicas e a neutra foram comparadas (p= 0,06). Revistas clĂ­nicas e de medicina geral mostraram semelhante proporção de referĂȘncias clĂ­nico/cirĂșrgicas (p=0,06). CONCLUSÃO: Os clĂ­nicos fazem referĂȘncias significativamente menores para revistas cirĂșrgicas do que os cirurgiĂ”es fazem para as revistas clĂ­nicas.Universidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departmento de CirurgiaUniversity of Chicago Department of SurgeryUNIFESP, EPM, Departmento de CirurgiaSciEL

    Salivary concentrations of macrophage activation-related chemokines are influenced by non-surgical periodontal treatment: a 12-week follow-up study

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    Background: During periodontal inflammation, bacteria induces chemokine expression and migration of various inflammatory cells. The aim of the study was to learn if periodontal treatment alters salivary concentrations of macrophage activation-related chemokines and if such alterations correlate with abundance of periodontitis-associated bacteria.Methods: Twenty-five patients with periodontitis completed the study (NCT02913248 at clinicaltrials.gov). Periodontal parameters and stimulated saliva samples were obtained at baseline and 2, 6 and 12 weeks after non-surgical periodontal treatment. Salivary concentrations of monocyte chemoattractant proteins (MCP-1-4), macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), monokine induced by interferon-gamma (MIG), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-1α) and interferon-inducible protein (IP-10) were quantified using the LuminexÂź xMAPℱ technique and abundance of bacteria was quantified using next-generation sequencing.Results: The treatment improved all periodontal parameters and caused an increase in the concentrations of MCP-2, MDC and MIP-1α at week 12 compared to baseline, week 2 and week 6, respectively. Salivary concentrations of MCP-1-2, MDC, MIG, MIP-1α and IP-10 correlated with the abundance of specific periodontitis-associated bacteria.Conclusions: Periodontal treatment impacts salivary concentrations of MCP-2, MDC and MIP-1α, which correlate with the abundance of specific periodontitis-associated bacteria. This indicates that these chemokines reflect periodontal status and possess potential in illustrating a response to treatment.</p

    Unraveling structural and compositional information in 3D FinFET electronic devices

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    Non-planar Fin Field Effect Transistors (FinFET) are already present in modern devices. The evolution from the well-established 2D planar technology to the design of 3D nanostructures rose new fabrication processes, but a technique capable of full characterization, particularly their dopant distribution, in a representative (high statistics) way is still lacking. Here we propose a methodology based on Medium Energy Ion Scattering (MEIS) to address this query, allowing structural and compositional quantification of advanced 3D FinFET devices with nanometer spatial resolution. When ions are backscattered, their energy losses unfold the chemistry of the different 3D compounds present in the structure. The FinFET periodicity generates oscillatory features as a function of backscattered ion energy and, in fact, these features allow a complete description of the device dimensions. Additionally, each measurement is performed over more than thousand structures, being highly representative in a statistical meaning. Finally, independent measurements using electron microscopy corroborate the proposed methodolog

    Sonic hedgehog gene-enhanced tissue engineering for bone regeneration

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    Improved methods of bone regeneration are needed in the craniofacial rehabilitation of patients with significant bone deficits secondary to tumor resection, congenital deformities, and prior to prosthetic dental reconstruction. In this study, a gene-enhanced tissue-engineering approach was used to assess bone regenerative capacity of Sonic hedgehog (Shh)-transduced gingival fibroblasts, mesenchymal stem cells, and fat-derived cells delivered to rabbit cranial bone defects in an alginate/collagen matrix. Human Shh cDNA isolated from fetal lung tissue was cloned into the replication-incompetent retroviral expression vector LNCX, in which the murine leukemia virus retroviral LTR drives expression of the neomycin-resistance gene. The rat beta-actin enhancer/promoter complex was engineered to drive expression of Shh. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated that the transduced primary rabbit cell populations expressed Shh RNA. Shh protein secretion was confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Alginate/ type I collagen constructs containing 2 times 106 Shh-transduced cells were introduced into male New Zealand White rabbit calvarial defects (8 mm). A total of eight groups (N=6) were examined: unrestored empty defects, matrix alone, matrix plus the three cell populations transduced with both control and Shh expression vectors. The bone regenerative capacity of Shh gene enhanced cells was assessed grossly, radiographically and histologically at 6 and 12 weeks postimplantation. After 6 weeks, new full thickness bone was seen emanating directly from the alginate/collagen matrix in the Shh-transduced groups. Quantitative two-dimensional digital analysis of histological sections confirmed statistically significant (P<0.05) amounts of bone regeneration in all three Shh-enhanced groups compared to controls. Necropsy failed to demonstrate any evidence of treatment-related side effects. This is the first study to demonstrate that Shh delivery to bone defects, in this case through a novel gene-enhanced tissue-engineering approach, results in significant bone regeneration. This encourages further development of the Shh gene-enhanced tissue-engineering approach for bone regeneration

    Best standards for data collection and reporting requirements on FOBs: towards a science-based FOB fishery management.

