198 research outputs found


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    Ada banyak metode screening variabel yang bisa menangani data berdimensi tinggi. Beberapa dari metode tersebut bisa mengurangi dimensi data secara efektif dan menjamin semua variabel aktif tetap muncul dengan probabilitas tinggi. Namun, kebanyakan prosedur screening yang ada saat ini dikembangkan hanya untuk data lengkap berdimensi tinggi dan tidak layak diterapkan pada data survival dengan informasi tersensor. Metode Screening Kolmogorov-Smirnov dapat dimodifikasi untuk mengatasi masalah ini dengan mengganti fungsi distribusi kumulatif dengan fungsi survival yang diestimasi dengan estimator Kaplan-Meier. Metode ini dapat bekerja dengan berbagai tipe kovariat baik itu kontinu, diskrit, maupun kategorikal. Performa dari metode ini diukur berdasarkan studi simulasi. Suatu contoh data riil mengenai ekspresi gen juga digunakan sebagai aplikasi dari metode ini

    Perbedaan Pengaruh Program Latihan Berbeban dan Plyometric terhadap Peningkatan Kime Atlet Karate dalam Bermain Kata Ditinjau dari Kekuat An Otot Tungkai (Studi Eksperimen pada Atlet Karate di Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Karate Inkai Universitas Negeri YOGYAKARTA)

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    This research aims to find out: (1) Difference between the effect of plyometrics and weight training program on increased kime karate athlete in playing kata, (2) the difference of increased kime karate athlete in playing kata between the athletes with high, medium and low leg muscle strength, (3) the interaction effect between training program with leg muscle strength on increased kime karate athlete in playing kata.This research employed an experimental method with 2 x 3 factorial design. The population of the research in the study were the karate athletes in the Student Activity Unit Karate INKAI of Yogyakarta State University. The sampling technique was purposive random sampling. ANOVA was used to analyzing data, the data analysis prerequisite test was done using the sample normality test (Lilliefors test with a = 0.05%) and variance homogeneity test (Bartlett test with a = 0.05%).Based on the result of the analysis, conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) There was difference between the effect of plyometrics and weight training program on increased kime karate athlete in playing kata.The effect of weight training program is better than the plyometric training program, (2) there was difference of increased kime karate athlete in playing kata between the athletes with high, medium and low leg muscle strength. The effect of increased kime karate athlete in playing kata between the athletes with low leg muscle strength this better than the one with high leg muscle strength, the athletes with high leg muscle strength is better than the one with medium leg muscle 17 strength, (3) there was interaction effect between training program with leg muscle strength on increased kime karate athlete in playing kata. The athletes with low leg muscle strength has according if it is weight training program. The athletes with medium leg muscle strength has according if it is plyometric training program. While the athletes with high leg muscle strength has according if it is weight training program


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    A gas mixer prototype is developed for mixing air and synthesis gas or “syngas” as a fuel. Syngas is being recognized as a viable energy source worldwide, particularly for stationary power generation. Syngas has a very low energy density, so a mixer with λ (ratio of actual to stoichiometric air-fuel ratio) in the range of 1.1 to 1.7 is expected. In this study, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is used to design venturi mixer, coaxial mixer and coaxial mixer with vortex generator. CFD modeling is used to investigate and analyze the influence of the throat diameter, gas chamber thickness and gas exits diameter on mixer characteristics and performance of the venturi mixer. While on the coaxial mixer model, CFD is used to analyze the influences of the primary nozzle exit diameter, constant pressure mixing chamber geometry, constant area mixing chamber geometry, divergent passage geometry, syngas inlet position and primary nozzle exit position on the coaxial mixer characteristics and performance. To design appropriate vortex generator, computational models are used to analyze the influence of the mechanical tab angle, number of tabs and geometry on the mixing characteristics and performance of the coaxial mixer. Attention is focused on the effect of mixers and vortex generator tabs geometry on the air-fuel ratio, pressure loss and mixing quality. Based on the numerical results, an optimized design of venturi gas mixer, coaxial mixer and vortex generator is decided and made. The optimized design of the venturi mixer has λ in the range of 1.2 to 1.3, good mixing quality and pressure loss of 46 Pa on air flow rate 100 m 3 /h. The optimized design of the coaxial mixer has λ ranging from 1.1 to 1.7 corresponding to pressure losses from 28 to 19 Pa at 100 m 3 /h air-flow rate. The optimized design of coaxial mixer equipped with the proposed vortex generator has λ in the range of 1.1 to 1.7 corresponding to pressure loss in the range of 41.4 to 31.9 Pa at 100 m 3 /h air flow rate. At λ about 1.2 and 100 m 3 /h air flow rate, the mixing quality of the optimized venturi mixer, coaxial mixer and coaxial mixer equipped with vortex generator have coefficient of variation (CoV) of 0.67, 0.88 and 0.29 respectively