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    A major concern for tropical tunas, on these last years, has been the worldwide increasing use of drifting FOBs by purse seiners, which are equipped with satellite buoys and echo-sounders. The use of these floating objects has contributed to increase the catch of skipjack tuna, but also of juveniles of yellowfin and bigeye tunas. Moreover, it has increased the amount of by-catch (including some species classified as vulnerable or endangered) and has likely resulted in adverse effects on the ecology of fish and on vulnerable areas (e.g. beaching events on coral reef areas). Despite the increasing FOB use and concerns, little information is available on FOB use worldwide for an appropriate monitoring and management. Thus, FOB monitoring has become a priority in all tuna t-RFMOs. However, the data collection and reporting requirements around FOBs are not standardized and there are significant data gaps. The aim of this document is to review current requirements and procedures in place and propose standards for data collection and submission on FOBs to tRFMOs. The proposals included in this document are the result of a collaborative work between scientists and the fishing industry

    Mortar-based systems for externally bonded strengthening of masonry

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    Mortar-based composite materials appear particularly promising for use as externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) systems for masonry structures. Nevertheless, their mechanical performance, which may significantly differ from that of Fibre Reinforced Polymers, is still far from being fully investigated. Furthermore, standardized and reliable testing procedures have not been defined yet. The present paper provides an insight on experimental-related issues arising from campaigns on mortar-based EBRs carried out by laboratories in Italy, Portugal and Spain. The performance of three reinforcement systems made out of steel, carbon and basalt textiles embedded in inorganic matrices has been investigated by means of uniaxial tensile coupon testing and bond tests on brick and stone substrates. The experimental results contribute to the existing knowledge regarding the structural behaviour of mortar-based EBRs against tension and shear bond stress, and to the development of reliable test procedures aiming at their homogenization/standardization

    Study Protocol-Coping With the Pandemics: What Works Best to Reduce Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and lockdown might increase anxiety and depressive symptoms in most individuals. Health bodies recommend several coping behaviors to protect against such symptoms, but evidence on the relationship between these behaviors and symptoms mostly comes from cross-sectional studies in convenience samples. We will conduct a prospective longitudinal study of the associations between coping behaviors and subsequent anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in a representative sample of the Spanish general adult population. Methods: We will recruit 1,000 adult participants from all autonomous communities of Spain and with sex, age, and urbanicity distributions similar to those of their populations and assess anxiety and depressive symptoms and coping behaviors using fortnightly questionnaires and real-time methods (ecological momentary assessments) for 1 year. The fortnightly questionnaires will inquire about anxiety and depressive symptoms [General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)] and the frequency of 10 potential coping behaviors (e.g., follow a routine) during the past 2 weeks. In addition, we will collect several variables that could confound or moderate these associations. These will include subjective well-being [International Positive and Negative Affect Schedule Short Form (I-PANAS-SF) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)], obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Revised (OCI-R)], personality and emotional intelligence [International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) and Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form (TEIQue-SF)], sociodemographic factors (e.g., work status, housing-built environment), and COVID-19 pandemic-related variables (e.g., hospitalizations or limitations in social gatherings). Finally, to analyze the primary relationship between coping behaviors and subsequent anxiety and depressive symptoms, we will use autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. Discussion: Based on the study results, we will develop evidence-based, clear, and specific recommendations on coping behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. Such suggestions might eventually help health bodies or individuals to manage current or future pandemics

    Understanding space weather to shield society: A global road map for 2015-2025 commissioned by COSPAR and ILWS

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    There is a growing appreciation that the environmental conditions that we call space weather impact the technological infrastructure that powers the coupled economies around the world. With that comes the need to better shield society against space weather by improving forecasts, environmental specifications, and infrastructure design. [...] advanced understanding of space weather requires a coordinated international approach to effectively provide awareness of the processes within the Sun-Earth system through observation-driven models. This roadmap prioritizes the scientific focus areas and research infrastructure that are needed to significantly advance our understanding of space weather of all intensities and of its implications for society. Advancement of the existing system observatory through the addition of small to moderate state-of-the-art capabilities designed to fill observational gaps will enable significant advances. Such a strategy requires urgent action: key instrumentation needs to be sustained, and action needs to be taken before core capabilities are lost in the aging ensemble. We recommend advances through priority focus (1) on observation-based modeling throughout the Sun-Earth system, (2) on forecasts more than 12 hrs ahead of the magnetic structure of incoming coronal mass ejections, (3) on understanding the geospace response to variable solar-wind stresses that lead to intense geomagnetically-induced currents and ionospheric and radiation storms, and (4) on developing a comprehensive specification of space climate, including the characterization of extreme space storms to guide resilient and robust engineering of technological infrastructures. The roadmap clusters its implementation recommendations by formulating three action pathways, and outlines needed instrumentation and research programs and infrastructure for each of these. [...]Comment: In press for Advances of Space Research: an international roadmap on the science of space weather, commissioned by COSPAR and ILWS (63 pages and 4 figures