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    Survival data are usually found in the fields of health, insurance, epidemiology, demography, etc. Survival data is characterized by a response in the form of time, one example is the duration of the birth process. The duration of the birth process is thought to be influenced by several factors, including the baby's weight, baby's height, mother's age, gestational age, gender and the method used to birth process. One of the regression models for survival data is the Cox regression proportional hazard model. Parameter estimation in the Cox regression is based on partial likelihood. If two or more individuals have the same survival value, it is called ties. If there are ties, then the partial likelihood will have problems in determining the risk set, so it is necessary to modify the partial likelihood. Methods that can be used to overcome ties are the Breslow, Efron and Exact methods. This method is a modification of parameter estimation using maximum partial likelihood. Parameter estimation results are obtained by maximizing the partial likelihood function using Newton Raphson iteration. The case study in this paper is data on the duration of the birth process. The best model for the duration of the birth process with ties is the Exact method because it has the smallest AIC valu

    K-means and bayesian networks to determine building damage levels

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    Many troubles in life require decision-making with convoluted processes because they are caused by uncertainty about the process of relationships that appear in the system. This problem leads to the creation of a model called the Bayesian Network. Bayesian Network is a Bayesian supported development supported by computing advancements. The Bayesian network has also been developed in various fields. At this time, information can implement Bayesian Networks in determining the extent of damage to buildings using individual building data. In practice, there is mixed data which is a combination of continuous and discrete variables. Therefore, to simplify the study it is assumed that all variables are discrete in order to solve practical problems in the implementation of theory. Discretization method used is the K-Means clustering because the percentage of validity obtained by this method is greater than the binning method


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    Survival  analysis  is  a  statistical  technique  used  to  analyze  the  data,  aims  to determine the variables that affect the outcome of a beginning to end the incident. One model of survival is a cure model is useful for estimating the proportion of patients who recover and the probability of survival of patients who did not recover until   the   deadline   given.   Analysis   on   Cox   regression   cure   model   Hazard Proportional with Maximum Likelihood Estimates and Algorithm Expectation Maximization (EM). Keywords: Cox Proportional Hazard Cure Model, MLE, EM algorithm, likelihood ratio test, Wald test.

    An Algorithm of Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Bivariate Censored Data

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    The Nature of Carbon Flux in Gunungsewu Karst, Java-Indonesia

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    The research documented here aims to clarify the transport and fate of carbon species that evolved in a typical conical karst system in Gunungsewu. Special interest is attributed to the estimate of carbon flux by considering the conical karst as a whole system. It includes carbon input to karst area, soil respiration, SOC, soil CO2, particulate-dissolved and organic carbon, as well as dissolved organic carbon. The research was conducted between 2012 and 2015. Two study sites were selected to represent different morphological and hydrogeological settings. Carbon input was collected for one year round on the basis of conical hill topo-sequence. Carbon input included in this research was litter fall, plant residue, and organic fertilizer. Incorporated with field measurement, soil samples were also collected for SOC estimation. DIC and DOC were estimated from the underground river of Gilap. The results show that carbon flux in the Gunungsewu karst is favored by the agricultural land uses and practices. Accordingly, the organic carbon input to the karst area is governed by spatial distribution of agricultural land uses and practices. Organic carbon input tends to be in the order of organic fertilizer > litter input > and plant residue. Soil CO2 varies in depth and season. Soil organic carbon also varies seasonally, of which the higher content occurs in the rainy season. Most of the carbon is stored as SOC, 20 % is emitted to the atmosphere through soil respiration, and 9 % is transferred to the deeper zone through a hydrological cycle in the form of dissolved organic carbon and particulate-dissolved organic carbon. The results suggest that carbon sink in the karst area is ten order higher than that previously estimated from DIC.Key words: soil organic carbon, carbon flux, Gunungsewu, Java, karst carbon sink


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    There are some consequences that occur because of diarrhea such as low levels of hemoglobin, weight loss, and dehydration. Severe dehydration can lead to death. This study aims to model the time cured of diarrhea on infants used the Cox regression method and Weibull regression to determine the factors that signicantly influence the long diarrhea. The method used to analyze data on infants under diarrhea includes sex, duration of diarrhea from beginning to heal, age of the children, the value of nutrition in infants and toddlers hemoglobin levels. Further, it continued by modeling these factors using cox regression and regression weibull. The results obtained the nutritional value on infants signicantly eect on diarrhea in infants